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![]() Echidna - A Touch Of Jelousy Pt. 3 |
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Chapter 25 They entered the kitchen in complete silence. Buffy pointed at the stool near the isle and Spike took a seat while she
opened one of the top cabinets and reached for a first aid kit. She set in on the white surface and opened it; inside there
were bandages, some cotton, a pair of scissors and three small bottles- a white, a brown and a red one; Buffy’s fingers
reached for the white one first and tilted it into a piece of cotton before leaving it on the counter. “This will sting a bit.” She warned as she brushed over his broken lip with the white fibre. He winced for a second at the first contact, but didn’t say a word. As she worked on his injury, Buffy’s mind
wondered over what had caused it. She wanted him to tell her, but she was afraid to ask, especially after his reluctance to
talk about it at school. “There. I don’t know if this will work, since it’s already infected…” Buffy muttered, her
eyes never leaving the small gash on the corner of his mouth as she reached for the brown bottle and poured part of its content
onto another piece of cotton, staining it blood red. Once again she repeated the motions she had done just seconds before, slowly brushing over the wound. “Oh, stop being such a baby.” She scolded him when he winced again. “Hey! It hurts.” He protested, frowning. “That’s what you get for getting into stupid fights.” She grumbled throwing the two pieces of cotton
into the garbage and putting away the first aid kit. When she was finished tidying up she turned to face him, leaning on the counter, her arms crossed over her chest as she
watched him, still sitting on the stool next to the isle. “Is that all the damage?” She finally asked, desperate to break the awkward silence between them. Why was it
that there were some many disconcerting pauses between them? “What?” “You’re face. Was that the only damage?” She questioned. “Why? You planning on nursing my other hidden wounds?” He started with a low voice and narrowed eyes as he
let his tongue slide over his lips. “Erg! You’re disgusting.” She mumbled looking down at the floor. “So you keep saying.” They looked at each other for a second before he spoke. His voice was low and serious: “I’m sorry I yelled at you.” He apologised. “It’s ok. I told you it’s fine.” She tried to sound nonchalant about it as she turned around to
look at the sink. In a flash, he was by her side, his fingers curled around her arms forcing her to face him. “I’m sorry.” He repeated looking straight at her. She swallowed hard and nodded. She felt her knees threatening to buckle beneath her when his hand travelled from her arm
to her neck and over her cheek, resting there as his thumb lightly brushed over her growingly flushed skin. “God, you’re so-“ The two jumped up when they heard the phone ring. Awkwardly, Buffy scurried toward the living room, picking up the receiver. “Hello? Oh, hey mom. No, I wasn’t doing anything.” She lied, watching from the corner of her eyes as
Spike walked into the room. He sat on the couch and observed her as she twirled the cord between her fingers. “Oh, ok… No, it’s… um it’s fine. Have a good time. Bye.” With a loud sigh she put the
receiver back in place. “Why the upside down smile?” “That was my mom.” “I gathered that much. She’s got a date, huh?” “Yes.” She exhaled dropping on the couch next to him. “Still haven’t adjusted to the dating system?” Spike wondered. “Not, quite.” Spike was about to say something when she cut him off. “If you say I’ll get used to it, I swear I will cut something off of you.” She grumbled. Spike’s eyes widened. “I’m sorry.” She apologised unenthusiastically. “It’s just that I know I won’t.” “Wanna talk about it?” “No.” She immediately answered and then looked up at him. “It’s just so weird, you know? My mom,
going out with some random stranger. I mean, he could be a psycho for all she knows… O-or a gigolo!” She offered,
to which Spike cocked up and eyebrow. “Ok, so not a gigolo, but a psycho, he-he could be a psycho. Do you know the kind
of people who exist out there? Very, very bad people. Oh, my God my mother is dating a psycho.” She said in shock. “Buffy, calm down. You’re mom is *not* dating a psycho.” Spike reassured her. “How do you know?” She looked at him accusingly. “I don’t but-“ “A-ha!” She piped up triumphantly. “Buffy…” He tilted his head sides and gave her a disapproving look. “I don’t want my mom to have a boyfriend. It’s yucky!” She pouted. Spike unconsciously wet ran his tongue over his lips as he watched her. She had no idea just how irresistible she looked
when she did that. “What?” She asked when the staring became too uncomfortable. “Oh, my God! Do I have something coming
out of my nose?” Her right hand immediately came up to cover her face. “No! You’re fine.” He calmed her. “I was just…” “Staring?” She offered, letting her hand drop to her lap. A soft smile curved his lips as he continued to watch her. Buffy felt the butterflies flutter in her stomach under his heavy stare, when suddenly he was up. “I better go.” He said all of a sudden. “Go? Why?” She questioned confused. “I got… stuff.” He lied, he knew that if he stayed in that house for one more minute he wouldn’t
be able to stop himself from kissing her and he had decided it was *her* turn to come after *him*. “Stuff? Again? What is it this time?” A hint of annoyance squeezed itself into her voice. “Just stuff.” “Fine!” She grumbled as she started to storm off out of the room. “What do you mean fine?” He called after her. “What is it with these secrets all of a sudden? And don’t tell me there aren’t any. You walk around school
talking to Andrew and then you skip classes saying you have stuff to do and the next day you show up with a purple face.”
She pointed at his cheekbone. “Buffy…” “What’s happening?” She insisted. “I can’t tell you.” He answered truthfully. “Why not?” She tried as hard as she could not to make it sound whiny and childish. “I just can’t.” Buffy stared in disbelief at him. “I better go.” He said walking over to the front door and letting himself out, leaving a frozen Buffy behind. ~+~ “And he just left me there going all ‘how in the hell did this just happen?’. One moment we were talking
and the next he’s out the door.” Buffy grumbled into the receiver. “I don’t know what’s happening.
All of a sudden he’s gone all cryptic guy and-and…” “Breathe, Buffy, breathe.” Willow coaxed. “I just feel all grrr.” She growled into the phone. “Do you want me to come over?” “No thanks, Will. I’m sorry you have to listen to my constant moaning and groaning.” “I like your moaning.” Realising the possible interpretations of what she had just said Willow quickly added:
“In a very non-gay way, of course.” “Of course. Well, I better go to bed then.” “It’s ten o’clock.” “I know, but there is nothing else to do.” Buffy yawned loudly just as she restarted saying her goodbye. “See
you tomorrow, Wills.” “Bye, Buffy.” ~+~ Buffy rolled to her side and smashed her hand against the alarm clock. Grumbling something unintelligible she sat up on
the bed, clumsily brushing away the wild strands of hair that covered her face. She practically jolted off the bed when she
realised someone was sitting on the mattress right next to her. “God, mom! You scared me half to death!” Buffy yelled as she rested her hand over her racing heart. “I-I’m sorry, honey!” “How long have you been sitting there?” The teen questioned pressing her fingers against her eyelids and blinking
a couple of times before focussing her gaze back on her mother. “Not too long…” Mrs. Summers trailed off. There was a moment of silence between the two as they watched each other. Buffy frowned when she saw her mother nervously
fidget with the hem of her blouse. “Mom…? What do you want to tell me?” Buffy began, tilting her head. “Buffy, we need to talk about something.” “Oh, my God! You’re pregnant!” Buffy exclaimed wide-eyed. “What?!” “You’re pregnant! I just knew it!” The teen continued without attempting to mask her anxiety attack. “Buffy, calm down. I’m not pregnant.” Mrs. Summers reassured her. “Oh, thank God!” Buffy exhaled sharply. “It’s something else… It’s about… my… hum boyfriend…” Mrs. Summers paused
when she heard a groan coming from her daughter. “Yes, Buffy, you are old enough to know that I have a *boyfriend*.” “Oh, please don’t say that word…” she whined crunching up her facial muscles. “Well, it’s what he is.” “Fine… Whatever…” Buffy grumbled crossing her arms over her chest and waiting for her mother to
continue. “Anyway… we’ve been seeing each other for over two months now and-“ “Two months? Since when have you been going out for two months?” Buffy piped up in surprise. “I wanted to tell you sooner, but I was afraid of how you would react.” The two eyed each other for a while before Joyce carried on: “We’ve been seeing each other for over two months a-and I-I’m very fond of him…” “Fond of him?” Buffy cocked up her eyebrow, but seeing the dirty look her mother threw in her direction, she
decided it was in her best interest to shut up. “I like him Buffy… and I think it’s time… I think it’s time you two met.” She suddenly
blurted out. “What?!” “I’ve arranged for us to have a nice, quiet dinner tonight so you two can… talk and get to know each
other.” Mrs. Summers continued with a firmer tone. “But, mom… I don’t want to meet-“ “Buffy, this is very important for me.” Joyce insisted. “And I would appreciate it if you did me this
favour.” Buffy pouted as she listened to her mother, but seeing the fear in the older woman’s eyes made her heart melt and
eventually, she nodded and sighed: “Fine… I’ll be a good little girl. I’ll meet him.” “Oh, thank you so much, Buffy. I’m so proud of you, honey!” Mrs. Summers brought her hands together for
one single clap before leaning in and placing a kiss on Buffy’s cheek. “I’ll see you after school.”
She waved as she stood up and left the room. “Great… just great.” Buffy mumbled as she climbed out of bed. ~+~ “So you’re gonna meet your mom’s boyfriend?” Willow asked as she sat next to Buffy on the bleachers. “Don’t call him that, Will.” Buffy grumbled as she squinted, her eyes scanning the football field. She
was sure Spike had gym class during that period. “What? That’s what he is, right?” “Yes. But it just sounds… *wrong*! Very wrong!” “Well, what do you want to call him?” “How about the evil he-man who wants to steal my mom away from me?” Buffy offered with a forced grin. “That sounds good. But it’s kinda long.” Willow joined in the sarcasm. “Yeah, but still better than *boyfriend*.” Buffy practically chewed the word out as she continued to search
the field. She felt her heart jump to her throat when she saw a herd of teenagers coming from the locker rooms to flood the field. “Oh, there’s Xander!” Willow piped up and the teen slouched his way after the rest of the group. “Doesn’t
he look yummy in his grey shorts?” She mocked as both girls cringed simultaneously. Xander looked up at the stands and a huge smile lit up his face as he waved at them and they returned the greeting. Willow watched from the corner of her eyes as Buffy scanned the small crowd on the field. “He’s not there.” Willow said in a low voice. “Huh? What?” Buffy shook her head and turned to face her best friend. “Spike… I talked to Xander… He skipped classes today.” “Oh…” Buffy tried to sound nonchalant about it. “You worried about him?” Willow asked after a short pause. “No.” The blonde answered straightaway, but seeing the smile on Willow’s face she grumbled: “Ok,
so I’m a little worried.” “I’m sure there is a good reason why he hasn’t been telling you stuff.” “He better!” Buffy said with a threatening tone. The two sat in silence, watching as Xander was barely able to do four sit-ups in a row. “It’s just that…” Buffy started out of the blue. “He’s just been acting so strange
and…” She trailed off feeling a bit silly. “He’s… hum… distant…” Willow didn’t say anything. She knew her friend needed to talk and so she remained in silence, hugging her knees. “Ever since… you know, *that* night… he hasn’t tried anything.” “Has he been pulling away?” Willow had to ask. “No… he just hasn’t been very… you know…” The blank look on Willow’s face told her she would have to elaborate on the subject. “He hasn’t tried anything…” Buffy grumbled. “Well, he does start… but we never get
to finish.” Buffy said frustrated. “It’s either my mom coming home, or the phone, or an impending fight…” “You want to get to… finish?” Willow questioned. “I-I… Oh, who am I trying to fool - God, Yes!” Buffy exclaimed burying her flushed face in her hands. Willow couldn’t help but giggle. “It was amazing!” Buffy sighed getting a dreamy look on her face. “You know how I used to say that sex
wasn’t all that was cracked up to be in the movies…” Willow nodded. “Well, I lied! It *is* all that’s
cracked up to be!” “So… it was good?” The redhead questioned. Buffy bit her lip and then nodded enthusiastically. The two girls giggled wildly as they continued their conversation. “What about you and Oz?” Buffy was finally able to ask once she regained control over herself. “We’re still waiting for the right moment.” Willow answered with a low voice and a grin on her face. “I’m sure it’ll be amazing for you too.” Buffy assured her leaning into her friend and giving her
a light shove with her shoulder. ~+~ Buffy let out a deep sighed as she dragged her feet across the threshold and let her backpack drop to the floor on her
way to the couch. “Hey, honey!” Buffy sat up straight to see her mother standing in the hall. “Mom, you’re home early!” The teen noted. “Yes, I wanted to make sure everything was perfect for tonight.” Mrs. Summers explained, unable to hide the
anxiety from her tone. Buffy stood up and walked over to her mother. “Everything *is* going to be perfect. Don’t worry.” She assured her before wrapping her arms around her
for a hug. “I’m glad you are taking this so well.” “Well, I have no choice, if you like him…” Buffy shrugged as she walked past her mother. “I’ll
take a shower.” “Ok, honey.” ~+~ She let the warm droplets race down her back as she leaned her forehead on the wall and inhaled sharply. Reluctantly, she
reached for the faucet and turned it, the string of water cascading on her coming to an abrupt halt. While one small hand
ran through her soaked hair, the other reached for the white towel. A cloud of smoke flooded the hall when she opened the bathroom door and headed down to her bedroom. She let her tired body
drop numbly onto the mattress as she stared up at the ceiling, her stomach doing strange flip-flopping motions at the thought
of meeting… it. She cringed as she pictured a disgusting forty year-old, bald man wearing a myriad of golden strings
around his neck as a black mass of chest hair peeked from a half open silk shirt. “No… mom would never be that desperate.” Buffy tried to convince herself. She was snapped from her thoughts by the sharp ringing sound coming from the phone on her nightstand. Rolling on the bed
she reached for it. “Hello? Hey, Wills.” She greeted. “So, is he there yet?” An anxious Willow asked. “Nope. But he should be here any minute now.” Buffy grumbled as she looked at the alarm clock. “Well, you know I’ll be here waiting for you to call and tell me all about what an absolutely horrid person
*it* is.” Buffy couldn’t help giggling at the name they had finally chosen for the stranger who was dating her mother. “Don’t worry! I’ll keep you in the loop. I’m sure after tonight I’ll really need to vent
out a bit.” The blonde reassured her. “I’ll be waiting.” Willow responded with a peppy tone. A moment of pause filtered between them before the redhead asked: “Any news on the British front?” “No.” Buffy answered in a low voice. “I think he skipped classes all day.” “Are you gonna call him?” “No!” She answered immediately. “Are you sure?” “I’m sure, Willow.” Buffy grumbled. “Ok... Talk to you later then.” “Later.” “Bye.” Buffy let out a deep sigh as she set down the receiver and stood up to investigate her wardrobe. “What to wear…” She wondered out loud as her fingers travelled over the sweaters and jumpers. Eventually she settled for the casual look. If she was going to have to endure a night of seeing her mother making lovey-dovey
eyes at *it*, she might as well feel comfortable. She let the towel drop to the floor as she slipped on her panties, quickly followed by her old, worn-out blue jeans. Stumbling
her way to the dresser, she searched the various drawers until she found what she was looking for. With the blow-dryer in one hand she let her head fall and started brushing her hair. After a few minutes she stood up straight,
watching in the mirror as her hair cascaded down her back. Satisfied with the end result, she put the dryer away and reached
for her turtleneck sweater. A light knock on the door was heard. “Yeah?” Buffy’s voice was muffled by the red fabric as it slipped past her jaw. “Buffy? Hurry up, they’ll be here any minute!” “Ok, mom!” She grumbled before her eyes lit up and she frowned: “They?” She asked out loud as she
put on one of her shoes. She mumbled something unintelligible when she looked around the room and failed to find the rest of the pair. She froze
when she heard the doorbell ring. “Oh, God! It’s here!” She braced herself before dropping to her knees. She looked under the bed, the dresser and finally under the wardrobe: “There you are.” She said triumphantly as she grabbed the missing shoe and put it on. Taking in a deep breath she headed for the door and made her way downstairs. She almost tripped on the last step when she
saw who was standing in the hall nervously running his hands through his hair. “Spike? What are you doing here?” She asked as he turned around, a desperate look plastered on his face. “What
happened?” “Buffy, is that you?” She heard her mother call from the living room. Awkwardly, she pulled at the sleeve of his duster, dragging him closer to the staircase and away from the living room. “Hum… Spike this isn’t a very good time for this. My mom is expecting company and-“ She was cut off by the sight of her mother entering the hall. “Mom!” She jumped up. “Spike was just leaving…” She trailed off when she saw a man walk in
after Mrs. Summers. “Mr. Giles?” She frowned recognising him. Then turning to the blonde teen still standing in
front of her she questioned in a low voice: “Spike? What’s you’re father doing here?” When she didn’t get an answer she looked back at her mother. She watched as the older woman blushed furiously, her
gaze buried in the wooden floor. She felt the air being pushed out of her chest when she saw Mr. Giles rest his hand over
her mother’s shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Mom?” She managed to breathe as realisation hit her. “Buffy… I-I would like you to meet Rupert Giles…” Joyce swallowed hard before she added in a faltering
voice: “… my boyfriend.” Author's Note: Thanks to Ali for betaing this fic and for supporting it! ;) Chapter 26 Buffy stared intensely at her plate, unable to look up and face the awkwardness that surrounded the dinner table and seemed
to drain all the healthy air from the room. “So…” Giles’ voice echoed off the walls, breaking the uncomfortable silence that engulfed all four
of them. “I hear homecoming dance is tomorrow night…” When Spike didn’t answer, Buffy found herself being pressured to do so in his place so she mumbled meekly: “Yes…” “You two must be really excited, no?” The older man continued enquiring as he nervously adjusted his glasses
for the millionth time that night. “Not really. Homecoming dance usually sucks, *big time*.” It was out of her mouth before she could help it. She winced at the sound of her own voice. She hadn’t meant for it to sound so… arrogant and blasé. “Oh… I-I see.” He stuttered, returning his attention to the plate in front of him. The unbearable silence returned and Buffy, still feeling guilty over her retort quickly tried to make up by adding: “But afterwards we’re going to Cordelia’s. She organises a party every year… to compensate for
the lousy dance.” For the first time that evening, the petite blonde looked up in Giles’ direction. “Is Spike taking you to that party too?” The question seemed only natural, but Buffy’s brain was stuck
on the small word at the very end of it - *too*. Truth was they hadn’t actually talked about the homecoming dance. It had been a hectic week and between Spike running
off to God-knows-where and all the fighting, they hadn’t had anytime to discuss the subject. Were they going to the
dance together? Were they going as a couple or as part of the ‘piss off Dru and Angel’ plan? She didn’t
really know, but apparently, Spike’s father did. ‘Great! My mom’s *boyfriend* knows more about my private
dilemmas than I do.’ She protested inwardly. “I don’t know.” She answered. “We haven’t really had time to talk about that.” She
spoke looking directly at Giles, trying hard to ignore the image she picked up from the corner of her eyes. Spike sat next to her and had pretty much kept to himself and his plate for the entire night, but at her response he had
suddenly looked up and was now apparently staring at her. “Buffy…” Mrs. Summers stepped in as the motherly concern kicked in. “I don’t know if I want
you going to these parties alone. I know how these things are… they’re all wild a-and dangerous…” “Willow and Xander will be there to protect me from the wildness and the… hum… dangerousness.”
Buffy frowned at the last word. Was that an actual word? “Even so… I-I don’t-” “Don’t worry, Mrs. Summers, I’ll keep an eye on her.” Spike finally spoke, causing all three pair
of eyes to turn their attention on him. “Well… I-I guess that’s settled then.” Giles said with a content grin as he finished his dinner
and set his fork and knife sideways on his plate before turning to Joyce. “Dinner was wonderful, hon-“ He stopped
himself as he heard the two teens let out a simultaneous groan. “-Joyce.” He corrected himself. “Thank you.” She replied in a low voice as her cheeks quickly gained a bright red colour. Turning to Spike
as she began to stand, she asked: “Spike, could you please help me clear the table?” Buffy’s eyes went wide. She was going to leave her alone in the room with Mr. Giles? Oh, no she wouldn’t! “I’ll do it!” the blonde girl immediately pushed her chair back and prepared to stand when she felt Joyce’s
strong hand lightly push her downwards. “Spike can help me, can’t you?” She insisted, throwing a soft smile in the young teen’s direction. “Hum… Sure.” Spike replied awkwardly standing up and gathering the remaining dishes. Buffy felt her heart race in her chest at the prospect of being left alone with… *it*… who happened to be Spike’s
father. ‘Oh, God! The horrible silence!’ She thought as she watched her mother and Spike leave the room. “So…” Giles started in a meek attempt to make small talk. “H-how’s school?” “It’s ok.” She answered, her eyes glued to the striped towel. “Good. A-And your friend… hum… what’s her name… Willow?” “She’s ok too.” “Good.” ‘God, kill me know and end my suffering.’ In the meantime, in the kitchen… “How are things going in school?” “’s ok.” Spike mumbled his response as he handed the older woman the dirty dishes he had collected from
the table. “Are you sure…? What about….?” Joyce pointed at his broken lip. “Fell.” He answered dryly. “Some fall. To bruise your right cheekbone and split the right side of your mouth without leaving so much as a scratch
on your nose.” She wondered out loud. There was no threat or doubt in her voice, it sounded as a simple statement, without
any reprehension. “You know how things are...” Spike replied, leaning on the counter. “I guess I do. Could you take the ice-cream from the freezer please?” He nodded and did as she had asked him. “Thanks.” Joyce took a spoon into her hand and scooped an equal amount of ice-cream into four different cups, when she was finished
she handed the container back to him and he placed it in the freezer. Taking two cups into her hands and signalling him to
take the other two she stopped for a second before she went into the living room. “I hope you don’t have anymore of those nasty falls.” Spike couldn’t help but smile as he replied: “I’ll try.” ~+~ “What about the other boy… the little one with colourful hair… hum? Osborne?” “Oz?” Buffy questioned nervously tapping her spoon on the table. “Y-yes! That’s the one.” “He’s ok, too. He’s in a band.” “Oh!” Giles replied. Buffy practically pooled off her seat in relief when she saw her mother and Spike walk into the living room. ‘Thank, God! I was running out of friends to talk about.’ “Oh, chocolate cookie.” Giles piped up, clearly relieved also. “If you guys want, there is more in the
kitchen.” Joyce explained as she took her seat next to Giles. All four dug into their respective ice creams, trying to ignore the God-awful silence that spread all around them. Eventually,
Joyce attempted to put them out of their misery: “Buffy…” The teen snapped her head to look up at her mom: “Yes?” “This party at Cordelia’s… What time is it?” “Probably around eleven. We’ll try to leave the dance a bit early.” Buffy answered with a faltering tone
as she gave her mother a pleading look. ‘Please. Don’t embarrass me in front of them… Please!’ She
begged her telepathically. “I-It’s a little late isn’t it? What time are you planning on coming home?” Mrs. Summers tried
to hide the worry from her voice. “I-I don’t know. Hum… four-ish?” Buffy tried, her eyebrows coming together for a desperate frown. “Four in the morning?!” The older woman’s practically squeaked in amazement. “Well, I-I could come… hum… I-I” “I’ll look after her. Plus I’ll be driving her home and I promise I won’t drink.” Spike interrupted
Buffy’s incoherent mumbling to everyone’s surprise. There was a long moment of silence as the two teens waited for Joyce’s response: “I don’t know…” “It is homecoming and it’s their senior year…” It was Giles’ turn to step in. Mrs. Summers looked at him for a few second and then sat up straight. “Ok, then! But I want you in your room by four, young lady!” Joyce reassured her. “Oh, thank you, thank you!” Buffy exclaimed as she came around the table to give her mother a bear hug before
sitting back down. She dared to look at Spike for a split second and she felt her stomach flip-flop when she realised he was staring back
at her. Thank you. She mouthed before blushing furiously and burying her gaze back in the bowl in front of her. “Who wants coffee?” Mrs. Summers asked standing from the table. This time Buffy was faster than she could have expected and the teen was already on her feet with the four cups in her
hands and heading for the kitchen before her mother could say anything. ~+~ “Mr. Giles is *it*?!” Willow squealed into the receiver, causing Buffy to grimace and pulled the phone away
from her ear for a second. “For the 1000th time, Willow - Yes!” “I just can’t believe it! Mr. Giles and your mom doing-“ “Willow, if you have any wish for me to actually retain some sort of emotional stability in the future, please refrain
from finishing that thought.” Buffy grumbled. “Oh! Sorry!” Willow piped up. “It’s just-“ “Sick? Repulsive? Hideous? Hum…? Apocalyptic?” She offered. “Come on Buffy. It’s not apocalyptic. Repulsive and sick - yes, but not apocalyptic.” Willow countered. “Oh, and guess what? He wants me to call him Giles. I mean, he’s Spike’s father and I’m supposed
to call him Giles? He goes to PTA meetings, for Christ sake.” “I’m sorry, Buffy.” Willow sympathised. “Not as much as I am.” “It is kinda weird, huh?” “Kinda? If my mom and *Giles* are together then that makes Spike and I what? Potential siblings! That’s what!
Which means… Oh, God! I had sex with my potential stepbrother! I’m going straight to hell!” Buffy sighed. “Well… if you put it that way…” Willow was forced to agree. “I’m falling for my stepbrother…” Buffy pitied herself when suddenly her eyes went wide as realisation
hit her. “What?!” An equally astonished Willow asked. “Nothing!” Buffy quickly replied. “No… You said-“ “I didn’t say anything!” Buffy insisted frowning dangerously, but soon relaxed her facial muscles when
she realised that Willow wasn’t able to actually see her threatening glare. “Oh, come on Buffy! We both know you have wild ‘ravage me now’ feelings for him…” “Willow!” Buffy exclaimed outraged. “What? It’s true!” “W-Well even if this was true… We’re talking about my potential stepbrother here. This is excommunication
material we’re talking about.” “Oh, so what? You never were very religious, anyway.” Willow mumbled and then added in a peppy tone: “So,
when are you two gonna go back to the wild-monkey-love phase?” “Willow!!!” “Sorry…” Willow spoke, guilt pouring into her voice. “I’ve been Oz deprived for too long
- band practice and all. Plus, I’ve been spending too much time with Xander.” “I can tell.” Buffy replied rolling her eyes. “I’m sorry…” Willow pouted. “You’re forgiven.” Buffy couldn’t help but smile. “So is Spike taking you to the dance?” Willow’s anxious tone was back. “Yes. He’s picking me up at eight tomorrow.” “Oh!” “Willow…” Buffy warned. “Not a word from me. I’m on good girl mode now, the nasty talking doppelganger is no more.” Willow assured
her. “I hope so.” Buffy giggled. ~+~ She nervously brushed her hair, sitting in front of the dresser, looking at herself in the mirror. As she rested her brush
on the wooden surface her hands were free to roam over her long blonde threads. “Up.” She mumbled to herself pulling her hair, twisting it on top of her head and exposing her neck in the
process. “Down.” She continued, dropping the golden mass. “Up… Down… Up…” “Buffy?” Her mother’s voice came from the corridor as she heard approaching footsteps followed by a light
knock on the door. “Come in.” There was a small squeaking sound that came from the door as it slowly opened. “Oh! You look amazing.” Mrs. Summers breathed as she saw her daughter stand up and turn on her heels. The sleeveless black gown settled tightly around her chest and waist only to spread slightly when it reached her hips.
Her tanned shoulders and collarbone seemed fragile and exposed as she slowly moved to get her grey scarf and twirled it around
her slender neck. “But you have to do something about your hair.” Mrs. Summers commented as she came into the room and her hands
fell over Buffy’s blonde strands. “You should keep it up.” “You think?” She wondered as she looked herself in the mirror. “Definitely! Show’s off your beautiful neck.” Buffy frowned when she heard the faltering in her mother’s voice. “Oh, mom! You’re not gonna cry again, are you?” Buffy begged. “I can’t help it. You just look so… grown up. My little girl, all grown up.” Joyce spoke, bringing
both hands to cover her mouth and nose as she watched her daughter diligently working on her hair. “Everyone’s
going to gawk at you all night. Spike’s gonna have a fit of jealousy. Well… maybe not jealousy since he…” “Mom, I have to tell you something-“ Buffy was cut off by the sound of the doorbell. “Oh! That’s Spike! I’ll go and get the door.” And before Buffy could say anything, the older woman was out the door and down the stairs. ~+~ “She’ll be down any minute now.” Joyce reassured him for the third time that evening. Half an hour had passed since he had arrived and there was still no sign of Buffy. Sighing audibly, he reached for the
cup of warm chocolate and took a sip. He almost choked to death when his eyes looked up and found *her*, standing near the
doorframe that lead to the kitchen. “How do I look?” She asked blushing under his stare. When he finally managed to get his coughing fit under control, he stood up and said in a low voice: “You look wonderful.” “Thank you. You don’t look so bad yourself.” She replied taking in his tuxedo-clad figure. ‘God,
he looks yummy.’ She shook her head trying to push back the R rated images that instantly flooded her mind. ‘Bad
Buffy!’ she scolded herself. “Oh, honey you look amazing!” “You’ve said that already, mom. Oh, mom please don’t… mom… D-don’t cry come on.”
She begged coming to rest her hand over her mother’s back. “I can’t help it.” “Mom…” “I’m sorry. You kids go and have a good time. I’ll be fine.” “You sure?” Buffy questioned. “I’m sure. Have fun, honey.” Mrs. Summers nodded and ran her hand over her daughter’s cheek before
she watched her walk out of the kitchen. “Be home by four!” Buffy heard her mother shout as she closed the door
behind her. “Sorry about that. My mom’s kinda sensitive about all this growing up I seem to be doing.” Buffy said
awkwardly, her eyes glued to the pavement as they walked towards Spike’s car. “Don’t worry. My da’s pretty much the same. Uh, but in a more manly fashion obviously. He was all: ‘Son,
come here.’ and quickly followed that with the unavoidable embarrassing hug scene.” He explained, opening the
car door for her. When he took his place in the driver’s seat he froze for a second, remaining in silence for a while. “Uh… I know I shouldn’t talk, since I don’t have a driver’s licence and all but… I
think it would work better if you put the key in that little slot there.” Buffy joked, but felt the air being sucked
out of the small vehicle when he turned to face her and his eyes roamed over her body. “You do look amazing tonight.” He said in a low voice, before putting the key in the ignition and heading off
to the old high school. ~+~ The guitar sound echoed off the wall of the old gymnasium as they entered the teen packed room. Unconsciously, Buffy’s
grip on Spike’s arm tightened as they made their way through the crowd and all eyes seemed to fall on the blonde duo. “You should’ve been expecting this. Nobody’s gonna be able to take their eyes off you for one second
tonight.” She heard Spike whisper in her ear and her knees turned into Jell-O. Thankfully, an extremely peppy and energized Willow came to her aid. “Buffy!! You look great!” She screamed over the loud music in the background. “You look great too.” Buffy replied. Seeing the familiar redhead standing next to her best friend she added:
“Oz!” “Hey!” The teen greeted the newly arrived couple. “When are you guys going on?” Spike asked. “In about fifteen. I was just waiting for you guys to come. Didn’t want to leave Willow alone.” He explained,
pulling his date for a small kiss on the lips before he turned to leave. “See ya.” “Good luck!” Buffy shouted after him receiving a small nod from the guitar player as he disappeared into the
crowd. “God! I’m sooo excited! This is even worse that at the Bronze! Ah!!!” Willow screamed clapping hysterically. “I’m gonna get something to drink. You ladies want anything?” Spike asked. “Punch.” The two answered in unison as the bleached teen turned to attend to their requests. “And where’s the soon to be Homecoming Queen?” Buffy questioned. “You know Cordy, she’s probably waiting for the last minute to make her grand entrance. “Yeah, I bet.” “Oh! Speak of the she-devil!” Willow piped up pointing at the red-clad brunette that had just walked into the
room, causing all heads to turn and gaze at her. “She’s just loving this!” Buffy smiled contemplating the spectacle. “Xander doesn’t seem too comfortable though.” Willow joked. “Here you go.” Spike’s voice came from behind them, as he handed them their drinks. “Thanks.” Buffy mouthed as the music grew to a crescendo. “The whelp’s here. Thank God! Some testosterone company.” Spike sighed in relief as he watched the couple
move towards them. His eyes drifted back to the girl next to him to find her pouting. Leaning in, he whispered in her ear: “She doesn’t hold a candle to you, luv.” He reassured her. Ok, that was it! Standing up straight was definitely becoming an issue as she felt his warm breath on her neck. “Hey, guys!” Cordy greeted unenthusiastically. “Hey!” They greeted back. “I hate this.” Xander grumbled pulling at his collar. “Same here.” Spike said, joining in the tuxedo bashing. “Oh, it’s just for a couple of hours. We’ll be out of here as soon as I get that damn crown.” Cordelia
exhaled sharply, her eyes scanning the crowd. “I can’t believe I’m going to have to dance with that football
meathead.” “Hey! It’s tradition. Homecoming king and queen have to dance at least once.” Willow stated the unfortunately
obvious. Cordelia growled something unintelligible before Jonathan’s squeaky voice came booming from the speakers. “1,2,3 testing…” All eyes fell on him. “Hum… Hi!” “Poor guy, he’s gonna end up dehydrated if he keeps sweating like that.” Xander noted as a high-pitched
sound came from the speakers, causing everyone to cringe. “Feedback! Careful of the feedback!” They heard Jonathan scold Andrew who nervously worked the board. Eventually,
the screeching stopped and the short teen was able to stammer: “Hum… W-welcome to the Homecoming dance, everyone!” A mixture of ‘yay’s and ‘boo’s were heard before he could continue: “Now, please welcome the amazing band… ‘Dingoes Ate my Baby!’” Loud cheering boomed across the room as the first cords were heard. Soon, the stage was completely lit, showing all members
of the groups, Oz included. “He looks sooo cool! I have a cool boyfriend! Ahhh!” Willow screamed. “Oh, no it’s starting all over again.” Cordy grumbled between clenched teeth, before Xander wormed his
hands around her waist and dragged her to the dance floor. “Wanna dance, pet?” Buffy heard Spike ask her. He frowned when he saw her shake her head, but then realised why, when she pointed at the lonely redhead jumping up and
down next to them. Spike nodded, sliding his arms around her and pulling her back against his as they listened to the music. ~+~ Three or four songs went by before Cordy and Xander joined the trio sitting around a table. Well, Willow wasn’t exactly
sitting, since she was constantly squirming in her seat, occasionally standing up and clapping her hands. “God! I’m beat. And I thought I hated the tux… It’s nothing compared to the way I feel about these
stupid shoes right now. Ouch!” Xander grumbled taking his seat next to Spike as Buffy had abandoned her chair in favour
of the Brit’s lap. “What are you doing?” Cordelia asked outraged as she watched her boyfriend lean over and stick his finger into
his shoe. “Taking them off?” Xander offered. “Oh, no you’re not!” She shook her head, her eyes wide and her eyebrows raised high on her forehead. “Oh, come on!” “No!” She insisted, crossing her arms over her chest. “Damn it.” Xander cursed under his breath as his eyes turned to the couple sitting next to him. “You
guys gonna dance?” “You guys gonna keep Red company?” Xander nodded: “I don’t think I could move right now even if I wanted.” Both Spike and Buffy smiled at that, before the bleached teen looked up at blonde sitting on his lap and tilted his head
toward the dance floor. In a flash, she was up and was leading him to the middle of the crowd. “Ah! The joy of sitting down!” Xander breathed using Spike and Buffy’s chair to prop up his legs. “Xander!” Cordy yelled with a disgusted face. “What?!” Chapter 27 The fast pace pounding of the drums came to an abrupt halt and after a few moments of silence a new, soft beat replaced
it. The two blondes eyed each other uncomfortably, not really knowing what to do as, all around them, various couples came
together to dance to the sound of the slow music. Buffy felt her stomach turn a couple of times as he stepped closer to her and his hands came to rest on her hips, pulling
her against him. Instinctively, her own arms crawled up his shoulders while her head nuzzled against his chest. They moved
in accord with the melancholic rhythm, sluggishly dragging their feet across the dance floor. Spike frowned when he felt her
chuckle against his tuxedo. “Something funny, luv?” She looked up at him and then tilted her head towards the table they had just left. Soon a smile spread over the Brit’s
lips as he watched Cordelia huff and puff at Xander, trying hard to contain her rage but failing miserably. “What’s wrong with the Ice-Queen?” “I guess she must have noticed that Xander pulled a Michael Jackson on her.” Buffy giggled against his chest,
causing Spike’s eyes to roll back in their sockets for a second. God, he missed having her this close and her scent
was becoming intoxicating. “Come again?” He managed to ask. Buffy smiled and pointed at Xander. “Notice the incredibly white socks.” “Oh…” He finally realised. They continued to dance in silence for a while longer until Buffy looked up at him. “This is nice.” She breathed. “Very.” “It’s… comfortable.” She started and then added with a sigh. “Too bad you’re gay.”
“Hey!” He protested as he watched her giggle. “Kidding. It’s just that my mom must really think you’re gay or she would have never allowed me to go
out so late and have a boy drive me home in the middle of the night.” She explained. “Yeah, and she’s probably the one putting all that crap into my da’s head, too.” He grumbled. “Hey!” It was Buffy’s turn to object as she lightly swatted him over the shoulder. They eyed each other for a while. They hadn’t actually gotten the chance to talk about… it. “So… When did you find out?” Buffy questioned. “When my da parked the car in your driveway and said: ‘This is it. We’re here.’ “ He answered
promptly. “Ouch! Still, better than coming down the stairs and bumping into your dad. You could have told me.” She frowned,
giving him a frowned look and a pout. “When was I supposed to tell you? In the fifteen seconds it took my father to come after me?” He defended himself. “Yes! You could’ve just said - ‘My father is your mom’s new boyfriend.’” She insisted. He pulled his mouth to the side and tilted his head giving her an annoyed look. “What?” She exclaimed. “Oh, alright! You couldn’t do anything about it. I just need someone to
blame.” She grumbled. “Same here, pet.” “Kinda strange… isn’t it?” She tried after a few seconds of silence. “My mom, your dad, together.
It just spells out WRONG.” Her eyes widened to emphasize the last word. “It’s awkward. I was dying all the way through that dinner.” He admitted. “Me too. God, you’re father was just so strange when my mom left us alone. He was all -‘How are you?
How is Willow? How is Xander?’. You guys walked in just the nick of time. It was getting too painful.” “Da’s just nervous about you liking him. He really seems to like your mom.” Spike explained. “I guess. But it’s still weird.” She said as her head came to rest on his shoulder. He felt her freeze, her entire body tense up and he frowned. He was about to ask her why the sudden change when he followed
her gaze and saw Dru and Angel walking into the gymnasium. Without a word he tightened his grip around her small waist and
brought her closer to him, while one of his hands crawled up her back to draw small, soothing circles on her exposed skin
just below her neck. After a few moments, she relaxed and snuggled her face against the black material of his tuxedo to take
in his scent. Sluggishly, he let his head drop and buried his nose in her hair. A smile spread over her lips as she felt him mumble something
unintelligible against her blonde threads. “What was that?” She asked looking up at him. Her breath caught in the back of her throat when her eyes met his. He looked so- She was violently snapped out of her thought by the suddenly clapping and cheering that erupted around them. She blinked
wildly, looking around and realising Oz’s band had finished their set and everyone was applauding them. Her gaze zoomed
across the room, her mind still a bit hazy, but she was able to identify a very hysterical Willow jumping up and down, clapping
incessantly as Oz came off the stage. Soon, a still nervous and sweaty Jonathan came on, picking up a discarded microphone and lightly tapping it. “A-and now, for the moment you have all been waiting for - the coronation of our very own Homecoming King and Queen.” Roaring cheers filled the gym for a few seconds before the teen continued: “Please welcome our principal… Principal Snyder!” The entire crowd went silent as the short, bald man climbed on stage. Suddenly, a single ‘boo’, echoed off
the walls. Principal Snyder immediately snatched the microphone from Jonathan’s hands and snarled: “Give me that!” Turning to the crowd he growled: “Who did that?” No answer. The little man huffed a couple of times but then decided to ignore the insult, turning his attention to one of the two
envelope he held in his hands. “Alright, let’s get this pathetic show over with.” He grumbled ripping open one of the envelopes. “And
the Homecoming Queen is… Oh, surprise, surprise…” He mumbled with fake enthusiasm. “Miss Cordelia
Chase.” Everyone clapped as the head cheerleader made her way onstage, tugging at her long gown as she climbed the small steps. “Thank you.” She said with a plastic smile as she accepted the golden crown and the flimsy bouquet of flowers.
“I would like to-“ “Alright, alright! No speeches.” Snyder interrupted, causing Cordelia to glare violently at the short shell
of a man. “And the Homecoming King is…” He tore the piece of paper and took out the card concealed inside.
His jaw practically dropped to the floor as he read it out loud: “William Giles?” There was complete silence in the entire gymnasium. All eyes alternated between a seriously pissed off Angel and an incredibly
dumbstruck Spike. “Huh? What?” He managed to ask looking at Buffy who was equally surprised. After the initial surprise the Principal was back to his usual unpleasant humour as he grumbled: “Oh, don’t make us wait Mr. Giles.” Still wide-eyed the teen reached the stage, unwillingly accepting the terribly garish golden ornament on his head. “Ok. It’s done. I’m getting out of this teen infested excuse for a high-school.” Snyder snarled
on his way off stage. Nervously, Jonathan reached for the nearest available microphone: “And now, as tradition deems it, the King and Queen will share a dance.” Still a bit stunned, both Cordy and Spike eyed each other, remaining still on stage. “Hum… Guys!” Jonathan hissed at the two. “Move it.” “Oh…” Spike shook his head and took Cordelia by the hand, leading her to the dance floor. As a slow,
cheesy music began playing in the background, the bleached teen wormed his arms around the cheerleader, pulling her towards
him. Buffy felt her stomach turn at the sight; her face instinctively grimacing at the strange feeling in her gut. “Hey!” She jolted up straight at the voice. “Hey, Wills.” Buffy greeted awkwardly as her eyes returned to the duo alone on the dance floor. “You ok?” the redhead asked. “Fine.” She answered without looking at her. “Same answer as Xander.” “I’m fine, Willow.” Buffy reassured her, finally turning to face her best friend. “It’s just
a dance. And it’s just Cordelia.” There was silence as the two watched the ‘royal’ couple glide across the floor. Buffy tapped her shoe nervously. She never realised this song was this long. “Relax, Buffy.” She heard Willow say. “I’m relaxed. I couldn’t be more relaxed. I’m the epitome of relaxation!” Willow raised an eyebrow at that. “I *am* relaxed.” She repeated, pausing before adding: “And I’ll be even more so once Spike gets
his hands *off* her.” Slowly, the song drifted into silence and the dancing couple quickly parted ways. “Nice dancing with you.” Spike said awkwardly as he backed away from her. “Yeah.” Cordelia nodded equally embarrassed as she made her way to Xander. “Hey. That was weird, huh?” Spike said nervously as he approached Buffy, quickly taking off the metal crown. The petite blonde simply nodded as she sat down around the table, along with to Willow, Oz, Cordelia and Xander. Even thought
the music soared to a crescendo, filling the room, a nerve-wracking silence engulfed the six teens. “That was a surprise. Spike, Homecoming King.” Willow piped up, trying to loosen the mood, but it was impossible. “Real surprise.” Oz stepped in, in a hopeless attempt to help his girlfriend. “Angel must have been pissed, huh?” The redhead continued, but had no reaction from the two couples. Suddenly, Cordelia spoke up: “I’ve got my crown. What do you guys say we head onto my place?” “Good idea.” Willow immediately squeaked. ~+~ They drove in silence for the first five minutes. “The dance was nice.” Spike tried to make small talk. Buffy simply nodded and looked out the window. “Oz’s band was amazing.” Another nod, followed by a sigh. “Something wrong, luv?” “Nope.” Buffy answered, popping the ‘p’, staring through the glass. “Then why the silent treatment?” “What silent treatment? I’m just tired.” She replied. “Ah!” She cried out in surprise when the car came to an abrupt halt, causing her to be projected forward; the seatbelt being
the only thing keeping her from being thrown out through the windshield. “Are you insane!?” She shouted turning to face him. “What the *hell* was that for?” She paused,
waiting for a response. “Why are you grinning? Stop grinning! I don’t like it when you grin!” She watched
as he tilted his head and narrowed his eyes; his trademark smirk still tugging at the corners of his bruised mouth. “What?!” “You’re jealous.” He stated matter-of-factly. “What?!” She cried out. “You were jealous of me and the pom-pom queen.” He elaborated. “Ego much?” She questioned raising her eyebrows. “No. Just stating the obvious, pet.” “Ha!” “Come on. Admit it - You. Were. Jealous.” “Not. In this. Lifetime.” She replied in the same manner. “You were jealous.” His smile widened as he watched her blush furiously. “Was not.” “Were to.” “Was not.” “Were to.” “Was - Oh, will you just shut up and drive, already?” She grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest and turning
to face the road. “Not until you admit you were jealous.” He stated. He turned the key in the ignition and the steady murmuring of the car engine came to a halt as he pulled on the hand break. “We’re in the middle of the road, Spike!” She noted looking back and forth. “Not until you admit it.” He repeated, sloshing in his seat. “Spike! Stop playing around, someone’s gonna crash into us.” A hint of fear slipped into her voice. “Admit it.” “No!” She shouted as she turned back and watched a car coming dangerously close to them. “Spike! Watch
out!” But at the last moment the driver spotted the car parked in the middle of the road and was able to avoid it, driving past
them. “You’re gonna get us killed!” She screamed. “This is not funny.” “Admit it.” “Will you stop saying that?!” He complied and didn’t say anything, choosing to simply stare at her as another car raced past them. “Spike, please pull over.” She begged and he shook his head. “Fine. I’ll do it.” Without warning, she moved over to his side, her left leg slipping between his as her hands came to rest on the steering
wheel. She felt butterflies in her stomach as she wiggled in his lap and she heard him groan. Trying to ignore him, she turned
the key in the ignition and the car engine roared but it refused to move. ‘Ok… Now which of the peddles makes the car move…’ She wondered. She tried one but there was no result. Sighing she chose the one next to it, pressing it and suddenly the car roared loudly,
causing her to jump in Spike’s lap and inevitably the Brit moaned as her backside pressed against this pelvis. ‘Ohgodohgodohgod!’ She thought to herself as she tried to get her breathing under control. She pressed the
peddle again and, once again, the engine howled but the vehicle refused to budge. She looked right and left, up and down,
trying to remember Spike’s movements when he had last started the car. Her eyes brightened when her gaze fell over the
lever to her right. In the meantime, Spike rolled his eyes back, grinded his teeth together, clenched and unclenched his hands to keep from
grabbing the hot, little body that was wiggling in his lap. ‘Cor… She smells good! No! Focus, focus, Spike! Can’t
let her win.’ He thought as he watched her. ‘She’s gonna destroy my car!’ Excitedly, she reached for the hand break and tried to push it down. She frowned when it refused to move. Spotting the
button on the stick she pressed it and tried again. This time it worked and as soon as the break was down the car started
moving. She smiled when she realised that even though she wasn’t pressing any of the peddles, the car was gliding down
the road. With a goofy smile and a racing heart, she grabbed the steering wheel and turned it completely to the right causing the
car to head straight against the rapidly approaching pavement. “Ah!” She screamed hysterically as the car climbed the sidewalk and she turned the wheel hard left as she realised
she was about to crash into a trash can. After successfully avoiding the object, the car continued to move along the sidewalk, two wheels on the asphalt and the
other two on the pavement. ‘Now… to get it to stop.’ Without a second thought she pulled at the hand break and the car came to a halt. The light humming still came from the
engine, so she turned the key and it there was silence. “Ah!!!!!” She screamed “I did it! I did it! Ah!!! I drove a car!” She shouted hysterically, clapping
her hands and wiggling in Spike’s lap. “Did you see it? I drove a car.” She continued to yell, completely
oblivious to the repressed groans than came from behind her. Spike’s fingers held a death grip on his seat as she unconsciously grinded her backside against his groin. He pressed
his lips together in a feeble attempt to push back the grunts that built up in his throat but it was impossible. God! The
way she moved, who could help it? “Did you see it? I-“ She stopped in mid sentence when she suddenly felt strong hands on her thighs, gripping
them. She caught her breath when his hips bucked upwards, his hands pulling her down, pushing her hard against him. Buffy’s
eyes widened as she felt something hard pressing into her. After the initial shock, she relaxed and slowly moved her hips
in small circular motions. “Cor… Buffy…” She heard him breathe in her ear. His lips slowly grazed over the back of her neck, his teeth scraping against her tender flesh there. Buffy’s head
lolled back, her hands gripping the steering wheel as she continued to move. “Ah…” The sound of him moaning in her ear sent shivers down her spine as one of his hands blindly crept up her side to cup her
clothed breast. It was Buffy’s turn to mewl as his finger roughly caressed her through the black fabric of her dress. Her hand abandoned the steering wheel and came to wrap around his neck, pulling his face closer to hers. His lips glided
over her jaw line and her cheek to finally find her mouth. “Mmm…” Buffy moaned, parting her lips and allowing him to slip inside. Their tongues moved erratically, desperate to deepen the kiss, as if they wanted to devour each other. Spike groaned into her mouth as she wiggled in his lap, trying hard to get comfortable as her body faced forward while
her torso twisted backward. She struggled to move in the small space, but her tight dress only served to restrain her movement
even further. Realising this, Spike’s hands reached down, his mouth never abandoning hers, as he tugged at the gown, hitching it
up around her waist. Taking full advantage of her new found mobility she turned her body and in a few seconds she faced him,
her legs on either side of him. One of her heels dug into Spike’s shin, but he was completely oblivious to it as he
felt her thrust her hips against his, her small breasts bouncing slightly at the sharp motion. They froze for a second as they gazes met. She was flushed; a few strands of her hair had come loose from the bun at the
back of her head and now fell around her face, framing it. “God, Buffy… You’re beautiful.” He couldn’t help breathing before he captured her mouth with
his own. The kiss was fast paced and ravenous. His hand came to the crook of her neck, pulling her closer, trying desperately to
deepen the kiss when she once again pushed her hips against his. His lips moved over her jaw and down her neck to finally
find the edge of her gown. Buffy arched her neck, letting her head fall to the side and allowing him full access to her chest
as his shaky fingers tugged at the black material and exposed one perfectly shaped breast. He took a moment, looking up at her for permission, but she seemed lost, her eyes closed, her mouth slightly open. His
lips brushed over her hardened nipple once, causing her to gasp just as his tongue darted out and began to encircle the tender
bud. “Woo-hoo!” The two jolted to attention as a teen packed car slowly drove past them. Buffy brushed furiously, quickly scrambling to
cover herself as she moved off of Spike and plopped back in her seat. “Oh, God! They’re from our high-school!” She shrieked, pulling her dress down. “Ohgodohgod!” “Shhh… Calm down, luv.” “Calm down?! A car full of testosterone driven teenagers just saw my… my…” She awkwardly pointed
at her now covered breast. “Calm down. They didn’t see anything. Unless they have ex-ray vision that allows them to see through my head.”
Spike explained, wiggling his eyes at her suggestively. “Pig…” She mumbled, trying hard not to smile. There was silence between them for a second as they eyed each other. Suddenly, Spike looked away from her and at the steering
wheel: “Hum… we better go.” He said as he turned the key in the ignition. ‘What? We’re going? What about the… sex?’ She wondered frowning a bit. What the hell was wrong
with him? Why was he doing this? Was it because of their parents? Did it repulse him now that… Well, it sure as *hell*
didn’t repulse him a moment ago. Plus, it was the second time he was doing it. Buffy crossed her arms over her chest and pouted all the way to the party. ‘Breathe, breathe.’ Spike mentally commanded himself. ‘Can’t let her win. If she wants it, she’s
gonna have to be the one to make the move. Let’s just hope she makes it soon or I’m gonna lose it.’ Author's note: Yeah, yeah… I know! Short chapter but I just had to stop it here cause the next scene is kinda long
and the chapter would just turned out enormous! Author's Note: Thanks to Ali for betaing this fic and for supporting it! ;) Chapter 28 “There you guys are. I thought you’d lost your way or something.” Xander called out; walking up to the
blonde duo who had just entered the household. “We got kinda… stuck in traffic.” Spike made up on the stop. “At eleven at night? Traffic?” Xander questioned, raising an eyebrow. “Alright kiddies, have fun and
don’t make too much damage or Cordy is so gonna kick your asses. I’m off.” With a goofy grin he walked away quickly being swallowed by the crowd of bouncing teenagers. Buffy simply cowered behind Spike. The thought of finding the drunken groups of kids that had caught them just ten minutes
ago in an extremely compromising position made her stomach turn. “Oh, God! They’re here!” She squeaked when she saw the short brown-haired boy who had shouted at them.
“I’m gonna die. Just kill me now.” She mumbled. “Calm down, luv. Maybe they didn’t recognize us.” Spike offered. The moment they fully entered the party, all heads turned to observe them. The wave of hushes and unintelligible whispers
that soon followed was barely masked by the loud music. “Oh, right… they didn’t recognize us at all.” Buffy spat sarcastically. “I’m sorry, pet.” The Brit apologized. “You better be.” She narrowed her eyes at him. “Well, it was your bright idea to sit on my lap.” “So what?” “So what?” He repeated. “I’m a guy! You don’t wiggle around on a guy’s lap; especially
not an eighteen-year-old-hormone-driven guy!” Buffy simply rolled her eyes and leaned on a nearby wall, wishing for all the gossiping to cease. Unfortunately, ten minutes
into the party the buzzing still hovered around them. “God! Where’s Willow when you need her?” She mumbled, pouting. “If they came in Oz’s van it’ll probably be a while.” Spike breathed scanning the crowd and throwing
deadly glares at all the gossiping teens, but it was no use. There were just too many of them. He turned to face Buffy: “Wanna
shut them up?” “Yes, please.” Buffy begged. “What’s your-“ She wasn’t able to finish the sentence as, suddenly, he was on her, his mouth smashed against hers in a bruising
and demanding kiss, while his body crushed hers against the wall she had been leaning on. His tongue pushed past her lips,
greedily exploring her mouth while his hands gripped her thighs and crawled up the sides of her chest. Buffy eyed shot wide
open in shock, but soon she relaxed in his arms and her heavy eyelids closed as she responded with a fervour that matched
his. Her mind swirled as her fingers gripped the lapels of his tuxedo, desperately trying to bring him closer, but he pulled
away and turning to face the gawking and astonished heard of teens shouted: “Liked the show?” Everyone blushed, awkwardly squirming in their places as their gazes bounced off the wall in a pathetic attempt to appear
oblivious to the blonde duo. Turning to face a panting Buffy, he grinned at her: “Worked.” She tried to answer him, but she was still a bit stunned by the intensity of the kiss and so she opted to simply nod. “What something to drink, luv?” He asked as he swallowed hard, attempting to hide his lack of breath and his
racing heartbeat. Another wide-eyed nod was the girl’s response. “Be back in a sec.” He said before turning on his heels and heading for the bar on the other side of the room. Buffy stood there, still leaning on the wall and practically jumped up straight when she felt someone tap her on the shoulder. “Buffy!” She heard Willow’s perky voice. “Oh, it’s you guys.” She let out a deep breath turning to face Oz and Willow. “Buffy, are you alright? You’re kinda jumpy.” The redhead worried. “I’m ok, Will.” Buffy assured her as she watched Spike return with one soda in each hand. “Hey.” He greeted. Oz gave him a slight nod while pushing his lips together. “Where are Cordelia and Xander?” Willow questioned. “Probably upstairs doing the old nasty.” Buffy offered. “Yeah, the whelp did have a ridiculous ‘I’m-gonna-get-laid-tonight’ grin plastered all over his
face.” Spike confirmed her suspicions. “Ok, that’s so not the imagery I need right now.” Willow grimaced. “Same here.” Buffy agreed. ~+~ The song ended and the couples began dispersing, but the blonde duo remained with there arms wrapped around each other
as a more fast paced, energetic tune came on. They moved slowly, while the crowd around them jumped up and down in a strange,
almost tribal, dance. “I don’t think this is the way you dance to ‘It Smells like Teen Spirit’.” Buffy finally
said with a smirk, looking up at him. “Says who?” Spiked asked cocking up a scarred eyebrow. “Everyone in this room.” She replied promptly. “Pff. What do they know?” They continued locked in an intimate embrace, swaying to a beat of their own, oblivious to the world around them. After what seemed like an eternity, they let each other go and moved to join Willow and Oz on the couch. “You guys not going to dance?” Buffy asked with a smile that spread from one ear to the other. “Not really in a headbanger’s ball mood.” Willow said crunching up her nose. “You can always ignore the music and slow dance.” The blonde countered. “Not very imaginative tonight. Plus…” She pointed at her bare feet. “Sore.” “Oh! I told you should wear high-heel shoes more often.” “Can’t.” Willow said simply. “Why not?” Buffy frowned. “Height issues.” Willow whispered, looking from the corner of her eyes to make sure Oz was fully entertained
talking to Spike. “Oh…” Buffy nodded as realisation hit her. “So, why were you all jumpy back there?” “The rumours haven’t reached you yet?” “No. I’m rumour free. You know how it is, I’m always out of the gossip loop. I’m loopless.”
Willow brought her eyebrows together for a painful frown. “Well, you won’t be loopless anymore.” Buffy assured, causing her to smile. “On the way over here
Spike and I kinda got into a fight.” “Again?” “Don’t worry, we’re over it. Anyway, we fought and one thing lead to the another and, long story short,
we ended up in a serious make-out session.” “Oh!” Willow piped up with a grin. “Yeah, well that was what the guys who drove past us said too. Well, sort of. It was more of a ‘woo-hoo’
thing.” “Ouch.” Willow winced. “It gets worse. It turns out they’re from our high school and they’re here as we speak. Hence the rumours
and the constant glances at me and Spike.” Willow smiled as Buffy continued, telling her about the Brit’s strategy to defeat the evil glares. “What are you two giggling about?” Spike called out coming closer to Buffy and throwing a possessive arm over
her. “Nothing.” Buffy lied. “Girl stuff.” Spike tilted his head and narrowed his eyes in a clear sign of disbelieve. “What?” Buffy gave him an innocent look, leaning in for a quick peck before standing up. “Where’re you going?” He questioned taking a hold of her hand. “Lady’s room.” She answered before moving to leave. “Want me to come with?” he asked as he scanned the crowd. There were already too many pissed teens at the party,
he really didn’t want her getting into any kind of trouble. “I think I can manage going to the bathroom on my own. I’ve been able to do it since I was two. I’m pretty
sure I’ve got it under control.” Buffy joked. “Just be careful.” He said letting go of her hand and watching her as she moved into the crowd. “She’ll be fine.” Oz said, knowing perfectly well the fears going through the bleached teen’s head
since he pretty much felt the same way about letting Willow wander around the party alone. Especially the upstairs. ~+~ Buffy climbed up the stairs, trying to avoid the various semi-naked couples that seemed to cling to every available surface.
She had tried the two bathrooms downstairs but had found one occupied and the other was… well, not in the most sanitary
condition. She reached the corridor where an even more degrading spectacle waited to greet her. “Get a room.” She whispered, frowning as she tried to remember the drunken girl’s directions. ‘What did she say? Was it second door on the left or right? Or was it third? Damn that stupid loud music.’
She grumbled in her thoughts as she approached the first option. She didn’t need to go near the door to hear the series
of ‘Oh my God’s’ that came from behind it. ‘Ok, so it’s not option number one.’ She decided
to move to the other side of the hall, but once more loud moans and ungodly screams carried through that door. ‘I guess
that leaves doors number three and four. Now, left or right.´ “I think I’d choose right.” She heard someone say. She turned on her heels to see Angel slouching against the wall, beer bottle in hand. “You’re looking for the bathroom, right?” Buffy simply nodded, crossing her arms over her chest in a feeble attempt to cover herself. Damn! Why had she left her
scarf downstairs? She really wasn’t liking the lascivious glances he was throwing at her breasts. “It’s the third on the right.” “Thank you.” She said quickly reaching to turn the knob. It was locked. ‘Damn it!’ She cursed in her mind. She smiled nervously as she lightly tapped on the door. “Hello? Anybody in there?” She asked realising Angel was still staring at her. “It’s-“ Whoever was trying to answer never got a chance as a gag sound was heard followed by the unmistakable one of someone vomiting. “Ew.” Buffy winced pressing her legs together. She really needed to go. “There’s another bathroom in the pool area.” Angel suggested. “Oh…” Buffy said, having no idea how to reach it. “I can take you if you want.” “I thought Cordy said the pool was off limits. She locked all the doors that lead to it.” Buffy explained. “You forget I’ve been coming to this party for the last three years. I know this house inside out.” Angel
smirked. She didn’t like that. And it wasn’t in a ‘not-liking-Spike’s-gorgeous-smirk’ kind of way;
it was in a ‘really-creepy-get-the-hell-away-from-me’ kind of way. Plus, he looked like he was kinda drunk. But
what was she supposed to do? Hold it in? “Ok.” She finally agreed as she followed him downstairs. Instead of turning left and heading where most of the party was concentrated, they turned right, into the kitchen where
a few drunken kids lay sprawled on the floor while others sat on the counter telling anecdotes. They crossed the tiled room
and entered a small corridor with a door on each side, one of which lead to one of the bathrooms she had tried earlier. At
the end of the hall was a window. Angel reached for it and opened it. “You’re gonna have to go through here.” He explained. Buffy waited for a few seconds, contemplating how she would be able to climb out. Tugging at her dress, she pulled just
enough so she was able to swing one leg over and then quickly jumped out. She stumbled a bit but was able to keep her balance
as her feet hit the grass outside. She watched as Angel easily made his way through the window. “This way.” He pointed as they went around the corner and were met by the sight of a giant pool spread out
in the middle of a garden. “Wow.” Buffy could help uttering. “I know. It’s great, isn’t it? Had pretty much the same reaction the first time I saw it.” Angel
said sticking his hands into the pockets of his trousers. Buffy eyed him waiting for him to point out the bathroom. “Oh! Sorry! It’s over there.” He indicated the small house near the pool. “Thanks.” She smiled and walked over to the white structure. ~+~ “Where is she? What’s taking her so long?” Spike asked for the fourth time as he nervously scanned the
party. “There’s probably a line. She’ll be down any second now.” Willow tried to calm him down. “I don’t like this. I’ll go check on her.” He mumbled standing up and walking away. ~+~ Buffy ran her hands over her stomach, flattening the black fabric there as she watched herself in the mirror one last time
before opening the door and exiting the bathroom. She looked around and frowned when she failed to find the quarterback. “Angel?” She called out squinting as she searched the thick garden that surround the pool area. “Gotcha!” He exclaimed as he grabbed her by the waist, causing Buffy to scream. He immediately set her down. “Sorry! Didn’t mean to scare you.” He apologized. “I-It’s ok.” She stammered. “So… You enjoying the party?” He tried to make small-talk. “It’s nice. Leave it to Cordy to plan a party that can make up for the lousy school dance.” She let a
soft smile spread over her lips as her eyes stared into the crystal water that mirrored the sky. “Yeah! She throws the best parties every year. “ He agreed. They remained in silence for a few seconds. “Well, we better…” She pointed towards the main house. “…go.” “Right.” He said nodding and following her. Buffy wobbled over the grass as they made their way back to the window but, suddenly, her ankle twisted under her and she
stumbled to the ground. Instinctively, Angel reached out; one strong arm encircling her waist was enough to stop her from
failing. “Oh… Thanks!” She breathed looking up at him. Her eyes widened when Angel’s lips were suddenly on hers. She was shocked at first, but immediately pressed her hands
against his shoulders and pushed him away. “What the *hell* are you doing?” She spat angrily wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, not worrying
about smudging her lipstick. “Oh, come on Buffy. I know you want to.” He took a step closer to her, with his hands stretched out. “Stay away from me!” She warned him and he stopped dead in his tracks. “Is this about him?” She frowned. “Bleach-boy?” Angel explained tilting his head back towards the house. “This-“ She started but was interrupted by the tall boy’s grotesque laughter. “You’re all worried about what he’s going to think isn’t it? Good old Buffy! You would never think
of cheating on your boyfriend.” He mocked; a hint of anger hiding behind his arrogant tone. “Well guess what?
You should check if you’re *boyfriend* is on the same page as you are, darling, cause I’m not really sure if he
would agree that yours is a monogamous relationship.” Buffy glared at him as he paused and took in a deep breath. “You’re drunk.” She spat tugging at the edges of her dress and preparing to storm away when she heard
him call out. “He didn’t tell you, did he? About why we fought?” She froze in mid-stride. “Didn’t think so. I mean, the way you were all over him, I figured he didn’t.” Slowly, she turned to face him. “Is this the scene in the movie where you make up some big lie to try and break me and Spike up? Cause that is just
so cliché.” She sighed, apparently bored, but inside her heart raced against her chest. “Just tell your boy to stay the hell away from her. She’s mine now!” He growled. “Dru?” “Yeah, Dru. Caught him trying to grab her.” He explained. “You’re lying.” “Why would I lie?” He stood up straight. “Why else would we fight? Because of you?” He let out
a powerful chuckle. “Come on, honey. Do you really think I still want you? Do you really think I’m as pathetic
as you are?” He asked rhetorically. “Not really. You’re…” He took his time, running his tongue
over his bottom lip. “…used up.” A smacking sound echoed in the empty garden as Buffy’s hand came out of nowhere to slap him across the face. His reaction was a creepy grin and a chuckle as he fingered his now sore cheek. “Ouch, Buffy. That really hurt.” He said sarcastically. Suddenly, his smile crumbled and he glared at her.
“Go. Ask him. Let’s see what he tells you.” And with that he stormed towards the window, slipping inside. ~+~ “She’s gone. I can’t find her anywhere.” Spike said worriedly as he came back down the stairs to
find Oz and Willow still on the couch. “Are you sure? I-I mean did you check everywhere?” Willow stuttered. “I checked, believe me.” He grumbled scanning the crowd. His heart immediately settled when he saw the petite
blonde entering the living room. “Thank God, Buffy! Where have you been? I’ve been looking all over for you.” He breathed in relief, bringing
his arms to wrap around her small form. She never moved, remaining perfectly still in his embrace. “Are you ok?” He frowned. “I-I’m fine. I’m just a bit tired.” She answered calmly, but he could tell something was wrong. “What happened?” His eyes went wide at the idea of… “Did something happen? Buffy are you ok?” “I’m fine.” She repeated. “I just wanna go home, please.” “But it’s only one o’clock.” Willow noted. “I wanna go home.” Buffy replied. The redhead was about to protest, when she felt Oz’s light grip on her forearm telling her to just let it go. “Ok, I’ll take you home.” Spike agreed putting his arms around her shoulders and leading her towards
the door. ~+~ They drove the entire way home in silence. Even though Spike had miserably tried to make conversation, Buffy would simply
answer him with either a nod or a monosyllabic reply. He let the car come to a full stop in front of her house before pulling
on the hand break. The moment the vehicle stopped, Buffy opened the door and was on her way to her house. “Hey, wait up.” He called out running after her, not bothering to lock the car. When she didn’t answer, he wormed his fingers around her arm and forced her to turn and face him. “What’s wrong?” He questioned with a serious tone. “Why did you and Angel fight?” She asked simply. “What? Where did that come from?” He frowned at her. “It’s a simple question Spike. Why did you guys fight?” He paused to a second, letting go of her arm and sighing. “Buffy… I… I can’t tell you.” He finally managed to say. She pressed her lips together and nodded once before she turned on her heels and climbed the steps to her front porch. “Buffy?” He went after her, leaning on the front door as she fidgeted with the keys. “Why are you acting like this?” She continued to try and fit the key into the lock. Angrily, he reached for her hand, pulling it away from the door. “Buffy, what’s going on?” “Was it about me?” A hint of hope shone in her eyes as she asked. He paused for a second. “No.” “They why did you fight?” This time she wasn’t able to control the conflicting emotions inside of her,
raising her voice. “I can’t tell you!” He insisted. “Why not?” She yelled. “Shh… You’re gonna wake up your mom.” Spike warned her. She breathed in deeply turning to face him. “Spike… either you tell me why you and Angel fought or it’s all over.” “What?!” he exclaimed with a hint of despair. “You heard me.” She stood her ground firmly waiting for his response. He narrowed his eyes, frowning at the same time. “What is this about? Who have you been talking to?” She ignored his questions. “Choose.” She demanded. “I-I can’t tell you.” She swallowed hard, turning the key in the lock and pushing the door open. “Goodbye, Spike.” Was the last thing she said as she closed the door in his face. ~+~ Buffy raced her way upstairs, storming into her bedroom and slamming the door behind her before throwing herself on the
bed. Moments later a light knock was heard. “Buffy…” Mrs. Summer’s voice carried through the wood. Buffy scrambled to the sitting position, biting back the tears as she watched the door of her room opening slightly and
her mother’s head popping from behind it. “Are you alright? You’re home so early.” She noted stepping into the room. “I’m fine mom.” The teen answered with a forced smile, squinting a bit when her mother turned on the
lights. “Are you sure?” Joyce insisted still not convinced. “Yes. I’m fine. The party was just a bit dull and I got tired.” “Alright then, goodnight honey.” Mrs. Summers whispered kissing her daughter on the forehead before leaving
the room. ~+~ Chapter 29 Buffy hugged her pillow, the tears finally spilling from her eyes as she lay on the bed still wearing the black gown. Her
arm reached out for the phone as it rang. “Hello?” There was no answer. “Hello?” “Buffy?” The familiar voice was heard. Without a second thought she slammed the phone down and returned to the pillowcase. RING! RING! She sighed and picked up the receiver. “Buffy, we need to t-“ He wasn’t able to finish the sentence as a busy signal came on. He grumbled something unintelligible and dialled
the memorized number again. “Buffy, stop shutting the ph-“ Beep, beep, beep. “God! I’m gonna kill that girl.” He growled, but was soon pressing the small plastic keys once again.
He frowned when he got a busy signal. He tried once, twice and even a third time before he realised she had probably unhooked
the phone. ~+~ “So we’re back to hating Spike’s guts?” Willow asked with a low voice. Buffy simply nodded as she played around with her food. “You better suit up for hating mode then.” The redhead warned her as she saw the approaching teen. Buffy looked up as he set his tray on the table opposite her. The moment he made a move to sit down, she stood up and was
out the door without a word. “Bloody hell!” He grumbled as he scurried after her. “Buffy!” He called out. But she continued to quickly make her way down the hall. He sprinted towards her, eventually falling into stride with her. “Buffy, we need to talk.” He said looking at her as she stopped by her locker opening it. She didn’t answer, simply opened her backpack and took out a few books. “Buffy…” “There is nothing to talk about, Spike.” She said never looking at him. “What do you mean?” She turned to face him with a plastic smile which crumbled in seconds. “I mean, there is nothing to talk about. It’s over.” “What? Because I wouldn’t tell you why Angel and I got into a fight?” He asked in disbelief. “No.” She lied. “Because… this thing… between us…” Her index finger travelled
from him to her and then back again. “Whatever it was, it was just… wrong.” “What?!” “We don’t really like each other. I mean, Spike, come on. Be serious. We always have and will always hate each
other.” She tried to rationalize. She just wanted to hurt him so much. As much as he had hurt her. “What are you talking about, Summers?” She winced inwardly at the use of her surname. “What we had was just… too many pent-up hormones, I guess.” Spike simply stared wide-eyed at her. She was reducing what they had to hormones? “You missed Dru, I missed Angel and one thing lead to another and…” She shrugged, speaking so nonchalantly,
though inside she felt a sting at the sight of utter disbelief on his face. “Goodbye, Spike.” She tried to walk away but he seemed to suddenly snap out of his initial shock and grabbed her by her arm pulling her against
the lockers, setting both hands on either side of her. “Why are you acting like this?” He said in a low voice. “I’m not acting like this. I’m just tired of playing pretend with you.” She looked up at him. “Playing pretend?” “Yes, Spike. That’s all we’ve ever done. Just pretend. Cause the truth is…” She paused, swallowing
hard before adding: “I don’t feel anything for you.” She managed to say before slipping under his outstretched
arm and walking away. ~+~ “So… How was it?” Willow asked as she walked side-by-side with the Buffy. “I told him.” “Told him what?” “That I didn’t want anything to do with him. That what we had wasn’t real.” Buffy explained kicking
a pebble on the pavement. “Are you sure that’s what you want to do?” “What was I supposed to do? Just yell at him and act like the jealous girlfriend? No! I’m not gonna be that
pathetic. If he’s still not over Dru, that’s his problem, but he’s so not gonna use me to get her back.”
She said with resolve in her tone. “It just doesn’t make any sense.” Willow started. “She was all over him, that day at the cafeteria.
You know, the lunch-shower day?” Buffy frowned as she remembered the scene. “It was pretty clear that if he wanted Dru he could have her. There was no need for him to pretend that you and he
were an item anymore. He could’ve just gone back to her.” Willow rationalized. Buffy continued in silence wrapping her coat tighter around her waist as the wind blew harder. “I don’t know, Willow. And I really don’t care. This is just too… difficult. I just don’t
want to deal with it now. All I want is to go to the mall, do some Christmas shopping and just forget all about him.” “But maybe you’re just blowing this all out of proportion.” Willow insisted. “Then why didn’t he tell me, Will? What else do Angel and Spike have in common besides me and Dru?” The redhead simply shrugged. She really didn’t have an answer. They continued in silence all the way to the mall
until Willow spoke up. “I just think I preferred the angry Buffy.” The blonde frowned. “You know. The way you act towards him. Like nothing has happened and you’re not angry… as if you just
don’t care.” “I don’t Willow. Not anymore.” ~+~ Buffy dropped her bags on the floor as she entered her room, plopping down on the bed. God, she was tired! “Hey, Buffy!” Her mother greeted. “How was shopping?” “Mom? You’re home early.” Buffy noted propping herself up on her elbows. “Giles and Spike are coming for dinner.” Her mother announced. Buffy swallowed hard. “I already have plans.” She made-up on the spot. “Plans?” “Yeah. Willow and I. We were going out for pizza.” “Well, you didn’t tell me anything about that?” “That’s cause we just decided that this afternoon.” “You better postpone it, then.” Joyce said. “I can’t!” Buffy immediately piped up. “Why not?” “Because of… hum… Willow! She’s kinda down. She’s been having problems with Oz and she really
needs someone to talk to. I can’t just leave her.” The teen lied. “Well… why don’t you invite her to dine with us, then?” “Mom. She’s having guy problems. She wants to talk, which she won’t be able to do with you guys around.”
Buffy quickly excused herself. Mrs. Summers paused for a second as she seemed to be trying to figure another alternative. “Alright then.” She finally agreed. “But don’t stay out too late.” She warned her before
closing the door. Buffy immediately reached for the phone. “Hello? Willow? Are you free for diner tonight? Yeah, something’s came up. Ok, I’ll come by your house
in about half an hour. ~+~ “You can’t keep avoiding him forever.” Willow noted taking a large bite from her slice of pizza. “I’m not planning forever. Just till the end of senior year. Just six and a half months and I’ll be home
free.” Buffy forced a smile on her face. “Now, can we please change the subject?” “Sure.” “Where are you guys gonna spend Christ- Sorry, Hanukah?” Buffy corrected herself in time. “At home, as usual. You?” “Probably home, with my mom. It’s just the two of us.” “At least you’ll be Spike-free for the Christmas holidays.” Willow reminded her. “Thankfully!” She breathed. “Just two more weeks of extremely awkward situations and I’m off the
hook.” She said with fake perkiness. “I still think you should…” Willow caught her friend’s glare and quickly added: “Right! Changing
the subject. Sorry!” ~+~ The door creaked as she pushed it open and slipped inside. The only light came from the kitchen. “Hey, mom.” Buffy greeted letting the keys drop on the counter as she opened the refrigerator and explored
its contents. “Hey. How was your dinner?” “It was ok.” She replied taking out the orange juice and pouring some for herself. “Is Willow ok?” Joyce inquired. “She’s fine now.” Buffy paused for a second, pondering whether or not to ask her mother about her evening.
“And how was your dinner?” “It was very nice. I made pot roast.” “Yippy.” Buffy exclaimed with little enthusiasm as she sipped from her glass. “Watch it young lady.” Joyce warned her. “Sorry.” She said with a light smile. “Spike seemed kinda down though.” She felt a pang in her chest at the mention of his name, but her reply showed no sign of it: “Oh, really?” “Yeah. He was very quiet and he didn’t eat much. Has he had problems at school?” Mrs. Summers wondered. “Not that I know of.” “Well, he asked about you.” Buffy simply nodded in acknowledgment. “He didn’t know that Willow and Oz had had a fight.” “Yeah, it happened after school.” Buffy quickly lied. “Buffy…” Joyce started with a more serious tone. “I’m very worried about him. I think he’s
probably having a really hard time in school. I mean, you should have seen his face. I don’t think I’ve ever seen
anyone that depressed. You two seem to be very good friends right?” “Hum…” Buffy wondered what to say. “Well… sort of… yeah.” “Well, could you talk to him? His father is really worried, but you know how the English are about these things.
He doesn’t really know how to talk to Spike. He’s afraid he’ll say the wrong thing.” “I… Hum… I don’t think I can…” Seeing her mother’s pleading expression, Buffy
sighed and lied: “I’ll see what I can do.” “Thank you, honey.” ~+~ The days went by, growing shorter and colder by the minute. Buffy sat by the bleachers watching a group of kids having
gym class as she waited for Willow. They had agreed to meet there during lunch. ‘What could be taking her so long?’ She jumped up as the sharp sound of a whistle nearly pierced her eardrums. She watched as the teacher herded the teens
together pointing at the locker rooms. She looked skywards. Maybe he was right; maybe it was going to rain. She hugged her legs and rested her chin on her knees, staring out at the now empty field. “Hey.” She heard a familiar voice call her. Her heart skipped a beat as she recognized it. Without turning to face him she breathed: “Hey.” As he sat down
beside her. They remained in silence for a long time before he spoke again: “We’re gonna have to talk to each other eventually. It’s useless trying to avoid me.” “I’m not avoiding you.” She quipped. “You’re not? You ask Mrs. Kennedy to change seats; you leave the cafeteria every time I enter the room; you
refuse to let me give you a ride home even though it’s been raining everyday and you still say you’re not avoiding
me?” “What do you want, Spike?” She questioned with a hint of annoyance. “Just to talk.” “About?” “Us.” She sighed and immediately stood up, walking away. “Buffy!” He called out as the first drops of rain started to fall. She continued to walk, jumping off the bleachers, completely oblivious to him. “Buffy!” This time he practically shouted. “What?!” She yelled back, turning on her heels to face him and jumping back a little when she realised he was
right behind her. “Stop running away from me.” “I’m not running, Spike. I just don’t want to be anywhere near you.” She argued as the rain began
to pour and she turned to race back to the main building. “Well, what are you gonna do about Christmas? Just ignore me?” He cried out. She stopped dead in her soaked tracks. “What are you talking about?” “Christmas?” He repeated as he came to stand before her again. “What about Christmas?” He frowned as he realised she didn’t know. Tilting his head sideways he stared at her for a while from under narrowed
eyes as the drops of water marred his face. “Spike! What about Christmas?” She insisted. “Oh, nothing.” He lied. A wicked grin spread across his face as he started to sprint back to school. “Spike!” She called out racing after him. Buffy ran her hands through her sopping wet threads when she entered the building to see Spike standing there beside her.
Equally soaked. “What about Christmas?” “It really should be your mom telling you.” He continued to with false worry. “Spike!” She scolded him, swatting him across the arm. “Well, since Christmas is a time of cheering and loving and all that crap…” “Yes!” “Our parents…” “Spike will you just come out and say it already?” “Decided we should all spend the holidays together.” He finally answered her. “What? We? Who’s *we*?” She frowned wide-eyed as realisation slowly dawned on her. “Us we?!”
She pointed at both of them. “You, me, your mom and my da. One big happy family.” Spike grinned wildly at the growing rage in the petite
blonde’s face. “It gets better, pet.” “What?” She asked afraid of the answer. “Guess where we are spending the holidays.” She didn’t reply, simply stared up at him with a frightened look. “At my da’s cabin up on the lake.” He answered for her. “One whole week. The four of us together.
It’s gonna be wonderful.” He mocked sarcastically. She stood there in shock as the bleached teen threw her a grin and walked away. ~+~ “MOM!” She yelled the moment she entered the house. “MOM!” There was no answer. She wasn’t home yet. Buffy stomped her way upstairs, quickly changed her soaked clothes and
came back down to sit on the coach. Two hours went by before she heard the jingling of keys at the door. She jumped off the
sofa and was standing in the hall in a flash. “Mom!” “Hey, Buffy.” Joyce managed to breathe from under the pile of paper bags. “Honey, could you please help
me with this?” Before she could answer, Buffy was holding two large stacks in both arms and watching her mother gingerly
make her way to the kitchen. “Mom!” She called after her, storming her way into the tiled room and dropping the bags on the counter. “Thanks, honey.” “Mom, when where you planning on telling me about your Christmas plans?” A fuming Buffy demanded. Joyce stopped, turning to face her daughter. “How did you find out?” “Spike told me.” “Oh! I wanted to surprise you last night, but you were already in bed by the time I got home. So aren’t you
excited?” Mrs. Summers questioned with a huge smile and sparkling eyes. “Excited is not the word for it. I think completely pissed off is closer to it.” Joyce frowned. “Mom, how could you do this? We always spend Christmas together. Just the two of us.” “Yes, and you always complain about how we never go anywhere and how it’s always dull. I thought you’d
be excited about spending Christmas with Spike. At least you’ll have someone your age to talk to.” “I don’t want to spend Christmas with anyone else. I want to spend Christmas like we always do. Just the two
of us.” Buffy argued stomping her foot and raising her voice. “Well, I’m sorry Buffy. We’re going to spend the holidays at Giles’ place up on the lake and that’s
that.” Buffy stared wide-eyed at her mother before snapping: “I’m not going anywhere.” She stormed up the stairs and slammed her bedroom door. “Young lady, you come back down here this instant!” Joyce demanded, but it was already too late. Buffy furiously looked through her dresser, picking her clothes as she prepared to take a shower when the door to her room
swung open: “Don’t you ever walk away from me again! You hear that?” Joyce scolded, her index finger pointing dangerously
at her daughter. Buffy stood her ground. Her arms folded over her chest, her chin raised up high. “Don’t you look at me like that! You are going and that’s final.” Joyce snapped before turning
on her heels, leaving a steaming-mad Buffy behind. ~+~ “I can’t believe my mom is forcing me to go!” Buffy growled stomping her feet as she stuffed a couple
of sweaters into her luggage. “M-maybe it’s not gonna be so bad.” Willow stuttered leaning on the desk. “Not so bad!” The blonde repeated. “I’m going to have to spend an entire week in a lousy cabin
in the middle on nowhere, with *Spike*!” Willow’s eyebrows came together for a sympathetic frown as her mouth tugged to the left. “I’m gonna have a miserable Christmas and all because my mom had the *excellent* idea to spend it with…
them.” She spat the last word as she let her body fall to the bed. “At least you’re gonna have more presents.” Willow tried to show her the brighter side of the issue. “Oh, great! Presents. I didn’t get them anything. Was I supposed to, you know, get them something?” She
wondered. “Your mom probably took care of that.” The redhead suggested, knowing Mrs. Summers well enough. “I hope so, cause I don’t have time to worry about that. We’re leaving in half an hour.” “Mr. Giles and Spike are picking you guys up?” “Yeah. My mom doesn’t wanna take the jeep.” Buffy said as she stood up and restarted packing. “Well, I-I better go. Oz’s waiting.” “Ok, Willow. See you in a week.” Buffy grumbled as she watched her best friend head for the door. “Call me when you get there?” “I don’t even know if there is a phone there.” She stood up straight when it dawned on her: “Oh,
God! They probably don’t have a TV either. I’m gonna die!” She mumbled stuffing her jeans into her baggage. Willow gave her another compassionate glance and was about to walk back into the room when Buffy brought her arm up: “No, go! Go have quality Oz time!” “You sure?” “Go. Get out of here.” Buffy insisted. “Ok, bye.” Willow agreed reluctantly. “Bye.” Buffy mumbled closing her luggage and plopping down on the bed. ~+~ “Buffy, can you get that?” Mrs. Summers asked from the upstairs. “Sure. Why not?” Buffy said sarcastically, pushing herself off the couch and slouched all the way to the front
door. “Hello!” An over enthusiastic Giles greeted her on the other side. “Hey.” Buffy forced a smile on her face as she turned on her heels and went back to her place on the couch
as the two men awkwardly followed her into the living room. “Where’s your mother?” Giles asked a bit nervous. “Upstairs.” Buffy retorted; her eyes never leaving the flickering TV screen. “I’ll be right back.” The older man said heading up the stairs and leaving the two teens alone. There was silence between them as Spike moved to sit on the couch next to her. Immediately, she squirmed to the left, away
from him. “I’m not gonna bite, luv.” She didn’t answer. “Are you gonna ignore me for a whole week?” “That’s the plan.” Buffy mumbled between clenched teeth. “Apparently you’re not too happy about spending Christmas up at the lake.” “Whatever gave you that idea?” She asked sarcastically. Stomping footsteps were heard coming down the stairs and soon, Mrs. Summers stood in the living room. “You kids ready?” She asked with a huge grin. “Dear God, what are you two taking with you?” Giles breathed as he rested the three large bags on the floor. “Presents.” Joyce smiled. “Are you sure those are gonna fit in the car?” Spike questioned, standing up and walking over to help his father. “We’re just gonna have to try and fit it.” “If there is no room left you can use my space. I don’t mind staying here.” Buffy offered with a hint
of hope. “You’re not getting off the hook that easily. Now, get up and let’s go.” Joyce demanded. “Mom…” Buffy moaned. “Buffy!” The blonde teen stood up, dragging her feet towards the front door as she grumbled something unintelligible under her breath. “I heard that.” Mrs. Summers called out as she locked the front door of the house. Author's Note: Thanks to Ali for betaing this fic and for supporting it! ;) Chapter 30 “Is that the last one?” Giles asked hopeful as he stuffed the large suitcase into the backseat of the car. “Yes, I think it is.” Joyce replied. The vehicle was completely packed, its trunk half open with a strong rope tied around it to keep it shut, while the left
side of the backseat was also crammed with two large suitcases. “Hum…” Spike scratched his head as he looked at the car. “How are we supposed to fit in there?” The four looked at each other for a few moments, pondering over the question. “Well…” Giles started narrowing his eyes and frowning. “Can’t you two squeeze in there? You’re
both very slim, it might do.” “Squeeze in?” Buffy repeated in disbelief. “I’m not squeezing in anywhere with him.” She
pointed at the bleached teen standing next to her. “I guess we could take the jeep…” Joyce started a bit disappointed. “Nonsense. They can fit in there.” Giles argued. Then, turning to face the two teens, added: “Isn’t
that right?” Buffy rolled her eyes and said nothing as she stomped her way to the back door of the car and entered. Spike soon followed,
trying to squeeze in but finding it impossible. “Ouch!” Buffy protested as he accidentally pushed her against the luggage. “Sorry.” He piped up as he brought his other leg in. After much turning and twisting they managed to settle in, sitting next to each other, their legs compressed in the tied
space. Spike winced when Buffy moved in her stop, forcing him to bring his thighs together in a very painful manner. “Do you mind?” He grumbled as he pushed her leg away from his and gave himself some much needed room. “What? You have your legs all spread out!” Buffy protested. “That’s cause I anatomically need them to be *spread out*!” Spike snapped back as Giles and Joyce got
in the car. “Are you kids alright back there?” “We’re fine!” The two snarled in unison. ~+~ The trip up to the lake seemed to be lasting an eternity, even though it usually only took about thirty minutes. Spike
flinched every time she moved by his side, forcing his legs together, but refused to say anything. He clutched his knees until
his knuckles turned white but didn’t say a word. Buffy on the other hand, sat with her arms crossed over her chest, doing the best to look completely oblivious to the boy’s
continuous suffering. As they drove on up the mountain, Giles was forced to make a very tight U-turn causing Buffy and the luggage at her side
to slide on the seat, crushing Spike against the car door. That was it! The boy turned from red, to purple, to blue and eventually
to a very terrifying shade of white that even caused Buffy to wince in sympathy. “Here. Let’s try this.” She said, lifting her legs and swinging them over his thigh giving him room to
move. There seemed to be an immediate improvement of his pain, testified by the slight colour that seemed to brighten his pale
cheeks. “Thanks.” He breathed sincerely throwing a smile at her, but she turned away, suddenly finding the pattern
of her suitcases extremely interesting. He rolled his eyes and looked out the window. ‘What did I do to deserve this?’ He thought to himself, when
he felt her legs idly move over his thigh, sliding downwards. He froze looking at her out of the corner of his eyes. Was she
doing it on purpose? She certainly didn’t seem to be, as she still had the same bored/annoyed look plastered all over
her face. He clenched his teeth as Giles stepped on the gas, causing them to back up a bit in their seats, her leg now pressing against
his crotch. He swallowed hard, trying to focus on anything other then feel of her brushing against him. Her scent suddenly
seemed to come to life, surrounding him and only serving to heighten his emotions. He didn’t know what was worse, having
his legs bunched together, or having her press against him like that. Buffy moved a bit, trying to get comfortable, apparently
oblivious to the way her knee now rubbed against him and he couldn’t help but moan. ‘Cor… Bloody hell.’
He cursed to himself, closing his eyes and rolling them in their sockets as he clenched and unclenched his teeth. He didn’t
know how much he could take of this before… He glanced down at his pants and: ‘Ok, so much for not knowing how
much I can take.´ He thought as he saw the evident bulge there. “We’re here!” Joyce’s perky tone broke through his hazed mind. “Thank God!” He breathed, immediately opening the door before the car had come to a complete stop and stepping
out. “William! Watch out!” Giles warned as he saw his son stumble out of the car. “Are you insane?”
He asked when he finally pulled the hand break. “Sorry! My legs were kinda numb. Needed to get out of there.” He excused himself bringing his leather duster
closer to his form to hide the effects of having Buffy so close to him. “Just be careful next time.” Giles warned him stepping out of the car the same time Joyce and Buffy did. “Oh, Rupert this place is beautiful!” Joyce exclaimed alternating between looking at the small cabin and the
lake that spread out before them. “I’m glad you like it.” The older man said with a hint of pride as he started to untie the rope that
was wound up around the trunk. ~+~ He turned the key and pushed the door open allowing Joyce and her daughter to walk into the wooden cabin. “How do you like it?” Giles asked, setting the keys on a shelf next to the door. “It’s wonderful, Rupert.” Joyce breathed bringing her hands to cover her mouth as she entered the small
living room to her right. “Isn’t it, Buffy?” The teen simply shrugged even though her eyes immediately fell on the fireplace in far the corner of the room. Maybe that
one actually worked. She was tired of not being able to use the one at home because of their stupid chimney that insisted
on clogging up. She glanced around to find a small kitchenette on her left, near a flight of stairs which stood directly opposite of the
front door and lead to the top floor. The kitchen area was separated from the living room only by a small wooden counter and
three or four stools. “You want to see the rest of the house?” Giles asked as he walked over to the stairs. “Oh, yes! Of course!” Joyce answered enthusiastically. Reluctantly, Buffy climbed after the two, quickly followed by Spike. The bleached teen swallowed hard as he watched her
walk up the stairs, her denim-clad behind swinging teasingly on its way up. When they reached the top they were met by a narrow corridor with four doors, two on each side and a small window at the
end. Giles opened the first door on the left, stepping inside. The others soon followed to find a small bedroom, with a large double bed put up against the right wall and with two nightstands
on each side. On the left wall there was a wardrobe and on the wall opposite the door they stood in there was a window. “This is one of the bedrooms.” “Oh, it’s very nice.” Joyce exclaimed walking in and examining it. Buffy watched, with a disgusted look, as Giles stepped closer to her mother and whispered something in her ear, which made
the older woman giggle a little before she walked out of the room and they were in the hall once again. Reaching for the first door on the right, Giles opened it to reveal a smaller room which was arranged in a similar way
as the previous one except, this time, there was a single bed and it was put up against the right wall, the wardrobe opposite
it, on the left wall, near a door. “This is one of the twin rooms.” “Twin rooms?” Joyce asked with a frown. “We call them that because…” Giles walked over to the door near the wardrobe, opening it to reveal a
room exactly symmetrical to the one they were in. “…It’s exactly the same as this one.” He finished
with a witty grin, as he took down his glasses and began cleaning them with a handkerchief. Buffy looked from left to right and realised the two rooms were definitely *twin* rooms. Everything was identical, down
to the covers on the bed. “I-I was thinking the kids could stay in these rooms.” Giles offered, putting his glasses back on as he headed
back into the hall and opened the last door. “And this is the bathroom. Only one I’m afraid.” Buffy frowned. ‘Three rooms. One for me. One for *him*.’ She rationalized in her mind, narrowing her eyes at
Spike in disgust. ‘One for… THEY ARE GONNA SHARE A BEDROOM? A ONE BED BEDROOM?!’ She realised in shock,
her mouth wide as well as her eyes. She should have guessed it. The little whispered secret, the ridiculous grin. ‘God!
I think I’m gonna be sick…’ She thought, swallowing hard as she followed the three back downstairs. ~+~ Buffy violently unpacked her things into the various drawers of the closet. She had ended up with the second twin bedroom. “This has got to be the Christmas holiday from *hell*!” She muttered between clenched teeth. “I’m
stuck in a stupid cabin, sleeping next door to stupid-bleach-boy and my mom is shacking up with stupid-bleach-boy senior.
And there is *no* TV!” She finished waving her hands in the air. She heard a door opening and stood up straight to see Spike leaning on the doorframe that lead to his room. “You called?” He asked. “No!” She spat straightening her hair and walking over to him with an outstretched hand. “And I want
the keys to this door. It’s gonna be permanently *locked*, at least while I’m sleeping here.” She waited for an answer, but he simply shoved his hands into the front pockets of his black jeans and shrugged. “Never had one. When da bought this place the owner didn’t give us a key for it.” He finally replied. “You’re lying.” She accused him, narrowing her eyes. “Ask da if you want.” He shrugged again as he watched her furiously pound her way back to her suitcases and
wardrobe as she continued to unpack. “So… What do you think of the place?” He began walking in, but was immediately stopped as she looked
up and outstretched a hand in his direction. “You stop it right there, mister. You’re not coming into this room.” She warned, as she stalked towards
him, forcing him to back up. “You just stay away from me while I’m here. You get that? I may be forced to live
in the same miniscule house with you for a week, but that doesn’t mean I have to interact with you in any shape or form.” “Oh, come on Buff-“ “Goodbye, *William*.” She growled between clenched teeth as she closed the door in his face and went back to
her unpacking. She sighed in frustration when she heard the doorknob turn and the door being flung open. “What?!” “I like the door open.” He answered her with a forced grin as he walked back into his room and lay on the bed. Seconds later the door was being slammed shut and he heard her shout from the other side: “I like it better closed!” “Open!” He growled back at her when he swung the door and this time remained on the threshold, waiting for
her to storm back to him, but she never did. “Fine! Play your stupid childish game.” She mumbled as she finished unpacking and kicked the suitcase to the
corner of the room, near the window. “I have to stand you for one week, and one week only. I’ll just ignore you.”
She decided, crossing her arms over her chest. “You are one stubborn little girl. You know that?” He said walking towards her, not caring about her ‘no
entering my room’ policy as he backed her up against the foot of the bed. “Why are you acting like this? I didn’t
*do* anything. I-” “Spike! Buffy!” Mrs. Summers voice carried through the hall. “Dinner is ready.” She had never been so relieved to hear her mother’s voice as she was in that instant. Her eyes dropped to the floor
as she squeezed past the pissed teen towering in front of her and walked out of the room. ~+~ After dinner, the four sat around the fireplace; Giles occupied the couch while Spike laid on the white carpet spread in
front it. Buffy on the other hand, reluctantly sat on a nearby armchair, pouting furiously as she stared into the fire. “This is nice.” Giles began taking a sip from his brandy. Joyce nodded as she took her place on the couch next to the older man. “When are we gonna put the tree up?” Joyce asked, glancing out of the corner of her eyes at the pissed blonde
on the armchair. “First thing in the morning.” Giles answered. There was silence between the four of them once more. It was still awkward, but not as desperate as it had been during
their first dinner. “Dinner was delicious.” Giles decided to break the stillness and Buffy rolled her eyes. “Thank you, Rupert.” Joyce nodded once more, giving him a blushed smile. “Erg!” Buffy growled in disgust earning a scowl from her mother. The teen immediately sat up straight and dropped her gaze to the floor. She really didn’t like her mother’s
glares. Another excruciating ten minutes passed by, with a few occasional comments from Joyce and Giles, both teenagers remaining
perfectly quiet during the entire time. Buffy looked at her watch for the tenth time that evening and grumbled inwardly when
she realised it was only nine o’clock. Even so, she decided to follow through with her plan. Bringing her hand to her
mouth she forced a yawn and outstretched her arms in a pathetic attempt to look sleepy. “God! What time is it?” She started, looking at her watch again. “Just nine? It feels like midnight.
I must be really worn out from… the trip and all. Well, I’m going to bed. Goodnight.” “But-“ Before Mrs. Summers could finish her sentence, Buffy was already bolting up the stairs. She sighed audibly, looking at
Rupert for support when Spike stood up. “I’m kinda knackered myself. I’m off.” And he was out of the living room in a flash. “Don’t worry. They’ll adjust.” Giles reassured Joyce, bringing his arm around her as she rested
her head on his shoulder. “Eventually.” ~+~ “Worn out from the trip? What? All thirty minutes of it?” Buffy rolled her eyes as she turned around to look at the teen standing on the doorway. “What do you want?” She growled. “Nothing.” He said nonchalantly as he strolled into her room. “Which part of my not wanting you in my room did you not understand?” She grumbled leaning against the wardrobe. “What do you think about it?” He asked, ignoring her question. “Think about what?” “The two love birds downstairs.” Spike explained. “Trying very hard not to think about that, thank you.” She retorted moving towards her bed, pulling at the
covers and slipping between them to sit up against the metallic headboard. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’m
going to bed.” She said crossing her arms over her chest as she waited for him to leave. “I don’t mind.” He answered her, tilting his head and leaning on the wall next to the bed, looking down
on her. “Well, I do! Leave. Now!” She ordered, pointing at the door. “You look so cute when you’re angry, you know that?” Buffy frowned at that. “Leave. Now.” She repeated between clenched teeth. “You don’t really want me to, pet.” He smiled down on her. “Yes, I do.” Buffy retorted, raising both her eyebrows. “Sure about that?” He asked pushing himself off the wall and coming to sit on her bed. “Positive.” She insisted. “Fine, if that’s what you want.” He agreed, but didn’t move. “That’s what I want.” She assured him. The two remained still, looking at each other. Spike stared blindly at her as if entranced. “This is the part where you leave?” Buffy piped up. “Buffy… I didn’t do anything.” He said in that low voice which made her stomach turn. “I never said you did.” “Then, why are you doing this?” He asked, a hint of hurt slipping into his voice. She looked at him, a mixture of anger and pain building inside of her as she swallowed hard and replied: “Goodnight, Spike.” She let her tired body slip under the covers, her hands reaching for the light on her nightstand and switching it off as
she snuggled between the sheets, her back turned to him. She felt her heart sink as the weight shifted on the mattress and
then it was gone. The sound of slow footsteps leading away from the bed filled her ears, followed by the crack of the door
being carefully shut. ~+~ She tossed and turned in her bed before deciding to turn on the lights to check her watch. She groaned when she realised
it was only eleven o’clock. She wasn’t tired at all. It was too early plus, the knowledge that *he* was sleeping
just on the other side of *that* door made her stomach do a couple of nervous flip-flops. She sat on the mattress, wondering
if he was already asleep, or if he was up, thinking… After much pondering, she let her legs fall to the floor as she swung them over the covers and stood up. Barefoot, she
walked on the cold wooden floor towards the door that separated the two rooms and rested her ear on the surface, straining
to listen. There was complete silence. ‘Figures he would be sleeping like a baby.’ She grumbled in her thoughts. “Pig.” She spat between clenched teeth as she began to move away but suddenly changed her mind. She dropped to her knees so her face was lined up with the keyhole and squinted as she tried to see what was happening
on the other side of the door. She felt her heart skip a beat when she realised the lights were on. ‘Not sleeping...’
She thought as she tried to make something out, but all she could see was a surreal painting of light and shadows. She let
her weight slip to the floor as she dropped her head, gluing it to the floor as she tried to see something from under the
door. “Yes.” She whispered triumphantly as she identified a pair of feet walking about the room in circles. She giggled
a little at the sight of them, but quickly covered her mouth when she saw him freeze. She remained perfectly still for a second,
waiting to see what he would do and then he moved. He disappeared from her sight only to suddenly reappear right in front
of her at the foot of the door, but when she realised it, it was too late. The crack of the door swinging open was the last
thing she heard before the wood smashed her across the face and she fell backwards, sprawled on the floor. “Buffy, are you ok?” A shirtless Spike cried out, realising what he had done as he entered the room. “I-I’m fine.” She stuttered bravely as she stumbled to her feet, squinting wildly. “Are you sure?” He asked as he saw her wobble backwards toward the bed. “Yeah. Just having a little trouble focussing on any available object.” She explained as she continued to open
and close her eyes. “Hum… Spike? Why won’t things stop moving?” She wondered as she suddenly lost
all balance and dropped. Thankfully she had reached the bed and was now sprawled on it. “Oh, God! I’m sorry!” Spike apologized as he came to lay next to her. “Just lay down.” “I thought I was laying down.” Buffy frowned as a splitting headache began to spread, starting from the bump
on her forehead all the way to the back of her neck. “You are, pet. Just stay put. I’ll be right back.” He left the room, but it only took about a minute for him to be back to sit on the bed, next to her, holding a pack of
ice to her wound. “That feel better?” he asked clearly concerned about her. She nodded with a pout when her head started pounding. She finally opened her eyes and forced herself to sit up. “What were you doing down there?” He managed to ask. “Looking for, hum… my earrings.” She lied badly as the sight of his naked torso seemed to interfere with
her ability to come up with a better excuse. “They’re on your nightstand, luv.” Spike stated, tilting his head and frowning. “That’s why I couldn’t find them.” Buffy gave him a weak smile and her gaze dropped to the floor. He paused for a second before a wide grin spread over his lips. “Were you spying on me?” “NO!” She answered immediately; widening her eyes and standing up to nervously walk about the room. “You were.” He insisted when her reaction clearly confirmed his suspicions. “You are so conceited.” Buffy growled wobbling awkwardly around in circles, still a bit dizzy. “You were trying to catch a glimpse of old-“ “Oh, please Spike. I’ve seen…” She struggled with a word and finally stuttered: “*it*. It’s
not new anymore, remember.” “Doesn’t have to be new for you to want to take a look.” He replied with a smug grin which made her blood
boil. “I wasn’t trying to take a look at anything, alright?” She spat raising her tone as she stopped moving
and turned to face him. “No need to get upset, pet.” He started, getting off the bed and closing the distance between them. “If
you want…” He stood right in front of her, invading her personal space, but she refused to back away. “All
you gotta do is ask, luv.” “Erg, you’re a pig.” She replied pushing him away to put some much needed space between them. “You never tire of saying that, do you?” He questioned turning around to see her getting into bed. “Go to bed Spike.” She snarled as she let the covers drape around her after she turned off the lights. “Ah!”
She screamed when she felt the mattress shift under her and the sheets being pulled away as someone snuggled into bed with
her. She struggled, slapping his arms away as she stretched to reach for the light switch, fumbling with it for a few seconds,
but eventually being able to turn it on. “What are you doing?! Are you out-“ Her shouting was cut short by one
hand clamping around her mouth as two blue eyes stared down at her. “You wanna wake them?” He asked. Buffy’s heart raced as she took in the naked chest pressing against her, the strong hand resting on her increasingly
dry mouth, the feel of his denim covered legs brushing against her bare ones. “Plus, you told me to go to bed, remember?” He began with a smirk, but it soon crumbled when he became aware
of her galloping heartbeat. The two remained frozen for a few moments. Slowly, coherent thought filtered back into their minds as Spike moved his hand
away from her mouth to lightly rest on the crook of her neck, his thumb running over her jaw line for a sweet caress. His
head moved at its own accord bringing his lips closer to hers until they brushed together. The moment they touched, Buffy
felt a string of electricity run through her body as she willingly opened her mouth, inviting him in. He moved his chest to cover hers as his tongue dove into her mouth, exploring, battling with hers. Buffy moaned into the
kiss as his leg pushed between hers and rubbed between her thighs in a slow, even rhythm. She seemed to lose all ability to think. Her hands roamed madly over his back, leaving small red tracks everywhere they
passed. She arched off the bed, deepening the kiss, pressing against him, needing to be as close to him as possible. His lips abandoned hers to drift to her neck, pulling at her nightgown in a frustrated attempt to expose her to him. Realising
it was impossible without tearing the fabric, his hand came to cup her breast as he kissed it through the soft material, leaving
it soaked in the process. She moaned as his lips teased her mercilessly, causing her to dig her nails deeper into his back.
Suddenly, for no apparent reason, she seemed to have a single moment of clarity when she heard him call her muffled name. She was pushing him off her bed and covering herself with the sheets in a flash. Spike remained tumbled on the floor for a few second trying to understand what had just happened. “Get. Out.” She said the words between clenched teeth. “Buf-“ “I will start screaming if you are not out of here in three seconds.” She glared at the confused teen. “Buffy, we need to-“ “One. “-talk. You can’t just-“ “Two.” “Buffy, please-“ “Aaaaaah!!!” She began screaming off the top lungs. Spike wobbled nervously between her and the door. Realising her cries only became louder every time he came closer to her
he opted for the door, slamming it shut just as the other one opened to reveal a very worried Joyce. “Honey! Are you ok?” She asked coming to sit next to her daughter who had shut up the moment Spike had closed
his door. “What happened? Are you ok?” Buffy watched as a sleepy Mr. Giles walked into the room, a large book in one hand served as a weapon, while he tried to
clumsily adjust his glasses with the other. “What is it? What happened?” He asked as he scanned the room. “I-I’m ok.” Buffy said in a low voice. “It was just a bad dream.” “Are you sure honey?” Joyce questioned running her hand over Buffy’s flushed cheek as the door to the
twin room opened, revealing an equally reddened Spike. “Yeah. I’m sure. Just a dream.” Buffy answered staring straight at the bleached teen. “It won’t
happen again.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 31 She stumbled out of bed, inhaling sharply as her bare feet came into contact with the ice-cold floor. With eyes still narrowed
from sleep she searched for her beloved slippers, smiling when she finally found them. She dragged her feet and scratched her head as she walked down the hall, pausing for a second in front of *his* door. She
felt a pang in her heart at the memory of what had happened that night. The look on his face as he came back to her room,
watching her as she lied to her mother... She shook the thought away and continued down the stairs to find her mother behind
the counter, in the small kitchenette. “Something smells good.” Buffy said with a hoarse voice. “Hey, you’re up early.” Joyce noted giving her daughter a sweet smile before returning her attention
to her cooking. “Pancakes, huh?” The teen leaned on the counter, reaching for a large plate that contained the newly fried
goodies. She jumped back when her mother swatted her hand with a wooden spoon. “You’ll have to wait for breakfast. Giles and Spike should be back any minute. “Back?” “Yes. They went to get the Christmas tree.” Joyce explained gleefully. “Now go get dressed, young lady,
you know I don’t like you coming downstairs in your pj’s.” Buffy hopped off the stool and was about to leave, when the door directly under the stairs flung open, revealing a flushed
Giles. The blonde frowned, she had never realised there was a door there. “We’ve got the tree.” He announced gingerly, setting his hand triumphantly on his hips. “Da! Do you mind?” A grumbled protest came from behind Giles as the large box was pushed towards the older
man. “Oh! So sorry!” Giles awkwardly excused himself, turning his attention to the assignment. “A tree in a box?” Buffy wondered out loud as the two men hurled the carton into the living room and Spike
finally came into view. With an annoyed look on his face he stood up straight and ran a hand trough his dishevelled mass of curls which refused
to stay in place. “It’s an artificial one.” Giles explained. “We’re having an artificial Christmas tree in a cabin? In the middle of the woods?” Buffy frowned. “I-I could never bring myself to cut down a tree.” Giles stuttered, taking off his glasses and running his
handkerchief over his perspired forehead. “Plus, if we miss the smell, we can just pick a few loose branches and bring
them in the house.” “How do you get firewood?” “We buy it…” Giles looked down and proceeded with unpacking the box. Buffy simply shook her head, glancing at the bleached blond, who was yet to say a word to her or even looked at her for
that matter. She watched as he strolled towards his father, sighing loudly as he offered to open the carton for him. “Well… I’ll go and take a shower.” She announced as she headed up the stairs, her eyes fixed on
Spike. ~+~ She let her newly blow-dried hair flow freely down her back as she set the brush on the nightstand and walked over to the
window. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw him standing outside, on the small dock, his hands safely tucked into the front
pockets of his jeans as he stared out at the foggy lake. She let the curtains fall into place and headed downstairs. “Hey!” She greeted. “Oh, wow!” Her eyes went wide at the sight of the newly decorated living room. Four red Christmas stockings hung over the fireplace
while, inside, flames grew, filling the cabin with warmth and the familiar scent of burnt wood. To the left, between the fire
and the kitchenette, stood the tree, still half decorated in shades of red and white. The room seemed completely transformed
and Buffy felt her body relax as, for the first time, she thought that, maybe, this Christmas wouldn’t be so bad after
all. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Joyce asked as she finished setting the pancakes on the table near
the window. Buffy nodded as she entered the living room with her arms crossed over her chest and a soft smile on her lips as she watched
Giles clumsily try to put a small angel on one of the branches. She shook her head and reached for the piece placing in properly. “Thank you.” Giles smiled at the short teen. “You’re welcome.” “Breakfast is ready.” Joyce announced looking out the window. “Buffy, could you go out and call Spike?” “Sure.” Buffy nodded, heading out the door. ~+~ She walked slowly down to the dock. He seemed oblivious to her presence, remaining perfectly still, immersed in his thoughts.
Buffy cleared her throat when she stood just a couple of feet away from him. He immediately spun around to look at her but
didn’t say anything as his glance quickly returned to the crystal water that surrounded them. Buffy swallowed dryly
at the cold reaction and uttered: “Breakfast is ready.” He nodded and turned around, heading for the cabin, leaving her alone on the dock in the cold. ~+~ The moment breakfast was over he jumped out of his seat and headed up stairs without saying a word. Buffy felt her heart
sink at that and continued to pick at her pancakes with her fork. “Are you alright honey?” Joyce questioned as she started clearing the table. “I’m fine.” She shook herself out of her daze and stood up, gathering a few plates on her way to the
kitchenette. “You seem kind of quiet.” Her mother noted. “Just a bit sleepy, I guess.” She tried to explain as she began washing the plates. ~+~ Buffy tapped her nails on the counter, bored out of her mind. After washing and drying the dishes she had sat down on the
stool and had remained there for the last ten minutes with absolutely nothing to do. Joyce and Giles sat cosily on the couch
reading through the newspaper and a few magazines. ‘A few very dull magazines.’ Buffy corrected as she slid off
the stool and started pacing. Neither adult on the sofa looked up, too absorbed in their reading to notice her boredom. She sighed and headed up the
stairs. She entered her room and resumed pacing. Her mind drifted over the events of that day. Spike hadn’t said a word to
her all day, barely even glanced at her and, for some reason that caused her stomach to turn and an uncomfortable knot settle
on her throat. She plopped down on the bed only to scramble quickly to her feet when she felt something cold and wet under
her. She sighed and picked up the wet towel feeling the covers and realising they were soaked too. “Great.” She mumbled between her teeth as she exited her room and entered the bathroom. She froze. It was only when she was half into the room that she heard the familiar sound of running water. She knew that
the right thing to do was to turn on her heels and just leave, but she found herself glancing over to the shower. For a moment
she cursed the thick curtains that draped around it, but as her eyes adjusted to the blurred effect, she was able to see the
outlines of a wide, masculine back turned to her, one hand was put up against the wall, the other… She frowned when
she saw the quick, erratic movements his arm was making. After a couple of seconds her eyes went wide as soft moaning sounds
finally seemed to reach her ears. Oh, God, was he? She strained to hear the rapid breathing, the occasional repressed gasp.
He was! Buffy turned bright red. One part of her yelled at her to leave the room at once, the other compelled her to stay
and watch. The latter seemed to be strongest as she remained perfectly still watching in awe as he continued to move his hand
between his thighs in a fast, eager pace until, suddenly, he stopped and his body began to convulse in short jerks that propelled
him against the wall. “Cor… Buffy.” She felt her stomach flip-flop at the hoarse sound of her name being called out as he slumped against the wall, letting
the warm water fall on him. As her brain slowly processed the information it had just been fed, she stumbled back a bit causing
her elbow to brush against something. She turned to see the plastic bottle wobble a bit, but before she could reach it, it
fell to the floor with a loud thud. She seemed to be frozen in place, her eyes still glued to the shampoo on the floor as
she refused to look up at… him. Spike jolted to attention at the sound, immediately turning and pushing the curtain aside. His eyes widened when he saw
her semi-bent over, her hand reaching for a bottle now on the floor. Buffy swallowed hard as her heart slammed against her chest at a frightening pace, she could feel her skin growing redder
and redder by the second. Finally she gathered enough strength to look up at him. “I was-“ She immediately looked away from the completely nude and soaked man standing in the shower, the water
still running behind him. Spike jumped, nervously looking around for a towel. His eyes fell on the white fabric draped over the toilet seat, right
next to Buffy. He was about to step out of the shower, when she reached out and handed him her own towel. “I-I was just… um… Just… um…” She stuttered panicky. ‘Stupid words…’
she grumbled inwardly as she watched from the corner of her eyes that he had already turned the water off and covered himself
with the towel she had handed him. “Buffy, I-“ Looking at him, she piped up: “I was just leaving.” And she was out the door and into her room in record time. “Bloody hell!” He growled as he stepped out of the shower, nearly stumbling over the shampoo bottle on the
floor on his way out. ~+~ ‘Please don’t come after me, please don’t come after me, please don’t come-‘ Buffy stopped
her mental mantra when the door to her bedroom was flung open and a soaking Spike stepped in. She let her eyebrows drop for
a frustrated sigh as she turned around to face the music. “I-I didn’t see anything.” She immediately announced before correcting herself: “I mean I did,
but it was just when you pulled the curtain and were… well, naked. B-but other than that - nothing! Not a thing. I was
just there for like a second before the bottle fell. A-and even if I had been there before the bottle thing - which I wasn’t!
- there wouldn’t be anything to see“ At his frown she rephrased: “N-not that you don’t have anything
to see, I mean you do, but the curtain was thick and-and it doesn’t really matter cause I wasn’t there and I didn’t
see anything or hear -“ She stopped herself when she realised she was babbling. “Sorry. Babbling.” “I’ve noticed.” The Brit forced a smile as he closed the door behind him and stepped in. “I-I’m sorry, next time I’ll knock.” Buffy reassured him as her gaze bounced off the walls at anything
but his bare chest. “Knocking is good.” He agreed taking a step towards her. “Well,” She brought her hands together. “I guess that’s settled. I’ll knock. Let the records
show that the knocking proposal was approved.” She joked with a forced smile as she squeezed her fingers together. He tilted his head and watched her nervously pressing her palms into one another. “Buffy, about before-“ “Don’t know what you’re talking about.” She immediately jumped in, blushing even more. “Yesterday? Last night?” Spike elaborated. “Oh, that.” She realised. ‘Not a good topic either, but at least it’s better than *Why I was moaning
your name while masturbating*’ “Yeah, that. What did you think I was talking about?” Spike frowned a bit. “Nothing!” She answered a little too eagerly and it seemed to confirm Spike’s suspicions. “Bloody hell!” He mumbled. “What?” She asked a bit afraid of the answer. “Nothing.” He replied turning around to leave, but stopped in mid-stride to turn around, resolve fixed on his
face. “You know what? I do.” “Do what?” she questioned backing away when he walked over to her, invading her personal space. “Think about you when I wank off.” He stated without any kind of shame. Buffy froze, her eyes wide, her cheeks turning to a furious shade of red. “I-I” She stuttered as she was finally backed up against the wall and Spike towered in front of her. “You’re all I bloody think about. I can’t get you out of my head. No matter how much of a bitch you’ve
been lately.” “E-excuse me?” She tried to sound outraged, but it came out as a meek attempt at a protest. “You heard me Summers.” He retorted, letting his hand rest on the wall just over her right shoulder. “I-I don’t have to stay here and listen to-“ She started and she tried to move but a strong grip on her
arm stopped her and forced her to back up against the wall again. “You *will* listen. For once in your life.” He growled. “For the one thousandth time: I. Didn’t.
Do. A. Bloody. Thing. Wrong.” He pulled the words out, one by one as he stared down at her. He paused waiting for a
reaction. When he realised she wasn’t going to oppose, he pushed himself off the wall and started pacing in front of
her. “You really wanna know why I got into a fight with Angel?” He never gave her a chance to answer: “It’s
none of you sodding business but I’ll tell you anyway. It had absolutely *nothing* to do with you or Dru. It was for
the same reason I suddenly stopped hanging out with Angel. Remember? Angel and I used to hang out together quite a lot when
I first came here. I wasn’t too keen on him. Knew from the start he was pretty much an idiot, but I decided: ‘What
the hell, let’s give him a chance.’ Eventually, my first instinct was right. He’s a complete idiot and a
wanker!” He rambled while Buffy remained frozen up against the wall, watching him furiously walk around in circles until
he came to a halt and looked at her. “It was because of Andrew.” Buffy frowned: “Andrew? What does Andrew have to do with anything?” “Well, one day I walk into the locker rooms to find Angel beating the scrawny thing into a bloody pulp. The poor
kid was in the hospital for two whole weeks. Wouldn’t tell anyone who had done it, scared shitless that the ponce would
do something.” Seeing the confused look on her face he tilted his head. “You didn’t even realise he was
gone, did you? Sure, it’s not like you know Andrew even exists, let alone notice he was gone for two weeks.” Buffy swallowed dryly, noting that it was true. “Anyway, I pulled Angel off the kid and socked him back, telling him if he ever laid a finger on Andrew again…
Well, you know, told him something nasty and extremely cliché to give him the right idea.” He watched as Buffy took
in the information. “Everything was fine after that. No problems. Until the other day when Andrew smashed into us in
the hall. The look on his face. I just knew that Angel was up to something. I talked to Andrew, he denied it at first but
eventually he admitted it. So I did what I had promised and beat the crap out of Angel. And that’s it. It was nothing
over you, or Dru or anything of the sort. Happy?” He finally asked after his long dissertation. Buffy just stared at him with her mouth half open. All that information. It was a little too much to process, especially
with naked-Spike in front of her. “Why?” She finally managed to ask. “Why would Angel beat up Andrew?” Spike paused. This was the question he didn’t want to answer, but he sighed and reluctantly uttered: “Andrew plays for the other team, luv.” “Huh?” Buffy frowned. “He’s gay, pet.” “So?” “You knew?” Spike asked in disbelief. “I didn’t know-know. But, I mean, I always just kinda figured...” Buffy rolled her eyes. “Oh. Right.” He said a bit taken off guard by her reaction at the revelation. “So that’s the big
secret. Andrew’s gay and Angel found out he had a secret crush on him and being extremely insecure in his masculinity
the wanker pummelled the kid.” Spike said succinctly. Buffy stood there, staring at Spike. “Why didn’t you tell me this before?” She finally asked a bit outraged. “Because it wasn’t something I could tell you. It wasn’t my secret to tell. I’m not gonna go outing
the poor fellow just because my girlfriend has absolutely no trust in me. Plus you were really pissing me off. How could you
think I beat up Angel because of Dru?” It was Spike’s turn to question. “Well… I… um… I sort of bumped into Angel. And he hinted that-“ “And you believed him?” Spike questioned in disbelief. “I didn’t at first!” Buffy defended herself. “But then I asked you and you just avoided the subject
and I thought - Busted!” They stared at each other for a while in silence until Buffy took a step closer, looking up at him from under hooded eyes
as she reached for him. He immediately stepped back, bringing his hands up as if someone was holding him at gunpoint. Buffy
stopped dead in her tracks, her heart slamming against her chest as the realisation of what was happening dawned on her. “Spike, I-“ “You should have trusted me. You should have believed in me.” He said in a low voice. “I can’t
be with you like this.” Buffy let her gaze fall to the floor as he walked over to the door that lead to the room. Suddenly, he turned around and
made his way back to her with ground-eating steps. “God, who am I kidding?” He breathed before crushing her mouth with his as his naked arms wrapped around her
small form to bring her closer to him. Buffy’s response was immediate as her hands erratically reached for his shoulder. Her fingers swiftly gliding over
the soft skin seeking the back of his neck and then moved up to dive in between his wet curls as she responded to his kiss
with the intensity and hunger as he did. His own hands ran wildly over her clothed body, down her back to cup her behind and bring her up against him. He moved,
instinctively guiding them towards the bed, causing Buffy to topple onto the mattress when she reached its edge; Spike following
her, never breaking the famished kiss. The Brit fought with the hem of her sweater pulling it upwards over her head to reveal the simple white bra that covered
her breasts. His fingers reached for the small mound cupping it lightly as his mouth crushed hers for another demanding battle. Spike gasped, breaking the kiss when her tiny hand sneaked between their bodies and found its way through the white towel
to wrap itself around his cock. “Cor, I missed you.” He breathed into her ear as he began trailing his way down her neck with hungry open-mouth
kisses until he reached one of her cotton-clad breast. It was Buffy’s turn to exhale sharply when he pushed the white fabric away and his lips brushed over her erect nipple.
She arched into his touch as she slowly began to pump him in a slow, steady rhythm. She felt a wave of feminine pride wash
over her as she watched and listened to him helplessly moan her name under her ministrations. Suddenly, he seemed to partially wake from his daze as his hands began working on the buttons of her jeans. Buffy relaxed
into his touch, slowly drifting deeper into her daze, when a giggling sound reached her ear. She frowned at first, but suddenly
it hit her: ‘My mom’s downstairs. Oh, god, oh, God, oh God!.’ “No.” She said, jumping up and reluctantly pushing him to crawl away from him. “What? What now?” He asked desperately trying to move over her again but she squirmed off the bed leaving him
on the mattress alone. “Your dad and my mom, downstairs. That’s what.” She explained reaching for her sweater, but before she
could grab it she was trapped between his arms and his mouth was on her neck. “I’ll be quiet. I promise.” His voice was muffled by the kisses he placed on her collarbone. “I bet you…” She gasped. “will, but I can’t promise I’ll be... quiet.” She managed
to push him away again. “Now, get your clothes on.” “I’ll be really quick. You won’t even feel a thing, so you don’t have to worry about making any
noises.” He joked walking over to her. Buffy narrowed her eyes at him and he dropped his shoulders in defeat. “Buffy, I don’t think I can go a whole week without touching you or…” he tilted his head towards
the bed. “You’ll have to.” She insisted as he came closer to her and his hand grazed over her hips and down to
the valley between her thighs to slowly press against the stop where her clit was. “Spike…” She tried to
sound serious and determined but the way he was touching her… it was impossible! “Buffy, please.” He begged into her ear as his nuzzled against her hair, his finger still moving over her. “Ok.” She finally agreed and he lashed out for her neck. “No! Not now!” she pushed him away once
more and put on her sweater. “Tonight. When they’re asleep.” “But…” “Tonight.” She repeated throwing the towel at him and he reluctantly grabbed it, draping it around his waist. Author's Note: Thanks to Ali for betaing this fic and for supporting it! ;) Chapter 32 Author’s Note: I know, I know, I had promised you guys two chapters and you’re only getting one. I’m
really, really sorry. It’s just that exams ended and well… You know college. We make up any excuse to have a party.
Can you imagine what we do when we actually have an excuse for it? I’m sorry. I’ll try to make it up to you. ;) Buffy yawned audibly for the tenth time that evening as she patiently listened to her mother’s rambling. “Oh! And we can also make that special apple mincemeat crumble you love so much.” Joyce piped up gingerly,
completely oblivious to her daughter’s boredom. “Great mom.” Buffy replied unenthusiastically as she ran her nails on the counter next to where her mom scribbled
hurriedly on a small notepad. “Well, I’ll need to buy some Brazilian nuts and quick cooking oats for that one. What else?” The older
woman looked up from the yellow paper she held in her hands; a bright childlike spark in her eyes as she gazed blindly at
her daughter for suggestions. “I think you’ve got enough food there to feed the entire United States Marines Corps, mom.” Buffy grumbled
as she nervously looked at her watch. Two hours. Two whole hours had passed since Spike had ‘gone to bed’. Man,
he was going to be pissed when she finally made it up to her room. Pissed or sound asleep. “Oh, come on. It’s not that much.” Joyce commented scanning trough the enormous grocery list that filled
ten whole pages. “What about the broccoli-cheese casserole?” “No! No broccoli, mom. It’s Christmas Eve!” Buffy immediately snapped out of her daze, holding up her
small hand at the eminent threat of having to eat vegetables on Christmas Eve. “Um… I guess you’re right.” Mrs. Summers finally agree, putting the cap back on the pen while standing
up to enter the kitchenette. Buffy’s eyes brightened at the thought of going to bed, but she covered her excitement by yawning once again. “I’m tired. I think I’ll go up to bed.” She said jumping off the stool and raising herself on her
to give her mother a light peck on the cheek. “Goodnight, mom.” “Goodnight, honey. I think I’ll turn in too.” She replied as she watched her daughter practically fly
up the stairs. “She’s gonna wake up Giles and Spike.” Joyce mumbled to herself, hearing Buffy stomp her
way to her room. ~+~ Buffy stopped just outside her door, taking in a deep breath as she felt her stomach do the funny little flip-flopping
thing it always did every time she knew she was about to see him. She ran her hands over her hair, smoothing out the wild
locks that cascades down her back. After she was absolutely sure she looked her best, she put on the sleepiest face she could
muster and turned the knob. There was complete darkness in the room when she entered. “Spike?” She whispered in a low voice as she squinted and narrowed her eyes to see while her left hand blindly
travelled over the wall next to her, searching for the light switch. “Are you here?” She felt her heart sink, a bit disappointed when suddenly she found herself being pinned against a cold surface, the door
slamming shut behind her as a hard, lean body now pressed against her. Before she could even make a sound, ravenous lips smashed
against hers for a demanding kiss, while two strong hands seemed to want to cover every inch of her as they travelled up and
down her frame. “Spike…” She managed to breathe once his lips abandoned hers and proceeded to kiss her earlobe as he
buried his face in her soft curls. “What took you so long?” She heard him ask with a hoarse voice as he continued to lick and suck at the tender
flesh of her neck, his chest still pressing against hers, his hips pinning hers to the wooden surface. She gasped when she felt something long and hard pressing against her stomach and suddenly she wasn’t able to speak. “I… um…” “I’ve been dying here, Summers.” He breathed, as his left hand came to cup her breast over the cotton
of her sweater. “My mom…” She tried to form a coherent sentence, but it seemed impossible as she watched him step away
from her for just enough time to bring his shirt and t-shirt over his head. He let the garments drop to the floor as his mouth
attacked her collarbone and his hands wormed their way under her sweater, eagerly travelling up her frame and bunching it
up. “Off…” She was able to hear him say between the series of open mouth kisses he was placing at the base
of her throat. “I… my mom…” She tried to speak, her hands feebly trying to push him away from her so she would
be able to form a coherent line of thought, but her body betrayed her as her fingers lingered down his back. His hands grabbed the hem of her sweater and yanked it up further. In a second it lay discarded on the floor, next to his
clothes as Spike started working on her white lacy bra while his mouth dropped to kiss the upper curve of her breasts. “Spike…” She breathed, her eyebrows frowning a bit as she tried hard to concentrate. “My mom’s-” She was cut off by Spike’s lips as they found hers once again. His tongue used the opportunity to slip into her partially
open mouth and quickly moved to explore the inside, while his hands blindly worked on the clasp of her bra. He sighed into her mouth when he finally opened it. His fingers travelled over her shoulders, dragging the thin strings
down her arms. He pulled away to watch the small piece of fabric fall to the floor and expose two small, round globes. He started at them for a second, his breath catching in his throat for a moment as he saw her bare breasts for the first
time. The moment of pause gave Buffy enough time to rewire her brain so she was able to say what she had been trying to since
he had started kissing her. Quickly, she bent over, hastily picking up all the discarded clothes and shoving his against his
chest as she breathed: “My mom’s not in bed yet.” Spike snapped out of his thought and partially pouted when he saw her cover herself and push him away. “What?” He asked still a bit dazed. “My mom! She’s still up. She can come in at any-“ She was cut off by the sound of a door being closed down the hall. “I guess your mom’s gone to bed.” Spike managed to say before grabbing the clothes, throwing them on
the floor and wrapping his arms around her small form to crush his mouth against hers. Buffy moaned into the kiss, as they stumbled back to the bed. She gasped as their bodies impacted against the soft mattress,
his mouth leaving hers to trail down her neck, his hands masterfully sneaking between their bodies to work on the buttons
of her jeans. She was about to protest, but lost all intent when she felt his lips encircle one hardened nipple, his hand cupping her
breast to direct the tender flesh into his mouth. She seemed lost in the feeling, only breaking out of it when she felt him tug her jeans down her legs. She quickly toed
her shoes off, enabling him to strip her of all her remaining clothing. He propped himself up on his hands, hovering over her as he gazed down at her naked form. She felt the flush raise to her
cheeks under the intense stare and thanked whatever gods there were that she hadn’t been able to turn on the lights
and that the only brightness filling the room were the soft rays of the moon streaming from the window. One strong hand came to cup her cheek and force her to look up at him. “God… you’re so beautiful.” He breathed dropping to kiss her. She moaned into his mouth as his hips moved between hers and the rough material of his jeans brushed against the tender
spot where her legs came together. Blindly, her hands travelled down his chest to find his zipper, quickly pulling it down and popping the top button open.
She smiled against his mouth when she realised he wasn’t wearing any underwear… again. Her small finger hocked
on the hem of the jeans and pulled them down his hips to his knees, where her feet came into play and helped push the denim
further down, till they were bunched up around his ankles. Spike struggled a bit with his boots. Stupid combat boots. Why did he wear them? He grumbled inwardly as he found himself
forced to abandon her to sit down at the edge of the bed and work at the laces of his boots. In record time, he had them off
and was safely in her arms, his mouth travelling down her neck to claim her breast once again. Her fingers dug into his bleached curls, as his mouth worked on one of her breasts while one of his hands kneaded the other.
He expertly fingered her hardened nipple into a frenzy and then, slowly trailed down the side of her stomach to dive between
her legs. Buffy threw her head back as she felt him trace the contours of her feminine folds without daring to go any further. She
moaned, a bit desperate as he continued to play with her outer lips, moving up and down, carefully avoiding her centre as
well as the needy bundle of nerves at the apex. “Want something, pet?” He asked, grinning against the tender flesh of her breast. “Spike…” She breathed looking down at him with hungry eyes. “Yes…?” He continued to question as his tongue curled around her nipple. “Please…” She moaned as his finger came inches away from her clit, but quickly moved away. “You sure?” He smiled again. “Spike!” She protested, swatting him over the shoulder. Why did he always have to tease her like that? “I-“ She stopped in mid sentence as his index finger flickered over her clit. “Ah…” “Like that?” He asked as he did it again. Buffy nodded wildly as her nails dug into his back. He pressed harder against the sensitive bundle and she moaned under his ministrations. His finger trailed down to find
the moist entrance to her womb; it circled its contours a couple of times, causing Buffy to grind her teeth together in expectation.
Pushing one long finger into her, he watched in awe as her neck arched as her head fell back on the mattress. He slowly moved in and out of her, searching for the right stop inside of her with every stroke. He knew he had found it
when he heard her breath catch in her throat and a strangled cry escaped her o-shaped lips. The expert finger continued to massage her, moving in and out, accelerating the pace and building up the rhythm as he stared
at her intensely. He swallowed hard at the sight of her facial muscles contorting in pleasure, as small ravenous mewls reached his ears.
He closed his eyes for a second, trying hard to find the control necessary to stop himself from pushing her legs apart and
burying himself in her. He tried to focus on anything, but the amazing sounds she was making broke all and any concentration. “Spike…” She moaned his name and his eyes flew open to see her arch off the mattress to let out a strangled
cry as the walls that surrounded his finger contracted wildly; her nails trailed bruising tracks down his arm as she came. She let her body fall limply on the bed, her eyes closed, her chest raising and falling erratically as she pulled hard
breaths from her lungs. Her eyes opened again when she felt his lips brush over her neck. Her numb hands found their way between their bodies and encircled his hard cock. She bit her bottom lip, when she heard
him gasp, his forehead resting on the mattress just over her shoulder. She slowly began to pump him and felt a chill run down her spine when she heard him mewl: “Buffy… Missed you so much.” His fingers ran between her long, blonde locks as she worked on him, pushing
him closer to the edge with every stroke. His grip on her hair tightened when she flickered a finger over the sensitive tip, brushing away the few drops of liquid
there. “Wait!” He warned her, freezing on top of her. “Did it hurt?” She asked a bit unsure. She didn’t have a lot of practice at this and she still felt extremely
insecure about it. “No…” He shook his head as he swallowed dryly. “It’s just… if you do that one more
time, I’m gonna come.” Buffy eyes brightened with female pride at his words. “Isn’t that the point?” She smiled as she prepared to move her finger again, but one strong grip on her
wrist, stopped her. “It’ll be messy.” He explained. “Oh…” She realised. “Plus… I’d rather…” He tilted his head downwards. “Oh…” She repeated with a mischievous grin as she parted her legs wider, inviting him in. He pushed his eyelids closed in order to be able to move off the bed. Buffy frowned a bit and watched as he dug through the pile of clothes on the floor; his actions extremely reminiscent of
their first night but, this time, when his hand left the pockets of his jeans it was filled with at least five plastic wrappers.
He sat on the bed, quickly working to get the condom. In the meantime, Buffy lay on the bed, dwelling on whether of not to
tell him… “Spike, we don’t need-“ “Just a second.” He halted her with one hand while the other continued to struggle with the prophylactic. “There!”
He said triumphantly as he cat-crawled his way to nestle himself between her legs. Buffy stared wide-eyed up at him, as he positioned himself at her entrance; whatever she had been trying to say before
vanished from her mind as his hips dipped down and she felt him push between her wet lips. Spike shut his eyes and took in a deep breath as he felt her inner walls clamp around him. It wasn’t as big of a
shock as it had been the first time, but it still managed to take his breath away just how tight she was. He paused for a
second, letting her adjust to him. He opened his eyes to meet hers. He found her with a smile on her lips. The moment he started
moving in and out of her, it crumbled, to be replaced by an expression of complete awe and pleasure. The rhythm began at a slow pace, slowly building up, growing faster and harder with each stoke until his hips were practically
slamming into her. She opened her mouth to let out a silent cry as the tension built inside of her. Even in that moment of complete daze,
in a distant part of her mind she still remembered that her mother was sleeping just down the small corridor. She bit down
on her bottom lip; hers nails digging into the back of his arms as the pleasure became impossible to suppress, causing him
to wince in pain. “Sorry…” she mewled as her hands dropped to her sides to grasp the sheets underneath her. Her small fingers
burrowed into the fabric, nearly ripping it to pieces as she tried to stomp herself from crying out in pleasure. Spike rolled his eyes back in their sockets as he felt her get tighter and wetter with each stroke. “Fuck… Buffy.” He mumbled into her neck as his hand came to cup her left breast. “Spike.” She started as she realised she was closer to the edge. “I can’t… I’m gonna…
Oh, God!” She moaned as he moved quickly in and out of her. “I-I’m gonna scream.” She finally managed
to say between ragged breaths; her nails still digging into the sheets as she arched off the mattress and prepared to cry
out. “Shh…” He whispered into her ear as his hand abandoned her breast to clamp down on her mouth, muffling
her cry. He continued to pump in and out of her, his fingers over her lips as he watched her battle with herself. Her eyebrows were crunched up to there maximum, her eyes closed shut as soft moans tumbled from her covered mouth and into
his hand. When he thought she had been able to control herself, his grip softened and he let his hand drop to the bed. “Ah!” She mewled when he pushed harder into her. “Oh, God… Spike. I’m gonna… A-“ Her scream was cut short as his mouth crushed against hers to swallow the cry of pleasure. Behind his closed lips, Spike’s
eyes rolled back as he felt her practically squeeze the life out of him as her orgasm surged through her, causing her body
to slightly trash underneath his. In wasn’t long before he was following her; his mouth abandoning hers and falling partially open, his eyes closing
tightly shut, his grip on the sheet next to her shoulder tightening before he fell limply on top of her. He lay motionless until he heard her breathe: “Need… oxygen here… Being… smothered to… death.” “Oh, God. I’m sorry.” He said immediately rolling off of her. He sighed in relief when he saw her smiling up at him. “Gotcha.” She whispered. “Ha-ha. Very funny.” He tried to sound annoyed as he sat up on the side of the bed, quickly taking off the
used condom before laying back down next to her. “You could never smother me. Too skinny.” She mocked. “Look who’s talking.” He retorted. “Hey!” She frowned. Smiling he curled his arms around her and brought her against his chest. They lay there for a few seconds, staring up at
the ceiling until Buffy broke the stillness: “Um… Spike…” She began a bit uncertain. “Yes, pet?” “It’s… um kinda cold. Can we get under the covers?” “Oh, God yes!” He sighed in relief as they immediately stood up and crawled under the sheets. “Oh, God yes?” She frowned as she lay on the bed, her head coming to rest on his chest as her left leg swung
over his. “It was cold. But if *I* had said anything about it, *I* would have been an insensitive creep who was trying to sneak
himself out of the mandatory post-coitus cuddling session.” Spike explained. “I wouldn’t have thought you were an insensitive creep.” She defended herself. “Right. Buffy. With our track record, I’m amazed you haven’t come up with an excuse to kick me out of
your bed by now.” “Hey!” She protested propping her chin on his chest to look up at him. “It’s true.” “Is not.” “Is too.” “Is not.” “See. We’re already fighting.” He noted. “Are not. You are just-“ She was cut off by his mouth as his hand cupped the back of her head and forced her to kiss him. Soon she was eagerly replying,
her tongue worming its way into his mouth to deepen the kiss. She mewled in protest when he pulled away. “I guess the only way to keep us from fighting is to kiss you.” He said with a wicked grin. “I think I like that technique.” She smiled back at him, giving him a light peck on the lips before resting
on his chest once again. They lay on the bed, in a tight in embrace as Buffy let out a soft sigh. “What?” Spike asked. “I like this.” She smiled, trailing small kisses on his chest. “I like this too. And we could’ve been doing this last night too, if you’d only trust me.” Spike
replied. He tried to make it sound like a childish retort, but she could see a glimpse of hurt in his eyes. “I’m sorry.” She apologized as she looked up at him. “It’s ok.” “No, it’s not. I should have trusted you. It’s just that… you just made the whole thing so secretive,
what was I supposed to do?” “Oh, I don’t know? Trust me.” He jibed, receiving a light swat over his right arm. “I said I was sorry.” “I know, pet.” He leaned in and gave her a light peck on the forehead. “I mean, how was I supposed to know that you were all ‘defender of the oppressed’?” Spike smiled at the title. “Poor Andrew. Having a crush on that poofter. Bloody rotten taste.” At his words, Buffy couldn’t help but giggle against his skin. “What?” He enquired with a frown but got no answer. “What?” he insisted. “Oh, nothing.” “Buffy…” “I think Andrew has evolved in his taste of men. Much like I have. “Come again?” Buffy looked up as him, her chin now resting on her hand that lay over his chest as her eyes sparkled mischievously at
him. “I don’t think Andrew likes Angel anymore.” “Really?” “Really. Especially now that he has his knight in shining armour.” Buffy giggled again as her fingers ran over
the contours of his pectoral muscles. “Huh?” Buffy shook her head. It was amazing just how blind Spike was sometimes. “Andrew has a crush on you.” She announced. “What!?” “Andrew. Has. A. Crush. On. You.” She pronounced each word as carefully as she could. “What? No. He likes the ponce.” Spike replied. “Spike. Everyone at the school knows this. Just like everyone knew that he was gay Except you, apparently. I mean,
the way he stares at you during lunchtime is a dead giveaway. And why do you think you won for Homecoming King. It’s
not like you’re Mr. Popularity.” At Spike’s still confused look she continued: “He rigged the votes.”
Spike continued to stare dumbly at her and she patted him on the chest as she said in a motherly tone: “Trust me. He
has a crush on you.” “No, he does not.” Spike insisted. “Fine. He doesn’t. Whatever.” Buffy rolled her eyes as she turned on her side, her back facing him. There was a moment of silence, before Spike awkwardly asked: “Andrew has a crush on me?” Chapter 33 Author's Note: Sorry it took so long! ;) She exhaled sharply as she rolled onto her back, feeling the sheets caress her naked skin as she moved. Her eyes sluggishly
fluttered open as rough fingers traced her collarbone. She squinted a bit, trying to focus her sight. Slowly, her eyes fixed
on his moonlit form. A soft smile spread over her lips as she watched him; his head, slightly tilted, propped up by his left
hand while the fingers on his right one still rested on her neck. “Hey…” She greeted with a hoarse voice. “Hey…” He replied back. Their gazes remained locked for a couple of seconds. “What time is it?” She asked as she abruptly moved to her side and reached for the watch on the nightstand.
She squinted as she turned on the light. “It’s past six a.m. You better go.” She said turning to face him
again, setting the watch back in its place. “It’s still early.” He protested as he reached over her and turned off the light before his mouth dove
for her neck. “Early? You’re father is gonna be up in an hour.” She noted as her hand half-heartedly reached for the
lamp switch but suddenly found herself too weak to do so. “There’s still time.” He murmured as he traced a series of kisses down her neck and over her collarbone,
his weight coming to rest over hers. “Spike…” She managed to breathe as his mouth reached her breast. Her head lolled back on the pillow as his tongue encircled her nipple, his teeth occasionally scraping over the tender
flesh causing her to tense up, only to relax a few seconds later. His hand cupped her breast, giving it a light squeeze as
he brought it closer to his mouth. Unconsciously, she pouted when he abandoned her breast to travel over her lean stomach, his tongue momentarily diving into
her perfectly shaped navel. She was completely lost in the sensation and it was only the subtle pressure he applied over her
left leg that broke her out of her daze. His motion caused her to part her thighs and she realised then what his intentions
were as she watched his head slither down between her legs. Her fingers immediately grabbed a hold of his tussled curls, forcing him up and away from her. He looked at her from under
a frown: “What’s the matter?” He asked a bit disappointed, he had looked forward to this ever since they had made
up. He had thought about it, over and over while he waited for more than two hours in her room. “I don’t want you to.” She replied shyly. “Wha’? Why not?” He questioned as his chin rested on her stomach. “I-I just don’t like it, that’s all. You know that. I’ve told you.” She pouted a bit. Spike simply tilted his head, his eyebrows coming together to let her know that she would have to explain herself better. She let out a loud sigh and rolled her eyes before she began: “When Angel and I-“ She stopped for a second when she felt his grip on her thighs grow stronger, his facial
muscles twitching at the sound of the quarterback’s name. “When we were together…” His jaw clenched
and unclenched, but he remained silent, waiting. “He did… that.” She awkwardly waved her index finger downwards
as her eyes travelled all over the walls, trying to avoid his stare. “And it wasn’t really all that special.”
She finished, her gaze finally finding his. “Well…” He purred a little as his chin grazed over her stomach on its way down between her legs. “Maybe
the poofter just didn’t know what he was doing.” He grinned a bit as he lowered his mouth to the inside of her
thigh and nibbled at it while his eyes remained fixed on hers. “Or maybe I just don’t like it.” She insisted as she jolted her leg, trying to push him away, but his
hands gripped her thighs and forced them down on the mattress. “Only one way to find out, pet…” He murmured as his placed a trail of open-mouth kisses on her thighs,
making his way to the spot where her legs came together. “Spike, please don’t…” She begged unconvincingly as her hand tried to pull his away. “I don’t
want- Ah!” She let out a strangled cry as his tongue traced the contours of her outer lips. “I promise, pet…” He whispered as his hands pushed her legs further apart, opening her up to him. “You’ll
like it.” He breathed before his lips capture one of her outer folds into his mouth causing her to catch her breath
and grip the sheets at her sides. After suckling at her tender flesh for a few moments, he let it go to look up at her. A proud, cockish grin spread over
his lips at the sight of her beautiful, flushed face contorting in pleasure. His eyes continued fixed on her as his tongue
darted out to lick her inner folds, tracing them up and down, carefully avoiding the sensitive bundle where they came together.
He slowly tortured her for what seemed like an eternity, lapping at the abundant juices that now coated her. Her body twisted
as she anxiously waited for him to make a move and, eventually, he did. His lips finally encircled her clit and her grip on
the sheets became tighter, her teeth bit into her lower lip as she tried to stop herself from screaming. His own fingers dug
into her thighs as her repressed mewls and moans reached his ears, making it almost impossible to bear. He forced his eyes
shut, trying to focus on her as he buried his mouth between her folds. His lips opened over her clit, greedily sucking it
into his mouth, causing her to gasp and run her fingers through his bleached locks. His tongue eagerly worked on her as one
of his hands abandoned her thighs to dive into her wet heat. He looked up at her once again; the vision of her with her head
thrown back, her mouth half-open, gasping for air was, without a doubt, the most erotic sight he had ever witnessed. She swallowed hard as his fingers traced the contours of her opening, occasionally venturing closer to her entrance, teasing
her. Her head lolled left to right as he continued to twirl his tongue around her clit, his finger painfully continuing its
teasing. “Please, Spike, please…” She finally begged shamelessly. She didn’t have to ask twice as he thrust one long finger into her, causing her to arch her back off the mattress. “Oh, God!” She mewled as her grip on his hair grew stronger. “Shhhh… Buffy, they’ll hear.” Spike warned her, stopping his ministrations, his finger still buried
inside of her. “No, don’t stop. Please, don’t stop.” She pleaded desperately. “Just be quiet.” He whispered. “I’ll be quiet, I promise. I won’t-I’ll-” Her mumbling was cut short when his finger moved
inside of her, searching and probing for just the right stop. His lips returned to her clit, pulling and pushing at it while his finger, having found its goal, moved in and out, stroking
the small surface every time he drove into her. He watched under hooded eyes as she twisted under his ministrations, her face
flushed, thrown to one side, biting hard into her pillow as she desperately tried to keep from screaming. It proved impossible
when Spike suddenly trust a second finger into her, stretching her and causing the exquisite feeling which had been growing
inside of her to explode and flood her entire body. Spike eyes went wide as her back arched off the mattress again while her inner walls clamped down around his fingers with
brutal force. Instinctively, Spike quickly crawled over her body, but before he could cover her mouth a loud, almost inhuman
scream pierced through the entire cabin. Buffy still hadn’t come down from her orgasm when the sound of shattering glass reached her ears. “They’re up.” Spike announced. “What?” A very dazed Buffy asked as she watched the bleached teen jump off the bed to rummage through the pile
of clothes on the floor. “Bloody hell!” He hissed giving up and simply shoving all the items under the bed before making a run for the
door that lead to his room. ~+~ An instant later and Giles would have caught a glimpse of Spike leaping into his bed as he swung the door open and turned
on the lights. Instead, he found his teenage son sitting up straight wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as the thick
sheets covered his naked form. “What happened?” The older man asked as he adjusted his glasses and came to sit on the bed. “Are you
alright?” “I-I’m fine. What was that?” Spike swallowed hard trying to mask his breathlessness as he lied through
his teeth. “Buffy…” Giles realised as he headed for the connecting door. ~+~ The moment one door closed, the other swung open to reveal a female form wrapped in a robe. Joyce palmed the wall trying
to find the light switch as she asked: “Buffy? Are you alright?” When she was successful, she turned to find a very flushed and breathless Buffy laying on the bed, clutching the covers
to her body. “Did you have another nightmare?” The older woman asked coming to sit on the bed next to her daughter as the
door to Spike’s room opened to let in Giles. “Is she ok?” “I-I” Buffy struggled with a reply. The stuttering grew worse when, a few moments later, Spike entered the
room wearing a t-shirt and a pair of boxers. She swallowed hard as she tried to ignore the cocky grin on the teen’s
face and focus on what her mother was asking her. “What? Um… Yeah, I-I had another nightmare. I-It was nothing. I’m fine. Really.” She insisted;
her eyes never leaving Spike’s as she felt the delicious afterglow crawl its way through her entire body. “Are you sure you’re ok? I mean, you usually sleep so well. Did something happen?” Joyce questioned,
oblivious to the looks exchanged between the two teens. “I’m fine mom. It’s probably just from sleeping in a strange bed. That’s all.” She tried
to justify. “Are you sure? I don’t-“ “Mom! I’m fine.” She assured her. “Maybe it was because of those horrible sounds earlier tonight.” Giles offered. “Horrible sounds?” Buffy asked with a frown. “Yes, didn’t you hear it? There was all this banging and shrieking. God awful noise kept me up till two in
the morning.” Giles elaborated. “Oh! Those sounds!” Buffy felt her heart leap to her throat and the flush spread to her cheeks as she looked
wide-eyed at Spike. “Probably racoons.” The bleached teen offered calmly, but inside his heart skipped a beat. “Going through
the garbage, is all.” “Maybe.” Giles agreed. “But you’re ok now, right?” Joyce insisted. Buffy simply nodded as she pushed her lips together. The older woman smiled, running her hand over her child’s face
before turning to look at her wrist-watch. “Well, it’s seven am already. No sense going back to bed now, is there? Plus we have to go into town to buy
the things we need for dinner tonight.” She said a bit excitedly, standing up. “You better get up.” Buffy pouted a bit and dropping her head she looked up at her mother: “Mom, do you mind if I skip the whole shopping thing? I kinda didn’t get much sleep last night either. On account
of those… pesky racoons.” She added, throwing Spike a dirty look at the last part of the sentence. “Ok. If you’re tired. But don’t stay in bed for too long.” Joyce agreed. “Um… Da. Can I skip it too?” Spike ventured. “Wasn’t expecting you to come anyway.” Giles replied with a half grin as he exited the room closely followed
by Joyce, leaving the two teens alone in the room. The moment the door closed, Buffy was off the bed and had her arms wrapped around Spike’s neck as her mouth came
crashing over his, almost causing him to lose his balance. “That was amazing!” Buffy muttered against his t-shirt when the kiss finally broke. “Yes, it was.” He replied, still a bit shaken by the fact that he had naked-Buffy pressing against him. She was about to speak when she heard the sound of a door opening coming from the hall. In a flash, she was once again
buried between her sheets. “Better wait till they leave.” She whispered. ~+~ She held her ear up against the wood, nervously twirling her fingers around the edges of her sleeves as she strained to
hear what was going on in the hall. She waited patiently for the pounding of footsteps to grow weaker and weaker before opening
her door and popping her head into the hall. She sighed audibly when she heard the front door closing and ran for the window
just in time to see Giles enter the car and close the door. The instant the engine roared, she was off towards the connecting
door, swinging it open to crash into Spike. “Ouch!” They both called out in unison. “You ok?” Buffy asked. Spike wasn’t even able to finish his nod before Buffy was already on him. “Good!”
she breathed between kisses as she pushed him towards the bed. Spike raised an eyebrow as his back hit the mattress. He found himself staring up at Buffy, who was still standing in front
of him; a lust-filled look on her face. “Since when did you become such a sex-starved minx?” He questioned with a cocky grin plastered over his lips
but it soon crumbled, being replaced by a gaping mouth the moment she lifted her nightgown over her head to reveal her completely
naked form to him. Silently, she crawled over his body, placing one knee on either side of him, her chest pressing against his. Her mouth
dropped to his earlobe, taking it in as she twirled her tongue around it. She smiled when she heard him gasped. God, she loved
hearing him gasp like that! “Buffy…” He moaned when she bit into his flesh. She moved away from his ear, tracing hungry kisses along his jaw until she found his mouth and let her tongue invade it. “You.” Kiss “Were.” Peck “Amazing.” She ended by letting her tongue linger over his
lips for a few seconds. “So, I’ve been told.” He grinned. Buffy froze and in his mind Spike kicked himself for what he had just said. ‘Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!’ He screamed
inwardly as he watched her sit up straight and give him a deadly glare. “Oh, really? And by whom, may I ask?” “No one.” He answered immediately. Suddenly, she jumped off of him, picked up her nightgown and slammed the door on her way to her room. “Wha’?” He asked from his sprawled position on the bed. He had no reply. “Buffy, what’s wrong?” He questioned standing up and going after her. She gave him no answer, stomping her way around the room in her nightdress, looking under the bed, picking up his clothes
and shoving them against his chest. “Out!” She spat. “What happened?” He pretended not know. “Nothing.” She said between clenched teeth as she pulled and pushed at the sheets in a very angry attempt to
make her bed. “So I’ve been told.” She muttered under her breath, making it almost incomprehensible for
him. “Oh, come on Buffy. I was joking.” “No, you weren’t.” She contoured, glaring at him. “Fine! So I wasn’t lying.” He admitted. “Buffy, you gotta understand that I did *have* a life before
we got together and it involved other girls.” “So did *I*!” She retorted, letting go of the sheets for a second before going back to making the bed. “But
I don’t go around throwing it in your face.” “I wasn’t-“ He tried to defend himself but was quickly cut off. “Oh, yeah, right.” She huffed. “You weren’t.” She grumbled. “Come on, Buffy.” The moment he took a step towards her she stood up straight and stared up at him. “I don’t go around gloating about all the things that Angel and I did together. And believe me, we did *a lot.*”
She lied. Spike swallowed hard as he tried to control the anger that slowly started to build inside of him. “Actually, we did everything!” She revealed giving him a lascivious look. “Good for you.” He managed to say between clenched teeth. “You bet it was.” She immediately retorted. “It was amazing! I-It was *really* amazing!” She insisted,
oblivious to the twitching of his facial muscles as she returned to her task and pulled at the covers again. “I mean,
he’s the quarterback, those muscles really come in handy when you need-“ She wasn’t able to finish her sentence, feeling the wind being knocked out of her as she suddenly found herself laying
on her back, on the bed with Spike hovering over her, between her legs. She was about to protest when she felt his hand quickly
crawling its way under her nightgown until it found the small mound of curls at the apex of her thighs. She exhaled sharply, fighting to keep her eyes open when his fingers began to tease her still sensitive flesh. “Was
it really that great?” He asked against her mouth. She parted her lips as she tried to reach up to kiss him but his free hand now held a strong grip on her golden locks,
keeping her mouth just inches away from his. “Was it?” He repeated. She didn’t answer as she continued to struggle against his hold on her hair. “Was it…” He paused for a moment as his finger entered her wet opening and slowly massaged her inner
walls. “Ah!” She cried out. “…this good?” He grinned against her skin when she began to vigorously shake her head in denial. He pumped in and out of her a couple more time before pulling completely out and pushing himself off of her. She was a
bit taken by surprise at the sudden loss of exquisite contact. “Wha’?” She asked a bit dazed as she propped herself up on her shoulders “Just wanted to make sure.” He grinned down on her as he headed back to his room. “Why you little…” She began as she ran after him. Chapter 34 She entered the room just in time to see Spike exiting through the other door. Buffy trotted after him, a frown and a pout
set on her face. “Where’re you going?” she tried to sound nonchalant about it, jogging down the stairs and stopping to
lean on the railing as she watched him head toward the kitchenette. “Breakfast. I’m hungry.” He answered, opening the refrigerator door. She didn’t say anything, taking the last step of the staircase and wandering into the living room. Plopping down
on the couch, she pretended not to notice the metallic noises coming from the tiled room as she brought her hand to her mouth
to lightly nibble at her cuticles. After a few moments, a delicious aroma of fried eggs reached her nose and she wasn’t
able to resist throwing a glance in Spike’s direction. She found him standing in front of the stove, his t-shirt-clad
back turned to her. “What are you doing?” She finally gave up and asked, standing to walk over to the counter and take a seat on
one of the stools there. “Breakfast.” He replied, stepping aside to reveal a simple omelette on a clean plate. “Want some?” Her mouth watered at the sight and smell of it, but her pride stopped her from showing any signs of it. Her mind dwelled
over how, just a minute ago, he had broken away from her, leaving her alone in her room. Her pout returned to her lower lip
at the recent memory. “No, thank you. I’m not hungry.” She answered, defiantly titling her chin upwards and wrinkling her nose. “Suit yourself.” He shrugged and walked into the living room to sprawl on the couch. They sat in silence for what seemed like an eternity as Spike munched on his break fast, apparently completely oblivious
to the little, pissed blonde loudly tapping her nails on the counter. Suddenly, she stood up and announced: “I’m gonna take a shower.” Spike smirked to himself as he watched her angrily stomp her way up the stairs. ~+~ Buffy walked around in circles in her bedroom, her wet hair tumbling down her back as her fingers fidgeted with the sleeves
of her read turtleneck sweater. She resisted the urge to enter his room and check if he was still there. She was sure she had heard a door opening when
she had finished her shower and was combing her hair in front of the foggy mirror. Her heart had raced in her chest as she
made her way to her bedroom, confident that she would find him there, maybe laying naked in her bed, ready to beg her forgiveness.
She turned the knob as a thousand fantasies ran through her mind. They were all shattered when she found the room empty. A strange mixture of anger and disappointment made her chest heavy and caused her throat to tighten a bit. She hated this
horrible feeling of insecurity she had around him. She never knew what to expect from him. He was so volatile; so sweet and
desperate one moment, so smug and cocky the next. She let out a deep sigh and headed out of her room. Letting her feet drag along the steps, she made her way downstairs.
She felt her breath catching in her chest and she brought her hand to cover her mouth when she saw an incredible breakfast
set on the table. There was a larger platter, where five or six scoops of a variety of jelly and jams were placed in a circular
shape. Next to it was a small mound of pancakes topped with what looked like maple-syrup. Her finger lingered over her lips
as she scanned the table to find a bowl, filled with an assortment of different fruits, which hid itself behind a glass of
freshly squeezed orange juice. Finally, placed in the centre of a white plate was a single red rose. “Oh, my God.” She breathed. “I was wondering when you were gonna come down.” She jumped up, a bit startled by the voice that came from behind her. She turned to see him leaning on the railing of the
staircase, his arms crossed over his chest, the trademark grin dancing on his lips. He had put on his red shirt over the t-shirt,
the worn-out black jeans and combat boots completing the outfit. “Hungry yet?” He asked, taking a step closer to her. “Oh, my God.” She mouthed again, her gaze bouncing from Spike to the table and back again. “You’ve said that already.” His smile grew wider. “Thanks.” “For what?” He raised a scarred eyebrow. “Well…” She tilted her head towards the table. “Oh, that’s not for you.” He said coolly. An immediate frown settled over Buffy’s eyebrows as her mouth fell open but, before she could say anything, he had
his arms wrapped around her waist and his lips were on hers. She didn’t even bother to struggled, letting his tongue
sweep over hers while his hand came to cup her cheek. When he pulled away from her, a breathless Buffy swatted him across
the chest, causing him to jump up. “Ouch! What was that for?” He asked between chuckles. “Evil.” She spat and immediately pouted. “Very.” He agreed with a lascivious grin before giving her a light peck on the lips and turning her around
to face the table. “Now eat! You’re too skinny.” He commanded, pulling out the chair for her. “Hey!” Was her feeble protest as her eyes landed on the feast laid out before her. She was starving, but was
still able to pick up the rose and take a quick whiff before setting it aside and taking her fork and knife into her hands.
“Where did you get that rose from?” “You haven’t been out back, have you?” Spike’s lips curled sideways as he watched shake her head
while hungrily shovelling a large piece of pancake into her mouth. “There’s a small rose bush there. Not in very good shape though, since we’re not here to water it or
anything, but amazingly it has survived.” A moment of silence passed by as Spike continued to stare at her with a grin on his face. “Wha’?” The word came out almost unintelligible, muffled by the large quantity of food filling her mouth. “Nothing.” He replied propping his head on his hand and eyeing her. She chewed quickly, swallowing the large lump before asking guiltily: “I look like a pig, don’t I?” “No.” He answered truthfully as she continued to eat. “This tastes wonderful.” She managed to say between bites. “Where did you learn to make these?”
She questioned pointing at the pancakes with her fork. “My da taught me.” He answered still gazing blindly at her. “They’re delicious.” She quickly devoured the three pancakes, using up all the jams in front of her. In the end, she downed the rest of the
orange juice, settling back on the chair and tapping her stomach. “Satisfied?” The simple question came out dripping with innuendo. “Maybe.” She let her lips curl for a wicked smile that made his mouth water. He grinned back at her, but said nothing as he began to pick up the table and headed for the kitchenette. She quickly followed
him, watching him as he stopped at the sink and pulled up his sleeves before starting to wash the dishes. “So…” He started, his eyes never leaving the soapy water in front of him. “Are we… ok?” “We’re ok.” She answered as she sat on the stool. “Good.” He said in a low voice. Another moment of silence filtered by before he questioned again: “I’m sorry. I have a tendency of getting my foot in my mouth.” “I’ve noticed.” She smiled picking at a grape and popping it into her mouth. “How can you still eat?” He asked astonished. “You just ate three huge pancakes and now you’re
eating fruit?” She pouted and he felt his heart leap to his throat. God, he loved it when her lip jutted out like that! Just made him
want to… He shook his head and returned to his task, but it proved near impossible when he felt her small hands worm
around his waist and her chest press against his back as she placed a light peck over his red-clad shoulder blade. He inhaled
sharply when she pulled away, stepping up next to him to pick up a nearby towel and began drying the dishes. “So…” She started a bit hesitant, her heart skipping a beat when he turned to look at her. “Have
you been told a lot of times?” He frowned and glanced at her again to find her with her gaze buried in the plate she was drying. “Been told what, luv?” “About… you know… being good at…” She looked at him out of the corner of her eyes to find
him semi-grinning back at her. “Oh, come on. You’re not gonna make me say it, are you?” He sighed audibly. He knew eventually they would have to have the inevitable “exes conversation”. “A few times.” He tried to avoid the specific numbers but wasn’t able when she quickly piped up: “How many?” “Buffy…” “What?” She asked innocently. “Do you really wanna get into that?” “It’s just a question, Spike.” She noted. “Two.” He answered. A light smile settled on her lips as relief washed over her. “Just Dru?” He frowned for a second, then, realising her assumption, he corrected. “Three, counting you.” “Oh…” The disappointment clear in her voice. There was a moment of silence and he could hear the unasked question hovering all around him, shouting in his ear. Finally,
he sighed and murmured: “There was a girl back home.” He paused and added. “Cecile.” She didn’t say a thing, her eyes still on the towel she fumbled with as she waited for him to pass her something
to dry. “What about you?” He questioned, anxious to take the attention off of him. “Angel… and you.” She replied with her head bowed. Instinctively, Spike’s teeth clenched and unclenched at the answer. There was an extremely uncomfortable silence between them, until Buffy flung the towel over her shoulder and sighed: “This is ridiculous. So we both had someone in the past. One of us more that the other but…It’s ridiculous.”
She said nonchalantly. “Are you sure?” “I’m fine.” She insisted, but inside she could feel her stomach turning at the thought of him with someone
else. “It doesn’t really matter how many there were before as long as you know that all I want now is you.”
He quickly dried his hands on his shirt and stepped closer to her. “You do know that, right?” She nodded and gave him a smile as he leaned in and took her lower lip into his mouth. His hands circled around her waist
to meet at the small of her back and bring her closer to him. They pulled away instantly at the sound of a metallic key turning
in a lock. “Buffy!” She heard her mother call out. “Over here.” She shouted giving Spike’s pout an ‘I’m sorry’ look before throwing the
towel over the dried dishes and walking around him to meet her mother. “Mom, what did you do? Buy all the food in the
supermarket?” She questioned when she saw her mother standing at the door with four plastic bags dangling from each
hand. “Could you two please go help Rupert out?” She asked walking into the kitchenette. The two teens walked out to find Giles standing by the car, the trunk open to reveal itself completely stuffed with shopping
bags. “Is she ok? I told her not to take so many.” He said a bit worried. “She’s fine.” Buffy smiled as she scanned the groceries. ~+~ “When do you think we should tell them?” Spike asked as he sat on the table with Buffy watching the older couple
clumsily walk around in the small kitchenette as they prepared the Christmas Eve supper. “Tell them?” She asked sitting up straight. “About us?” Spike tilted his head towards her. “Oh…” She said with a perfectly ‘O’ shaped mouth as leaned on the table; her fingers tracing
odd patterns on the wood. “Could we sort of wait for the end of the festivities?” “Why?” Spike questioned with a frown. “I don’t know. Might be kinda traumatic for your dad to find out you’re not gay.” She giggled when
she saw the outraged look on his face. Trying hard not to laugh she swallowed and continued, letting her hand discreetly rest
on his: “I’m sorry.” She pushed her lips together in a frustrated attempt to stop from smiling: “I
just think it would be kinda weird for you to… go back into the closet on Christmas Eve.” “Weird? It would be a relief. I’m getting really tired of all this gay-talk. I am not gay.” He insisted
between clenched teeth, careful not to be heard by the couple still busy in the kitchen. “I think I proved that last
night.” He added, leaning into her and running his tongue over his lips suggestively. “Conceited much?” She asked raising an eyebrow at him. “Will you two stop yapping and come help us?” Joyce’s voice carried into the living room as she stirred
a large pot on the stove. The two teens sighed, standing up to walk over to the counter. “I don’t think the four of us fit in there.” Spike noted with a hint of satisfaction. “You can wipe that grin off your face and start cutting the garlic.” Giles announced with a forced smile and
he set a chopping board and a knife on the counter with a thud. “Oh, da. I hate garlic.” Spike sulked out. “Poor, Spikey.” Buffy mocked with a smirk. “And you, young lady, can chop the onions.” Joyce commanded handing her a knife and a basin filled with onions. “Mom!” Buffy protested. “Finely chopped.” Her mother interrupted as she turned her attention back to the stove. “Don’t you dare say a thing.” The blonde teen said with a threatening tone, waving the knife at Spike
as he tried to suppress a chuckle. ~+~ The four moved awkwardly in the small space, tripping over each other as they tried to get their respective tasks done. “Can you three just stand still for a second?” Joyce finally snapped, sighing audibly. “I knew that making
this dinner together was a mistake.” “What? We’re helping. It’s not our fault that the kitchen is miniscule.” Buffy pouted as she tried
to squeeze between her mother and Spike to reach the condensed milk on the other side of the room. The bleached teen’s eyes rolled back in their sockets as he felt her chest press against his back. God, she had to
be doing that on purpose! In the one hour they had been in the confined space she had brushed up against him at least five
times and it was becoming almost impossible to keep his hands away from her. All he thought about was grabbing her and kissing
her breath away right then and there, in front of both their parents. Appearances be damned! He sighed and eyed his father
and Joyce as he quickly adjusted himself through his jeans before returning to beating the egg whites. “When I bought this cabin I wasn’t exactly planning on having big dinner parties.” Giles excused himself
as he finally managed to exit the kitchenette. “I’ll go get some more firewood from the basement.” He announced
before leaving. “Are these ok, Joyce?” Spike inquired swallowing hard as Buffy brushed up against him once again on her way
back. ‘Little tease! Just wait until tonight.’ The older woman threw a glance at the bowl Spike held in his hands and nodded: “That’s great, Spike. Just put those over there.” She pointed at the nearest available surface. The teen brushed his hands against his shirt and asked: “Anything else I can do?” “Could you set the table?” “Sure.” He agreed as he picked up the towel and headed for the living room. An hour later a warm fire burned in the fireplace as the four finally sat around the table devouring the mountain of food
that spread out in front of them. “This is delicious, honey.” Giles froze as the last word left his mouth. He looked around, expecting to find
disgusted looks on both teenagers’ faces and was surprised when there was absolutely no reaction from either. He frowned
a bit at the oddity. Maybe they were coping with the idea of there parents being an item. He continued to observe as the two
shovelled absurd quantities of food into their mouths. ‘Or maybe they’re just too hungry to hear anything.’ “Thank you.” Joyce replied with a smile as she followed Rupert’s gaze and watched the teens barely inhale
between bites. “So… when do we open the presents?” Giles tried to start up a conversation. “Buffy and I usually open them on Christmas morning. It’s tradition.” Joyce replied when she realised
her daughter was too busy eating to answer. “Christmas morning it is.” “Hey, don’t I get a say?” Spike protested looking up from his plate for the first time since he had sat
down. “We always do it at midnight.” Giles frowned and gave his son a disapproving look. “What?” Spike asked, completely oblivious to his father’s deadly stares. Giles simply shook his head and sighed. “Fine. We’ll open them on Christmas morning.” Spike resigned to the idea returning his attention to his
plate. ~+~ The rest of the night went on uneventfully as the four moved from the table to sit on the couch near the warmth of the
fireplace. Initially, there had been some discomfort and lack of subject but, little by little the conversation started up
and soon the four were shouting at the top of their lunges as they discussed which cuisine was best, the American or the English. “I don’t know why you’re making such a fuss out of it. The point is that the Americans simply don’t
*have* gastronomic traditions.” Giles argued as he lay back on the couch, one leg crossed over the other as he sipped
from his brandy. “Of course we have gastronomic traditions.” Buffy said confidently then looked up at her mother to quickly
ask: “Right?” “Yes.” Her mother replied with a smile, running her hand through her daughter’s hair who sat on the floor
at her feet. “What about apple pie?” “It’s not even American. Or do you really think that the rest of the world didn’t have apple pie until
you Yankees thought of it?” Giles countered. “Yeah.” Spike spoke up from his stop on the carpet, laying on his back, propped up on his elbows. “All
you have are burgers and even those are a bloody German rip-off.” “What about that ‘angis’ thing?” Buffy’s nose wrinkled up as her facial muscles contracted
in disgust. “You guys eat entrails stuck in a sheep’s stomach! Yuck!” “It’s haggis! And that’s Scottish, luv!” Spike corrected with a chuckle which earned him a swat
across the arm from the petite blonde. “Hey!” “I don’t care what you say; hotdogs are ten times better that fish and chips wrapped in an old newspaper.”
Buffy retorted crossing her arms over her chest. “Don’t knock it till you try it, pet.” Spike said in a mocking tone. “Well, whatever your preferences are, I think its time for bed.” Mrs. Summers said as she yawned. “Smooth, mom, very smooth.” Buffy chuckled turning to face Joyce. “It’s four am.” Her mother replied. “Come on. Up you go.” Reluctantly, Spike and Buffy stood up and, after saying there goodbyes headed up the stairs. The moment they reached the
top and were well out of sight Buffy found herself pinned against the nearest wall, Spike’s body crushed against hers.
She let out a little yelp which was quickly muffled when his mouth smashed against hers for a bruising and ravenous kiss.
Her eyes went wide as his hands moved erratically over every inch of her, one pushing under her sweater to knead her breast
while the other slipped around her to gruffly cup her ass and force her pelvis against his. Buffy gasped, looking up breathless at him when he pulled away from her. “What was that for?” She asked when she was finally able. “What did you think? That I would let you tease and taunt me like that all afternoon and there wouldn’t be
any consequences?” He leered dangerously at her, both his hands resting on the wall, on either side of her. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She didn’t even try to sound convincing as she
smirked at him. “You little vixen! You’ve were purposely brushing up against me every time you had a chance.” “What can I say? I just love that face you make.” She mocked. “What face?” “You know. That…” She rolled her eyes a bit before closing them hard, clenching and unclenching her teeth
as she held her breath in a successful attempt to imitate his reaction before relaxing her muscles and adding: “…face.” “I do not.” He denied vehemently. “Of course you do. You were doing it in the car all the way over here.” She threw him a teasing look before
pushing herself off the wall and walking over to her room. “You were doing it on purpose?!” He asked outraged as her went after her blocking her passage. “I know…” She took a step towards him and ran one single finger down his chest. “… I was
really a bad girl.” She said in a semi-childish tone. “Really, really bad girl.” He repeated with a grin. “And now I have to be punished.” She continued looking up at him from under heavy eyelids, a wicked smile on
her lips. “Yes you do.” He agreed closing the distance between them and leaning into her. “So, what’s it going to be?” She breathed as his closeness started to interfere with her ability to speak. “You get to sleep…” He began in a low voice, but suddenly stepped away from her and added: “…alone.
Goodnight, Buffy.” Before she could say anything he had walked past her, made his way to his bedroom door and disappeared from the hallway. Chapter 35 He flipped the covers and let his feet slip to the cold floor as his gaze drifted towards the connecting door. ‘What’s
taking her so long?’ He wondered running his fingers through his ruffled locks. Two hours had passed since his slick
move out in the hall. Was she actually taking it seriously? ~+~ She hugged her legs, bringing them closer to her chest and rested her chin on her knees as she sat on the bed staring at
the door. ‘I’m not moving, not moving, not moving.’ She repeated the mantra in her mind as she slightly
rocked back and forth. She wasn’t about to give in. ‘Nope. Not giving in.’ ~+~ He sighed audibly before pushing himself off the bed and shuffling his way out of the room and into the hall. ~+~ Buffy jumped to attention at the metallic sound of a lock snapping open and frowned when she looked back at the connecting
door and found it still closed. In a flash, she was up, hissing when her bare feet came into contact with the freezing floor.
She hopped her way to her corridor door resting her ear on the wooden surface, straining to hear. ‘Where’s he
going in the middle of the night?’ She questioned silently. The muffled sound of rushing water being flushed gave her
the answer. ~+~ He pressed his fingers over the bridge of his nose as he walked out of the bathroom, stopping in the middle of the hall
to look at the door that lead… to her. He struggled with the option as his gaze drifted from one door to the next. Eventually,
he opted for his own room. Dragging his feet towards his bed he grumbled something unintelligible under his breath, slipping
in between the thick covers and turning on his side in a meek attempt to find sleep. His eyes drifted shut as he tried to erase the images floating about in his mind. God, she could find a way to creep into
his thoughts at anytime of the day, or night! He flung his arm over his head as if trying to protect himself from the myriad
of pictures that flashed behind his closed lids. He froze, his eye snapping open, when he felt the covers move from behind him and soon a soft, petite shape spooned up
against his back. Her perfume suddenly registered in his nostrils as a small arm curled around his waist to rest on his stomach. He wanted to say something witty and smug but the feel of her body pressed tightly against him, the way she nuzzled her
face between his shoulder blades, inhaling his scent, caused his brain to short-circuit. As her small hand glided under his
shirt to caress his bare stomach and make its way up and down his chest, her mouth trailed long kisses up his back until she
reached the crook of his neck. He held his breath, his eyelids suddenly feeling extremely heavy when he felt her tongue sluggishly trace the contours
of his ear. “What…” He swallowed hard, squeezing his eyes shut as her hand drifted lower on his abdomen. “…are
you doing?” “What does it feel like?” She heard him gasp when her fingers slipped under the waistband of his shorts. “Buffy, I-“ He stopped in mid-sentence when her small hand encircled him. “I didn’t really feel like sleeping alone tonight.” She whispered as she nibbled on his earlobe. “Do
you mind?” It took a while for her question to register as her fingers began to move up and down his cock but, eventually, he was
able to meekly shake his head. “Didn’t think so.” She mumbled, pressing up against him. She let out a small shriek when she suddenly found herself laying on her back, his hard body draped over hers, effectively
trapping her as his hands pinned her wrists against the mattress over her head. “What took you so long?” He asked hoarsely. Trying hard to ignore the fact that she was actually naked under him, he dove for her neck, causing her to bite back a
moan as his tongue assaulted the sensitive skin there. “I thought you didn’t feel like having company tonight.” She managed to breathe as he moved between her
legs and thrust his pelvis against hers. “Changed my mind.” He whispered reaching her earlobe while his hand abandoned one of her wrists to glide down
her side and massage her thigh. “So… that mean I’m forgiven?” she questioned running her fingers through his thick hair as she
arched her neck into against his mouth. Suddenly, he pulled away to stared down at her. “I’m not sure yet. You were a very, very naughty girl.” He mocked as he rolled off of her. “Oh, come on!” She pouted, wrapping the sheets around her and laying on her side to look at him. “You should have thought about the consequences, pet.” He continued to tease her. The smug grin on his face
made her blood start to boil and she quickly sat up straight and swung her legs out of the bed. “Fine. Goodnight then.” She grumbled. She was about to jump off the mattress when his arm wormed around her
waist and pulled her into bed. She giggled as her body collapsed between the fluffy sheets and she found him hovering over her once more. “Close your eyes.” He asked. She frowned, but did as she was told. She felt the weight shift on the bed as he moved and after a few seconds, he was
back. “Open them.” When she did she saw him sitting up straight, handing her a small box. “What’s this?” She questioned propping herself up on one elbow as she reached for it. “Merry Christmas!” Her hand quickly covered her mouth as she shrieked: “Oh, my God! I didn’t get you anything. I mean, there was the whole hating you thing and I didn’t think
there would be any gift exchange. I’m sorry. I didn’t think that-“ “Buffy?” He cut her off. “Relax. Just open it.” “But I didn’t get you anything.” She pouted again. “Just open the bloody thing.” He said with a smile, anxious to see her reaction. She sighed and began unwrapping the present. Her eyes went wide when she opened the box to find a small chain inside. In
regular intervals the metal twisted to form the outlining of petals at the centre of which there was a small amber stone.
The end result was a thin, silvery string with six or seven individual flowers. “It’s beautiful.” She whispered staring at the necklace. “Turn around and let me put it on.” He urged her. With a huge smile on her face she handed the necklace back to him as she sat up and turned her back to him. She fingered
the delicate string as he struggled with the lock. “There.” Slowly she turned around to face him. “What do you think?” She asked. “It’s gorgeous.” He breathed, staring as her finger lingered on the chain. “Thank you so much.” She repeated leaning in and giving him a soft peck on the lips. “You’re welcome.” He smiled back as the two lay back on the bed. “Why’d you buy this if we were broken up?” She questioned, turning in his arms to face him after a moment
of silence. “I knew I’d win you back.” He answered smugly, earning a feeble swat across the chest from her. “I’m
just kidding.” He chuckled when he saw lower lip jut out. “Truth is I bought it before we broke up.” “Oh…” She said as she snuggled against his chest, but frowned when realisation came. “Wait a second.
We fought on homecoming.” “Yeah, so.” “That was like a month and a half ago.” She stated. Spike stared blankly at her and repeated: “So?” “So, you bought me a Christmas present a mouth in advance?” She questioned. “Yeah.” He replied with a shrug. She propped herself up on one elbow looking wide eyed at him. “Did I do something wrong? Cause I really don’t see what I did.” He asked nervously. He felt his body relax when a smile crept over her lips. “You are the sweetest boyfriend ever.” She said. He felt his heart skip a beat at the use of the word ‘boyfriend’, but he masked his surprise with a smug grin
and muttered: “So it’s official, huh?” At her frown, he added: “You, me. Boyfriend, girlfriend?” She swallowed hard as she became aware of her Freudian slip. “I-I don’t know. Maybe.” She stuttered, anxiously waiting for his reaction. His smirk crumbled in an instant as he lifted his hand to trace the outline of her face. “Maybe?” He repeated hoarsely. Hearing the nervousness in his voice seemed to have a calming effect on her. “Definitely maybe.” And, without warning, her mouth was on his. At first, he was taken by surprise, but soon he was responding with as much fervour as she. He rolled over her and the
kiss became deeper and more hectic as the desire between them grew. They moved erratically, both struggling for dominance,
pulling, biting and nibbling at each other’s lips. In the middle of the ongoing battle, she hooked her thumbs on the
waistband of his shorts, pulling them downwards until they were wrapped around his knees. As her hands travelled upward and
proceeded with tugging at his t-shirt, her feet pushed the rest of the boxers down, until they were discarded somewhere between
the mountain on sheets they lay in. She gave him a satisfied smile when she was finally able to get his t-shit off and his
naked body came into contact with hers. They stared at each other for a few seconds and then, suddenly, Spike felt the wind
get knocked out of him when, with one swift move of her hips, she managed to roll them over. He quickly found himself on his
back, her golden body hovering over his, her legs spread to accommodate his hips, her mouth attacking his chest. He gasped at the desperation and desire that marked her every move. He closed his eyes and arched into her touch as her
tongue glided from one hardened nipple to the other. He was so caught up in the feel of her mouth that he didn’t even
notice her hand worming its way down his body to reach for his cock. His eyes snapped open and he stared down at her as her small fingers wrapped around him and slowly started moving up and
down. His hand reached for her head, interlacing with her blonde strings and forcing her to abandon his chest and look up
at him. The moment she did, he attacked her lips, seemingly trying to devour her. She continued to pump him and he let out
a strangled moan into her mouth; his grip on her hair becoming stronger as he instinctively thrust his hips against her hand. Slowly, in the middle of the haze of his mind, he felt something soft and slippery sweep across the tip of his cock. “Fuck!” He breathed when he realised what it was. He abandoned her mouth and opened his eyes to see her manoeuvre her hips over his, her damp warmth brushing against his
swollen shaft, inviting him inside. He gasped when she dipped her pelvis and he felt his cock push between her folds. In a
fleeting moment of clarity, his hands grabbed her hips, keeping them at bay as he tried to speak: “Wait… the condom…” He couldn’t believe he was actually stopping her. “No need for one.” She breathed as she pushed downwards but he held her fast. “Wh-what do you-“ He swallowed hard and squeezed his eyes shut as she continued to move, brushing up against
him. “What do you mean?” He finally asked. “I mean there is no need.” And she leaned down to kiss him, her fingers finding his and pulling at them. “Buffy… we can’t… cond-“ He babbled. “Shhhhh. Trust me.” She coaxed him, finally able to free herself. “But what abou- Oh, Fuck!” He gasped when she suddenly sat up straight and let her weight fall. His eyes snapped
open as he found himself buried inside of her. “Christ, Buffy you’re so…” He wasn’t able to put it into words. The softness of her inner walls clamping around him, the heat, the tightness,
he felt like he would come at that very minute if she dared to move. Buffy held her breath as she truly felt him inside of her for the first time. No condom, no barrier, nothing between them
and it felt amazing. She remained frozen for a second, adjusting to his size as she watched his face contort in pleasure and
then she began to move. Slowly, resting her hands over his chest for leverage, she slid up and he moaned, his hands immediately
grabbing her hips, forcing her to stop. “Wait, wait.” He begged, closing his eyes for a moment as he searched for control. “You ok?” She asked between pants. He simply nodded and released her from his grip. A second later she moved again and he clenched his teeth trying to ignore
the feel of sliding in and out of her, but it all seemed to crumble when he opened his eyes to see her. She soared over him;
her breasts exposed, bathed in moonlight, the small necklace lingering around her neck as her head lolled back, her hair cascading
down her sides to frame her body. “God, Buffy, you’re beautiful.” He hissed as he felt her growing tighter and tighter around him. Her hands reached for his, finding them resting over her hips and guided them upwards to cup her breasts. “Wait, no…” He mewled as everything seemed to be too much for him. But her response was completely opposite
to what he had asked. She increased the pace, contracting her inner muscles, causing them to clamp around him. “Buffy,
please wait… I’m not… Oh God!” he stopped in mid sentence as she twisted her hips and let out a soft
moan. “Don’t… please, stop!” He pleaded urgently. “God, Buffy… I-I’m gonna come
if you don’t…” Her hands tightened around his, forcing him to grab her breasts harder and that was it, the last shred of control was lost
and he found himself thrashing under her as he came. His back arched slightly off the bed as the waves of pleasure slammed
against him causing his eyes to lose focus for a few moments. Seconds later he lay dully on the bed, a peaceful numbness coursing
through every inch of his body as everything seemed too heavy to bare, even his own eyelids. When he finally opened his eyes he gazed at her laying on top of him, her head resting on his shoulder as a single drop
of sweat traced down her cheek. “God, that was…” He started but it was still too soon for words. “Merry Christmas.” She said, giddily sitting up straight. “That was one hell of a present, luv.” He mumbled, pausing for a second to contemplate her. “You’re welcome.” She smiled down on him. Slowly, a sinking feeling crawled its way into his chest. “Did you…” He tried to hint. “Was it… um… good for you?” God, he couldn’t
believe he had just asked her that! It sounded so… bloody stupid. “It was.” She continued to smile, but he could tell she wasn’t being completely honest. “It didn’t seem like it was.” He grumbled. “It was nice.” She insisted. “Great! In two seconds we’ve gone from good to nice. That’s an improvement!” He mumbled sarcastically. “It was very nice.” She smirked, leaning down to kiss him, but before she had a chance to he met her half way
and forced her to sit up straight. “I guess we’ll just have to remedy that now, won’t we?” He said smugly. “Really?” She replied cocking up an eyebrow. He simply nodded and leaned in to capture her lower lip into his mouth, his arms wrapping around her small waist. She mewled into his mouth as she felt him harden inside of her. After a few seconds his hands gripped her hips, guiding
them upwards and then back down, causing him to slide in and out of her. Trading soft and long kisses, they sat on the bed,
her legs wrapped tightly around his waist as they moved in unison at a slow, torturous rhythm, building up the pressure with
each stroke. Spike’s fingers abandoned her hips to glide over her back, reaching her head and slipping between the long,
golden strings of her hair. He tugged lightly at them, forcing her to arch her neck and expose her throat to his mouth. She
gasped as the combined sensation of his tongue sweeping across her skin and the feel of him slipping in and out of her became
too overwhelming. His mouth moved in a dawdling pace, tracing a secret pattern from her neck down to her left nipple. His tongue sluggishly
drew circles around it, occasionally stopping to suck it into his mouth or nibble at it. “Ah, Spike…” Buffy moaned; her nails digging into the back of his neck as his teeth scrapped across the
sensitive flesh. She felt completely overwhelmed as the feeling inside of her built up. She had never experienced anything like this. All
the other times had been so frenzied, so hurried, the desire between them too strong to be able to control, hold back or take
the time to make it last. Her eyes went wide when one of his hands wormed between their bodies, finding its way to her clit.
“Oh, God!” She mewled as the rough texture of his thumb brushed against the small bundle of nerves. Suddenly, every single feeling in her body seemed to be sharpened as her senses concentrated on the spot where their bodies
came together. Unconsciously, she bit her lower lip, the sensation inside of her building to heights she had never thought
possible. “Oh, God Spike, I’m gonna-” She managed to breathe between harsh pants. He smiled. He loved the way she always announced her impending orgasms. Suddenly, he thrust hard upwards, burying himself
inside of her to the hilt with one long, rough stroke and everything seemed to crumble around her. Her mouth went wide as
the energy that had been growing inside of her flooded her entire body, every single inch of her vibrating with the force
of her orgasm. Spike felt she was about to scream and pulled her down for one ravenous kiss, swallowing her cry as his tongue
invaded her mouth. She wrapped her arms around him, shaking as she continued to ride out her pleasure. Her inner muscles contracted wildly
around him, causing him to quickly follow her over the precipice. After a few moments they sat spent, in a bundle of limb, gasping for breath, leaning on each other for support as their
bodies became completely limp. It took a long while for them to be able to speak, but eventually Buffy seemed to mumble something. “What’s that, luv?” He asked. “Cold.” The word tumbled out of her lips. He smiled and lay back on the bed, bringing her down with him and wrapping the sheets around them. ~+~ The sound of a door being slammed closed snapped him out of his daze. Spike grumbled under his breath as his gaze fell
on the sleeping form spooned against his side. Her head rested on his outstretched arm, her leg was flung over his stomach.
He smiled as he realised just how perfectly they fit together. His eyes drifted toward the alarm clock on the nightstand.
The red lights read: “7:30”. “Oh, bloody hell.” He cursed when he realised they had dosed off. “Luv?” The small creature lying next to him stirred, but refused to wake up. “Luv, you need to wake up. My da’s up.” “Mhm…” She mumbled. “Buffy, you gotta wake up.” He insisted, running his fingers through her hair. “Wha’?” She finally asked, her eyes still closed. “It’s seven thirty, my da’s gonna come in here any second.” “It’s too early.” She protested, snuggling closer to him. “Buffy…” He continued to call, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. “Wake up.” “Just five more minutes.” She tried to bargain, but he would have none of that. “Wake up.” He shook her slightly and she finally opened her eyes. “You’re evil.” She grumbled pouting. “I know, but you gotta get up.” Reluctantly, she rolled onto her back, her arms outstretching over her head as she yawned audibly. Slowly, she managed
to sit up. She turned to see him lying on the bed and leaned in to place a chaste kiss on his lips. Her fingers reached for
the chain around her neck as she whispered: “Thanks for the present.” “No, thank you.” He replied, watching her as she prepared to get out of bed. “Wait, Buffy.” He
stopped her as he suddenly realised something. “About last night…” “Yeah?” She frowned a bit. “You know… the condom. Are you sure everything’s… um… safe?” He wondered a bit embarrassed. “Absolutely. I’ve been on the pill for almost a year now.” She reassured him. “Huh?” “Since Angel.” She explained. He simply nodded, his stomach turning in disgust at the thought of *him* touching her. She was about to leave when his
next question stopped her again. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” “Well, the first time we… It was kind of unexpected and I didn’t really know if you had… you know…”
She trailed off, hopping she didn’t have to elaborate, but his frown forced her to continue: “Condoms don’t
just protect you from unwanted baby making.” Slowly, realisation sunk it. “You thought I had some sort of STD?” He asked a bit outraged. “No!” She immediately answered. “I mean, I didn’t know. How could I? You had been sleeping with
Dru and, apparently, Dru isn’t too enthusiastic about the whole monogamous part that comes with a relationships-“ “Neither was Angel as I recall.” He retorted. “Are we gonna fight about this?” she sighed. “It was just once and I didn’t know you all that well.” “What about yesterday?” “I tried to tell you, remember? You weren’t really paying much attention.” She replied. There was a moment of pause as he pondered what to do. “When you make up your mind, let me know.” She muttered getting off the bed. Suddenly, one strong arm wrapped around her waist, pulling at her and causing her to tumble onto the bed. She gasped as
she looked up to find Spike hovering over her. “You’re forgiven.” He smiled down on her. “Am I, now?” “But only because of the incredible Christmas present.” He added before leaning down to kiss her. Chapter 36 Author's Note: Thanks to the wonderful Ali for betaing this so quickly! You're the best BETA mom! He let his head fall to the crook of her neck, lightly nibbling his way down to her collarbone when the sound of footsteps
just outside, in the hall, snapped the two teens back to reality. Panic filled them as they heard the doorknob turn. “Oh, my-“ Buffy wasn’t even able to finish her sentence as Spike grabbed her by her arm and pushed her
down to the floor while he stood up and watched the door open. “Spike, have you seen-“ It was Mrs. Summers’ turn to be cut off as the door opened to reveal a stark
naked Spike standing behind his bed. Unfortunately, it wasn’t very tall, reaching only up to his knees and thus failing
to conceal any of the important body parts that he would have preferred to have remained hidden from his father’s girlfriend. “Oh, god!” “Bloody hell!” The two shouted in unison. One of Joyce’s hands immediately flew to cover her face, the other clumsily reaching for the door in a desperate
attempt to grab the handle while the bleached teen, equally surprised, fumbled with the sheets, pulling them against his abdomen,
frantically trying to cover himself. After a few very awkward and disturbing seconds, the older woman managed to close the
door. “Bloody hell, you’re mom just saw me naked.” Spike hissed at the girl lying at his feet. She was about to answer when a faltering voice carried through the bedroom door. “Um… Spike… Um… I-I’m sorry. I-I didn’t… “It’s ok Mrs. Summers.” He said, frowning when he suddenly realised he had reverted back to calling her
Mrs. Summers. “Well... H-have you seen Buffy?” The lines over his eyebrows grew deeper as he and Buffy exchanged looks. “Um… No, not really. Isn’t she in her bedroom?” That earned him a swat across his calf. “What?”
He whispered to the girl sitting at his feet. “She’s gonna go and check now.” She explained. “Or maybe she’s-“ “I’ve already been to her room. She’s not there.” “… already checked.” Spike finished his sentenced with a look that screamed ‘duh!’, then,
turning to stare at the closed door, continued: “Maybe she went out for a walk.” Another smack. “Bloody
hell will you stop doing that!” he hissed at Buffy. “What am I supposed to do now?” She asked, despair evident in her wide eyes. “Go to your room and get dressed.” “But I’m all yucky and sticky! I need to take a shower!” She protested in a babyish tone. At her frown he ordered: “Now!” As silently as she could she opened the connecting door and started looking for clothes. “…going out?” The sight of Buffy, bare naked, squirming her way to her room caused Spike’s brain to short circuit and by the time
he had all the wiring reconnected he had only managed to hear the last few words of the sentence. “Sorry, Mrs. Summers I didn’t hear what you said.” He tried to control the hoarseness in voice as he
watched Buffy frantically go about her room, urgently looking for something to wear. God, she was beautiful! “I asked if she told you anything about going out.” Joyce repeated, the awkwardness of what had happened just
seconds before still evident in her tone. “Um… I… Um…” ‘Naked Buffy! Naked Buffy! Naked Buffy!’ His brain insisted on chanting
as he watched her putting on her jeans. “I think she said something… um…” Finally, as she slipped
her thick sweater on, he was able to finish: “… something about going out for a walk. Um… Enjoy the clean
air of Nature.” A deep frown settled on Buffy’s eyebrows as entered the room mouthing: “Clean air of Nature?” At that Spike simply shrugged, lifting both his eyebrows apologetically. “Buffy woke up early? For a walk?” Joyce wondered out loud. “Yeah, go figure, huh?” “Well, did she tell you when she was coming back?” Joyce continued to question on the other side of the door. “Around eight or something.” Spike blurted out. “Oh, okay. Well, Rupert and I are downstairs. Breakfast is almost ready and just as soon as Buffy comes home we’ll
start opening the presents, ok?” “Ok, Mrs. Summers.” Spike shouted back. He was about to say something to Buffy when Joyce’s voice reached
them again: “Oh, Spike?” “Yeah?” “M-merry Christmas!” “Merry Christmas, Mrs. Summer!” The two teens waited a few moments in complete silence. Suddenly, Buffy’s hand flew towards Spike, smacking him across
his arm. “Bloody hell Summers, Will, you stop hitting me?” Spike hissed rubbing his arm. “I’m sorry, that’s what I do when I get nervous.” She said apologetically. “You hit people?” He asked cocking up a scarred eyebrow. She simply shrugged as she questioned: “What now, Einstein? Our parents are downstairs, how am I supposed to leave the house without them seeing me, huh?” “Through the window.” He replied matter-of-factly. “The window? Are you insane?! We’re on the second floor!” She noted. “Actually, we’re on the first floor.” Spike corrected. “First floor? What are you talking about? We’re on the second floor. Or do you think the kitchen and the living
room are underground?” Buffy quipped rolling her eyes. “Depends on your point of view, I’m English; therefore *I’m* on the first floor.” Spike replied
haughtily, while Buffy simply stared wide eyed at him. He let out a long sigh and explained: “The floor underneath us
is the ground floor; the floor above it, the one we’re on, is the first floor, the one after that is the second and
so on and so on.” “Huh?” “Oh, Forget it.” He gave up. “You Yanks have it your way. It’s the second floor.” “Huh…?” She repeated before shaking her head and adding: “Whatever… Still doesn’t explain
how you’re planning on getting me out of the house without our parents noticing.” “I’ll lower you down.” He explained. “Ok, I’ll repeat this. It’s seven thirty in the morning, your brain is probably not able to catch all
these little subtleties this early in the day but - We’re on the *second* floor.” She spoke as if she was talking
to an eight year old. His response was a forced smile which crumbled in seconds: “Do you have any other ideas? Sarcasm not included?” She narrowed her eyes and made her way to the window with Spike trailing right behind her. “See, there are bushes there to soften your fall and everything.” Spike pointed out. “Yeah, rose bushes!” She stared up at him. “What? I’ll swing you.” “Oh, not only do I have to jump off the second floor but I’m gonna be swung over a rose bush while I’m
doing it?” She asked incredulous. “Oh, Come on Buffy!” Once again she dangerously narrowed her eyes at him as she swung one leg over the window ledge. “This is all you’re fault.” She grumbled. “My fault? You’re the one who came into my bed in the middle of the night.” Spike replied, but seeing
the murderous look she was giving him decided to change strategies: “Ready?” He questioned grabbing a hold of
her wrists. “Yes!” He was about to push her out when she grabbed his arms. “Wait!” “What?” “What about our parents? They’re downstairs, they are gonna see me fall if they look through the window.”
She noted. After a moment of thought he said: “I’ll swing you diagonally so you’ll be able to jump over the bushes and fall where there is no window.” “Are you sure?” She questioned doubtful. “Seems pretty simple.” “Yeah, cause you’re not the one doing the jumping.” She grumbled. “Just relax. Take deep, long breaths.” She closed her eyes and inhaled. “That’s it. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inha-“ “Ok, I’m getting kinda dizzy here. I don’t think it’s working.” She mumbled. “Sorry.” “You better be.” She pressed her lips together, inhaling one last time. “Ready?” She nodded and pushed herself off the window ledge as he held her by her arms. “Ok, I’m gonna swing you over now.” He announced as he began to move his arms. After a few long motions
he let go of her and she went flying over the brush, landing on the grass with a loud thud. “Ouch!” She protested as she rolled off the ground and clumsily stumbled onto her feet. “Are you ok?” Buffy wasn’t able to answer as Giles came rushing around the corner. “Buffy?” “Hey, Giles!” She greeted weakly. “Merry Christmas!” “Um… Merry Christmas! A-are you ok? What happened?” He asked helping her as she limped her way to the
front door. “I kinda tripped.” She lied and threw an evil glance at Spike. The teen stood at the window, watching as his
father and Buffy rounded the corner, trying hard to keep from laughing. ~+~ The rest of the day went by uneventfully and mostly centred on the gift exchanging. They sat around the fireplace, each
making their way through the wrappings of their respective presents. “Oh! It’s beautiful!” Joyce exclaimed gazing at the twin sapphire earrings. “Thank you so much!”
She breathed still overwhelmed, leaning in to give Giles a kiss when she thought the ‘kids’ weren’t looking. Buffy and Spike merely decided to ignore the sight, focussing on their own presents. “Bridget Jones’ Diary?” Buffy asked inspecting the cover of the book she held in her hands. “It’s a real grabber according to a friend of mine back in London.” Giles explained. The petite blonde smiled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “Thanks, Giles!” “It was actually William’s idea.” The older man corrected adjusting his glasses. Buffy tried to suppress a chuckle at the sound of Spike’s real name, but said nothing about it, merely nodded and
replied: “Thanks, William.” This earned her a glare from the bleached teen but it soon faded away when he glanced
at his gift, finally unwrapped. “Oh, cool!” Spike piped up as he turned the CD to see its cover. “The greatest hits of the Sex Pistols!” “You’re father told me you liked them. I don’t really know much about the punk movement. Is it any good?”
Joyce questioned a bit worried. “You can exchange it for something else if you like.” She quickly added. “No, no! It’s perfect! Thanks Mrs. Summers.” “Spike, we’ve been over this. Call me Joyce.” “Right… Joyce. Sorry.” He apologized. Somehow, after the ‘incident’ that very morning, calling
her by her first name just seemed… wrong. “Oh, my God! A Kattar dagger. Where did you find this?” Giles asked, gawking at the watered steel curved blade
he held in his hands. “I pulled a few strings.” Joyce answered smiling at him. “T-this is unbelievable. I-I’ve been looking for this since… forever.” He stuttered, his eyes never
leaving the dagger as he occasionally fumbled with his glasses, nervously trying to adjust them. “I know.” “Thank you, thank you so much.” He said, bringing one arm around her waist and pulling her close for a long
kiss. “Yew! Can you guys get a room or something? Minors present, remember?” Buffy protested giving them a disgusted
look, quickly seconds by Spike: “Yeah! Please don’t scar us for life.” At this, the couple pulled away, rolling their eyes at each other. “Well, I guess we should get working on the Christmas lunch, huh?” Joyce suggested clapping her hands together. “We’re gonna cook? All of us together? Again? I don’t think that’s such a hot idea, mom.”
Buffy said pulling her eyebrows together for a doubtful frown. “No, we are going to cook.” Her mother corrected pointing at herself and Buffy. “What? And what are they going to do? Lie around, belly up, picking their teeth? ” Buffy asked outraged while
Spike and Giles spread out on the couch. “No. They are going out to chop some wood.” Joyce explained. “What? We already have wood.” Giles said sitting up straight. “The logs we have down in the basement are too big. We ran out of the small ones and the ones left don’t fit
in the fireplace. You guys are going to have to chop them in half.” “We’re leaving today anyway. Why chop all the wood?” Spike asked. “But it’s so cold.” Buffy pouted, batting her eyes at Spike “Yes, you don’t want us helpless little women catching a cold, do you?” Joyce added, mimicking her daughter’s
actions as she eyed Giles. “But…” Spike tried to protest as he watched the women stand up and head for the kitchenette. “No buts. Go. Be manly!” Joyce shushed them. ~+~ Buffy mewled letting herself drop on the bed with a loud thud. “I don’t feel so good.” She grumbled holding her stomach as she stared up at the ceiling. “No wonder. With the amount of food you gobble up.” Mrs. Summers said shaking her head disapprovingly. “I
told you not to eat that third slice of pie.” “Erg! Don’t mention food. Pleeease!” The teen begged, rolling onto her side, her hands still resting
protectively over her swollen stomach. “That’s what you get for being a glutton.” Joyce continued. “It’s Christmas Day. There is no such thing as gluttony.” Buffy countered barely able to speak. “Come, get off the bed and help me pack.” Mrs. Summers replied ignoring her daughter’s ‘suffering’. “I still don’t understand why we have to go home so soon. I mean, it’s Christmas Day!” Buffy noted
closing her eyes as she felt another strong spasm lurking. “I told you, I have to go back to the gallery and Rupert wants to have the bookshop open tomorrow.” “Who buys art or books the day after Christmas?” Buffy inquired holding up her hands and frowning. “For someone who didn’t even want to come here in the first place you’re not too keen on leaving, are
you?” “Oh, my God! You said ‘keen’. Maybe we have spent too much time with the Giles family.” Buffy grumbled,
forcing herself into the sitting position. “Lets see.” Joyce took in a deep breath and opened her daughter’s wardrobe. “Can’t we just wait a couple of hours?” Buffy asked dragging her feet on her way over to where her mother
stood. “It’s four o’clock. By the time you’ve packed it’ll be six. I don’t want to be driving
down the mountain at night. That road is really tricky, especially if it rains.” Joyce explained as she began taking
the clothes from the wardrobe and putting them into the luggage. ~+~ Within an hour they were all packed, the truck of the car was already full and the four prepared to leave. “Are you certain you didn’t leave anything behind?” Joyce asked for the fourth time. “I’m positive mom.” Buffy mumbled as she entered the vehicle. “Just making sure.” Mrs. Summers said buckling her seatbelt. “Even if you’ve forgotten something, it’s just a half an hour’s drive away. We can always come
back and get it.” Giles explained as he turned the keys and the engine roared. Slowly and evenly the small car set to the road, taking each tortuous curve at a time. In the backseat, Buffy swung her
legs over Spike’s, their hands secretly intertwined. Joyce’s gaze glided over the landscape and finally fixed, for a few seconds, on the man driving the car. An unconscious
smile settled over her lips when she glanced over her shoulders to find Buffy slowly drifting into slumber, her head resting
over Spike’s shoulder as he looked out the window. As her returned to the road, she let out a content sigh and she let
her mind drift over the events of the last few days spent up at the cabin. ~+~ “Well, this is our stop, I guess.” Joyce announced as the car pulled up to the familiar driveway. Turning to
face Giles she smiled: “Thanks again for a wonderful holiday. It was one of the best Christmas by far.” “I’m glad you enjoyed it. We should go up there during the summer. It’s actually warm enough to swim
in the lake.” Giles said as he opened the car door for Joyce. “We’ll think about it.” In the meantime, the two teens stood on the other side of the car staring at each other, silently saying their goodbyes. “Buffy, are you coming?” Her mother’s voice seemed to snap her out of her daze. “Coming.” She shouted back before turning to Spike and saying: “I’ll see you later.” She
was about to leave when she felt him grab her hand. “I’ll call you tonight.” He whispered. “I’ll be waiting.” She flashed him a quick smile before running up to the house. “Thanks again,
Giles.” She shouted waving her hand as she watched the car drive off. ~+~ “Well, I better go now Willow. He said he’d call me tonight.” She announced twirling her finger around
the plastic cord. “Ok, bye then.” She said before putting down the receiver. She let out a deep sigh, staring up at the ceiling and letting her eyes drift close for a second. She had just finished
an hour-long telephone conversation with Willow, detailing everything that had gone on up in the cabin. Actually, it had been
more of a monologue with occasional interrupting ‘uh’s and ‘ah’s coming from the other side of the
line. She felt her limbs get number and number, her eyelids heavier and her breathing slower as she drifted into sleep. Suddenly,
the sharp sound of a phone ringing snapped her out of her thoughts. She was about to grumbled something when she realised
who it was. Quickly, she rolled onto her side and reached for the receiver. “Hey! I thought you’d never c- Giles? Is that you? Oh, sorry, thought it was… someone else.” She
couldn’t help the disappointment evident in her voice. “Yeah, I’ll call my mom. Mom!” She shouted,
but there was no answer. Reluctantly, she stood up and made her way to the hall and down the stairs. “Mom?” “Yes, honey?” “Phone. It’s for you. Giles.” Buffy grumbled stomping her way upstairs and putting the receiver back
into place before coming back down the stairs. Since she was up, she might as well have something to drink. Drink, no eating.
Eating was definitely out of the question for the next two days. She walked about the kitchen getting a glass and pouring herself some orange juice when she heard her mother come in. “That was Rupert.” “I know mom, I picked up the phone, remember?” Buffy mumbled taking a sip of her drink. “You’re in a good mood.” Joyce noted. “I’m just tired.” She excused herself as she sat on a nearby stool. “Well, he wanted to know if we were going to the Chase’s this year, for New Year’s Eve.” “Isn’t that what we always do?” “Yes, it is. I was trying to get him to go.” Joyce said leaning on the counter as she sipped from her own glass.
“He never goes. Thinks it’s too official.” “Can you blame him?” “I guess not.” “It’s just so dull and boring. All of Sunnydale is there. Plus it’s a black tie event,” “Exactly!” At her daughter’s frown, Mrs. Summers elaborated. “Black tie means Rupert in a tuxedo.” ‘Which means Spike in a tuxedo.’ Buffy realised. Suddenly, the thought of going to the Chase’s New Year’s
Even party was actually *very* appealing.
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Copyright 2004 The Big Bad Havens. All texts within belong to their respected owners. No copyright infringement intended. |
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