I’ve been a fan of BTVPS & Ats for many years now! I own this site. My birthday is August 30th
1986! I am a Buffy/Spike shipper above all else! I like various other ships, but here are my main ones!
Hetro: Willow/Oz, Xander/Anya, Xander/Cordelia, Doyle/Cordelia, Cordelia/ Wesley, Wesley/Fred, Wesley/Lialah,
Homo: Spike/Xander, Spike/Wesley, Spike/Angel, Spike/Lindsey, Wesley/Lindsey
I love to read fic! My favorite author is Isabelle. I love to write/read angst, character death, humor, and
smut. Oh, and I love A/U plotlines! Oh, and parodies are great!
Also like to watch and make Buffy music vids.
I also write poetry, songs, and unrelated short stories. My best friends are Ophelia ( Lauren) and Disturbed
Little Chick (Heather).