
Love Comes Home
By Wolfram_and_Hart
Disclaimer: If I owned it this would’ve happened on the show.
Summery: The sequel to “Last Call”. Spike returns to Buffy and Dawn in Rome after the apocalypse
in LA.
Buffy sat on the sofa in her apartment, it had been a week since Spike called and she was beginning to
fear the worst. She hadn’t gone out at night since the call, expecting Spike to walk through that door any day now.
She wanted him there now! She wanted to tell him all the things she never got a chance to; she wanted to show him that she
loved him. It killed her that he died not believing her; she hoped against hope that he just said it to get her to save herself,
that he knew deep inside that she meant it. But he didn’t, he thought it was a lie.
Why did she leave him, why
couldn’t she save him? He wasn’t supposed to die, he was supposed to live and they were supposed to get a fresh
start. But he died, and it was because of her. She gave him the amulet and it killed him, she called him her champion and
it cost him his unlife. She killed him, she loved him and she killed him. Same as every guy who tried to reach her, she gets
close and they get hurt or leave or die. Now they had a second chance and it might be gone because he didn’t believe
“Buffy, are you alright?” Dawn asked, beginning to worry about her sister. “I mean you’ve
been so quiet this past week.”
“I know, I’m just waiting.” Buffy said, taking a sip of her
“I still can’t believe he’s back been back this whole time.” Dawn said sitting next to
her. “And what’s really amazing, that Andrew kept a secret.” They had grilled Andrew after the call, found
out that Spike had been back for months and that he and Angel were there a few weeks ago.
“I want him back, Dawny,
more than anything.” Buffy said, watching the door.
“Me too,” Dawn said, putting an arm around Buffy’s
shoulder. “I never got a chance to tell him I forgave him, that I still cared about him.”
sure he knew that.” Buffy said hugging her sister.
“Like he knew that you loved him?” Dawn asked
in a hollow voice. The two Summers women sat there in an embrace for a few minutes.
and Dawn froze, Andrew had turned in an hour ago and they weren’t expecting company.
rushed to the door and threw it open.
“Hello luv.” Said a vampire she’d prayed to see again.
Buffy shrieked, throwing her arms around his neck. She pulled away when she heard Spike wince. “What’s wrong?”
luv, the fight knocked me up right and proper.” Spike said, showing his taped midsection. Buffy hugged him again, with
just enough grip not to hurt him.
“I missed you so much!” Buffy whispered into his chest. “Please
say you’re staying.”
“I’m not going anywhere, a million rabid Skeknag demons couldn’t
drag me away.” Spike said, hugging her back. He looked up, seeing Dawn stare at him, tears in her eyes. “Hey li’l
bit, miss me?” Dawn let out a squeak and ran into the embrace making it a group hug.
“I missed you so
much, Spike, we both did.” Dawn said, resting her head on his shoulder. “I’m sorry I never told you I still
loved you before…” She couldn’t finish, the tears overtaking her voice.
“I love you to Nibblet.”
Spike said, a tear running down his cheek.
“Hey, I thought you loved me.” Buffy asked, in mock jealousy.
do.” He said, giving her a peck on the cheek. “God I missed you so much.”
“We missed you to,
and if you try to leave again we’re chaining you to the wall.” Dawn said, laughing. “Come inside.”
The girls dragged the bleached menace inside and deposited him on the coach.
“So, what’s been going on?”
Buffy asked, wanting to know what Spike had been doing all this time.
“Well like I told you, that trinket I wore
sucked me inside it after the Hellmouth collapsed. It got sent to the Great Poof and I got released as a ghost. Couldn’t
touch anything, couldn’t even leave Los Angeles. After I got my flesh and blood back, I got cold feet bout coming to
find you so I started helping out in LA. The only friend I made, a bird named Fred who worked for Angel, died and I felt I
had to stay. Angel finally realized that Wolfram & Hart couldn’t be changed, and he hatched a wacky scheme to take
them down a notch. All their operations were being controlled by a secret society called the Circle of the Black Thorn, by
killing all of them it throws a wrench into their plan. We killed them and the Senior Partners got brassed off, sent an army
of demons after us. We beat ‘em of coarse, after the rest were dead and Peaches took out a dragon and we went our separate
ways. He went to see some werewolf chit he was seeing and I came here.”
“Wow, and I thought Sunnydale was
weird.” Dawn said, getting up. “Well, I’m sure you two have some serious catching up to do so I’m
going to bed.” Dawn left the room, leaving the two lovers together.
“I missed you.” Buffy said,
tears welling in her eyes.
“Missed you to, Buffy.” Spike said, putting an arm around her.
sorry.” Buffy said, the tears falling. “I’m sorry for not telling you I loved you before it was to late.
I’m sorry for all the times I called you a monster. I’m sorry I beat you to a pulp. I’m sorry I killed you.”
Spike asked, perplexed. “You didn’t kill me.”
“Yes I did!” She sobbed, openly crying
now. “I gave you the amulet, I watched it burn you till there was nothing left, I left you there. I wasn’t strong
enough to save you, I let you die thinking I didn’t love you. I killed you.”
“No you didn’t
Buffy.” Spike said, tilting her head to meet his eyes. “I chose to take the amulet, you didn’t make me take
it. I wanted you to live, to have a shot at a happy life. A normal life, even if it didn’t involve me.”
never have a normal life. A normal life is living in the suburbs without memories of vampires and demons, dying to save the
world or losing the man you love when your hometown becomes a crater. I don’t even have a normal life now; I’m
the head of the new order of Slayers and living in Rome, not exactly normal girl there either.”
“Got a
point there.” Spike said, after a thought.
“I thought the life I wanted was 2.5 kids and a white picket
fence, now I just want to be with someone who I love and loves me for me and will never leave me and see where that takes
us.” Buffy said, hugging Spike harder. “And right now, the only one who I love more then anything is you.”
stuck with me then, Summers.” Spike said, hugging her closer. “I don’t know about you, but I think it’s
time for bed.” Spike said, raising his eyebrow. Buffy smiled, pulling Spike towards her bedroom. They had sex many times
before, but tonight was the second time they made love.
The next morning Buffy woke up in her bed, alone. She looked
around, a horrifying thought popped in her head; it was a dream, he wasn’t real.
“Spike!” Buffy
shouted, pulling a robe on and running into the hall. She turned and saw the living room windows open, light streaming in.
She looked around frantically for dust, praying if it was real, that he wasn’t dead.
“Buffy, what’s
the matter?” Spike asked, standing in the shadows in the kitchen.
“Oh thank God, I thought you were dead.”
Buffy sighed, relieved that he was still there.
“Not dead anymore, pet. Not dead at all.” Spike said, sticking
his hand into the light, producing no smoke. Buffy’s eyes widened, was he saying what she thought he was saying? “Got
a little present from the Powers That Be.” He stepped into the sunlight, and nothing happened. “As far as I know,
I’ve still got my strength and judging from last night, my stamina is the same as ever.”
“It can’t
be.” Buffy said, disbelievingly. This had to be a dream, it was impossible.
“Wanna bet, Slayer?”
He walked over to her, took her hand and placed it over his chest
“Oh my God!” Buffy gasped as she felt Spike’s heart beat. “You’re…you’re…”
bloody happy meal with legs.” Spike supplied. Buffy was beyond shocked, she was somewhere between a heart attack and
false labor. “I don’t know if this changes anything between us, but…” He was cut off by Buffy’s
lips crashing into his. They stood there for nearly twenty minutes in a deep, heart-stopping kiss.
“I love you
whether you’re human or vamp, and I’m gonna make you believe it every day.” She said, hugging him for dear
“Well, actually pet, there was something I wanted to talk to you about.” Spike said, breaking apart
from her. “I told you once that in a century of living the only thing I was ever sure of was you, and I still mean that.”
He said, kneeling down in front of her. “ I was a monster when I met you, and you made me a man. I’ll never love
anyone or anything more than I love you, and now that I have this chance I want to do it right.” He pulled out a small
box, and opened it to reveal a fairly large diamond ring. “I don’t know what power sent me back to you, but I
know that I never want to be without you again. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my now human life with you. Will
you marry me?” Buffy looked at Spike, tears of happiness running down her face.
“Yes! Yes Spike, I will!
I love you!” She said, as they hugged each other, knowing they’d be together forever. Their romantic moment was
cut of by the sound of girlish sobbing in the background; they looked up and saw Dawn and a sobbing Andrew standing in the
doorway. “Been there long?” Buffy asked, smirking.
“Long enough. Come on Andrew, let’s give
the newly weds some alone time.” Dawn said, leading Andrew out of the apartment.
“I love you.” Spike
said looking into her eyes.
“I love you too.” Buffy said, hugging Spike.
“Yes you do, and
thanks for saying it.” Spike said, pulling her into a deep kiss, knowing that they'd spend thier lives together. Slayer
and Big Bad. Buffy and Spike. Together forever
____________________ A/N: Hope I didn’t disappoint my readers.
Also, should I do another sequel and do the wedding? let me know on your reviews.
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