
Echidna - A Touch Of Jelousy Pt. 2

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Chapter 16

Buffy lay quietly on her bed, eyes closed, lost somewhere between hazy consciousness and deep slumber. She turned on her back and draped her arms over the warm blankets resting them on her chest, when a soft noise broke through the sleepy mist that surrounded her mind. She tried to open her eyes, but her lids seemed to hold the weight of the world, so she kept them closed, but when she felt her mattress move, she quickly opened them. Her sight was foggy and it took a while for her to focus on the approaching figure that climbed onto her bed and cat-like crept its way up her body. She didn’t need to see him to know who he was; the clear scent of alcohol and cigarettes surrounding her was evidence enough. She held her breath as he crawled all the way up and hovered over her frozen form, his weight resting on his forearms that lay on either side of her.

“Spike, what are you doing here?” She tried to sound angry and outraged, but to no avail, as the word came out like a fragile whisper.

“Shh….” She heard him say before he buried his head in the nape of her neck, lightly kissing his way up to her earlobe.

She gasped as she felt him rest his weight on her, one of his legs between hers as his left hand wormed its way under the covers, pulling them off of her before tugging at her nightgown.

“Sp…” She tried to speak but the words got caught in her throat as his fingers dug into the outside of her thighs hitching up the nightdress.

She heard him moan, as he thrust his pelvis against hers and she instinctively wrapped her legs around his hips. Her hands pulled and tugged at his red shirt, trying to drag it over his head, but he wouldn’t let go of her. His arms wrapped around her, one resting on her thigh, the other on her neck as he pulled her towards him for a bruising kiss. She felt him rub against her and let out a muffled cry into his mouth, running her nails over his clothed back.

He pulled away abruptly to stared down at her, their breaths coming in short urgent pants.

“You’re beautiful, Summers.” He whispered, before diving for her neck once more.

She arched up letting out a moan as she felt the hand on her thigh move between her legs to tug at her panties.

“God… Buffy.” She heard him gasp as his fingers pushed the elastic band to the side.

“Buffy… Buffy, wake up!”

Her eyes snapped open to meet the figure of her mother standing by her bed, lightly shaking her out of her dream.

“Mom?!” Buffy asked confused as a frown settled over her eyebrows.

“You’re going to be late for school, missy.” Mrs. Summers warned her daughter. “Now, get out of bed. I’ll come up before I leave to check if you’re up.” She said as she left the room.

Buffy propped herself on her elbows, her hazy stare scanning the empty room. Her eyes widened as the memories of her dream assaulted her mind.

“Oh… my God.” She whispered to herself but, as a couple more images flashed before her eyes, she repeated with a high-pitched tone: “OH, MY GOD!”


She quickly scurried down the hall, through the multitude of teenagers with her head bowed and her books tightly clenched against her chest, trying hard to avoid the places where she thought he might be.

“Hey, Buffy!” She heard Willow’s familiar voice and turned to see the redhead standing by her locker next to Oz, waving her hand.

The petite blond smiled and was about to go meet with her when she saw a flash of white hair and black leather turn the corner and head towards Willow. Buffy’s eyes widened and she quickly shouted:

“I can’t now. I’m late for class.” And with that she whirled around and continued down the hall.

Willow frowned at her best friend’s statement.

“Late for class? The bell hasn’t rung yet. And since when is Buffy paranoid about being on time… And for English lit to top it?”

Oz simply shrugged.


Willow jumped up as she heard the deep male voice coming from behind her.

“Hey, Spike.” She quickly replied while Oz gave him a light nod.

“You guys seen Buffy?” He asked.

“We just saw her on her way to class.” Willow explained.

“Already?” Spike furrowed his brows.

The two redheads gave Spike a shrug.

“Well, I’ll see you guys later then.” The bleached teen said as he quickly sprinted down the hall on his way to class.


Buffy scurried down the corridor, looking through her books to find her class schedule. She was so engrossed in her current task, she didn’t even notice the curious glances thrown her way, or the incessant whispering that seemed to affect every student she passed by. She let out a satisfied sigh as she found what she was looking for.

“Wednesday… Wednesday…” She muttered as her finger ran over the table printed on the small piece of paper. Why couldn’t she remember what class she had? “Stupid dream!” She mumbled, returning to her search. “English lit.” She said before looking up to see where she was. “That way.”

As she reached the classroom, she looked both ways before turning the knob and entering. She closed the door behind her and let out a deep sight of relief, closing her eyes.

“Safe. Good old English lit, ah.”

Suddenly, her eyes snapped open.

“English lit? That’s with-“

She wasn’t able to finish her sentence as someone opened the door she was leaning against and sent her sprawling to the floor. She groaned as she hit the hard surface, her hair coming to cover her face but she quickly scrambled to her feet. Exhaling sharply, she sent her blonde strands flying away from her face. She had to suppress a high-pitched squeak when she saw who was standing in front of her, holding the door open.

“Spike.” She groaned, rolling her eyes as she turned on her heels and made her way to her desk, by the window.

“Hey, luv! Nice to see you too.” He mumbled sarcastically, closing the door behind him.

“What are you doing here?” She asked with an annoyed tone, trying hard to repress the memories of her dream, which seemed intent on flashing before her eyes.

“Question would be: why are you here, luv? Class hasn’t started yet.” Spike noted coming to lean on the desk next to hers.

Buffy ran her fingers over her tired eyed, pushing back the nasty images and groaning.

“Are you ok? Is it because of yesterday? Cause I thought-“

“No, I’m fine.” She grumbled.

“Oh, yeah, you’re just peachy, luv.”

“Can you please quit calling me that?” She practically begged.

Spike melted down to his seat and stared at her.

“Is it cause of you’re mom? Cause-“

“Spike, stop trying to analyse me. I told you - I’m fine. I’m just tired. Had a really, *really* bad dream.” She moaned as she rested her head between her hands, her elbows on the desk.

“Sure that’s just it?” He asked and couldn’t help letting a hint of worry filter through to his tone.

“Spike, why are you asking me all these questions?” She groaned finally looking up at him.

He was about to answer, when the classroom door was opened.

“How’d you kids get in here?” Mrs. Kennedy’s voice hovered into the room and the two teens quickly turned to face her.

“Hey, Mrs. Kennedy.” Buffy greeted awkwardly.

“Ms. Summers.” The 30-year-old woman nodded, resting her things on her desk. “Never thought of you as someone to come early to class. I thought you hated English Literature.”

“I- I… don’t… I…” Buffy stumbled over the words.

“No need to stutter, Buffy, I’m glad to see you’ve taken an interest in my class.” Mrs. Kennedy smiled and winked at the petite blonde from under her glasses.

Buffy let out a sigh of relief while Spike stood up and strolled over to speak to the teacher. Buffy frowned as she watched the two quickly exchange a few words, with Mrs. Kennedy nodding before the bleached teen turned on his heels and took his place next to Buffy.

“Why are you smiling? I don’t like it when you do that. It’s a sign of bad things to come.” Buffy grumbled, raising her eyebrow.

The school bell rang and Mrs. Kennedy opened the classroom door to let in a flood of pimpled teens. A wave of gossip and whispering soon filled the room as everyone eyed the blonde couple now seated together.

“Aren’t you going to take your seat?” Buffy questioned.

Before Spike could answer, Mrs. Kennedy called out:

“Ms. Kendal.” She had no answer as the blonde teen enthusiastically chatted with a fellow student while eyeing the infamous couple. “Harmony Kendal!” Mrs. Kennedy called once more and this time the girl acknowledged her. “If you wouldn’t mind, I would like you to change seats with Spike.”

Buffy’s eyes widened, staring at Spike while he wiggled his eyebrows at her and smirked.

“What?! Why?” The teen whined.

“Because from now on, Spike will tutor Buffy in her English Literature studies. And it would do you good not to be so close to your cheerleading colleagues. You seem to have a great deal of difficulty concentrating when you’re near them.” Mrs. Kennedy answered as she turned to write something on the board.


“Not another word, Harmony.” Mrs. Kennedy warned, not bothering to turn and face the teen.

Reluctantly, the blonde teen picked up her things and mumbled as she dragged her feet across the room to reach her new desk:

“Tutoring, my ass…”

“I heard that, Ms. Kendal.” Mrs. Kennedy warned before starting the class.

An hour later, the school bell rang once more and a combined sigh of relief coming from the students was heard, as instantly the teens began packing their books and preparing to leave.

Spike leaned on his new desk watching as Buffy awkwardly stuffed her things into her backpack.

“Are you nervous, pet?” He finally asked, cocking up a curious eyebrow.

She had spent the entire class avoiding him, frantically scribbling on her notebook. If he didn’t know her better he would have thought she was actually trying to learn something. Every time he’d glance at her or call her, she’d turn bright red and would just stare down at her books.

“I’m fine.” She breathed, putting her bag over her shoulder.

“Well, you look kinda jittery to me.” He insisted as they walked out the door together.

“I’m just busy. I-I gotta go.”

And with that she was sprinting down the hall, leaving behind a dumbstruck teen.


Two days passed and Buffy continued intent on avoiding him, being quite successful at it. She had only seen him once, on Thursday, and she had managed to hide before he saw her.

She let out a content sigh as she entered the house and dragged her feet up the stairs. She plopped down on her bed, lying on her back, staring up at the ceiling, when the phone rang. She grunted as she reluctantly crawled her way up her bed to her nightstand and picked up the receiver.


“Hey, Buffy.” Willow’s peppy mood was heard from the other side of the line.

“Hey, Wills.” The blonde teen mumbled, rolling onto her back and closing her eyes.

“So, what time tonight?”

“Tonight?” Buffy frowned as he mind drew a blank. “What about tonight?”

“The Bronze… remember?”

“Oh… right.” Buffy uttered with little enthusiasm.

“Don’t tell me you’re not coming.” Willow begged as she knew her best friend all too well.

“Well… I’m kinda tired and my mom-“

“Oh, come on, Buffy! You said you’d come, you promised.” Willow whined.

“Why do you want me to come?” Buffy wondered.

“Well, I-I… you’re my best friend and-and… it wouldn’t be any fun if you didn’t come.” The redhead stammered.

“Right… Now, let’s try this once more, and without the pathetic attempt to lie.” Buffy mumbled, pressing her fingers against her shut eyelids.

“I-I’m not lying.”

“Come on Wills. You couldn’t lie if your life depended on it. Now out with it!” Buffy ordered with a light tone.

“Oh, alright!” Suddenly, Willow’s tone became giddy with childlike excitement. “I’m not supposed to tell you this but…” There was a moment of pause before the hysterical redhead shouted into the receiver: “Oz’s band it playing tonight!”

Buffy jumped up, letting go of the phone to rest her hand on her ear. A string of curses passed through her clenched teeth before she picked up the receiver.

“Buffy, are you there?”

“Yeah, I’m here. I’m bleeding from my ear, but I’m here.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry! It’s just that… OZ IS PLAYING TONIGHT!” Willow yelled once more causing Buffy to jump up again.

“Ok, Willow, which part of ‘I’m bleeding from my ear’ didn’t you get? Was it the ‘ear’ or ‘the bleeding from’?”

“I’m sorry.” Willow said in a small voice. “It’s just that I’m so excited.”

“The constant ringing in my ear is definitely proof of it.”

“I’m sorry.” The redhead begged.

“It’s ok, Wills. No biggy.” Buffy said as she stuck her finger into her ear and cringed.

“So you’re coming right?”

There was no answer.

“Oh, come on! You gotta come. I’m bringing a video camera and all!!!” Willow’s excitement was evident in her high-pitched tone.



“I can’t promise anything. But I’ll try, ok?”

“Ok. I gotta go now. Gotta pick my least non-sexy outfit.” Willow giggled.

“Bye Wills.”


Buffy remained lying on the bed, on her back, letting the busy signal from the receiver echo in her ears for a few seconds before putting it back in place. She closed her eyes and was slowly drifting to sleep when she heard the door to her room swing open.

“Honey?” Her mother’s voice filled the room.

“Mom? What are you doing home?” Buffy asked as she slowly propped herself up on her elbows. She frowned when she saw how her mother dressed up and… “You’re wearing make up!”

“Yes.” Mrs. Summer nodded, tightening her grip on the peach-coloured shawl that was draped over her slender shoulders.

“You never wear make up. Not even on your last few dates.” Buffy noted suspiciously as she sat up straight.

“That’s true.” Another annoyingly peaceful nod was thrown Buffy’s way.

“Why are you wearing make up?”

“I’m going on a date.”

“Again?! You’ve gone out on dates every night this week.” Buffy noted a bit outraged by her mom’s behaviour.

“Buffy, I’m a grown woman and I have the right to go out as much as I please.”

Buffy sighed in frustration as she stood up.

“I know mom, but… “ She paused, choosing her words. “Is it serious?”

“What is, honey?”

“The person you’re going out with… Is it serious? I mean if it’s make up worthy, it’s probably serious.” Buffy stated.

Mrs. Summers pressed her lips together. She really didn’t want to talk about this right now.

“Honey… I don’t know.”

“Am I going to have to meet him?” Buffy questioned with a hint of desperation.

A soft smile crept over the older woman’s lips as she shook her head.

“Not just, yet.”

“Good.” Buffy sighed in relief walking back to her bed while her mother stayed at the doorway.

“Are still going out tonight?” Mrs. Summers asked.

“I don’t know. I might.” Buffy mumbled as she plopped down on the bed.

“Well, have fun.” Her mother started to leave, when she stopped and her face gained a light shade of red. “I-I might be late tonight.”

Buffy tilted her head and cocked a suspicious eyebrow before she asked:

“How late?”

“Late.” Mrs. Summers clearly tried to avoid the subject.

“How late, mom?” Buffy insisted.

“I might not come home tonight.” Mrs. Summer’s blurted out, finally finding the courage to word it out. But before her daughter could say anything, she closed the door, sprinted down the stairs and out the front entrance, leaving Buffy sitting on her bed, trying to pick up her jaw.


She walked around in circles in her room, clenching and unclenching her hands at her sides, her nails digging into her sweaty palms.

“My mom is having sex with a stranger?” She mumbled the words in disbelief for the 100th time that evening. “My mom. Is having sex. With a stranger.” Her stomach turned, doing a couple of painful flip-flops. “Oh, God… I think I’m gonna be sick.” She managed to word out as she ran her way down the hall and into the bathroom, kneeling in front of the toilet to throw up.

After the nauseating deed was done, she let her body fall limply to the white tiled floor and leaned on the cold wall, closing her eyes tightly shut. She grumbled under her breath as she heard the doorbell and contemplated just letting it ring. She really didn’t feel like getting up right now. Eventually, the clear resonant sound started to dig into her brain causing a major migraine and she forced her tired body into the standing position, sluggishly making her way down the stairs while the ringing became incessant.

“I’m coming, I’m coming. For Christ sake will you just hang on a sec?” She shouted just as she swung the door open. She rolled her eyes as she was greeted by the familiar peroxide blond.

“You’re not dressed yet.” He noted as he saw the thick, white robe she was wearing and the cute bunny shaped slippers.

“No? Really? You have such cunning observational skills. You amaze me!” She uttered with fake enthusiasm as she dragged her feet to the living room.

Spike frowned as he walked in, closing the door behind him and followed the petite blonde.

“I see you’re in your usual peppy mood tonight.” He said watching her plopped down on the couch and idly flip through the channels.

“Don’t push me Spike, I’m not in a good mood.” She grumbled, her eyes never leaving the flickering images coming from the TV.

“Oh… that’s new.” He retorted.

Rolling her eyes once more, she turned to look at the black-clad teen and realised he had his hand conveniently concealed behind his back.

“What are you hiding?” She asked, trying to sound uninterested.

“Nothing.” He answered with a grin.

“What is it?” She insisted sitting up straight.


Without a word, she stood up and walked over to him. He immediately stepped back.

“Come on. What’re you hiding?” She repeated.

His grin grew wider as she tried to circle around him, but he kept turning, never giving her the chance to see what he was concealing. They played the cat and mouse game for a while, and eventually, Buffy was trying to keep from giggling as she attempted to reach his back, pushing and pulling at him. Suddenly, she violently tugged his forearm, causing him to lose his balance and, instinctively, he brought both arms to his front to find support on the couch, revealing a single red rose in his left hand. Buffy frowned:

“A rose? For me?” She asked a bit confused.

“No. It’s for your mom.” He quickly answered, seeing the sparkle in her eye die out.

“Oh…” She mumbled embarrassed.

He felt a pang in his heart and quickly told the truth:

“I’m kidding, luv. It’s for you.”

She didn’t say anything, just looked up at him with a puzzled expression on her face.


“It’s our one week anniversary. I was going to bring you a bouquet but I thought you’re mom might get suspicious.” He explained.

Buffy narrowed her eyes. Was he blushing?

“One week anniversary?”

“Yeah. We agreed to our fake dating scheme a week ago, remember? ‘We’ll hold hands?’”

“Oh… right.” It was her turn to blush as she picked the rose from his hands.

“I-I know, it’s stupid. I-I shouldn’t have-“ Spike started awkwardly.

“No-no. I-I like it.” Buffy stuttered as she went into the kitchen to get a glass of water and put the rose in it.

“If you don’t like it, you can just throw it away. I don’t care. It was just…” Spike nervously began to ramble.

“No, I like it.” Buffy repeated with less hesitation.

A moment of unbearably awkward silence filtered between them as they stood together in the kitchen. Buffy was the one to break it.

“Do you want something to eat?”

“No, thanks. I already ate. And we’re going to be late anyway, if you’re still going to get dressed and all.”

“I don’t think I’m going.” She replied.

“What do you mean? You’re not going to short stick’s gig?” Spike question frowning.

“Short stick?” Buffy cocked up an eyebrow.

“Oz. Red’s boyfriend.”

“Short stick… right. Look who’s talking.” Buffy grinned as she eyed the bleached teen up and down.

“Hey!” He protested.

Buffy smiled triumphantly, but it soon crumbled as realisation came.

“Wait a second. Willow told you about it? I thought it was supposed to be a secret.” Buffy said with a pout.

“Wasn’t her. Was Oz. Told me while we were playing football.”

“You and Oz play soccer together?”

“And the whelp.”

“And Xander?”

Spike nodded.

“And Oz told you about the concert.” Another nod. “Since when are you and Oz buddies?”

“What can I say? People are just naturally drawn to me.” He shrugged. “So are you getting dressed or not?”

Buffy sighed forcibly before, nodding and sprinting up the stairs.

“Give me 5 minutes.” She shouted back.

Chapter 17

Half an hour later he sat on the couch, sprawled out as he idly flickered through channels. Every once in a while, he’d throw a glance at the staircase in the feeble hope of finding her there. Sighing audibly, he stood up and sprinted up the stairs. Reaching her bedroom, he raised his hand and knocked on the door.

“You ready yet?”

“Just give me two more minutes.” He heard her shout from the other side.

“Oh, come on luv, we’ll be late for short stick’s show.” Spike grumbled.

There was silence for a few moments.

“Luv, we-“ He stopped in mid sentence as the door swung open to reveal her limping form.

Buffy clumsily hopped on one foot as she tried to get her other one into her high-heel boots while, at the same time, attempting to put on one of her spaghetti earrings. He gawked noticeably at her as she limped her way back to her dresser. She wore a short, black miniskirt and a lustrous silver top that tied up around her neck and left her pale back exposed. The outfit was completed by the pair of knee-high black boots.

She stared at the mirror, frowning as the earring refused to go through her pierced earlobe.

“Stupid earring.” She grumbled, while continuing to stick her foot into the boot. After a few moments, she was successful in both her tasks and she stood up straight in front of the mirror, pulling her skirt down as she turned to examine her back. “How do I look?” She asked without even glancing at the boy.

Spike’s mouth opened and closed several times, like a fish out of water, but the words refused to come out as he simply gawked at the girl in front of him. He repressed a groan as he saw her lean into the mirror to apply her lipstick.

Minutes later, she stood up straight once again, tugging at her miniskirt and flattening her top as she turned sideways to see herself on the mirror.

“How’s the war-paint?” She asked, finally looking at him.

Spike jumped up in surprise, snapping out of his daze to gaze up at her face.

“What?” He managed to word.

“The make-up. Is it ok?” She questioned, turning to the mirror and smacking her lips together.

“It’s ok.” He mumbled, his gaze returning to her exposed legs as she leaned over the dresser.

At his statement, she immediately stood up straight.

“Just ok?” She frowned.

“You look gorgeous, luv.” He corrected himself.

“I better.” She said with a light pout. “I wanna see Dru foaming from her mouth and Angel kicking himself unconscious for dumping me.” She uttered devilishly as she picked up her coat and walked out of the room, quickly followed by Spike.

She frowned as she finished locking the door and turned to see Spike walking over to a car parked in front of her house.

“What’s this?”

“My baby.” He answered with a proud tone, opening the door for her.

“You’re baby?” She questioned, raising a perfectly shaped eyebrow.


“Since when do you have a car?” She asked as she entered the vehicle.

She waited till he was in before they continued their conversation.

“I’ve had this baby for ages.”

“Then why don’t you drive it to school?” She questioned, but immediately raised her hand and continued: “Don’t answer. Stupid question. You’re ashamed to be seen in this junk.”

“Hey!” He protested. “This ‘junk’ is a classic.”

“Right. That’s why it’s about to fall to apart. Are you sure you don’t wanna just walk?”

He gave her a plastic smile which crumbled in seconds as he started up the car.

“I love this car. Don’t make fun of it. Consider yourself warned, pet.” He grumbled as he drove off.


Buffy stepped out of the vehicle and waited for Spike to lock it up before heading for the teen infested club. She stopped dead in her tracks when she reached the door.

“What’s the matter, pet?” He asked, cocking up a scarred eyebrow.

She didn’t answer, merely inhaled sharply, letting her chest rise and fall a couple of times before shaking herself off.

“Do you always have to do that?” He asked as he remembered her doing that exact same exercise before their make-out session three days before.

“I’m preparing myself for the battle.” She replied, opening her eyes and walking into the Bronze.

Spike simply shook his head and followed her.

It didn’t take long for them to spot an extremely juiced up Willow practically jumping on her seat as she waved at the approaching couple. Cordelia and Xander sat around the small table, the former trying very hard to remain unnoticed by the crowd.

“Hey, Buffy! You made it!” A very peppy Willow greeted as she threw her arms around the petite blonde’s neck.

“Ah, Will… Need oxygen here.” Buffy managed to breathe.

“Oh, sorry!” Willow piped up, letting go of her.

“She’s been like this for an hour now.” Cordelia grumbled.

Buffy smiled as she tried to reach for a stool but Spike was faster, pulling it out for her to sit. She frowned a bit, but said nothing, nodding and sitting down. She moved to take off her coat, and again, to her surprise, Spike was right there to help her with it. She swallowed hard and gave him a weak smile before turning to the group:

“So… When’s it gonna start?” Buffy asked, scanning the room and realising the evil couple of death wasn’t there yet.

“In half an hour.” Willow quickly answered clapping her hands.

“Half an hour? You said we were going to be late.” Buffy protested glaring at the leather clad boy sitting next to her.

“Was the only way to get you here on time, pet.” He winced as Buffy’s heavy hand hit him in the arm. “Hey!”

“That’s for lying.” She grumbled.

“You’re off easy, man.” Xander spoke up. “You should see what happens to me when- Ouch!” He wasn’t able to finish his sentence as someone kicked him hard, under the table. “See what I mean.” He murmured.

Spike gave him a light sympathetic grin and turned to face Buffy.

“You want something to drink, luv?”

“Soda.” She answered as her gaze hovered over the thick crowd.

“Anyone else?”

“I’m fine.” Xander answered.

“I wanna get out of here.” Cordelia grumbled.

Spike turned to look at Willow, but she seemed completely out of it. Without a word he headed for the bar.

“Wow, the place is really packed, huh?” Buffy noted.

“Yeah, isn’t it wonderful?” Willow squeaked bringing her hands together for another hysterical clapping session, but found it impossible as Cordelia held her tightly by her wrists.

“You clap those hands one more time; I swear I’ll bite them off.” The brunette threatened with a murderous glare.

“Gee!” Willow’s eyes widened for a second as she pulled away from the cheerleader’s death-grip.

“Why are you in an even worst mood that usual, Cordy?” Buffy asked.

“Because Miss ‘I suffer from psychoneurotic hysteria’ here has been clapping her hands like the energizer bunny on speed for the past hour.” Cordy grumbled.

“Here you go.” Spike said as he set the soda on the table.

Buffy frowned as she saw the bottle he held in his hands.

“You’re *not* planning on drinking that, are you?”

“Why not?” He furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at the label.

“You’ll get beer-breath.” She answered.

“So?” He questioned confused.

“You’re not gonna get anywhere near me tonight if you drink that.” She stated.


She simply shook her head.

“Bloody hell.” He grumbled setting the beer down and sticking his hands into his pockets.

“Whipped.” Xander coughed, getting a glare from the peroxide teen as he fumbled with a red and white pack.

“No smoking either.” Buffy said, eyeing the cigarette box.

“But, pet…”


“Bugger all.” He snarled shoving the pack back in his pockets and before Xander could say anything he growled: “Sod off.”

Xander gave him a wicked grin, but refrained from making any comments, especially considering he wasn’t exactly a free man himself.

“Where’s Oz?” Buffy questioned.

“He’s backstage getting ready.” Willow tried, but couldn’t help her jitteriness slipping into her voice. “I’m just so excited!” She went to bring her hands but managed to repress the impulse as Cordy shot her another one of her dagger spitting glares.

Buffy smiled, bringing her drink to her lips as the conversation started up.

“So, since when are you, Oz and bleach-boy over here soccer-buddies?” She asked tilting her head towards Spike.

“Since Wednesday.” Xander answered simply. “He asked us if we wanted to play after school. Soccer isn’t that bad actually.”

Buffy grinned glancing at the teen sitting next to her, his hand draped across the back of her stool.

“I’m slowly exorcising you all from the evil that is American Football.” He smirked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

“But I still say American Football kicks ass.” Xander piped up.

“Give it time. You’ll come around.” Spike said as his fingers idly began to play with the edge of Buffy’s top.

“I gotta say I’m pro-soccer.” Cordelia joined in on the conversation.

“And another one sees the light! Halleluiah, my brothers!” Spike shouted lifting his arms up in the air, earning a series of glances from the surrounding tables.

“Don’t. Ever. Try to do the American accent, Spike.” Buffy mumbled as she cringed. “It’s just sad… and wrong. Oh, so wrong!” She mocked.

“Ha, ha. Very funny luv.” Spike said with fake enthusiasm as his fingers left her top to massage Buffy’s bare back.

She froze for a second, her muscles contracting at the feel of his rough fingers lazily running up and down her spine, but she soon relaxed as the touch became familiar and even pleasant.

The conversation went on for a few more minutes until the background music was turned off and the lights dimmed down to focus on the small stage at one end of the club.

“Oh, my God! This is it!” Willow squealed while hysterically clapping her hands.

“Someone *please* give this girl a Valium. For my sake.” Cordy begged as a deep male voice was heard coming from the loud speakers:

“Ladies and Gentlemen, please put your hands together for ‘Dingoes Ate my Baby’!”

A roaring sound filled the packed club for a few moments before total silence came and then the first cords of the song were heard. A sharp light focused on the band and Oz finally came into view.

“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God! Oz!” Was all that Willow could say before bringing her hands to cover her mouth and just stare at her boyfriend on stage.

The song played out for a while as the group sat around the table. Spike’s hand idly wandered over Buffy’s back and he held his breath as he felt her lean in against him. He froze for a second, but soon brought his arms around her slender form, bringing her closer to him; her head resting on his chest. He closed his eyes for a split second, inhaling her vanilla scent and letting it seep into his brain. God she smelled wonderfully! When the song finally finished, she stood up straight and clapped noisily, along with a very enthusiastic Willow and a moody Cordy. Xander on the other hand, brought his index fingers to his mouth and issued a loud whistle that seemed to pierce the eardrums of everyone around him… including Cordelia. This earned him another strong kick in the shin.

“Ouch!” He protested as he massaged his sore leg.

Spike remained oblivious to his surrounding, for as soon as the music started once more, Buffy leaned back against him in the same fashion she had done moments before. He didn’t know why, but this seemed so… right. He sighed as his arms circled around her once again and he fingered the edge of her top.

The next song was a slow, rock ballad and as a few couples moved to the dance floor, Buffy turned to ask Spike:

“Wanna dance?”

“Sure, pet.” He quickly answered standing up and setting her coat on his stool before leading her to join the dancing couples.

As they reached the dance floor, they came to a dilemma as they awkwardly tried to drape their arms around each other. Eventually, Spike took the lead, worming his arms around her and pulling her towards him as she rested her head over his right shoulder.

A few seconds passed before he heard her whisper:

“Have they seen us yet?”

“What?” He asked frowning.

“Dru and Angel.” She insisted and suddenly he realised she was eyeing someone across the room.

He glanced in the same direction to find the infamous couple having a major make-out session.

“Oh.” He mumbled as he felt a pang in his chest. He couldn’t quite tell if it was due to the pathetic spectacle displayed in front of him or because of the realisation that the girl in his arms had only reciprocated his tender behaviour as part of a façade. He feared it was the latter.

“So are they looking?” She asked anxiously.

“Hum… I don’t think so. Angel’s too busy sticking his tongue down my ex’s throat to notice us.” He answered as he felt revulsion start to boil up in the pit of his stomach.

“Damn it.” She grumbled as she reluctantly moved along with the song’s sluggish beat. “Well, we’ll just have to *make* them notice.” She murmured, slowly turning in his arms, so her back was resting on his chest.

Lazily, her hands grazed over his, making their way from her hips to his shoulders and then across his neck to finally hover in the air above her head. She swayed her hips in small elliptic motions, in time with the slow, soothing rhythm, flexing and stretching her legs to move up and down his body.

Spike closed his eyes, clenching his teeth together, making his sharp chiselled cheekbones more evident, as he searched for the control necessary to keep himself from grabbing her and pinning her against the nearest available hard surface.

Unaware of his reactions, she continued to dance, her eyes closed as she leaned the back of her head on his chest, her blonde hair clinging to the black leather of his duster. She slowly turned to face Spike, managing to throw a quick glance at the couple that stood in the shadows. A soft, triumphant smile curled the edges of her glossy lips as she saw the dumbfounded expression plastered on both their faces. Burying her cheek in Spike’s red shirt, she inhaled sharply. She shook her head, trying to escape the haze that seemed to surround her suddenly. Her stomach started doing those flip-flopping it did whenever she got too close to him. ‘What is this? It shouldn’t feel this way. It’s just… pretend.’ She reminded herself before looking upwards, her nose gliding across his pale, white throat before her lips connected with the sensitive skin there.

Spike gasped as he felt her teeth scrape over his neck on their way to capture his right earlobe. He heard her whisper as she nibbled and suckled the tender piece of flesh into her warm mouth.

“I guess…” kiss “we caught” lick “their attention.”

He felt her smile against his ear and it took him a couple of seconds to come up with a relatively coherent answer.

“Um…” He swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down a couple of times. “Yeah… I guess.”

“Are they still looking?” She breathed as she tried to ignore her galloping heartbeat.

His scent seemed to intoxicate her as she trailed butterfly kissed down his throat and nuzzled against the crook of his neck. Her hands developed a mind of their own as they snaked down to his waist and wormed their way under his shirt to caress his bare stomach.

Instinctively, he jolted up straight, his hand catching her wrist.

“Luv… what are you… doing?” He managed to ask between gaps.

“Making…” She kissed his neck. “them jealous?” She lied to herself. ‘It’s all part of the plan. Just a plan.’

Spike swallowed hard, once again, his eyes rolling back in their sockets as her tongue traced secret patterns over his neck, her body crushed against his.

“Is it… working?”

He was too lost in the sensation to even hear what she was saying. After a while, he felt her whisper against his skin.

“Spike… are they still watching?”

He shook himself out of his daze and glanced at the couple to find them… fighting? He watched as much as he could under hooded eyes as the dark haired girl waved her hands in the air, and from the veins sticking out in her throat, he was pretty sure she was screaming at the top of her lungs.

“They’re… fighting.”

He was distracted as Buffy pressed her body against his and her hands travelled over his chest, instinct and craving causing him to close his eyes for a few seconds. When he opened them again, Dru was gone and only Angel remained, leaning against a wall, his arms crossed over his chest and a seriously pissed look plastered on his face.

“What…” Buffy cleared her throat as her breath came in short, urgent pants, making it hard to speak. “… are they doing now?”

He pondered for a few seconds whether or not to tell her the truth. His mind struggled to understand why the thought of her stopping her ministrations made his stomach turn.

In the meantime, Buffy kicked herself mentally as she found herself wishing Dru and Angel were still there, watching them.

“Spike… are they still looking?” She insisted, her mouth still teasing and nibbling at his earlobe. ‘God! He tastes so… Urg! Stop it!’ She screamed inwardly.

In a fraction of a second he made up his mind and, without a word, he nodded slightly and she continued to kiss him. His hands circled her small waist and gruffly brought her closer to him as he captured her lips with his. She let out a soft moan as his tongue plundered her mouth with ravenous urgency.

Her mind seemed to spiral into a dreamy state of consciousness, that place where you feel lighter than air, like you can just hover. The feel of his hands erratically running up and down her back, pulling her to his chest…

Buffy jolted away from him as a loud clapping sound vibrated through the entire room. It took a few seconds, for the blonde couple to realise that there was no music, Oz’s band had just finished their set and were now stepping down from the stage. The two awkwardly eyed each other, both pulling sharp pants from their lungs as reality dawned on them. She felt her heart violently slamming against her chest, a mixture of lust, nervousness and fear causing it to skip a few beats as she dropped her gaze to the floor.

“I gotta go to the bathroom.” She finally blurted out as the uneasiness between them became too unbearable.

Before he could say anything, she had turned on her heels and was currently scurrying her way to the ladies’ room.


She stared wide-eyed at her reflection in the mirror while a couple of giggling teenagers stood in the corner exchanging gossip. She knew them, from high school; two of Harmony’s brain deprived lackeys. She knew they were talking about the R rated show she and Spike had just given them a few minutes before, but she didn’t care. Right now she was more worried that her heart wouldn’t stop racing, her palms were sweaty and she couldn’t stop thinking about the annoying bleach-boy on the other side of the bathroom door. What was this all about? She wasn’t supposed to be having major erotic dreams with him, or be acting like a fourteen-year old girl with a crush every time he touched her.

She shook her head and ran her hand over her forehead as if to try to erase the images that kept flashing in front of her eyes. Taking a deep breath and adjusting her top, she turned to leave.

An instant cloud of smoke surrounded her as she re-entered the bar, causing her to have a mini coughing fit. When she calmed, she resumed walking, her eyes scanning over the crowed to find the familiar blonde. She felt her heart skip a beat, her entire body contract at the sight of him talking to… Dru?

Author's Note: Thanks to Ali my wonderful Beta-mom for betaing this fic and for supporting it! ;)

Chapter 18

Anger started to boil up in her veins as she watched the black-clad girl bluntly make her move on *her* Spike. All she felt like doing was striding over to her and ringing her neck until it snapped in two while screaming off at the top of her lungs: GET AWAY FROM MY BOYFRIEND! Yeah, that would teach her.

Then, suddenly, she realised: ‘He’s not my boyfriend. This is all a trick to get them back together’ she reminded herself as she watched Dru suggestively run her index finger over the lapels of Spike’s duster. Buffy had to inhale deeply to force the blood rage down. ‘And apparently it’s working. Good for him.’ She closed her eyes, shaking herself off before she resumed walking towards Willow, Xander and Oz who sat around a table.

“Hey, Oz!” Buffy said with fake enthusiasm.

The redhead simply nodded and gave her his version of a smile, which was pretty close to anyone else’s idea of a non-smile.

“Loved the show! You guys did great!” She continued.

“I’m amazed you saw anything, considering the major grope fest you and Spike put up on the dance floor.” Cordy mumbled. Never giving a chance for Buffy to answer she turned to Xander and whined: “I’m thirsty.”

Unfortunately, her boyfriend didn’t seem to be taught in the fine art of subtlety so she let out a loud grown before uttering:

“Xander, get me a soda.”

“Huh…? Oh, ok.” He said as he clumsily got off the stool. “You guys want anything?”

Everyone shook their heads except for Buffy who spoke up:

“A Daiquiri.”

Xander froze and everyone in the table turned to look at her.

“Are you sure?” Willow asked.

“Buffy you know how you get when you drink alcohol.” Xander muttered.

“Plus it’s illegal.” Willow piped up nervous and wide-eyed, sticking her index finger into the air.

“All the more reasons to do it.” Buffy said with a smile. “Come on Xander, I know you know the bartender tonight. Please, for me…” She begged, with a pout and batting her eyes lashes at him.

He couldn’t resist it. Somehow, after all those year of knowing her and working on getting over his crush on her, he still couldn’t say no to her when she asked him something. So he turned around and headed for the bar to make his order. Soon after he was back with a soda and a colourful glass with an umbrella sticking out of it in his hand.

“What about your no alcohol policy?” Cordy snorted as she saw Buffy tilting the glass into her mouth, taking huge gulps of the liquid inside.

“To hell with it.” She answered with a peppy smile before letting out a small hiccup. “Oops.” She giggled; placing her hand over her lips as her cheeks quickly became red.

“In my entire life, I have never seen alcohol have such a fast effect on anyone as her. You should be in the Guinness Book of Records.” Xander pointed out as he took his seat.


Spike ran his hand through his hair, trying hard to focus on what the girl standing in front of him was saying. He didn’t know why, but suddenly, Dru’s conversation just seemed plain and dull. Her half nutty routine he used to find gripping and enthralling now just seemed plain loony and boring. Pretty soon, he found her voice growing farther and farther away until it died out, being completely engulfed by the buzzing sound of the background. All he saw was a girl looking at him with hooded, pseudo-seductive gaze, moving her mouth in an excruciatingly slow pace.

“Huh?” He blinked a couple of times when he noticed she had stopped talking.

“I asked if you were going to the homecoming dance.” She repeated as she brought her body closer to him, her arms circling around his neck.

He instinctively took a step back, but she held a tight grip on him.

“I-I don’t know, Dru.” He answered as his eyes scanned the room for a certain blonde. ‘Where is she? What is taking her so long?’ He kept asking himself.

“I thought you hated that sort of thing. Said it was boring and…” She brought her lips closer to his ear as she whispered: “I’m sure we can find more interesting things to do. Couldn’t we, daddy?” She growled at the end of her question and ran her tongue over his earlobe.

“Um… Dru… What are you doing?” Spike asked, never moving, neither cheering nor discouraging her actions.

“What do you think? Grrr… You’ve been a very bad boy, going around playing with that little girly. Mommy doesn’t like it.” She said in a childlike tone, as her lower lip jutted out for a pout.


Buffy’s eyes grew wide and she felt every single muscle fibre in her body contract at the sight of Dru curling her arms around Spike and licking his ear. Without a word she tilted the glass again and drank from it.

“Buffy, you shouldn’t be doing this.” Willow warned a bit concerned.

“And why not?” For some reason her words were coming out a bit slurred. Buffy smacked her lips together as if trying to get her tongue to untie.

“Because pretty soon you’ll lose all ability for coherent speech and you can’t go home to your mom like that.” Willow tried to rationalise.

“My mom’s not coming home. She’s gonna stay out all night boinking some stranger.” She pressed her lips together and nodded wildly, her hair coming to partially cover her flushed face.

“Oh, Buffy.” Willow’s eyebrows came together over the bridge of her nose as she watched the pain in her best friend’s eyes. So that’s why she was acting so strange. “Don’t you think we better get you home?”

At that Buffy violently shook her head, causing her hair to fan out around her.

“I like it ‘ere.” She mumbled. “It’s nice in ‘ere.” Her face lit up as she remembered something. “I get everything for free.” Singsonged and a wave of childlike giggles followed while Willow simply frowned in confusion.

Oz soon came to her aid:

“It’s the lyrics from one of K’s Choice’s songs.”

“Oh.” Willow raised her eyebrows for a second as realisation came.


Spike felt like he was suffocating. He couldn’t breathe. She was too close, clinging to him, making him feel like there was no room, not enough space. He just needed space. And to know where she… His eyes widened and a small sigh of relief escaped his lips as he saw her. She was sitting around the table with Oz and the rest of the gang. Well, it was more of a slouching over the table and occasionally standing up straight to wave her arms in the air like a mad woman sort of routine than actually sitting but, he’d found her. Dru continued to stick to him as she yapped on and on, while he absentmindedly watched the effusive blonde girl giggle and shout like a little girl. What was she holding in her hand? What was…

“Bloody hell…” He breathed. “Hum… Dru?” He began trying to pull himself out of the girl’s death grip, but it turned out to be a Herculean task. “Dru… Luv… Let go now.” She wouldn’t let go. “Dru!” He finally shouted and she stepped back; a look of amazement and pain on her face. “Look, pet, I’m sorry, but I gotta go.”

And he was off crossing the room with ground-eating footsteps until he reached his destination.

“Spike! Thank God you’re here.” Willow breathed in relief.

“What’s going on?” He questioned with a frown, looking at Buffy who now seemed to be sleeping with her head resting on the table, her arms dangling to the floor at her side. The moment he reached for her, she jumped up to attention.

“Hum… what? Where? Oh… Spike.” She drooled the words out as she plastered on a goofy smile. “The reunification didn’t go well? Do we need to pretend a bit more?”

Everyone around the table frowned, except for Spike, whose heart immediately jumped to his throat. He tried to ignore her questions and turned to face Willow.

“How many of these did she have?”

“Just that one.” The redhead pointed at the empty glass.

“And she’s drunk?” Spike asked in disbelief.

“Buffy’s body is not very alcohol-friendly.” Oz piped up.

“I can see that. Come on, luv, let’s get you home.” Spike said picking up her coat and putting it over her shoulders.

“What? So soon? I thought you’d want to stay and work on the plan and-“

“Alright, you need to go home… Now!” He noted, bringing his arms around her numb form and pulling her to her feet.

The moment he made a move to let her go, she began tumbling to the floor, but he quickly grabbed a hold on her and lifted her off her feet.

“Are you sure you can take her?” Xander asked.

“I’m fine, mate. See you later.” He answered as he made his way out of the busy club.


As they reached the car, consciousness seemed to dawn on Buffy. Her stomach turned as she felt herself being carried. She opened her eyes to meet black leather. Blinking a couple of times her gaze focussed on Spike’s face.

“We’re here, luv.” He said as he lowered her to the ground.

She stumbled a bit, but eventually was able keep standing long enough for Spike to open the car door for her. With a loud sigh she plopped down on the front seat; her legs still sticking out of the vehicle. Spike shook his head as he picked her feet up and pushed them into the car before closing the door.

They remained silent most of the drive home, with Spike occasionally throwing a worried glance at the slumbering blonde sitting next to him. He smiled as he heard her mumble something incomprehensible, while frowning and making a series of odd faces. She was just so strange.

Coming to a full stop in front of her house, he turned and gently ran his fingers over her exposed shoulder.

“Pet… we’re home.”

“Hum…” She grumbled opening her eyes and glancing up at him with a glassy stare. She swallowed dryly before looking around and frowning. “Where are we?”

“Home. Remember?” He answered with a soft smile before exiting the car to open the door for her.

He held out his hand and Buffy stared at it. The fresh images of what had happened at the Bronze flashed before her eyes - Dru… and him… snuggling. She felt her stomach turn and something inside her snapped. She stood up abruptly; dismissing his outstretched hand and trying to walk proudly over to her front porch. The task seemed simple enough, except her alcohol soaked brain seemed to have something to say about it and pretty soon she was sprawled out on the grass, face down.

“Buffy!” He called out, slamming the car door shut and coming to her aid, but as soon as he made a move to help her up, she pushed him away and scrambled to her feet.

“I’m fine.” She retorted.

“You’re drunk, luv.” He stated the obvious as he watched her zigzag her way to the front door eventually reaching her destination. Now… sticking the itsy bitsy key into that stupid lock… that was a serious mission.

She grumbled a string of curses as she scratched at the wooden door but was never able to get the key into the lock.

“Stupid lock.” She moaned letting the key fall to the floor. “Keeps moving. Stand still, damn it!” She ordered with a serious tone as she bent down to pick up her key.

Spike had to repress a growl as her miniskirt hitched up at her motion, exposing her thighs to him.

“Let me get that, pet.” He immediately shook himself out of his daze snatching the key from her hands and quickly opening the door before she could say anything. He entered the room while she stood in the threshold for a few more seconds.

“I could’ve done it.” She mumbled as she walked into the hall.

Clumsily, she tried to take off her coat, pushing at pulling at it, to no avail.

“Here, let me get that.” He made a move towards her and she jumped back.

“No! I’ll do it.” She insisted as she glared daggers at him.

“Are you ok?” He questioned raising a scarred eyebrow.

“I’m…” She struggled with the piece of clothing; it seemed like a straight-jacket. “Stupid… A-ha!” She said triumphantly as she found herself free from her restraints, letting the coat drop to the floor. She nervously pulled her hair out of the way and looked up at him with an arrogant sparkle in her eyes and a defiant little chin jutting out. “I’m fine.”

She crisscrossed her way to the living room and thanked whatever gods there were that the couch was right there.

“Good couch, nice couch.” She sighed, plopping down on it and caressing it.

“Buffy, you need to go to bed.” Spike explained coming to sit next to her.

She instantly jumped away from him, sitting on the opposite side of the couch.

“Don’t tell me what to do.” She growled.

“Are you mad at me?” He finally asked.

“Mad? I’m not made. I’m just…” She couldn’t find an explanation so she resorted for the feeblest of excuses. “You’re annoying and I don’t like you.”

Spike gave her a weak smile and they remained in an awkward silence for a few moments.

“So… Can we stop the plan already?” Buffy suddenly blurted out.


“You and Dru are back together, right? We can quit pretending.” She tried to seem as unfazed as possible by the topic of conversation and was pretty successful in her attempt.

Her questions took him by surprise. It was true, Dru had come back to him, or at least was drooling all over him again, which was a positive sign, but they weren’t together yet.

“Me and Dru aren’t together.” Spike explained.

“Right, cause the whole bumping and grinding on the dance floor is just soooo normal amongst ex’s.” Buffy snarled, clumsily standing and making her way to the kitchen.

“We weren’t bumping and grinding.” He protested as he followed her.

“Whatever…” She said uninterested as she opened the various cabinets in the kitchen.

“We were just…” He stopped, looking for the right word.

“Dry humping on the dance floor?” Buffy offered with a hint of anger.


“I don’t care Spike. You got what you wanted, Dru pawing all over you. Now can we please put an end to the stupid farce?” She asked raising her eyebrows as she found what she was looking for.

She reached for the bottle and took out the cork before quickly taking a big gulp from its content.

“What are you doing?!” He questioned as he grabbed the bottle from her hands. He turned it in his hands to read the label. “What is it with you and alcohol all of a sudden? I thought you hated this stuff.”

“Not anymore.” She grumbled snatching the bottle back from his hands and drinking from it.

Spike made a move to retrieve the object, but she clenched it against her chest as if clinging to dear life itself.

“It’s mine.” She grumbled, frowning and pouting at the same time.

God, she looked to cute, flushed and… angry? She was angry. Why was she…

“Are you jealous, pet?” He asked with a cocky smirk as realisation came to him.

Her eyes instantly widened as if he had said the greatest of blasphemies. Her mouth opened and closed a couple of time before she was able to stutter:

“J-jealous? Me? Jealous? Of what?”

“Of me and Dru.” He continued with that annoying smirk on his lips. Oh, how she hated that stupid smirk.

“Dream on, Brit-boy.” She snarled, gulping from the bottle.

“You’re jealous…” He singsonged.

“And you’ve lost it pal.” She drooled out.

He smiled and tilted his head sideways as he came closer to her.

“Just admit it, luv. You’re jealous… It’s only normal. I mean, being so close to me these last few days… touching… kissing…” He had to stop to take in some air as his own words started to bring back the memories of the past week.

Buffy stepped back and he continued to close the distance between them until she felt the edge of the kitchen counter rub against her back. She stared up at him and felt her heart race as he set both hands on counter on either side of her, successfully trapping her.

“Admit that you felt jealous when you saw me and… Dru-“

The simple mention of her name made her skin curl and gave her renewed strength. She quickly pushed him away and stepped away from the counter.

“You’re full of yourself, you know that? I would never, ever feel jealous of you. What I don’t want is for people in school to think that my current boyfriend is going behind my back to boink that skanky ho. Again!” She managed to word out even though the room seemed to start turning around her.

“That’s your problem?”

“You bet it is. Everyone at the Bronze saw you and her doing… whatever you were doing and I don’t really care. Except that everyone thinks that you’re my boyfriend and I so don’t need the entire student body to give me the pity look. I had enough of it last time. So you know what, Spike? This whole arrangement we had going? “ She pointed at herself and then at him. “It’s over.”

“But-“ A hint of desperation started to build up inside of him.

“No buts, you wanted Dru back, you’ve got her.” She snarled.

“I don’t have her back.” He answered without thinking and Buffy felt her blood start to boil.

“I don’t care! That’s your problem; I’m not going to be made the fool. Forget it.” She yelled as she tried to turn on her heels, but suddenly she seemed to lose all balance and stumbled to the floor.

With instant reflexes, he was able to grab her before she fell. His arms kept a tight grip around her waist crushing her against his chest; the bottle of wine, still in her hand, spilling against his shirt at the abrupt movement.

“Are you ok?” True concern echoed in his voice.

She shook her head slightly, closing her eyes for a brief second and then scrambled away from him.

“I’m fine.” She insisted, trying to keep her distance.

“Look, Buffy… I didn’t mean to… Dru was just there…”

“I don’t want to hear it. I told you, I’m out.” She insisted as the anger returned in full force at the mention of the black-clad teen.


“Just leave, Spike!” She yelled slamming the bottle on the nearest available surface.


“I’m not gonna continue this stupid charade just because your ex is playing hard to get. Get someone else to do it, cause I’m tired of it.”

“I didn’t do anything.” He insisted raising his voice.

“You were practically doing it on the dance floor!” She cried out as she waved her hands in front of her.

“We were just dancing.”

“Ok, next time, I’ll ‘dance’ with Angel like that, see how it makes *you* feel.”

Buffy never knew what hit her. She was being slammed against the refrigerator, Spike’s angered body crashed against hers as her hands were pinned at her side, near her shoulders.

“You don’t go near him.” He hissed.

“Or what?” She said breathless with a cocky tone, but deep inside she felt her heart skip a few beats as she felt his left leg pushed between hers. “You’re gonna do what?”

“Stay away from him.” He warned her as anger flashed in his eyes.

“You know what? I think I’ll go over there right now. I still look kinda cute, I doubt that Angel would say no.” She grinned as she made a move to leave, but he tightened his grip around her wrists.

“Don’t…” He growled.

Raising her chin and looking up at him she asked:

“Don’t what? You gonna stop me?”

“Damn right I am.” His voice was low and filled with rage.

“Doesn’t feel good when you’re on the other side, does it… William?” She mocked cocking up a perfectly shaped eyebrow as she instinctively rubbed her pelvis against his. Her grin crumbled in a flash, eyes widened for a second as she felt something hard pressing against her lower abdomen and before she could say anything else he smashed his lips against hers in a bruising kiss.

Caught by surprise, Buffy let out a muffled cry as his tongue pushed its way into her mouth, forcing it open. She struggled for breath as his hands let go of her wrists and started to frantically move over her entire body, pulling and pushing at her clothes as he thrust his hips into hers. She felt his fingers finally settle under her thighs, gripping them and pulling her up, her legs instinctively wrapping around his waist. Her arms came to drape around his neck, pulling him closer as she tilted her head to deepen the urgent kiss. They’re tongues battled for dominance, a series of hungry moans escaping the two as they erratically tugged at each other.

She felt him move, effortlessly carrying her with him. He settled her over the counter and stretched his hand over the cold surface, sending its contents to the floor. Buffy ignored the crashing noises as Spike spread her over the counter, his body coming to hover over hers as they never stopped kissing.

Her small trembling fingers curled around the lapels of his duster, pulling at it until it was scattered on the floor. Her hands ran through his dishevelled hair and she wrapped her legs around his hips, drawing him closer as she continued to hungrily kiss him. She gasped as she felt his fingers slide over the outside of her thighs pushing her miniskirt higher, until it was bunched up around her waist.

He pressed hard against her, forcing her to lay back down, while her legs dangled off the counter. His lips left hers to trace ravenous trails down her neck, over her collarbone and down between her breasts where he nuzzled his face, taking in her scent.

“God…” He heard her mutter.

He looked up to find her head thrown back, her neck exposed, her cheeks flushed; her breath coming in rapid urgent pants. He stared blindly at her when a sharp ringing sound pierced through their combined haze. She immediately looked up.

“What…?” Her gaze alternated between the phone and the breathless boy still trapped between her legs.

She felt her heart race as realisation came to her. Without a word, she pushed him out of the way, jumped off the counter and ran to the phone picking it up.


Chapter 19

She nervously tugged at her miniskirt, pulling it downwards as she picked up the receiver.

“Hello? Oh, hi!” There was silence for a few seconds, her fingers tensely twirling around the cord while she walked around in circles next to the phone.

Spike leaned on the counter, his heart still racing, watching her from under an apprehensive frown as he listened in on the conversation, trying to discern who was on the other side of the line. He anxiously tapped his fingers on the white surface; his gaze followed her closely while the memories of what had just happened flashed before his eyes. ‘What was that all about?’ he continuously asked himself. ‘Why did I…’ He couldn’t understand, but the simple thought of her being anywhere near Angel, having him touch her… just made his stomach turn, his skin curl; the way she had mocked him… He stood up straight as she started to speak into the receiver after the long pause.

“Ok, then… No, I’m fine. Don’t worry. Bye.” She waited a few moments, her mind racing as she finally set the phone down.

She really didn’t want to deal with this now, not with this or with… She finally turned to see Spike, standing by the counter an anxious look on his face. ‘God, what did I do?’ She asked herself as she swallowed hard and re-entered the tiled room. An awkward moment of silence thickened the air between them, making it hard to breathe. Buffy’s gaze erratically flew all over the place, trying to avoid meeting Spike’s eyes and finally found what looked like her salvation - the bottle of wine. In a flash, she reached for it and turning on her heels headed for the living room.

A stunned black-clad teen soon followed her to find her sitting on the couch taking a long gulp from the bottle.

“Hum… Buffy?” He started.

She wouldn’t look at him. Reaching for the remote, she turned on the TV and found her new source of distraction.

“Buffy…” He called again and this time she was forced to look up.

Her eyes were flooded in a dazed sparkle, giving them a glassy drunken aspect.

“Yeah?” She drooled.

He didn’t know what to do. Was he supposed to say something about the scorching grope fest in the kitchen or was he just supposed to ignore it? Judging from the scared look on her face, he assumed she’d prefer the latter. Slowly, he moved to the couch and sat down.

“So… who was that?”

Buffy felt something tug at her heart at his question. ‘So the plan is to ignore what just happened?’ She asked herself.

“Hum…” She struggled with the words as the alcohol started swimming around in her brain. “My mom.” She answered, turning back to the TV. ‘You want to ignore it? Fine, I’ll ignore it.’ She shouted in her mind as the anger started brewing in her stomach.

“She went out tonight?” Spike asked as he noticed for the first time Mrs. Summers’ absence from the household.

Buffy nodded and refused to speak as she took another gulp from the bottle.

“She called to check up on you, huh?” He continued to question. Someone had to make conversation, because he sure as hell wasn’t going to be able to stay alone in a room with her in silence.

Another mindless nod, followed by a long gulp from the bottle.

“You’re out on the piss tonight aren’t you?” He asked with a hint of anger in his voice.

At this she frowned and looked at him.

“You’re trying to get drunk, aren’t you?”

“You think?” She said cocking up her eyebrow and returning her attention to the television set.

“Luv, you really shouldn’t be drinking like this. You’re not used to it.” He tried to warn her.

Her answer came as she tilted the bottle once again and swallowed a few more gulps of its content. Angrily, he reached for the green bottle and yanked it out of her hands. She immediately jumped up in protest, her arms waving it the air as she tried to retrieve it.

“Hey, give it back. It’s…” She began to stand up, to try and catch up to him and suddenly the entire room started to circle around her. She blinked a couple of times and then dropped like a stone on the couch, clinging to her aching head. “Oh… oh…. This is not good… Why is the whole room moving?” She asked with a liquid voice as she tried to focus on something but failed.

“Because you’re completely sloshed.” He answered as he set the bottle down on the coffee table and came down to sit next to her once more.

His hands settled on each side of her head, under her ears, framing her flushed face as he watched her blink wildly and cringe.

“I don’t like this.” She whined.

“It’s gonna be ok. You just need some coffee.” He explained as he moved to leave the room.

Her fingers instantly curled around his duster, pulling him to her.

“No! Don’t! Don’t leave me!” She begged panicky.

“I’ll be right back I’m just going to the kitchen to get you some…”

He trailed off as he watched her vehemently shake her head.

“No. I don’t wanna be alone. This is…” She stopped in mid sentence as she felt something quickly crawl its way up her oesophagus. “Oh, I think I’m gonna be-“

She wasn’t able to finish her sentence as her mouth went wide open and she vomited all over Spike.

The Brit froze when he saw the greenish slobber plastered all over his favourite piece of clothing. The anger and disgust soon disappeared as he saw the distraught look on the petite blonde’s face.

“Oh God, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!” She begged, her hand resting on her mouth.

“It’s ok, it’s ok.” He lied as he quickly took off his duster and balled it up so that the vomit wouldn’t spread to the couch.

He let out a sigh as he saw the stains on his shirt and without another thought quickly discarded it too, leaving him in a black t-shirt and equally black jeans. His attention was back on Buffy, who was now sprawled on the couch; her facial muscles cringed up in a painful expression. His arms circled around her slender form and carried as he walked up the stairs. He stood in the corridor for a few seconds, debating over which door lead to the bathroom. He followed his most logical guess and chose the door at the end of the hall.

He opened it and after some struggling managed to find the light switch. The room lit up to reveal the white tiled bathroom.

“Luv…” He called her.

“Hum... She mumbled semi-conscious.

“You’ve got to hold onto me so I can get you cleaned up.”

She nodded and flung her arm around his neck, partially supporting herself as he turned on the faucet. Buffy jumped up as the cool water splashed against her face, causing her to cough a bit. She soon calmed down and he was able to run his wet hand over her mouth and cheeks, in an attempt to get her cleaned. His fingers slowly managed to get most of the green coloured vomit off her face and then proceeded with washing her neck. After a few minutes she was clean and he could tell that she was a bit more awake as she started to mumble something incomprehensible.

“You’ll be fine.” He reassured her.

But she continued to murmur something and soon tears began to thread down her flushed cheeks.

“Oh, God please don’t cry…” He begged awkwardly as he set her down on the toilet.

But she wouldn’t indulge him as she rested her head in her hands and suddenly burst out in loud and painful crying session.

“Please… don’t… I can’t stand to see girls… Please…” As he kneeled down beside her his hands suddenly seemed nothing more than embarrassing appendages as he struggled to figure out where to put them. They hovered over her shoulders, her arms, her legs and back up to her hair to finally awkwardly tap her on the head, in a typically male version of a comforting caress.

“Why…” Hiccup “ are you” hiccup “hitting meeeee?” She whined in a babyish tone, looking down on him with blood-shot eyes.

“I-I…” He tried to explain, but it was no use as she returned to her crying. “Luv… wha-what’s wrong?” He asked, deciding it was best not to touch her at all.

“Everythiiiiing.” She bellowed.

“Oh, come on… It can’t be that-“

“My mom is boinking an idiot.” She whined as another onslaught of tears took over.

Taken by surprise, it took a few seconds for Spike to react, but eventually he managed to stutter:

“Sh-she’s going out on a date, that doesn’t mean she’s…” He made a face as the mental picture flashed before his eyes causing his facial muscles to contract. “… boinking anyone.”

“Yes, she is.” She insisted between hiccups and snivels. “She was wearing make up.”

His scarred eyebrow cocked up as he thought: ‘And…?’

“And she just called saying she was going to be very late and-and…” She inhaled sharply as the tears continued to travel down her face. “…and she said if I needed anything for lunch tomorrow I could just order pizzaaaaaaa.” And once more she was down the path of loud howls and incessant moans.

“Oh…” He noted giving her a sorry look. “Well… M-my da has been going out on a lot of dates too lately… it-it’s only natural for divorced or widowed grown-ups to… you know…” He had to swallow hard to stop himself from heaving at the idea of his father ever having sex.

“Not my mom!” She bellowed, covering her face with her hands as she burst into tears.

“Hum… pet… please… just calm down… it’s…” It was no use, she wouldn’t stop.

Awkwardly, he straightened up, still on his knees and brought his arms around her, giving her a light tap on her back.

“There, there…” He murmured uncomfortably. God, he hated seeing women cry.

Slowly, she relaxed in his arms and eventually slumped off the toilet to sit on the floor, still wrapped up in his arms, her moist face buried in his t-shirt. He heard her mumble and snivel as she wiped her eyes and nose on the black fabric.

“Go ahead… It’s not my favourite anyway.” He spurred her on as he ran his hand over her hair.


“What’s that, luv?” He asked pulling her to look up at him.

They stared at each other for a few seconds before she burst out.

“My mom is having sex… Buaaaa!” And her face was once again buried in his chest.

“It’s ok… It’s gonna be fine.” He reassured her. “It’s normal. You knew this would eventually-“

“No!” She suddenly, sat up straight. “You’re not listening!”

“Tell me then.”

“My mom is having sex…” She paused as she tried to push back the tears and finally burst out: “… And I’m not!” She protested with a loud cry as she continued to sob uncontrollably.

“Oh!” The bleached teen raised his eyebrows at the realisation as her face fell with a dull thud against his chest.

She cried and sniffed for a while longer, until she calmed down and was able to slowly sit up straight; her hands coming to wipe away the tears. They sat in silence, till Buffy broke it with a ghostly whisper:

“Am I repulsive?”

“What?!” He asked amazed.

“Am I repulsive?” She repeated.

“Of course not. What… Why would you say that?”

“Then why… doesn’t Angel… want me anymore?” She managed to blurt out between sniffs and hiccups.

“Cause he’s an idiot.” Was Spike’s direct response as his hands came to push her hair behind her ear.

She seemed calmer, but suddenly, her expression changed, turning hard and cold.

“What do you know?” She grumbled as she stumbled to her feet and zigzagged her way down the hall.

“What do you mean?” He asked as he quickly followed her into her room.

He jumped back a little as she unexpectedly turned on her heels and faced him.

“You’re obsessed with that skinny vapid ho too.” She snapped.

At his confused expression she continued:

“All of a sudden every guy seems to be head over heels for that black haired witch.” She waved her arms in the air. “What does she have that I don’t?”

Spike tilted his head and gave her light smile.

“You’re jealous of Dru?”

“I. Am. Not. Jealous of that skanky ho!” She insisted, crossing her arms over her chest and flopping onto the edge of her bed.

Soon, her pout grew and, as the alcohol continued to heighten her emotions, she restarted crying.

“Luv… Come on… Not again.” He begged falling on his knees in front of her.

“Why doesn’t Angel want me anymore?” She whined.

He felt his stomach turn at the mention of the quarterback’s name. Why was she so worried about him? God, he felt like strangling him.

“I’m ugly.” She concluded.

“No, you’re not!” He countered. “How can you think that? God, Summers do you have any idea just how beautiful you are?” He didn’t even seem to be talking to her anymore as he stared blindly at her face, his fingers coming to brush over her cheeks. “You’re amazing and…” He sighed audibly as he saw her pout. “God, you drive me insane every time you to that.”

“What?” She frowned.

“When you pout. Jutting out that lower lip…”

“Angel liked it too.” She replied absentmindedly.

That was it! His blood started rushing to his face as the anger boiled up inside of him.

“Will you just forget about that wanker for one bleeding second, damn it?” He growled standing up and pacing around the room in front of her.

She frowned, a drunken look still on her face, giving her a semi-idiotic expression.

“Why are you so angry all of a sudden?” She grumbled with a frown, following him with her gaze. “Will you stop walking around in circles? You’re making me dizzy.” She protested shaking her head a bit and blinking.

“Why are you so worried about what Angel thinks?” He tried to control his emotions as he came to an abrupt stop in front of her.

“I don’t worry about what-“

“Bollocks! The whole time, you’re going on about how Angel doesn’t want you anymore, how you think you’re ugly because he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about you. What is it with you women? You only like men that are complete wankers. Are you masochists or something? A guy devotes all of his attention to you and you go behind his back to boink the person he hates the most and when he ignores you, you immediately want him back.” He let his arms fall limply at his sides as he finished his ramblings.

Buffy simply continued to frown sheepishly as she felt her entire body go numb from the alcohol in her system.

“You need some serious anger management classes, you know that right?” She mumbled.

“I need to get you bloody bints out of my head, that’s what I need.” He protested.

“You could always turn gay.” She offered. “You already know that my mom has no problem with it.”

Spike gave her a fake smile while Buffy cringed at the memory of her mother… Soon the tears started to fall again as the depression phase of her drunken state kicked in once more.

“Oh, will you just quit it?” He growled.

“No, I will not, you insensitive pig!” She shouted at him, throwing herself back on her bed and curling up into the foetal position.

He felt a pang of regret in his heart.

“Oh… Luv… I’m sorry… I didn’t… Please…” He pleaded as he came to the left side of the bed and kneeled down next to it. “Look… I’m sorry I didn’t mean to shout… Please, don’t cry.”

She never answered him, simply turning her back to him. He sighed and slowly stood up to sit on the bed, his hand coming to rest on her shoulder.

“Pet… I’m sorry I didn’t-“

“Stop calling me that!” She finally yelled, curling up further.

“I’m sorry… I didn’t…” He continued to beg as he lay down beside her, propping his head on one hand, while the other gently brushed over Buffy’s naked arm.

She didn’t make a move to push him away, standing still as he caressed her skin.

“It’s gonna be ok… Don’t worry.” He whispered smoothly in her ear.

Sluggishly, she turned around to face him and without a word snuggled up against his chest. He froze for a second but soon relaxed, bringing his arm around her and pulling her closer. He slowly rocked her; sleep creeping up on him when her soft voice broke through the fog that engulfed his mind.

“What’s that, luv?”

“Did you really mean it?” she repeated.

“Mean what?”

“That you thought I was amazing?” She asked in a low voice, looking up at him from his chest.

“You’re amazing, Summers.” He answered with a half smile.

“Do you think I’m cute?” She questioned with a pout, innocently blinking her eyes a couple of times.

“You’re gorgeous.” He replied.

She smiled at that, resting her head back on his chest for a while before looking up at him. His eyes were semi-closed as slumber started to take over him again. With one arm draped along the length of the headboard, the other protectively thrown around her he drifted into sleep.

His heart started to race though, as he felt something warm brush over the nape of his neck, a small hand curling around his waist to reach his back and worm its way under his t-shirt, thin legs pressing between his as she moved under his arm.

He opened his eyes to find her nipping and kissing his neck and quickly closed them at the intense sensation that cursed through his veins. He gasped as she moved up and brushed her mouth against his, her hands pushing him onto his back and she crawled over him.

Her right leg moved over his stomach to settle on the other side, next to his thigh, while her tongue snaked its way into his mouth; the mint taste of the mouthwash and a hint alcohol spilling through. He let out a deep groan as she finally straddled him, putting all her weight over his, her hair cascading around his face to gently caress him.

Her hand continued to explore under his t-shirt, pressing hard against the contours of his abdominal muscles as it made its way down south, over his navel.

“Wha…” The words caught in his throat as her tiny fingers slipped under the waistband of his jeans and fondled the mass of curls beneath before finding their goal. “Ah…” He gasped as she carefully encircled him and began pumping while her lips parted to kiss him once again.

He rolled his eyes back in their sockets at the feel of her caressing him.

“Luv…” He started as she kissed her way down his cheek to his earlobe.

“Don’t… Call me that.” She gasped.

“What are you… ah…” He stopped in mid sentence as she squeezed him tighter. “…Doing? Please… Stop… we… Oh, God!”

He felt her smile against his neck at his broken voice and it seemed to give him enough strength to grab her by her wrist.

“Please… We can’t do this.” He breathed as his other hand dug into her hair and pulled her up to face him.

“Why not?” She pouted. “Don’t you want it?”

“God, you have no idea how much!” He gasped and she began the pumping movements with her right hand again.

“Good!” She smiled and dove for his earlobe, taking it into her mouth to nibble at it.

“Please… stop… you’re drunk… you don’t know… Ah!” He inhaled sharply as she gave him another light squeeze.

He seemed completely lost as she let go of him and proceeded with unbuckling his belt and then working on the buttons of his jeans until they were all undone.

She felt herself blush as she looked downwards at his crotch. The innocent smile that spread over her lips almost did him in. She looked breathtaking all flushed and sweaty, her dishevelled hair cascading around her. God, he wanted her so much.

“Pet…” He managed to whisper as he gathered all of his strength, but it seemed to crumble apart when she looked up at him. “We… can’t do this.”

Her answer was to reach into his pants once again, only this time he was fast enough to grab her and stop her.

“You’re drunk, pet. I don’t wanna do this this way. Not like this.” He breathed.

“You don’t want me?” She pouted.

“More than anything. But not like this.”

Suddenly, anger flashed before her eyes and she was up and off him in a second.

“Get out!” She shouted with her back towards him.

He sat up and reached for her, lightly caressing her back and she snapped.

“Get out!” She yelled off the top of her lungs.


With anger raving through her veins she stood up and flung the door open as she hissed between clenched teeth:

“Get out. Now.”

Head bowed, he stood up and dragged his feet across the floor until he reached the hall and heard the door slam in his back.

Author's Note: Thanks to Ali my wonderful Beta-mom for betaing this fic and for supporting it! ;)

Chapter 20

She tossed and turned for what seemed like ages, eventually she tired of it and sat up on the bed, legs brought close to her chest and chin resting on her cotton covered knees. Slowly, she rocked herself as the thoughts meandered around in her still slightly intoxicated mind. Her face cringed up as she remembered…’More than anything. But not like this’. She shut her eyes, trying to control the sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. Inevitably, other questions invaded her reasoning. Was he still in the house? She hadn’t heard the front door open… She pressed her lips together as she pushed herself off the mattress and walked barefoot to the window. She paused for a second, before lightly tugging at the curtains. A wave of relief washed over her as she saw the old car still parked in her driveway. She frowned and mentally scolded herself as she found herself smiling at the rusted vehicle and quickly made her way back to her bed, plopping down on it. She sat for a few minutes, contemplating what to do next. He was still in her home… ‘How dare he? I’ll show him.’ Having found a perfectly good reason to leave her room, she stood up, put on her bunny shaped slippers and walked out the door. She slowly made her way downstairs and entered the living room.

She felt her heart skip a beat when she saw him. There he was, sprawled on the couch, dressed in a pair of jeans and his black t-shirt, one arm thrown carelessly over his face, the other dangling to the floor.

She cocked her head slightly, remaining perfectly still as she watched him sleeping in a pool of moonlight. He looked so… ‘No! He doesn’t look anything! Actually, he does look something… extremely annoying.’

With renewed anger she flicked the light switch on and shouted:

“What are you doing here?”

She watched as he jolted up into sitting position at the sudden noise, his arms instinctively coming to rest on his stomach. He blinked wildly as his eyes refused to adjust to the harsh light coming from the ceiling.

“What?” He managed to mumble in a hoarse voice.

“What are still doing here? I told you to go away… remember?” She gave him an exasperated sigh as she crossed her arms over her chest and angrily tapped her fur-covered left foot.

“Hum…” He inhaled deeply while he rubbed his eyes, his head resting on his hands for a few moments before turning to look up at her. He opened and closed his lips a couple of times, trying to wet his dry mouth as he inspected the apparently pissed off teen towering over him. He never said anything, simply glanced at the large clock on one of the walls and then looked back at Buffy: “It’s four in the morning, luv. Can we have our usual heart-warming banter some other time? Say in about… eight hours?”

“What. Are. You. Doing. Here?” She hissed.

“Apparently not. Oh goody!” He said with fake enthusiasm, standing up to hover over her nightgown-clad form. “I was sleeping.” He stated the obvious.

Rolling her eyes, she sighed and was about to say something when he started heading for the kitchen. Angrily, she followed him; the alcohol and the heavy, fluffy slippers forcing her to walk in a duck like fashion which caused Spike to chuckle as he leaned against the refrigerator door.

“What are you doing?” She tried to sound as mad as possible, but was extremely distracted as his hand reached under his t-shirt to scratch his chest and in the process pulled at the fabric, exposing his perfectly toned stomach.

“Trying to find something to drink.” He explained without even looking at her as he inspected the contents of her fridge. Eventually, he opted for some orange juice, picking up the bottle and setting it on the counter as he searched for a glass in the cabinets.

“This is *my* house!” She protested stomping her foot.

“And I think that after I cleaned and washed your-vomit-soaked-self I have earned the right to some orange juice.” He said raising his eyebrows as he sipped from the yellowish liquid.

“Oh…” Was Buffy’s embarrassed answer as she felt the redness creep up her neck to flood her cheeks.

They stood in awkward silence for a few excruciating moments until he finally spoke:

“You seem to be feeling better.”

“Hum… Still kinda wobbly… but I’m slowly progressing toward complete control of my motor functions.” She answered, not daring to look at him ‘Please, God don’t let him mention what happened upstairs, please don’t let him mention what happened upstairs, please don’t-‘

“Hum… About what happened…”

‘So much for praying. Thanks a lot!’ She grumbled inwardly.


“I don’t want to talk about it.” She quickly interrupted, raising her hand. “Let’s just file that under alcohol induced momentary stupidity, ok?”

Spike felt his stomach turn in disgust and anger.

“Fine.” He managed to hiss, slamming the orange juice on the counter and heading towards the living room.

She quickly followed to find him and watched him as he picked up his discarded duster and shirt before turning back to the hall.

“Where are you going?” She mumbled in a low voice.

“Home. Like you wanted.” He grumbled as he headed for the front door.

“Don’t!” She didn’t know what had possessed her to say it, but she did and she swallowed hard as she saw him turning around to face her with a frown over his eyebrows. “I mean…” She tried to hide her nervousness. “You don’t *have* to go if you don’t want to.”

“You asking me to stay?” he questioned with half a grin as he tilted his head.

“No!” Was her immediate answer but, as she saw him start to leave, she quickly added. “Yes!” She paused as he faced once again. “I-I’m asking.” Seeing the cocky smirk grow she continued with a nonchalant tone: “It’s just cause I’m not sleepy and I’m bored.”

“I’m flattered, pet.” He mumbled as he strolled back to the living room.

“Don’t be, *William*.” She mocked as she sat down on the couch next to him.

Picking up the remote, he flickered through the channels and - nothing. There was absolutely nothing on. He sighed loudly as he turned off the set and glanced at the white-clad girl sitting next to him.

“Now what?”

“I don’t know.” She shrugged.

They paused for a few seconds until Buffy piped up.

“We could play cards.”

“Ok.” He agreed and she immediately jumped off the sofa and jogged her way to a nearby cabinet.

She searched for what seemed like an eternity finally giving up and waving her hands in the air.

“I don’t know where my mom put them.” She mumbled dragging her feet as she made her way back to the couch.

They sat in silence once more. It was starting to get just too awkward for her to handle when he offered:

“Wanna play a game?”

She eyed him suspiciously. He had that dirty look in his eyes and that annoying smirk plastered over his lips. He was up to something, but anything was better than the God-awful silence so… ok, she would bite.

“What game?”

“I don’t know…”

The sound of his voice told her that he knew exactly what game to choose, he was just stalling.

“Maybe… truth or dare?” He tried to sound nonchalant about it, but failed miserably at it.

“Oh, no. I’m not playing truth or dare with you.” She vehemently refused standing up to walk around the table.

“Why not?!” It came out as a half whine.

“Be-Because… because by Monday everyone in school will know all my darkest most twisted secrets, that’s why.” She answered wrapping her arms over her chest.

“I swear I won’t tell anyone. Plus you’ll be able to ask me questions too, remember?”

At that, Buffy stopped the incessant shaking of her head. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea… After a few moments of careful consideration she returned to her seat on the couch, folding her legs under her as she turned to face him.

“Shoot.” She said simply.

“Ok!” He exclaimed clapping his hands together as he sat sideways on the sofa, facing her. “Truth or dare, Summers?”

“Truth.” She answered with a strong voice.

He didn’t need to think too long, quickly asking:

“Do you still have feelings for Angel?” His tone was low, but a hint of unease filtered through as he spoke.

“Yes.” She answered promptly. “My turn. Truth or dare?”

His stomach turned painfully in his gut, twisting until he felt the acid crawl up to the back of his mouth. He swallowed hard and answered:


“Have you ever loved anyone, and when I say love it’s not in any motherly, brotherly or friendly way. I mean love, as in Romeo-and-Juliet-tragically-bound-to-happen sort of love. And who was it?”

“Yes and Dru.” He responded.

Buffy couldn’t help but add:

“Do you still love her?”

“Na-na, pet you had your one question, it’s my turn now.”

Buffy twisted her mouth in sign of discontentment but didn’t say anything.

“Truth or-“

“Truth.” She interrupted.

“Eager little one, aren’t you?”

“Just ask the question Spike.” She rolled her eyes at him.

“Let me see…” His eyes suddenly gained a wicked sparkle and he lowered his voice as he asked: “Have you ever had a wet dream about me, pet?”

“What?!” She almost jumped off the couch at the surprise question.

“Sex, luv. Have you ever dreamt of having sex with yours truly?”

Buffy’s eyes grew wide and her cheeks turned bright red.

“I want a dare.” She said promptly.

“Hey! That’s cheating.”

“It’s not cheating. I changed my mind.” She complained with a pout.

“You can’t change your mind. The-“

“Fine. Then I quit.”

“Oh, you’re such a baby. If things don’t go you’re way you just quit, is that it?” He objected.

“Fine.” She said, crossing her arms over her chest and grumbling in a low voice. “Yes.”

“What was that, luv?” He pretended not to hear. Inside his heart pounded furiously against his chest.

“Yes, alright?!” She shouted. “I’ve had a sex dream about you. But it was just one and I didn’t like it.”

She saw him raise a suspicious eyebrow at her and she insisted:

“I didn’t! Now, truth or dare?”

“Hey, hey not so fast. You didn’t tell me what it was.” He protested.

“You didn’t ask.” She said with a triumphant grin. “Truth or dare?”

Spike paused for a second, his brain still trying to get over the fact that she had had a wet dream about him. He swallowed hard as he tried to focus on what she was asking.


“Ha-have you ever had… one of those dreams about me?” She scolded herself mentally for the faltering in her voice.

“Yes.” He answered looking straight into her eyes, forcing her to glance away.

Suddenly, his whole expression seemed to change, his eyes grew deeper and darker as he stared intensely at her.

“Ok, your turn!” She said a little too peppy as the nervousness started to get to her. However, it grew twice as big when she saw him move closer to her from the corner of her eyes.

She turned to look at him wide eyed as he leaned in, his face inching closer to her. Her heart raced wildly in her chest, her palms became damp with cold sweat as his lips lightly brushed over hers, his hand coming up to worm its way under her ear and cup her growingly red cheek. He tilted his head and pressed his mouth against hers, his lips parting as his tongue glided over hers. Suddenly, she felt something snapped inside of her. In a flash, she was up and off the couch, careful to put the coffee table between her and the bleached teen that now stared wide eyed at her.

“Ok! That was fun!” she exclaimed over enthusiastically, bringing her hands together for one quick clap. “I think I’ll go back to bed now. Tired! Awww…” She gave him her terribly unbelievable version of a yawn before she turned on her heels and started to head for the hall.

She never even managed to reach the bottom of the staircase before she felt a strong hand grip her arm and force her to turn around. She could swear she could hear her own heartbeat when she turned to meet his dark stare.

“We need to talk about this.” He said in a low, hoarse voice.

“Talk? About what?” She was amazed at how she was able to say the words so nonchalantly, considering her heart was now beating in her throat.

“You know about what. Don’t act dumb.” He insisted closing his eyes for a second.

She sighed loudly and freed herself from his grip to walk around him in the hall.

“So we had wet dreams about each other. It doesn’t mean anything.” She waved her arms around as she spoke, occasionally shrugging. “I mean, it was probably because of all the groping we’ve been doing lately because of… the plan. It just kinda rubbed off…” She tried to rationalize, but as she turned to see his scared eyebrow raised high on his forehead in a clear sign of doubt she exclaimed: “What?! It could be! You know… getting sucked into the part and all. I mean everyone else thinks we’re together. We probably were so good that we even fooled ourselves. It could happen!”

He continued to give her his cynical look.

“Look, what do you want me to say?” she asked exasperated.

“Why did you kiss me?” He questioned taking a step toward her.

“I was drunk!” She quickly defended herself. “And needy cause of my mom and all, it doesn’t count.”

“Fine! What about in there?” He tilted his head towards the kitchen.

“You kissed me!” Her finger travelled to point at him before pointing at herself. “It would be… impolite not to kiss back.”

“You kissed me back because it was impolite not to?!” He asked incredulous. “And the groping on the counter? Part of the politeness too?”

“Yes.” She answered raising her chin high, trying to sound as honest as possible.

“Luv, you hate me, remember? Since when do you care about being polite to me?”

She had no answer to that, she simply pouted and remained still as he closed the distance between them and towered over her.

“Tell the truth, pet… You wanted me just as bad as I wanted you, didn’t you?” He continued his questioning in a low, husky voice.

“Ha!” She’d wanted it to sound filled with contempt, but it came out weak, feeble as he came closer until he was mere inches from her. “Don’t flatter yourself.” She said in a low voice, not daring to look up at him, and staring down at her fluffy bunny-shaped slipper. ‘Oh, what interesting slippers I have. Hey, my left shoe is missing an eye! Funny, never noticed it. Funny, funny, funny.’ She tried all the diversions she could think of in order to calm herself, but nothing seemed to work as his scent hovered around her, intoxicating her. ‘Funny little slippers… Oh, for Christ sake stop shaking.’ She scolded herself.

She trembled as his index finger came under her chin to push it upwards, forcing her to look up at him.

“Ok, tell you what. I give you full permission not to be polite to me. So… if I kiss you right now you’re not obliged in any way to return the favour, ok?”

She didn’t answer; just stared up at him, waiting. Slowly, the hand that still rested on her chin moved behind her to stop on the back of her neck, his other arm snaking around her waist to pull her to him. With nerve-wracking laziness, he leaned in and after what seemed like an eternity, their lips came into contact. He brushed his lips over hers in small, excruciatingly innocent pecks, refusing to deepen the kiss. It was her move to make, but she never did. He could feel his body just begging him to grab her tighter and just crush her against the door and to hell with his male ego, but he fought the urge that was quickly becoming painfully obvious by the sudden lack of room in his pants.

‘Fluffy bunnies, funny fluffy bunnies. Don’t think about Spike, ignore Spike, don’t kiss back, think of fluffy funny bunnies… missing an eye.’ She ordered her body. But her resolve started to crumble as he slowly pushed her against the front door and pressed his entire body against hers. Her heart skipped a beat as she felt something hard pressing against her lower abdomen; his hand, which had until now rested on her lower back, came up around her side *accidentally* brushing over her breast as it made its way to her neck.

That was it! Her brain just went into hormone-induced overdrive automatically shutting down, letting her body take over. Her arms flew around him to grip the back of his neck as she parted her lips and slipped her tongue into his mouth.

Spike let out a surprised groan as their tongues ravenously brushed against each other. His arms instantly dropped to her thighs and scooped her off the floor, her nightgown hitching up to her waist as her legs quickly wrapped around him.

As they hungrily kissed and battled, breathing became an issue and Buffy pulled away for a quick intake of air, giving Spike just enough time to say with a cocky attitude:

“I knew you’d cave in. I just-“

“Shut up, Spike.” She mumbled before crushing his mouth with hers.

They returned to their heated kissing and soon she was pushing and pulling at his t-shirt. They broke the kiss just long enough to get the black fabric over his head, quickly coming back to claim each others mouths.

His fingers dug into her pale thighs with bruising force, leaving bright red marks as they moved over the tender skin there.

“Mmmm… “ Buffy hummed into his mouth as she tried to speak, but he wouldn’t let her go.

Eventually, she pulled back and pointed up the stairs.

“Bedroom…” She managed to breathe.

Spike nodded before pulling her for another hungry kiss.

“Mmm… Spike!” She insisted avoiding his mouth

“What?!” He asked in a haze.

“The bedroom… Put me down?”

After the few seconds that were needed to rewire his brain into coherent thought mode, he tilted his head and asked her with a serious tone:

“You’re not gonna change your mind are you?” He almost pleaded. “I mean, if you want to you can! It’s just that… “ He pouted slightly and gave her the lost puppy look as he begged: “Please don’t change your mind…”

She couldn’t help but smile as she shook her head.

“You sure?”

She nodded.

Apparently, satisfied with her answer he set her down on the floor.

“And they’ll be no answering the phone.” He suddenly remembered.

“I won’t answer the phone. We’ll just let it ring, even if it’s my mom telling me that she’s coming home.” She giggled as she made her way up the stairs.

“Ok, maybe we can answer the phone.” He changed his mind as he followed her.

Chapter 21

Author's Note: In this chapter there’s one scene which is partially taken form one of my all time favourite movies. Anyway, it’s just this one line which I just LOVE!!! So if you find something vaguely familiar about it, it’s because it’s from that movie. See if you can guess which one it is… You get a cookie if you do! ;)

The moment they entered the room and she closed the door behind her, she found herself being snagged into Spike’s arms. Never giving her a chance to say or do anything, he pulled her close, bringing his mouth over hers in for another bruising kiss. His fingers dug tunnels through her thick hair as he desperately tried to have her closer to him. He stumbled slightly backwards as she pressed her palms against his bare chest, anxiously pushing him toward the bed. He toppled onto the mattress with a loud thud, Buffy tumbling right after him causing him to exhale sharply. Her hands immediately scurried down from his chest to the buckle of his belt, nervously fumbling with it while he tugged and pulled at her long nightgown.

He let out a ragged breath when she managed to unbutton his pants and reached inside, much like she had done a few hours before. Her small hand instantly encircled him while she looked up to find him with his head thrown back, his mouth slightly opened as soft moans came from it as she began to slowly pump him.

He swallowed hard and tried to push back his emotions, returning to the task of getting her nightgown off, but it proved to be extremely challenging under her ministrations.

Looking up at the girl straddling him, he tried to ignore what she was doing to him as his shaking hands travelled from her calves up to her tanned thighs, tugging at the white fabric that covered them in the process. He paused being momentarily disconcerted by the feel of her warm tongue on his neck. After a few seconds, his fingers finally found their way to her back and slipped under her cotton panties, pulling them down. His eyes rolled back as she let her entire weight rest on his chest, her small breasts crushed against his so he could push the white fabric all the way down her soft legs.

As soon as they were off, Buffy sat up straight and proceeded with tugging at his pants. She struggled with his large combat boots but soon they too, along with the denims, were discarded to the floor near her underwear.

She was about to straddle him again when he quickly flipped her over to pin her, hovering over her, strong arms on either side of her to support his weight. One of his hands abandoned the mattress to travel over her shoulder, around the side of her ribcage, down her thighs to reach the edge of her nightgown.

She held her breath as he lazily made his way back up her legs, his fingertips now under the white material, caressing her skin until they reached her hipbone.

His right leg dipped between hers and pushed them apart, opening her up to his fingers which slowly came to crawl on the inside of her thighs.

She let out a hungry groan as she realised he was avoiding the part of her that most ached for his touch. She mentally scolded herself for her needy reaction as she looked upwards to find his trademark cocky grin on his lips. But before she could say anything, one long index finger found its way to the spot where her legs came together.

“Ah!” She breathed as he pushed her lips apart and slowly traced unrecognisable paths over her swollen flesh. “Please…” She hated herself for asking, but she couldn’t help it.

Her regret soon vanished as he plunged his finger into her core, causing her to instinctively arch her back off the mattress. She moaned under his touch and he had to use all of his strength to stop himself from just skipping the whole foreplay session and just take her right then and there. Instead, he leaned in and took her mouth in a hard and ravenous kiss, while his fingers continued to rub, caress and tease her. He almost lost control as he felt her moan against his lips. God, she made such delicious noises! They just drove him insane!

Without thinking, she spread her legs wider in a clear inviting sign; her hips thrusting against his hand with desperate urgency. But she needed more, she needed… Her trembling hand reached for his and pulled it away.

Spike abruptly stopped kissing her to look at her from under a worried frown:

“Did I hurt you? A-Are you ok? D-do you wanna-“

He stopped in mid sentence as her miniscule hand grabbed his cock and placed it at her entrance.

“Oh…” He realised as he brought his arms to rest on the mattress symmetrically to his other one and bent down to kiss her once again.

“Do you have… you know?” She nervously broke the kiss to ask.

Spike froze. ‘Damn it! How could I forget? Stupid!’

“I-I’m not sure.” He stuttered as he got off the bed and bent over to pick up his discarded pants.

He anxiously shoved his hands into the back pockets and took out his wallet.

“Could you turn on the light?” He asked. God, he hated this part.

It was just so awkward. If he did have a condom, she would probably think he thought she was easy and that he was expecting to get some. If he didn’t have one… well, he’d pretty much be pissed at himself for the rest of his life. He didn’t know which of the options he preferred.

When she turned on the lamp he immediately started to nervously dig through his wallet, pushing his fingers into every available compartment. He couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief as he found the blue and white wrapper. Well, he guessed he preferred the first option then.

Buffy inhaled sharply seeing him opening the small package to take out the piece of rubber inside and quickly looked away, her face flushed as he proceeded with slipping the condom on. She turned back to face him when she felt the mattress shift under his weight.

She lay back as he crawled over her, his hands coming to frame her face as he took his place between her legs. He bent down and lightly kissed her as he slowly lowered his hips, the tip of his cock pushing past her folds to slip inside.

“Bloody hell!” He groaned into the nape of her neck, his eyes rolling back, his mouth gaping open as her heat enveloped him. “…Cor, you’re so… Oh, God! So bloody… tight” He had to force the words out as he was suddenly out of breath.

Buffy’s eyes went wide as he entered her, feeling herself being stretched out to her limits, the sound of his low, hoarse voice making her skin tighten with goose bumps. A strange mixture of hungry desire and womanly pride ranging through her veins at the sight of him hopelessly moaning and incoherently babbling on top of her.

Pretty soon, she was the one mewling as he slowly started to glide in and out of her slick channel. She held her breath, feeling him move inside of her, in a slow steady pace at first, but it quickly grew in intensity and speed, as he plunged deeper and harder into her with each thrust.

Her hands flew to the back of his arms, clawing and scraping at them as the strange sensation grew inside of her. She had never felt anything like this and it was overwhelming the ease with which he made her feel it.

Spike moved faster and harder, pushing his hips forward to meet hers as he drove into her. She was so tight, so hot… better than anything he could have imagined. He swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he tried to focus on something other than the small creature moaning under him, clawing at his arms, his back. God, it seemed impossible! Closing his eyes he mumbled in his thoughts: ‘Think of something else! Think of something else you wanker, or this is definitely not going to last. Bad things! Lifetime without smoking, being naked in front of the whole student body, seeing my da naked, my da having-“

“Ah!” Her cry of pleasure broke through his cloud of thoughts and he found himself on the verge of… ‘If she keeps making those sexy noises and wiggling under me, I’m not-‘

He let out a deep groan as one of her hands came to cup his ass, his eyes shooting wide open to stare down at her. He almost came at the mere sight of her. She was flushed, her eyes shut, her neck arched back, exposing her beautiful neck to him, her mouth opening and closing as she panted wildly.

“Spike… Don’t stop… please, don’t stop… please… God, this is so-”

Spike’s hand came to cover her mouth.

“Please...” He begged her breathless as he continued to thrust into her. “Luv… don’t… I can’t- Ouch!” He cried out as he felt her bite into the palm of his hand. “Bloody hell-“

“Stop calling me that!” She grumbled slapping him across the arm.

“What?” He asked frozen inside of her.

“Luv and pet and… Betty.” The last word came out dripping with repressed anger. “I know it’s hard to remember my name with all the-“

He smiled and lowered himself to softly whisper in her ear:

“I know your name, Buffy.”

She froze at the sound of her own name on his lips. It felt so… Her mind stopped functioning as he restarted moving inside of her, pushing in and out of her in an excruciatingly slow pace as his teeth captured her earlobe and lightly nibbled at it.

Her legs hooked behind his knees as she felt herself growing tighter with each stroke. Her eyes shot open when she felt him sneak his hand between their bodies and… what was he- Oh God that felt…

“Ah, Spike… What are you…? Oh, God…” She mumbled. “I… never… Ah!” She cried out feeling the energy that had been building in her core shoot out to course through her entire body, making her arch her back off the mattress and she bucked uncontrollably.

“Bloody hell, Buffy… so tight! Buffy…” He growled, felling her inner muscles clamp down around him and thrusting hard into her a couple more times before he let himself come.

He collapsed on top of her in a pool of sweat, pulling ragged breaths from his lungs as he finally came down from his orgasm. When her soft moan reached his ears though, he forced his weight onto his forearms and stared down at the flushed girl laying under him.

“Are you ok?” He managed to ask between pants.

She simply nodded as her breathing prevented her from saying a word.

Slowly, he slipped out of her warm channel and rolled over to lie on his back next to her. They stared at the ceiling in silence, their combined gasps being the only thing breaking the stillness.

Buffy felt her heart race in her chest when he shifted on the bed turning his back to her. ‘What is he doing? Is he just gonna turn over and sleep? Why that little- Oh!’ She stopped her mental bashing as she realised what he was doing. ‘Condom… right.’

She calmed down when, out of the corner of her eyes, she saw him turn on his side, facing her. ‘Oh God! I think I liked it better with the turning away.’ She thought as he stared intensely at her. Swallowing hard she dared to look at him.

“So…” He started in a low, husky voice.

‘Oh God, what a voice!’ She suddenly noticed how every time he spoke she felt the goose bumps on her flesh grow.

“That was…” He tried to make conversation.

“…amazing!” It was out of her mouth before she could help it.

A proud smile curled his lips.

“Thanks, luv-Buffy!” He corrected himself in time as he swung his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him.

She slowly turned towards him, burying her face in his chest and inhaling his scent. Man, he even smelled good after all the sweating!

Seeing her close her eyes, he reached for the lamp on the nightstand and turned it off, the moon being the only source of light in the entire room. Slowly, the two drifted into sleep as Spike lazily drew small circles on her cotton covered back.


He let the smoke whirl around in his lungs for a long time before he exhaled. He leaned on the porch and looked dazed at the cars that passed by. Taking one last puff from his cigarette, he dropped the butt to the floor and crushed it with his boots before entering the house. He bent down for a moment picking up his balled up duster and shirt and jogged up the stairs.

A soft smile spread over his lips at the sight of Buffy’s sleeping form. Quickly, he discarded all of his clothes and slipped into bed, spooning against her.

Buffy awoke, under the covers, to the wonderful feeling of long warm arms entangled around her, a lean, hard body pressed against her back. Instinctively, she pushed her hips backwards trying to stretch out. A low growl reached her ears as she felt something harder poke her behind.

“Morning, pet.” A deep, manly voice breathed in her ear sending shivers down her back.

“Morning!” She answered with a sleep filled voice.

She felt her heart start to race as the memories of what had happened the night before dawned on her. ‘Oh, my God! I had sex with Spike! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!’

The feel of him drawing lazy circles over her cotton-covered belly broke through her incessant mantra. He slowly pressed against her back; the arm he had flung over her waist tightening around her while his free hand came to push her hair away from her neck. He snuggled his nose into the tender flesh there before his tongue darted out to lick her all the way up to her earlobe.

Without thinking, she let out a moan, her hand resting over his as their fingers entangled together. Her heat pounded wildly as she slowly guided his hand from her stomach over to her breast, encouraging him to cup the soft mound. He growled into her ear, squeezing it lightly as he pushed his hips into her backside, showing her hard evidence of the effect she had on him.

His hands abandoned her breast to travel downwards and pull at her nightgown before dipping between her thighs; long fingers pushing her moist lips apart to rub against the small bundle of nerves hidden there.

He bit into her earlobe as she squeezed her legs together preventing him from moving.

“It’s late…” She moaned looking at the alarm-clock on her nightstand through hooded eyes. “My mom…”

“She said she’d be late…” He mewled.

“But…” She tried to protest but her body seemed to have other ideas as her legs relaxed giving him room to move. “… she might…” Her mind drew a complete blank as she felt him drive his finger into her soaked entrance.

He slowly pushed in and out of her, the palm of his hand rubbing against her clit as he moved. His arm awkwardly tried to pull her nightgown upwards to uncover her back, without abandoning his ministrations. After a few tries he was successful.

Buffy struggled for breath when she felt him press against her ass, his hard member easily slipping between her cheeks to rest at her drenched entrance. A moment of clarity flashed in her mind and she managed to whimper as she felt him try to push himself into her:


Spike groaned but immediately stopped.

“Do you have another one?” She felt the flush travel up her neck to flood her cheek.

“Bloody hell!” He cursed at himself and then turned to her with a weak voice: “No… that was the only one.”

Buffy let out a disappointed mewl.

“Don’t you have one?”

He felt his heart skip a beat when she shook head.

“Your mom?”

“Ew! No!” She immediately exclaimed twisting her face for a disgusted look.

“Just asking… I mean if she’s been going out-“

“Spike, you’re ruining any chance of getting laid today.” Buffy grumbled turning her head to face him.

“Is that so?” He asked cocking his scarred eyebrow as he moved his hand which still rested between her legs and pushed inside her again.

“Ah…” She moaned closing her eyes at the feeling.

He slowly crawled down her back, trailing soft kisses over her exposed skin. Buffy groaned when he slipped his hand away from her core causing him to smile into her flesh as his lips brushed around her waist to find her lower abdomen, turning her to lie on her back.

Buffy’s eyes grew wide when she realised what he was planning on doing. She looked down to find his platinum head move lower along her body until it was kissing the inside of her thighs.

“No… Spike…” She hesitated. “I don’t like… that.” She managed to say in a low voice.

Spike’s head popped up between her legs with a furrowed brow.

“You don’t like this?” He asked confused.

“No…” She answered shyly.

“Has anyone ever done it to you?” He continued to question, unaware of her unease on the subject.

“Of course! I wouldn’t say I didn’t like it if I hadn’t tried it.” The embarrassment of the situation quickly grew into anger.

“Are you sure? Cause most girls love-“ He started with a wicked tone.

“I’m not most girls!” She cut him off. The rage boiled inside of her at the thought of him doing that to any other girl. She started to sit up straight, shoving him away with her legs, but he was quicker, snaking his arms around her thighs and pushing them down against the mattress.

“No need to go into ‘gnashing mode’ on me.” He said with a cocky smirk.

“I’m not going into ‘gnashing mode’!” She grumbled pulling her nightgown downward to cover the apex of her thighs, her hand tucking the fabric against her core. “Now let me go!” She tried to pull her legs free from his grip but failed.

He pouted slightly, looking up at her from under heavy eyelids.

“Just for a while…” He started running his lips on the inside of her thighs. “If you don’t like it…” His mouth moved upwards until it reached her hand which was still resting between her legs. “I’ll stop…” He finished taking her pinkie into his mouth and suckling lightly.

“No…” Her denial came out feeble as she unconsciously moved her hand away.

Slowly, he let his nose glide over the inside of her thighs until it reached the edge of her nightgown. He dipped under it, pulling it up slightly with the help of one of his hands.

Buffy held her breath as she waited, her weight resting on her forearms. She let out a muffled cry when she finally felt his tongue dart out to lick her outer lips. Her entire body contracted in anticipation when she saw him move closer, his tongue pushing her soft folds apart then, suddenly:

“Buffy! Are you home, honey?”

Her mom’s voice carried through the hall and past her door.

“Oh my God! My mom!” Buffy squealed. “Quick, hide!” She ordered as the bleached teen quickly disentangled himself from her legs and stood up looking for his clothes.

“Honey! Is Spike here?”

“How does your mom know I’m here?” Spike stopped dressing for a second to look up at Buffy with a frown.

“How the hell should I know? Now get dressed!” She ordered. Her heart stopped in her throat when she heard her mother’s footsteps come closer and closer and then the doorknob slowly turned.

‘Oh, my God!’

Author's Note: Thanks to Ali my wonderful Beta-mom for betaing this fic and for supporting it! ;)


Chapter 22

Mrs. Summers never knew what hit her. Suddenly, out of the blue, her daughter materialised before her.

“Buffy!” She exclaimed surprised.

“Hey, mom!” The blonde teen replied over enthusiastically while at the same time awkwardly trying to close the door behind her. “You’re home early!” She continued, with a plastic smile on her face.

“Early? It’s 12 o’clock.” Mrs. Summers frowned.

“Oh… Yeah, b-but you said you weren’t coming home for lunch.” Buffy stuttered, anxiously digging her nails into the palm of her left hand.

“I missed you.” Mrs. Summers gave her daughter a sweet smile before asking: “Why are you still in your nightgown?”

“Hum…” Buffy looked down at herself. “I stayed up late watching movies.” She lied.

“Oh, is Spike here?”

Buffy froze at the question. To lie or not to lie… Hum… Let’s play it safe:

“Why do you think that?”

“I saw his car parked out front.” The older woman answered tilting her head towards the lower level of the house.

“Oh…” Buffy nodded slightly, but then frowned: “How’d you know that was Spike’s a car?”

It was Mrs. Summers’ turn to blush and stammer nervously:

“I-I… I just assumed. A car parked in our driveway and you and Spike being so close lately.” She tilted her head slightly and held her breath waiting for her daughter’s reaction.

“Oh… Well… yes it's Spike’s car.” Buffy answered vaguely.

“So he’s here? In there?” Mrs. Summers waved a finger toward the bedroom door.

“Yes… He’s… hum… He was… hum…” Her daughter struggled for an explanation and suddenly blurted out: “He was upset and needed to talk… you know. Teen stuff! Emotional problems, identity crises and all that… teen stuff!”

“Is he having problems at school? With the rest of the students?” Mrs. Summers questioned worriedly.

“Yes!” Buffy lifted her hand towards her mother. “That’s exactly it! He’s been having problems with the guys.” She blabbed in relief.

“Is it because of Angel?”

Buffy froze up again.

“Angel?!” She repeated wide-eyed.

“You know… Angel and he…” Mrs. Summers awkwardly tried to hint.

“Hum…” Buffy’s mind raced. ‘What the hell is she talking about? Does she know about Dru? How?’ “Yes…” She finally opted.

“Oh, Buffy I’m so sorry. Poor thing, he must feel awful.”

“Well… yes.” Buffy was still kind of edgy with the direction the conversation was taking. Since when did her mother know about the whole Dru and Angel story?

“I mean, being hurt by the person you love.” Mrs. Summers continued to sympathise and Buffy continued to nod under a furrowed brow. “You know honey… Boys at your age feel very threatened by people like Spike… they don’t understand it yet, and that might make them act… wrongly towards Spike.”

Now Buffy was lost. What the *hell* was her mother talking about? To play it safe she simply proceeded with looking intently at her mother, silently listening to every word.

“Angel will eventually learn how to deal with Spike… a-and Spike will find someone else… Someone worthy of his affection.”

‘Oh. My. God! My mom thinks Spike is in love with ANGEL? Oh, my God, oh, my God! Breathe, Buffy! Breathe!’ She commanded herself.

“But it’s good that he has someone like you to talk to.” Mrs. Summers reached out to caress her daughter’s suddenly pale cheek. “Well, I’ll be downstairs if you need me.”

Buffy watched unmoving as her mother walked down the stairs. She snapped out of her daze a few moments later and turned around to enter her bedroom.

“So? Are we dead yet?” Spike anxiously asked. He was now fully dressed, except for his duster and shirt which were still bundled up on the floor.

“Not yet.” Buffy answered calmly, with a strange sparkle in her eyes.

“What happened?” Spike insisted as he watched the blonde girl slowly walk over to her bed and sit on it.

“My mom…” She started with a mischievous smile on her lips.


“She thinks… hum… how do I put this in a way that will not bruise your fragile male ego?”

“Summers!” Spike angrily exclaimed as the waiting began to dig into him.

“She thinks you’re in love with Angel and that Angel hates you!” She blurted out with a peppy tone as she cocked her head sideways. She had to swallow back the chuckles as she saw the bleached teen turn various shades of purple before crying out:


“She thinks you’re suffering from the gay blues because of your unrequited *love* for Angel.” She let the L sound roll off her tongue in a childish tease.

“What?!” He repeated, still frozen in place, eyes wide and mouth gapping open.

“Hum… Honey? We just covered the ‘what’ part, remember?” She mocked with fake concern.

“Your mom thinks I’m in love with that wanker?” He finally snapped out of his lethargic state of mind.

“Yep!” She smacked her lips together for the P sound as she lay back on the bed, resting on her forearms.

“With that wanker?”

She nodded.

“Personally I thought you would be more concerned with the fact that my mom actually thinks you’re gay, and not with the particular detail that you want Angel to be your hot, sex slave.” She continued to joke, but regretted it when she saw the fierce look in his eyes.

She yelped when suddenly he was on her. His hands rested on her shoulders, pushing them gruffly against the mattress, his chest crushing hers making it almost impossible to breathe.

“I thought I made it clear who I wanted to be my hot, sex slave last night.” He snarled, running his tongue over his teeth.

Buffy caught her breath as his knee brusquely pushed between hers, forcing her to spread her legs. His hand never gave her the opportunity to make a move as it snaked under her nightgown, hitching it up to quickly find her core; expert fingers parted her lips, roughly caressing the tender nub they found.

Buffy’s eyes widened her mouth opening to let out a ragged moan.

“Maybe mommy dearest would change her mind if she heard you scream out my name right now.” He purred in her ear as his hand continued to work on her.

Buffy moved her lips trying to speak, somehow the sound refused to come out. Eventually she managed to whimper:

“Spike… don’t… Ah!” She arched off the mattress as he drove one long finger into her.

“Don’t what, pet?” He asked with a lascivious tone.

Buffy struggled with the words as she felt him move inside of her, exploring and rubbing just the right spot.

“Don’t what?” He repeated this time with a less cocky voice as his own desire grew at the mere sight of her contorting under his touch.

“My mother… please… Spike… Ah!” Her trembling hand travelled down her body to reach his, still buried between her legs.

She pathetically pulled at it, not really wanting the feeling to stop.

“Please stop… please…”

She gasped when he actually pulled out of her and sat up on the mattress. Shaking her head slightly, she droopily propped herself up on her forearms. She expected him to have that annoying smirk on his face but instead, she found him looking at her under hooded eyelids.

“Better stop now. Don’t think I could if we took it any further.” He said with a faltering voice as he stood up.

Buffy sat up straight on the bed, tugging her nightgown down to cover her legs as she pulled them against her chest. They stayed in silence for a while, until Spike broke it.

“So…” He started awkwardly. “What are we going to do on Monday?”

Oh, God! The talk. They were having the morning after talk. She wasn’t ready for the talk, not now that her hormones were still raging inside of her.

“I-I don’t know… what do you want to do?” She threw the ball into his side of the court, forcing him to make a decision.

“I don’t know, either.” Spike shrugged sitting down at the chair next to her desk.

Silence filled the room again. Bad, extremely uncomfortable silence. Suddenly, Buffy stood up and started pacing around the room in front of him.

“Do you wanna…” She began. God, this was hard! Why was this hard? “… I don’t know? Do you wanna…” She exhaled sharply, letting her arms fall to her sides. “What do you wanna do?”

“I don’t know.” He shrugged again.

“You don’t know. So whatever I choose is fine by you?” A hint of anger started to creep in her voice.

“No… it’s just… It’s not like I planned this!” He sighed waving his hand at the bed.

“Fine! You know what? We’ll just go back to whatever we were doing before.” She hissed as she continued to walk around in circles. “We’ll pretend like none of this happened and-“

She stopped in mid sentence as she turned around to find him towering in front of her.

“No.” He said in a low, angry voice.

She looked up at him, swallowing as she waited for him to say something. She watched as he closed his eyes for a second, trying to gather himself, when he opened them again shaky fingers came to brush over her cheek.

“I don’t want to pretend it never happened.” He whispered.

Suddenly, a light knock on the door was heard. The two teens immediately jumped away from each other just as Mrs. Summers’ head popped in.

“Hey! Hi, Spike.” She greeted.

“Hey, Mrs. Summers.” He responded with little enthusiasm.

“I ordered pizza.” Turning to Spike she added: “You’re having lunch with us, right?” She asked.

“Hum…” He looked at Buffy, trying to read her expression. He was about to answer when she stepped in:

“Yes, mom.”

“Ok, pizza should be here any minute.”

“We’ll be down in a second.”

Mrs. Summers gave them a light smile before closing the door.

Spike turned to look at Buffy as she nervously twirled her hair.

“Well… I better get dressed and… hum… take a shower.”

“Yeah… right.” He nodded awkwardly as he watched her move towards her wardrobe and take out a grey robe before closing it.

Her feet found their way into the fluffy bunny-shaped slippers she had been wearing the night before and she slowly walked towards the door.

“You can go downstairs to watch TV. I know how you love our cable.” She gave him a soft smile and left the room.


She rushed down the stairs, her wet hair framing her flushed face as she entered the kitchen.

“Hey!” She greeted a bit nervous.

Spike looked up from his cup of hot chocolate to stare at her. She was wearing old, worn out jeans and a red turtleneck sweater. His eyes widened as his stomach turned, it felt like he had a thousand butterflies flying around in it. Glancing at Mrs. Summers he quickly looked back down into the mug he held between his hands.

Buffy sat down on the stool next to Spike and nervously tapped her fingers on the counter.

“So… Did you have fun last night, Buffy?” Her mother asked when she finished putting away the groceries she’d bought on her way home.

Buffy swallowed hard and glanced at Spike for a second but he was still immersed in staring into his cup of chocolate.

“Yeah, it was fun.” She answered anxiously.


A ringing sound found its way into the kitchen.

“That would be the pizza. Be right back.”

And with that the older woman walked away leaving the two teens alone.

“Did you throw away the… thingy?” Buffy immediately asked.

“What thingy?” The Brit asked with a frown.

“My mom cleaned up my room and made my bed. Please tell me you threw out the…” She leaned in and whispered. “… the condom.”

A smirk settle over Spike’s lips as he answered:

“Don’t worry, luv. I was the one who made your bed. You’re mom stayed down here the whole time. Left my duster and shirt in a plastic bag under your bed. You gotta give me a backpack later to take them home without your mom noticing. And yes, I did take care of the…” He came closer to her, mimicking her actions in a jokingly manner: “…condom.”

“You made my bed?” Buffy asked surprised, ignoring his mocking.


“You made my bed?” She repeated still not convinced.

“Yeah, what of it?”

“Nothing… It’s just so s…”

“Pizza’s here!” Mrs. Summers walked into the kitchen carrying two family-sized pizza boxes.

“Mom, why did you order so much. We’re never going to be able to eat that.” Buffy protested, self-consciously rubbing her stomach; it was still a little queasy as a result of her alcohol binge.

“Nonsense, of course we are. Now eat up.”



One heavy arm was flung out from under the covers to hit the irritating alarm clock into silence.

Buffy groaned as she sat up on the bed. She really hated Mondays. Especially the Mondays she had to go to school and face… Spike! Her heart raced at the thought of finding him in the halls. What was she supposed to do? Kiss him hello? Not kiss him? Ignore him? What? And if they did kiss, were they kissing because of the deal they had between them or was it something else?

“God, this is extremely frustrating!” She growled as she walked into the bathroom.


‘Hum… History class. Good old, boring as hell but safely Spikeless history class.’ She thought to herself as she tapped her pencil on her desk.

She had successfully avoided the dreaded encounter between them. It wasn’t as if she was hiding from him or anything. She was just intent on walking very quickly through the halls without looking up… ever again. She just wanted to get to class in time. ‘Right, keep telling yourself that…’

She felt her heart slam against her chest when the bell rang.

‘Oh, my God! I’ve got English next! Damn it!’ She grumbled mentally as she stood up and started shoving her books into her backpack.

“You ready?” Willow asked, coming to lean on the desk next to Buffy’s.

“Just a second.” She replied, throwing her pad into the large bag and flinging it over her shoulder.

The two teens walked out of the class together and down the hall. Buffy stopped dead in her tracks when she saw him. He was leaning against her locker, his eyes scanning the crowd, clearly looking for something or… someone. She didn’t know why, but the sight of him eagerly turning his head left and right, possibly looking for… her, made her throat close up, her heart rapidly race in her chest and in her stomach… ‘Oh my God! I’m having butterflies in my stomach over Spike? Since when? Oh right, since the scorching hot sex we had.’

She inhaled sharply and continued to walk towards her locker. ‘Time for the moment of truth!’ She thought as she reached him.

“Hey!” He jumped off the locker when he saw her.

“Hey, yourself.” She said with a smile trying to mask the panicky feeling that seemed to be eating her alive.

She watched out of the corner of her eyes and waited for him to move.

Spike took a step closer and she felt her heart jump to her throat. ‘Is he gonna kiss me hello?’ She thought hopeful.

But suddenly, he moved away and leaned back on the locker. He was about to say something when he felt a heavy hand come down on his back.

“Hey, bleach boy!” Xander’s enthusiastic tone carried through the entire hall.

“Hey, whelp.” Spike grumbled, his eyes never leaving the small girl that was now opening her locker.

“And how is our little Buffy? Hang over free?” Xander mocked.

“Don’t start, Xander.” Buffy answered with a little too much anger in her tone.

“Oh!” Xander put up his hands in a clear sign of surrender.

“She doesn’t want to talk about it.” Willow piped up.

“Thanks for the heads up, Will.” The brown haired boy replied sarcastically.

Buffy pushed her locker closed and leaned on it. She felt her stomach turn and the anger start to boil up inside of her. ‘He wants to ignore it? Fine. By. Me.’ She thought as she pressed her lips together.

“Hey, guys.” Oz showed up worming his arms around Willow’s waist before giving her cheek a light peck.

That only served to heighten Buffy’s growing rage.

“Hey, Oz. Buffy doesn’t want to talk about it.” Xander quickly warned him.

Oz simply gave him a nod and continued in silence.

“Where’s Cordelia?” Willow asked.

“Cheerleading practice. Big practice for big homecoming match.” Xander rubbed his hands together. “Are you guys going to the game? Please tell me you’re going to the game. I need company.” Xander practically begged.

“Xander, you know we hate going to the games.” Willow protested.

“Yeah, but it’s homecoming and… Cordy is gonna kill me if I’m not there to see her shake her moneymaker.” Xander explained with a pleading tone. “I thought this year you guys were gonna come, what with Buffy dating the star quarterback and all, but then there was the whole… hum…” Xander came to a conflicting stop, his mind racing to find a way to avoid the sensitive subject. One glance at the blonde duo gave him a clear message - nope, there was no way to avoid it, not now. He was dead meat, especially with the evil looks Buffy was currently throwing him. “You know what? Better not go to the game at all. Be my own man. Show Cordy who’s the boss in this relationship.” He suddenly changed the direction of the conversation, inflating his chest to hysterical proportions as he tugged at his jeans, pulling them upwards in a highly manly fashion. “Yep! I’m no woman’s man.” He frowned a little. “Ok, that sounded wrong. Worked much better for the bald Scottish chic.”

Willow’s brown furrowed.

“It’s from Sinead O’Connor’s song ‘No man’s woman’.” Oz explained before turning to Xander and adding: “And I think she’s Irish.”

“Oh! Good thing I have my musically-skilled boyfriend to help me out with the obscure song references.” Willow said giddily giving Oz a quick peck on the lips.

“She’s Irish?” Xander frowned. “Are you sure?”

“Pretty sure.” Oz replied monotonically.

As the debate went on, Spike desperately tried to catch Buffy’s attention, throwing various ‘what did I do wrong’ glances at her in a feeble attempt to find some eye-contact; Buffy simply crossed her arms over her chest and angrily stared at the floor. Everyone was oblivious to the tension building between the two of them as Spike nervously inched closer to her.

“Irish, huh?” Xander repeated. “I just saw the Behind the Music on Sinead O’Connor last night and she had like this weird accent. She’s gotta be Scottish.”

“The Irish have the weird accent too. Not the same, but still weird.” Oz replied.

“Are you-“

“Fascinating conversation guys, but I really have to go to class.” Buffy cut Xander off, letting her hands drop to her hips.

“The bell hasn’t even rung yet.” Willow noted.

“Buffy, you’re not becoming Miss ‘Responsible, have to be on time every time goody-two-shoes’, are you?” Xander asked cocking up an eyebrow.

“Yeah, that’s my role, remember? You’re the funny-hot-chic; *I’m* the funny-nerdy-chic.” Willow half whined.

Buffy was about to speak when she felt Spike’s hand worm its way around hers. She froze; her heart pounding erratically as he ran his thumb over her skin for a subtle caress.

“Hum… I…” She drew a blank, all of her nerve endings focusing on the circular motion of his finger.

Thankfully, the school bell rang and she was snapped out of it.

“We better go luv, don’t want to get on Mrs. Kennedy’s bad side.” Spike uttered tilting his head.

“What? Hum… Yeah… Right.” She mumbled confused.

“Bye, guys. See you later.” Spike called out as he walked down the hall dragging a stunned Buffy by the hand.


Chapter 23

Buffy nervously tapped her pencil on her desk as she rapidly skimmed through the pages of her textbook. Occasionally, she’d throw a glance at the bleached teen sitting next to her, but she’d quickly look back down to bury her gaze in the small black letters in front of her.

They hadn’t spoken a word after they had left the gang to head for class. They’d simply walked down the hall; her small hand wrapped in his until they reached their destination and entered the room to take their seats.

Buffy jumped up when she felt something lightly brush over her shoulder.

Spike immediately retracted the offending hand and looked at her from under a frown:

“Are you ok, Summers?” He asked.

“I-I’m fine.” She quickly answered staring back down at her book.

The bell rang causing her to jolt up again.

“Oh, you’re just fine.” Spike mocked sarcastically in a low voice as all the students around them started standing and packing their things.

‘God, this is so weird. What the hell is this?’ Buffy wondered closing her book and placing it in her backpack. Standing up, she continued her mental babbling: ‘Is this like official? Are we dating? Or is this just… What the *hell* is this? What are-‘

Buffy’s thoughts froze as she felt a strong arm worm itself around her waist. She looked up to see Spike picking up his notepad and pencil before glancing at her.

“Ready?” He asked.

He looked so at ease, so comfortable. Maybe he knew what the hell it was that they had between them. Buffy swallowed hard and nodded before they walked out of the classroom together.

“So, are you gonna tell me why you’re all jumpy?” He questioned, tilting his head as he looked at her.

It took a while for Buffy to process the information as her mind still dwelled on the thumb that was hooked on her denim skirt and the arm, which came attached to it.

“Sorry, I didn’t hear- Ah!” She cried out as someone crashed straight into them.

When she regained her balance she looked down to see Andrew on the floor, desperately trying to scramble up to his feet.

“Are you ok?” Spike asked Buffy. When she nodded, he turned his attention to the nerdy boy that had already managed to stand up.

When he finished gathering his things, Andrew looked up at the blonde couple; a hint of fear in his eyes.

“I-I’m sorry- I didn’t mean to- I’m- I-I was running and I-“ He stuttered wildly.

“It’s ok. Don’t worry.” Buffy quickly reassured him. She frowned when she saw the fear in Andrew’s eyes was mostly directed at Spike. Her gaze travelled from the one boy to the other, trying to decipher what ever it was that they were silently communicating through their eyes.

Suddenly, Andrew was off, running through the crowd of teenagers, leaving a stunned Buffy behind. She looked up to find Spike still looking into the distance, after Andrew.

“What was that all about?” She questioned.

That seemed to snap Spike out of his thoughts. Shaking his head he looked down at Buffy and shrugged:

“Beats me, luv.”

Buffy furrowed her brow, not convinced by his answer. She was about to say something when he wormed his fingers between hers taking her hand into his and pulling her down the hall.


Xander dropped his tray on the table and let out a frustrated groan.

“Meatloaf! Yummy!” He said with fake enthusiasm.

“God! That thing looks like it’s been rotting for weeks.” Cordelia said disgusted as she brought her hand to cover her mouth.

“I know this is gonna sound very weird, but I’m gonna say it anyway.” Willow warned. “I agree with Cordy.”

“Well, I’m hungry. I can’t just eat a bar of chocolate like you two.” He said pointing at Willow and Cordelia with his fork before digging into his food.

“Hey guys!” Buffy greeted as she and Spike took their seat on the table.

“You guys are risking eating that?” Cordelia asked pointing at Buffy and Spike’s plates.

“Don’t have a choice. Didn’t eat breakfast.” Buffy shrugged and inhaled sharply before picking up her fork. She jumped up when she felt someone kick her under the table.

She frowned and looked up at Spike when she realised the pleasantry had come from him. He simply glared at her with a semi-angry look.

“What?!” She quipped.

“You’re too skinny. You gotta eat better.” He mumbled before shovelling a piece of the meatloaf into his mouth.

Buffy frowned, but inside a tingling feeling took over her stomach. ‘He’s worried about my eating habits?’

“Where’s Oz?” Spike asked between bites.

“Rehearsing for the party on Saturday.” Willow answered brightly.

“Party?” Buffy questioned.

“Homecoming?” Xander tried to remind her.

“What about homecoming?” The petite blond continued in the dark.

“The party that Cordy gives every year after the homecoming dance. This year we get to go, since I’m dating the beautiful hostess.” Xander explained as he leaned in to give the brunette sitting next to him a quick peck on the cheek.

“And Oz’s band is playing.” Willow quickly added enthusiastically.

“Oh… right.”

“I really don’t feel like going to the dance. I mean, who thinks of those horrible decorations?” Cordelia cringed at the thought. “But I guess I have to be there to accept my crown.” She sighed audibly.

“Don’t worry, honey. It’s not your fault you’re so damn sexy.” Xander winked at her.

Buffy stared blindly at her plate, her face cringing at the sight of the ungodly mush.

“Quit shoving your food around and eat.” Spike said noticing she had barely eaten anything.

“Suddenly, I’m not that hungry.” She grumbled pushing her tray away from her.

“You have to-“ The Brit started but Buffy quickly cut him off.

“Spike! Forget it, I’m not eating *that*.” She said pointing at her plate with disdain.

“Buffy-“ Spike stopped in mid sentence when he felt someone run a finger down his chiselled cheek.

Everyone’s jaw practically fell off when they turned to see Dru leaning on the table right next to Spike.

After the initial shock, the bleached teen lightly nodded as he muttered:


“Missed you at the Bronze on Friday. You took off so quickly. You silly bad boy. You know you shouldn’t run out on a girl like that.” She looked at him from under hooded eyes as she lightly slapped him on the forearm, her fingers lingering there afterwards.

“Hum… Sorry bout that, I…” Spike trailed off and simply started up at her.

“Well, I hope you don’t do that again at the Homecoming dance. I would be very-“

“Hey! Vapid ho! You wanted something?” Buffy’s angered tone cut her off.

“Oh… Hi, Buffy.” Dru practically spat the blonde’s name, giving her a dirty look. “I didn’t see you there.”

“Yeah, well - I’m here.” Buffy put on a plastic smile and tilted her head at the black haired girl.

Dru looked her up and down and then turned her attentions back to the teen next to her, ignoring Buffy.

“So, Spike… About homecoming…”

Buffy’s hand came flying out of nowhere and Dru suddenly found herself covered in a brownish mush which slowly dripped its way down her long raven hair.

“Buffy!” Spike quickly jumped to his feet.

“Oh, my God!” Dru cried out in horror as she desperately tried to get the thick, slimy mixture out of her hair.

“Buffy, what are you doing?” Spike asked as he awkwardly tried to help Dru by handing her all the available napkins.

“I’m doing what she was asking for.” Buffy growled as she began reaching for her tray once again.

Spike caught her action out of the corner of his eye and snatched her wrist in a tight grip.

“Stop it!” He ordered.

Buffy looked up at him in disbelief.

“You’re taking *her* side?”

“Buffy, I-“

She never gave him a chance to answer. With a violent move of her hand she freed herself from his grip and marched out of the cafeteria.


Buffy furiously stomped her feet on the floor as she walked her way home. Four hours had passed since the cafeteria *incident* but she could still feel her blood boiling in her veins. ‘He took her side! I can’t believe he took her side. Bastard!’ She cursed him in her mind as she turned into Revello Drive. She was shoving her hand into the pocket of her backpack to grip the keys when she looked up to find *his* car parked in her driveway. She stopped dead in her tracks as the rage made her stomach turn. She took in a deep breath and continued to walk towards her house.

She ignored him when she saw him exit the car and start moving towards her.

“Buffy!” He called out when she walked past him and jogged up the steps of the front porch.

Angrily, she shoved the keys into the lock, blocking out his words, entering and quickly slamming the door in his face.

“Ow!” She heard him howl as the wood hit him right in the nose. “Bloody hell!” He grumbled opening the door and entering the house. “Summers!” He called out again.

But she refused to acknowledge him, climbing to her room, taking the steps two at a time while he quickly followed her. She entered her room and proceeded to do the same thing she had done with the front door of the house, but this time he was prepared, bringing his foot up to keep the wood from crashing into his face.

“We have to talk.” He stared.

“Do you mind? I’m trying to get dressed here!” She grumbled taking off her shoes.

“Oh, sorry!” He mumbled, quickly stepping out of the room and closing the door behind him.

He stood outside for what seemed like an eternity.

“Pet, are you done yet?” He asked exasperated, but had no answer. “Summers…?”

Once more there was silence. He swallowed hard and slowly moved to open the door, sneaking his head in. He frowned when he found her lying on the bed, idly flipping through a magazine, wearing the exact same clothes she had for school that day, minus her shoes.

“I thought you were getting dressed.”

“I was.”

“Then why are you wearing the same clothes?” He asked annoyed.

“They’re not the same. They just look the same.” She quipped skimming through the pages, never bothering to look up.

“You did it again.” He finally realised as he remembered her using the same ‘I’m getting undressed’ trick a few days before.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” She replied apparently completely oblivious to him.

Spike sighed audibly, closing the door behind him and moving towards the bed.

“We need to talk.” He repeated.

“There’s nothing to talk about.” She said with a forced smile, her eyes still buried between the pages.

“There isn’t?”

“Nope.” She let the magazine drop to the floor as she stood up. “You’re an idiot.” She continued with a fake good humour as she walked around him and exited her room.

“I’m an idiot?” He asked raising an eyebrow as he followed her.

She never answered, simply went down the stairs and into the kitchen.

“And pray tell, why am I an idiot?” He questioned as he leaned on the doorframe.

Buffy chuckled sarcastically as she took out a glass and poured orange juice into it.

“You shouldn’t have done it.” Spike tried to rationalize.

She took a sip from the juice and proceeded with ignoring him as she walked out of the kitchen and into the living room.

He groaned and rolled his eyes, searching for control as he trailed after her to find her sitting on the couch, flipping trough the channels.

“Summers, why are you acting this way?”

That did it. The anger which had been bobbling up in her finally spilled into her angered words:

“You took *her* side!” She cried out glaring daggers at him before looking back to the TV set.

“What was I supposed to do? Just let you pour your entire lunch down Dru’s shirt?” He exclaimed.

“That was an option.” She muttered between clenched teeth as her angry finger violently punched the buttons on the remote, her narrowed eyes glaring at the images coming from the TV.

“Buffy, will you just look at me? I’m trying to talk.” He exhaled.

“I don’t *want* to talk.” She replied, never so much as giving him a glance.

Suddenly, Spike snatched the remote from her hands and turned off the TV.

“Well, I do.” He growled.

“Give me that!” She ordered outstretching her hand.

“After we talk this through you can watch telly for as long as you bloody please. But now *we* are gonna talk about his.” He growled at her.

She stared angrily at him before standing up.

“Well you can just forget-“ She was yanked back down and forced to sit by Spike’s strong grip on her forearm.

“Buffy!” He snarled.

“Fine! Talk all you want. I’m not listening.” She replied crossing her arms over her chest.

“Will you stop acting like the spoiled little brat you are and just tell me what’s going on?”

“You took her side. *That’s* what going on! Why the hell are you even here? I’d think you’d be with the anorexic vampire wannabe right about now.” She started as she stood up and began walking about in the room.

“What are you talking about? I just did what I thought was the right thing. You were out of line, Buffy.” He augmented standing from his place on the couch.

“Was I? She was throwing herself at you and you were drooling all over her.” He was about to say something but she brought her hand up to silence him and she quickly continued: “And I know you are gonna say this is about me being jealous. Well, guess what? It’s not! It’s about me and the entire school seeing that you still have feelings for her an-and-“ She came to a halt as the anger seemed to erase all the words from her mind. “God, what the hell do you see in her? You talk about me and Angel and that I’m a masochist for still wanting him, but you’re the exact same thing! You’re even worse. You were actually drooling. You were- you were… God! I hate this! I hate not being able to say what I wanna say… I-I”

Spike slowly started walking towards her causing her to immediately take a step back. The few seconds that had gone by had helped her get a grip on herself and her thoughts. Her voice now was low and cold as she spoke.

“This is *not* about jealousy. *This* is about you and Dru making a fool of me in that cafeteria in front of *my* friends.” She paused looking up at him, taking deep breaths to keep from exploding.

“Buffy, I didn’t do anything. I was just talking to her. What was I supposed to do? Just ignore her.”

At his words the anger came crashing back down on her and she suddenly yelled:

“And what was I supposed to do? Just stand there while some skinny ho is batting her eyes and making the moves on my boyfriend?”

The two of them froze. She’d said it. The word they had danced around for the last couple of days - she’d said it.

“What did you say?” It was a mere whisper.

“Hum… My boy- I-I mean… You know, other people who-who think you and-and I are…” She tried to cover, bringing a trembling hand to brush away a few loose strand of her hair as she slowly backed away from him.

“Of course.” He agreed, but he continued to close the distance between them, his eyes narrowed.

“Right. So… “ She held her breath when she felt the wall against her back, her eyes glued to the floor. “… that’s why I… did the…” She was at a lost for words when she looked up at him.

“…Pouring of meatloaf all over Dru.” He completed her sentence as he took another step and closed the distance between them.

Her heart raced as if it wanted to leap out of her chest when he leaned in.

“Well!” She suddenly clapped her hands together, startling him for just long enough to slip away from him. “That’s all-“

She let out a small cry when suddenly she found herself being turned around as Spike held a strong grip on her arm.

“Why do you keep running?” He whispered.

“I-I’m not running.” She tried to laugh, but it came out as a forced chuckle when he gruffly pulled her closer to him; her chest crushed against his, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist. “Let go…” She demanded unconvincingly.

“Are you sure that’s what you want, Summers?” He asked with a semi-cocky grin on his face, their closeness was getting to him and he didn’t know how much longer he would be able to restrain himself.

She opened her mouth to answer, but no sound came out, so she nodded weakly. Her heart sank when she felt him loosen his grip on her and step away. They stood there, in silence, looking at each other.

“Well, I guess we-“ She began, slowly turning away from him, when she heard him mutter.

“Oh, bloody hell!”


Spike was suddenly all over her, never giving her a chance to finish. His arms wrapped themselves around her, his hands erratically moved over her back, her thighs in a desperate attempt to get her closer to him, while his mouth came down to claim hers in a demanding kiss.

After the momentary surprise she managed to push him away, just enough so she could ask:

“Spike…” She swallowed hard as his lips attacked her neck, placing a series of open-mouth kissed on the tender flesh there. “What are you… doing?” She breathed.

With his face still buried in her throat he answered her directly in a husky, low voice:

“What I’ve been wanting to do since Saturday.”

And then his mouth was on hers, never giving her a chance to answer as his tongue slipped between her lips to join hers in a tug of war. Spike pressed against her, backing her up against the couch until her legs reached the edge of the sofa and she was tipped over, bringing the black-clad teen down with her.

Buffy’s hands flew under the lapels of his duster and successfully pulled the item off him as they continued to kiss. Spike’s own fingers quickly found their way to the edge of Buffy’s denim skirt and tugged it upwards as they travelled up her tanned legs.

‘Oh, my God! What am I doing? We’re doing it again. Oh, God! Oh, God!’ she thought over and over again but, apparently, her body refused to follow her mind and all its doubts. Quite on the contrary, every fibre in her seemed to know exactly what to do as her fingers quickly unbuttoned his shirt, leaving his chest bare and exposed to her nails.

Spike let out a rough growl when he felt her graze her way down his abdomen to the waistband of his jeans. Her small fingers duelled with the belt buckle there while his own hand slipped under her sweater and pulled it upwards until it was over her head and discarded to the floor. He gasped when he saw her, laying under him, flushed face, glassy eyes focussed on the buttons of his jeans, her small breasts covered in nothing but a small lacy bra. Only then did he realise he had never seen her naked. The other night… she had managed to keep her nightgown on the entire time. ‘God, she looks-Bloody hell!’ He cursed in his thoughts, his eyes rolling back in their sockets when he felt her fingers encircle him. He braced himself on his forearms, on each side of her head as she began to slowly pump him.

She watched, amazed, as he occasionally let out small moans with his eyes closed and his teeth clenched only serving to sharpen his chiselled features. Slowly, he seemed to recover from the initial shock and was able to start moving.

It was Buffy’s turn to gasp when he leaned down and brushed his lips over her neck, while his fingers slipped between her legs. He languorously traced small circles on his way up her inner thigh until he reached the edge of her panties. Never giving her a chance to prepare he pushed the thin layer to the side and drove one long finger into her.

“Ah!” Buffy gasped closing her eyes and arching her neck into his mouth.

They both stopped for a moment and then began slowly moving their hands again. A mixture of moaned and muffled cries escaped them both as they rocked against each other’s fingers, pulling and pushing in a slow, mind-numbing pace.

As the desire grew inside of her, Buffy’s free hand came to push his away from her core, while the other lazily guided him to her entrance.

“Oh, God… Buffy…” Her name tumbled from his lips, when he felt her moist folds brush against the tip of his cock. He buried his face in the crook of her neck, pondering how to tell her…

When he refused to move his hips and slip inside of her, Buffy let out a frustrated moan and rocked her hips against his. Spike immediately rested his hands on her thighs pulling them down and away from him.

Buffy frowned and tried to look at him, but his face was still pressed against her neck. She patiently waited for him to gather himself, and remained still, watching him pull deep pants from his lungs.

“I don’t have any.” He grumbled frustrated.


Spike moved to look down at her.

“Condoms, luv… Didn’t get a chance to buy any.” He explained as he sat up and began tucking himself into his pants.

“But… We can…” Buffy started but trailed off.

They sat on the couch in silence, until Spike’s awkward voice was heard:

“I-I can go… buy some?” He half expected her to shout a string of curses at him or something, but when he didn’t hear a sound from her, he dared to look at her.

“You could…” She trailed off.

In a flash he was up and picking up his duster.

“Be back in a second.” He breathed, giving her a light peck on the lips before rushing out the door.



Author's Note: Thanks to Ali for betaing this fic and for supporting it! ;)

Chapter 24

Buffy anxiously bit her nails as she looked out the window. What was taking him so long… Grrr! She let out a frustrated sigh and moved to plop down on the couch. The moment she reached for the remote, the roaring of a car engine reached her ears and her heart jumped up to her throat. She immediately scrambled to her feet and hurried to the door almost crashing into a breathless teen in the process.

“Spike!” She exclaimed taking a step back and gathering herself.

He flashed her a wicked grin and slid his way closer to her. Giving her a dazed look from under hooded lids he snaked his hand into the pocket of his duster as he slurred:

“I’ve got the con-“

“Hello, Spike!”

He froze when he heard Mrs. Summers voice coming from the kitchen.

“-tacts.” He made up on the spot as he finally realised that Buffy’s apprehension was due to her mother’s arrival and not his.

“Contacts?” The older woman questioned, while Spike turned to face her.

She stood in the kitchen, a plate in one had, a towel in the other and a sincere smile on her lips.

“You’re near-sighted or something?” She asked.

“Yes!” Spike answered just as Buffy piped up: “No!”

Mrs. Summers frowned.

“Which one is it?”

The two blondes exchanged a desperate look and Buffy quickly blurted out:

“Well, it’s… hum… You know how boys are. He… He’s always wanted to have brown eyes, so he decided to get contact lens, but… hum… he doesn’t want to admit it! So… hum… the right one would be…No, he’s not near-sighted, just vain.”

Spike cocked up a scarred eyebrow at her barely comprehensible babble.

“Oh…” Mrs. Summers frowned but returned to her dishes.

“What are you doing?” Spike mouthed at Buffy, but immediately stood up straight when the older woman turned to face him once again.

“You know, Spike… You don’t have to change just to please people. You should accept who you are and not let yourself be intimidated by what other people might think of you or your… choices.” Mrs. Summers spoke calmly, a hint of compassion in her eyes.

“Don’t worry, Mrs. Summers. I know what I want.” He answered glancing towards Buffy, causing her to blush furiously.

“Well… good for you Spike.” Mrs. Summers gave him a soft smile and retuned to her dishwashing.

A moment filtered by before Buffy spoke:

“Well, Spike and I are gonna head up to my room for a while.”

“Ok, honey.”

The two teens began climbing up the stairs when Mrs. Summers’ voice reached them:

“Spike? Are you staying for dinner?”

“No, Mrs. Summers. My father wants me to be home early today. We’re going out for dinner, do some father-son bonding.” Spike explained.

Mrs. Summers simply nodded and the teen scurrying up the stairs after Buffy into her room.

She let herself drop on the mattress with a loud thud.

“What the hell was that all about?” The Brit asked still a bit rattled by the whole situation.

“My mom giving you gay-friendly advice.” She explained with a smirk, but it soon faded when she saw the not-so-happy look on his face. “What?”

“Do I give off some kind of… gay vibe or something?” He questioned with a serious face. When Buffy’s eyebrow furrowed he elaborated: “It’s just that even my da is starting with the same little speeches your mom just gave me back there.”

“Your father?”

Spike nodded as he slouched on the chair next to the desk.

“Well, I don’t know. Maybe it’s the black nail polish that’s giving off that vibe.” Buffy teased.

“Ha-ha, Summers.” He forced a plastic smile on his face. “I’m not kidding here.”

“I know… I’m sorry.” She quickly apologized.

“My da sat me down for two whole hours yesterday talking to me about the importance of finding out *who* I am and not letting my search be threatened by other people’s opinion of who I should be.” Spike grumbled resting his head between his hands and letting out a frustrated sigh.

“Ouch!” Buffy sympathised.

He mumbled something unintelligible between his lips before standing up straight and looking at Buffy’s alarm clock.

“Well… I better be going. Don’t want my da to think I forgot about him.” He started as he walked over to the door.

“But I thought that…” She trailed off as the flush started to creep up her neck to her cheeks, but then said in a frustrated attempt to sound nonchalant: “… it was an excuse… not wanting to have dinner with my mom and all.”

“Unfortunately, it’s not an excuse. I just remembered when I went out for… hum…” It was Spike’s turn to slightly blush.

“Oh, right.” Buffy replied with a hint of disappointment as she stood up and followed him.

She almost bumped into him when he came to an abrupt stop right at her door before turning on his heels to face her.

“I don’t look gay, right? Maybe I should lose the bleach.” He offered pointing at his hair.

“No!” Buffy answered straightaway and a little too enthusiastic. She blushed when she saw his trademark smirk curl the corners of his mouth as he took a step closer to her.

“No?” He slurred.

“I-I like the… hair.” She stuttered awkwardly. God, why was it that every time he looked at her like that it made it almost impossible for her to say a complete sentence without stammering like an idiot.

“You do?” He continued to speak in a low voice as his hand came to rest on her hips and began to make small circle shapes there.

She held her breath for a few seconds and then nodded.

“What about the duster? Want me to get rid of that?” He asked tilting his head sideways.

“No.” She breathed. “I like that to.”

“What else do you like, pet?” He muttered as he nuzzled his face against the crook of her neck, nibbling at it and leaving small bite marks on his way up to her jaw line.

“That.” She answered between pants.

She scolded herself when she felt him smile against her skin, but her thoughts soon pooled away in a hazy mist when she felt his hand worm down her leg to slip under her denim skirt before climbing back up her inner thighs.

“We never got to finish…” He whispered as he took her earlobe into his mouth to nibble at it while his hand teasingly brushed over the cotton fabric of her panties.

“We can’t… My mom…” she started with her usual denial.

She gasped for air and almost lost her balance when he stepped away and his hands and mouth abandoned her.

“What?” She breathed as she opened her eyes.

“You’re right.” He said with a cocky smile. “Better not do anything with mom here. I gotta go anyway. Bye, Summers.” And with that he was gone.

“What?” She repeated still stunned over the ease with which he had pulled away from her. This was wrong. She was the one supposed to pull away from *him*.


Spike winced when he took his place at the driver’s seat; the tightness in his pants becoming growingly painful. He wondered where he had gotten the strength to walk out on her and rolled his eyes before starting the ignition.

“Get yourself together. Can’t let her know she’s got you in the palm of her hand. Time for her to make a move.” He told himself out loud before driving off.


Buffy shoved her food around in her plate completely oblivious to the conversation going on around her at the table.

“What do you think, Buffy?” Was the only thing she heard as she was snapped out of her thoughts.

“Huh?” She shook her head for a moment, before she looked up at the redhead sitting opposite her.

“About going shopping today?” Willow repeated.

“Oh… sure.” Buffy answered unenthusiastically.

“Buffy, are you ok?” She asked a bit concerned with her best friend’s almost lethargic state.

“I’m fine.” Buffy replied returning her attention to her plate.

“Hey pretty ladies!” Xander’s familiar voice reached the table as he set his tray next to Willow’s.

Buffy looked up, uninterested and simply nodded.

“What’s up with the Buffster?” The boy asked Willow who simply shrugged.

“Nothing’s up, Xander. I’m just a bit…” Buffy frowned when she looked up, pass Xander’s shoulder, to see Spike talking to Andrew for a few moments before the two parted ways and the bleached teen walked over to their table.

“Hey.” He greeted taking his seat next to Buffy and giving her a light peck on the cheek.

“Hey, bleach-boy. Not serving as a guinea pig for today’s lunch experiment?” Xander asked bringing a fork full of the unrecognisable substance into his mouth.

“No, thank you.” Spike winced looking at the plate in front of him. “I’ve got some things I have to take care of. Just came by to see what you guys were up to.”

Buffy watched as the two teens exchanged friendly banter but her mind was still fixed on the image of Spike and Andrew speaking. What was going on with those two?

She blinked a couple of times in surprise when Spike leaned in to give her a quick peck once again before standing up.

“See you guys tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?” Buffy frowned. “You’re skipping school this afternoon?”

“Told you. Got stuff to do.” He explained.

“What stuff?” She insisted, not letting him walk away.

“Just stuff, pet.” He leaned in pressing his lips against her forehead and left.

“What the hell was that all about?” Buffy wondered out loud wrinkling her forehead.

Xander was about to make some smart-ass comment, but was prevented when he felt Willow kick him under the table. She knew Buffy well enough to know this wasn’t time for jokes.


Buffy and Willow idly walked through the large corridors of the mall, occasionally throwing a glance at the passing shops.

“So…” Willow started with a bit of hesitation.

Buffy simply looked at her best friend and waited for her to ask whatever she had been trying to ask ever since they had left school.

“You and Spike… We-we never really got a chance to-to… you know… girl-talk about it.” Willow awkwardly stammered.

The blonde took in a deep breath, not knowing exactly what to tell her. She missed talking to Willow. Somehow, talking to her made everything so much clearer. She wanted to tell her about the whole arrangement but… she’d promised Spike - not a word.

“What do you want to know?”

“I-I don’t know. I mean, you hated each other just up to a couple of weeks ago and now all of a sudden you’re an item?” Willow said in one breath. It was clear she had practiced her questions about a million times before actually approaching Buffy on the subject.

“I know. Weird, huh?” There was a moment of silence. God, she really needed to talk to someone about this. “In the beginning… it was more about getting back at Dru and Angel, you know?”

Willow nodded and she continued:

“But then… I don’t know, it all happened so fast. Suddenly the extremely infuriating grin wasn’t that infuriating, the bleach wasn’t that unattractive, the accent was actually turning me on… I just don’t know.” Buffy rambled out loud.

Willow smiled looking at her friend out of the corner of her eyes. Buffy paused for a second, sitting down on a nearby bench; the redhead mimicked her action, waiting patiently for her to continue.

“Oh, what the hell!” Buffy suddenly exhaled and looked straight at Willow. “I can’t take it anymore. I mean you’re my best friend and I’m supposed to be able to tell you everything, right?” Willow nodded. “Ok, here goes…” She took in a deep breath before continuing: “Spike and I made a deal. A pact. We decided to pretend being together so that Dru and Angel would get jealous and decide to come back to us… Separately! You know Dru to Spike and Angel to me?” She blurted.

Willow looked wide-eyed at her best friend, her mouth opening and closing for a couple of times, unable to speak.

“You and Spike aren’t really together? It’s all part of a plan?” She finally managed to ask.

“No, see that’s my big problem. I don’t know.”

“Huh? I’m not quite following, Buffy.” Willow gave her an apologetic frown.

“We had the plan, right. First it was supposed to be just holding hands and normal, non-touchy stuff. But then we realised it wasn’t working and that we had to get a bit more… physical in order to fool everyone, and so eventually that lead to touching and kissing and groping and apparently we both developed some *major* pent up sexual tension towards one another.” Buffy paused for a second, giving Willow the time to register all the information.

“So all the kissing and moaning and getting caught doing *it* in a classroom was fake?”

“We weren’t doing *it*, Willow. We were just… trying to see if I could get over the ‘yuck’ factor of kissing him, which, unfortunately, I seemed to have surpassed quite easily.” Buffy nervously picked at her backpack which rested on her knees.

“Oh…” Willow suddenly realised. “And now you have feelings for Spike and he doesn’t… respond?”

“Not really.” Buffy hesitated. “He actually does *respond*… hum and little too well.”

Willow frowned: “Ok, you need to fill in the blanks now.”

“Remember the Bronze? Last Friday… when Oz played? Yeah, well… I was sort of...”

“Drunk?” Willow offered.

“Yes… So Spike took me home and-“

“Oh, my God, Buffy! He didn’t take advantage of you or anything, did he?” Willow squeaked a bit worried.


“Not exactly… He took care of me even though, even after I threw up on him.”


“Yeah, not one of my best moments, I’ll admit. Anyway… things started… hum… evolving and…” Buffy hesitated throwing a glance at Willow before blurting: “SpikeandIslepttogether.”

“What?!” Willow exclaimed causing a couple of heads to turn and look at them. The redhead blushed furiously and leaning in to whisper: “What?”

“We did the wild thing, Willow.” Buffy muttered.


A moment of silence passed before Willow dared to ask.

“Well, what about now?”

“That’s the million dollar question now, isn’t it?”

“D-do you… like him?”

Buffy paused for a second and then dropped her head to her hands, her fingers furiously running through her hair.

“I don’t know.” She answered exasperated.

“Well, does he… you know… like you?”

“Another big question mark for that one too.” Buffy grumbled into her hands.

“Well, didn’t you guys talk about it or anything? I mean… You have to have said something after the… hum… event.” Willow insisted.

“Not really. We were both so tired that we just fell asleep.”

“What about the dreadful morning after?” Willow enquired.

“Mom came home. You don’t want to know how we got out of that one.” Buffy looked up from her hands and with a smirk continued: “My mom thinks he’s my new gay-best-friend.”

“Your mom thinks Spike’s gay?” Willow asked with wide eyes.

“Yep.” She nodded sitting up straight and glancing around the mall. “So anyway, Monday came and we never got a chance to talk about it and then there was the whole Dru incident.” Buffy ground her teeth together at the memory.

“Were you jealous?” Willow uttered.

Buffy immediately shot her a dirty look.


“Are you sure?” Willow insisted. “Then why’d you give Dru the lunch shower?”

“The two of them were flirting in front of everyone! They were making a fool of me!” Buffy exclaimed.

“Buffy… It’s me… Willow?”

“Ok, fine so I was a bit jealous…” Buffy grumbled burying her face in her hands once more. “God, I hate this! I hate it! I hate it! I hate it!”

“Why don’t you just ask Spike?”

“Ask him what?” Buffy frowned.

“If he likes you.”

“Oh, no! No way in *hell*, ever! No, no, no!” Buffy insisted standing up to tower over Willow, who was still sitting on the bench. “Why should I ask him?”

“Because it’s eating you up, that’s why.” Willow explained the obvious.

“Well, I’m not!” Buffy crossed her arms over her chest and pouted.

“It’s your choice, Buffy.”

“Yes, it is! Thank you. Now let’s go by those damn dresses and get out of here.” Buffy grumbled stalking off.


Buffy scurried through the hall, scanning the crowd looking for a familiar bleached head between the dozens of teens zooming pass her.

“Hey, Buffy!” Willow greeted falling into stride with her.

“Hey, Wills!”

“So, did your mom like your dress?” Willow questioned hugging her books against her chest as they quickly made their way down the corridor.

“She loved it. Said I looked beautiful in black and then started crying.”


“You know, came down with the whole ‘You’re growing up so quickly and soon you won’t be my little girl anymore’ speech. If she’s like this over homecoming I can imagine how she’ll be for prom.” Buffy sighed as she continued down the hall.

“Hum… Buffy, why are we practically running around in circles through the entire school?” Willow finally managed to ask when she started getting a little out of breath. “Are we looking for someone?”

“No.” Buffy quickly answered coming to a halt next to her locker. “I just needed to get a few things from my locker.”

“Right and for that you always need to walk past it about three times.” Willow noted sarcastically, raising a suspicious eyebrow. “Come on Buffy, admit it. You’re looking for him.”

“I’m not- Oh, my God! What happened to you?!” Buffy immediately slammed the door to her locker and walked past Willow towards Spike.

Willow’s eyes widened when she saw the Brit. He had a small cut in the corner of his mouth and a purplish bruise over his left cheekbone.

“Fell down some stairs.” Spike winced when Buffy ran her hand over his wounded cheek.

“Does it hurt?” Willow asked the obvious.

“What do you think, Red? Ouch!” Spike cried out when he tried to raise his eyebrow, pulling at his tender muscle.

“You fell down some stairs? That’s the best you could come up with?” Buffy asked when the fear in her subsided and the anger started to replace it.

“What?!” Spike grumbled.

“What have you-“ She didn’t have to finish her question when, out of the corner of her eyes she saw a badly battered Angel slumped against the row of lockers; a very worried Dru running her hands over his marred face, much in the same fashion Buffy had just done to Spike. “You fought Angel?!” She asked in disbelief, her eyes going from one teenager to the other.

Spike never answered.

“What the *hell* is happening Spike?” Buffy demanded. “Why have you and Angel been fighting?”

When the bleached teen remained silent she continued:

“What were you guys fighting over?”

“Luv, I don’t want to get into this now.” Spike finally spoke.

“Well, when did this happen?”

“Luv, not now.”


“Buffy! Just let it go, ok?”

She froze. It had been the first time he had ever raised his voice at her; the look in his eyes sending shivers down her spine. She was so shocked she didn’t even hear the bell ring. Her gaze remained fixed on the boy standing in front of her even as the rest of the teens began to disband and walk to their respective classes. She was snapped out of her daze by Willow’s soft touch.

“Buffy, we better go or we’ll be late.” She heard the redhead call her.

She narrowed her eyes at Spike and nodded:

“Let’s go.”

Turning on her heels she walked down the hall and into one of the classrooms after Willow.

“Bloody hell!” Spike growled kicking the locker he had been leaning on before stalking off.


Buffy leaned on the front door of the vehicle, patiently wanting for its owner to arrive. She felt her heart jump to her throat when she saw him.

Spike froze in mid stride when he looked up to see her. Taking a deep breath he continued his approach.

“Hey…” Buffy said in a weak voice as she stepped away from the door.

“Hey.” He greeted back.

A moment of silence passed between them but Buffy eventually broke it.

“I’m sorry for freaking out over the mashed face.” She said pointing at his face.

“I’m sorry I shouted at you.”

“Considering I’ve done that about a million times I guess you’re allowed one yell. But just one!” She quickly added raising her index finder.

“I’ll try and remember that, luv.” Spike tried to smile but quickly regretted it as he felt the wound on his lips start to open.

“Are you ok?” She asked worriedly stepping closer to him and resting her hand under his ear to turn his face towards her.

“I’m fine.” He answered trying to push back the urge to wince when she ran her finger over the gash.

“Did you even disinfect that?” She question with a disapproving look.



“I washed it.” He defended himself.

“Not quite the same effect as disinfecting it.” Buffy retorted as she walked around the car.

“Where’re you going?”

“You’re gonna drive me home so I can clean that up.” She informed him as she opened the car door and entered the vehicle.



Copyright 2004 The Big Bad Havens. All texts within belong to their respected owners. No copyright infringement intended.