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London Calling By Kristen Nicole Prologue "Buffy, honey... Time for school!" Buffy turned to her mirror. Only two days left until graduation and her world fell apart. Countdown to insanity. Ooh, that
sounded good. Maybe she would write it down. "Coming, Mom!" She grabbed her bag and consulted the mirror once more. Brown, mousy hair. Thick, wire framed glasses. The obligatory braces
that always followed in a geeks repetoire were there and accounted for, happily shining away on her otherwise pearly-whites.
Buffy tilted her head. Maybe she should actually try dressing... sexy? Sexily? Provocatively. That sounded good. Turtlenecks just weren't very flattering. "Buff... we're leaving without you. Get your butt down here NOW if you want a ride." Xander bellowed up the stairs. Buffy mentally prepared herself. "OK, be cool. No, not cool... be together. Don't act like a complete retard today." She took a deep breath. She
opened her door. She walked to the stairwell and stood looking confident and prepared, and started down. Then she saw him
waiting... and promptly fell down the stairs. "Oof!" Her glasses were askew. Righting them, she looked up into the eyes of her salvation. Oh, that sounded good, too. She should
have brought her journal with her today. "Are you alright?" Asked that mildly sardonic, beautifully accented voice. "Gah..." Why couldn't she ever speak properly when he was near? It was like he sucked all the air right out of the room.
"Fine, fine.. Sorry. Fine!" She disentangled herself out of his arms and blushed. "Good. You ready to head out? I think Xander's going to have an aneurism if we don't leave soon." He brushed her hair behind
her ear and she melted. If only he weren't so unattainable. He opened the door for her and led her to the car. Spike Williams
was a God. *** "Spike Williams, you're an ASSHOLE!" Harmony shouted at the top of her lungs. Anyone who was near during her outburst immediately
found themselves a seat and stared. Harmony was always good for a great scene. Jesus, why had he decided it would be
a good idea to date this harpy in the first place? "Harm, I just don't feel like it's working out. You know I have to leave for London after graduation. I just don't think
a long-distance relationship is what I want right now. Sorry." He winced and prepared himself. Good God, the girl was shrill.
"You're sorry. You're SORRY?!? I'm HARMONY KENDALL, Godammit! I could have any guy in this school! You're lucky
I even look at you, you big bleached freak!" She shouted, face turning the most shades of red he'd ever seen outside of a
batch of tomatoes. Adding insult to injury, she started to stomp her feet. "Harmony, how old are you? Three? Look, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, but the truth is we weren't going to last. You're
a nitwit. You're completely brainless. And you quite obviously have no self-respect whatsoever, because I know for
a fact you were making out with half the football team at that party last weekend." She rolled her eyes. "Spikey... it was Truth or Dare. You can't just wimp out on a dare, it's totally not cool!" He closed his eyes and prayed for patience. "For God's sake, that doesn't mean you let them feel you up in the process!
And I told you before, I don't share. So hit the road, alright? You'll find some new lackwit to replace me, I'm sure."
She pursed her lips. "Fine. But you're gonna come crawling back! I'm the best you've ever had, and you're sure gonna be
sorry you let me go." He lit a cigarrette. "I find that highly doubtful." She grimaced in annoyance and flounced off. Why did his dick so often do the thinking for him? These girls were more work
than they were worth. "Hey man... Nice performance. I thought good ol' Harmony was about to claw your eyes straight out of the sockets." Xander
said and slapped him on the shoulder. "Bet you'll be glad to get outta this place. All of the girls you've dated are out for
blood!" He threw down his cigarrete and snubbed it with the toe of his Doc. "I've gotta focus on work instead of girls. Da said
if I came home with anything less than a B+, he'd never let me move back here. You know I have to stay on his good side if
I want to transfer to UC Sunnydale in two years like I've planned. I've got to be a bloody saint!" "Famous last words, pal. When you gain a sainthood, I'll grow a pair of breasts and turn into a woman!" Xander grabbed
at his chest for emphasis. Spike laughed. "Too late! You're already a big prancing girl." Anya sidled up to Xander's side. "What's going on here? Xander's not a woman! I love his penis. Besides, that would
make me a lesbian. And I tried that once and found it to be unsatisfactory." Xander immediately got that glazed look in his eye that meant only one thing. "Ahn, why don't we go find a janitor's closet
and you can tell me ALL about this little experience of yours." He and Anya started towards the school. "Now, was the girl
anyone I know?" Spike shook his head and sat down on the steps leading up to Sunnydale High. Xander. He was going to miss him. God, he
was going to miss the whole Summers clan! He was over there more than he was his own house. Joyce was like a mother to him.
She made sure he ate right, got his schoolwork done, and she always had time to listen to his girl troubles. Plus she made
that hot cocoa he liked. With the little marshmellows... And then there was Buffy. Just like a sister. She was absolutely adorable with her big eyes and blushes. Always scribbling
away in that little journal of hers. He'd miss the way she looked at him like he was the only thing in the world. She'd probably
die of embarrassment if she knew that he was aware of her little school girl crush. She'd get over it, find some nice kid
more her age who'd treat her right. Some nice, normal kid who played chess and never even looked at her the wrong way,
because if that prick did, he'd come over and kick his ass halfway down the block, and -- Spike caught himself. What was the
matter with him? He obviously needed some sleep. "Spike man, you ready to go? Graduation's in a few hours. Gotta get spiffed up for the big day!" Xander looked flushed,
as well as Anya. Those two were like rabbits. Spike smiled. "Yeah. Let's go." *** Graduation was over. Life was over. Buffy sniffled. She didn't think she'd be able to make it through the rest of
high school. What was the point of going on when life was so obviously cruel and horrid? She'd rather just curl up in bed
and die! The band started into another song. Kids poured around her, dancing and drinking and making-out like there was no tomorrow.
Mom was pretty smart to head for the hills. Buffy thought to herself, wiping her nose on her sleeve. Knowing that her
only son would want a big party at the end of his senior year, Joyce had relented. "Bleagh..." Some kid had just barfed on the carpet. Mom's sure gonna be pissed about that. Then the smell hit her, and she decided
now might be a good time to move somewhere else. Buffy wandered the house, feeling alone and miserable. Where was Spike? If her life was going to end so crappily, she might
at least be allowed the joy of looking at his beautiful, angelic face one last time. She sighed and entered the kitchen. Spike and Xander were at the counter making drinks for the people that didn't want beer. Obviously they were sampling the
wares, because she'd never seen either of them so plastered. "I love you, man." Slurred Xander. "No, I love you, man!" Spike shouted and hugged Xander so hard they nearly overturned. "Hey, it's lil' Buffy! Bu-ffy.
Buuuuufffyyy... Heh! Your name sounds funny!" Spike laughed uproariously at his joke. Buffy smiled. "Like Spike's such a normal name." Buffy goggled at her response. Where had that come from? "She's a firecracker! Xander, this sister of yours is going places. Like, around the room. She's kinda spinnin'." Spike
squinted his eyes and swayed. "Dude, you're wasted. You need to take a break." Xander leaned heavily under Spike's weight. "Buff, can you get him to
the guestroom?" He passed the lurching boy over to Buffy. She put her arms around him and breathed in deeply. God, she'd never forget that smell if she lived to be a hundred. Cigarettes
and musk and something that was just his alone. Spike. She started them towards the door. "Buffy, you're a pal. You're just like the little sister I never ever got!" Spike mumbled. Buffy winced. Would she always be that to him? Just some kid? "Here we are. Home sweet home!" Buffy helped him onto the guestroom bed. "You know, this should just be your room. You're
here often enough." "What, getting tired of me so quick? Betcha can't wait for me to leave!" Spike joked, pulling off his boots. "Oh no, Spike. I don't want you to leave! You're like... my best friend." Buffy stated, face serious. "That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me, I think." Spike replied, gazing up at her blearily. "Don't worry, kitten.
I'm coming back here as often as I can... hopefully for good in two years." "You mean it? Really?!" Buffy asked excitedly. If Spike moved back, he'd have a chance to finally see her as she was. A
grown-up. Maybe look at her in a different way. Spike layed back on the bed wearily. "Sure thing, pet. I promise." Spike got the words out and turned on his side. He was asleep in seconds. Buffy glowed. He was coming back! Life wasn't over after all. She took out a throw and carefully placed it over him, then
pulled up the rocking chair next to his sleeping form on the bed. Hugging herself, she fell into a dreamless sleep. Chapter 1 Four Years Later... "Anya, this bridesmaid's dress is dismal. Flourescent orange is a good color for no one! What were you thinking?!"
Buffy wailed, spinning in front of the mirror for the eightieth time. Each time the dress just looked worse. "It's traditional to make the bridesmaids look grotesque. I read about it in Cosmo." Anya stated, gazing at her wedding
gown. "Cosmo is the modern woman's bible, you know." Buffy pouted. "If you put me in this thing, I swear to God I will run screaming down the aisle and ruin your wedding!"
Taking off her dress, Anya sighed heavily. "Fine. Be a big pain. You can pick out whatever you want for you. You
are the Maid of Honor, after all. Everyone else is wearing the Tangerine Dream, though!" She punctuated this statement by
waving around the matching orange parasol. "Good!" Buffy beamed. Now, if she could just try on that little black number with the slit... "I've finally got the pairing together for groomsmen and the bridesmaids. Since you're Maid of Honor, you'll be paired
with Spike for the night. Then there's Willow with Oz, Tara with Riley..." Anya's voice blabbed on. Buffy stood still in shock. Spike? Spike Williams? Why hadn't she considered this might happen? He WAS Xander's best friend,
even after all these years. She squinted her eyes in remembered hurt. All these years. I should be over this by now.
So what if he'd lied to her and ruined her life. She'd moved on. She'd ditched the braces, dyed her hair a truly magnificent
shade of blonde, traded in the glasses for contacts, and had made the cheerleading squad at UC Sunnydale. She had a hottie
of a boyfriend that her friends practically drooled over. Her life was perfect. So why did the mere mention of his name send
butterflies into her stomach? "...Are you listening? Buffy!" "Huh?" Buffy forced herself to concentrate. Anya looked annoyed. "I SAID, we're picking Spike up from the airport today at 5:30. Did you want to come with us? I need
to figure out if you're taller than him now. That would be a tragedy! I don't know what I'd do!!" She burst into agonized
tears. "Anya, relax. I haven't grown an inch since the Ninth Grade. It'll be fine. OK? I need to stay home tonight, though. Big,
BIG paper." Buffy rubbed Anya's back and squared her shoulders. She needed to go home and prepare. *** "Please prepare for landing. All seatbelts must be on and have your trays up. Please have your seats in the upright position.
Thank you for flying the friendly skies!" Spike leaned back heavily against the seat. God, he hated to fly. Once he got to Sunnydale, it would take some serious
persuasion to get him back on that flying torture machine. He'd never been so sick in his entire life. "Sir, can I get you a cool cloth? Blanket? Neck massage?" The stewerdess leaned down provacatively, lightly touching his
shoulder. "I'm fine, thanks." Spike closed his eyes. The lady seemed more than willing. She'd been accosting him the whole
flight. Probably could've taken her in the bleeding cockpit. Maybe if he weren't so nauseaous... The plane lurched and Spike gripped the handrests. God, when was this thing going to get back on the ground?? He forced
himself to take deep breaths. He thought of Sunnydale. It was hard to believe that so many years had passed. Xander getting
married to Anya! It seemed like nothing had changed at all while he was away. Well, almost nothing. He blinked back tears. Joyce had succumbed to a brain tumor only a year after he'd left. Xander and Buffy had been heartbroken, and he'd flown
back for the funeral. Their father hadn't even bothered to show up. Luckily Xander was old enough to take custody of Buffy,
or who knows what would have happened to her. He smiled to himself. Sweet Buffy. Always with her face in a book, or writing something down. He'd missed her the most.
Always so enamored of him, it made him feel like being a better person. He couldn't wait to see how she'd changed. She'd already
graduated from high school! How time flew. The plane bumped along the ground. Spike breathed a sigh of relief. One flight down... He exited the plane and picked up his baggage. Now where was he supposed to meet them again? "Spike! Hey buddy!" Spike smiled and turned just in time to be caught in a half nelson. "Say uncle! Say it!" Xander started to give him a noogie. "Alright, alright! Bloody uncle, alright? Just stop messin' up my hair!" Spike shouted, pushing Xander off. He then laughed
and shoved his friend. "How the hell have you been, man?" "Good, good. Soon to be leg shackled to my old lady!" Xander laughed and quickly winced as Anya punched him in the kidney.
"Ouch! Anya!" "I am not OLD, Xander Harris! I am young and virile and my breasts are still quite perky, I'll have you know!" Anya
stated hotly, hands on her hips. Spike shook his head in amusement. Same old Anya. "You look beautiful, love." He leaned in and kissed her cheek. "I know. Thank you." Anya sniffed. "Well, let's get going." Xander said, picking up one of Spike's bags. "Gotta get on back to the old homestead before Buffy
burns dinner. Nothing like home cooking, huh?" Spike blanched. Buffy was cooking? The last time she'd attempted a cake she'd nearly set the house on fire. Maybe
he should've eaten on the plane. Xander laughed jovially. "I'm just kidding, man! Like Buffy'd get anywhere near a stove after the fire department came
that one time." He stopped at the car and put Spike's bags in the trunk. "Let's pick up some chicken, huh? I'm sure Buffy's
really excited to see you." *** Buffy was about to vomit. After she'd gotten home from the Bridal Shop with Anya, she'd rushed around like a mad woman trying to get herself together.
She'd called Angel and persuaded him to take her out to a fancy dinner. NOT an easy task. She'd have to finagle out of some
grabby encounters tonight. She shuddered. Angel was so pushy when it came to that stuff. Not that she was a prude... she just wasn't ready for that
yet. Buffy adjusted her bra. It wasn't like she hadn't heard the facts about sex CONSTANTLY for the past 3 years. After Anya
had moved in, that was all she'd heard about. Sex this, blowjob that. Xander'd almost gone into a coma one day after he'd
come home and overheard Anya giving Buffy tips on good vibrators. Buffy giggled. That had been pretty funny. She consulted the mirror once more. Slightly tousled, long blonde hair. Smoky eyes and full pouty red lips. Black slip
of a dress with high-heeled black strappy sandals. She looked as good as she was going to get. Buffy spritzed herself with perfume and started towards the stairs. That's when she heard them. "Oh God... not yet!" She scrambled back into her room. "Couldn't they have waited until after I had left!" She wandered
around the room aimlessly, cradling herself. She stopped abruptly. Why was she acting like this? She wasn't the same nerdy schoolgirl she'd once been. She was hot,
Goddamit! Guys slobbered over her. She's was a cheerleader for fuck's sake! She could do this. Buffy squared her shoulders
and headed out the door. Chapter 2 Spike entered the Summers household and immediately felt as though he'd been sucked into a time warp. Everything was exactly
as it was the day he'd left. Same couch, same dining room set, same dent in the wall from when he and Xander had been wrestling
one day and he'd "accidently" knocked his buddy's head through the plaster. He took a deep breath. It even smelled the same! God, he'd missed this place. It was good to get out of London. After his problems with Drusilla...
Jesus, maybe he shouldn't have invited her to the wedding after all. That situation had gotten out of control. Everything
was going so well with them at first, then the cheating and the lies had started. He didn't know how much more he could take.
He felt like a masochist! God, he shouldn't think about that right now. Better to just forget about it completely. Spike entered the kitchen and helped Xander to get out the plates and silverware. Everything in the exact same spot as
it was before. He grinned to himself. This was turning out to be like an episode of the Twilight Zone! "Xander, let's just eat in the living room. There's a documentary on TLC tonight featuring three hours of wedding hijinks!"
Anya pleaded. Xander looked appalled. "Good God, No! No more, Anya! You promised after I went to that travesty of a Bridal Expo with
you that I'd never have to endure that stuff again!" He paced around the kitchen. "Why don't you just have Buffy watch it
with you tonight, hmm? I've got company. An actual guy!" He made an imploring look Spike's way. Spike shook his head and chuckled. He wasn't going to get in the middle of this one. "Buffy has some date with Angel. I told her that it was a big night with Spike being here, but she said it was some kind
of fancy dinner thing." Anya pouted. "And why don't you ever take me out to fancy restaurants anymore, Xander? Just
because we're getting married doesn't mean that we can slip into the doldrems of middleage! We have to be interesting and
inventive all the time so our relationship won't get stale. I read it in Cosmo." Xander sighed loudly. "Jesus, Ahn, not with the Cosmo again!" Spike quietly left the room. If their relationship was the same now as it was in high school, this could go on all night.
The doorbell rang. He looked toward the kitchen, but the quarreling couple didn't seem to be slowing down enough to take
a breath, let alone answer the door. Spike shrugged his shoulders and opened it himself. "Where's Buffy?" Growled out a very tall, very big, very dark looking guy. Spike did not like this boy. "And who the hell are you?" He continued in that same annoyed tone. He did not like this boy ONE BIT. "Spike. What the fuck do you want, mate?" He blocked the doorway with his body and sneered. "He's my date." The voice of an angel drifted towards Spike from the stairwell. He turned, as if in slow motion, and at the top of the
stairs stood the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. Buffy started down the stairway. God, he looked even better than she remembered... Now if she could just make it out of
the house without dropping her guard. Spike stared in awe. Who WAS this? Did Anya have some friend staying over? She walked like liquid sex. The way her hips
moved as she strolled down the stairs, the way her dress rode up on her thighs, the way her golden skin glowed like inner
sunshine, the way her green eyes shone... Wait a second. Green eyes? "Buffy?!" She stopped at the foot of the stairs. "Hey Spike." Buffy inhaled. He smelled the same. God, it made her dizzy. She had to get out of here... "I see you've met my boyfriend, Angel." Spike shook himself out of his reverie and contemplated the goddess before him. This couldn't be Buffy. This woman was
something else. God, THIS was the fucking Twilight Zone! If it WAS Buffy, she'd emerged from her cocoon like some sort of
exotic butterfly unknown to man. And she was dating this glowery loser?! "This guy is your boyfriend? I don't think so. He's got Date Rapist stamped to his forehead!" Spike shouted. Buffy seethed. "Hey! You can't just walk in here and start dictating my life!" She grabbed her purse off the mantle. "I
haven't seen you in years and now you're telling me who to date? Don't tell me what to do, you jerk!" Buffy started
for the door in a fury. So what if Angel was grabby? Weren't all guys that way? And when did Spike get to be such an asshole?
She remembered him being much calmer and put together than this hothead. "Can we go now, Buffy? The reservations were for 8:00. If we don't get there soon we're going to lose our table. You know
I hate it when we're late." Angel pushed his way in past Spike and grabbed Buffy's arm. Spike started forward in a rush, but Buffy intercepted by removing herself from Angel's grasp. "I'm sorry I took so long, but we have a guest in from out of town. Spike, this is Angel. Angel, Spike." The men glared at each other. "We've met." They grumbled in unison. Buffy smiled a big fake smile. "OK, then! Let's get going, shall we?" She brushed past Spike on the way out the door. Spike stood in the entryway for a long time, contemplating this new Buffy. "No way in hell is she going to keep seeing
that guy." *** "No way in hell is he going to start telling me what to do!" Buffy muttered to herself on the way up the walk to her house.
The night had been a total disaster from start to finish. Angel had been moody all night, and he'd kept putting
his arm around her and touching her thighs in the restaurant. She'd hardly even gotten to eat, she was so busy planning defensive
maneuvers against his octopus hands! She couldn't even remember why she'd started seeing the lunkhead in the first place.
"Because he's the quarterback of the UC Sunnydale football team, and everyone wants to date him!" She told herself as she
unlocked the front door. They'd been together ever since she'd started college. Being on the cheerleading squad meant that she spent a lot of time
at football parties, and that meant mingling with the jocks. At first, she'd felt so wonderful. Loser Buffy hanging with the
elite of Sunnydale! Who'd have thought it? After spending any serious length of time with that crowd, however, she discovered
it was hard to keep interested in anything they said. Everything was always football this, cheerleading that. Or Keg Parties!
God! That was all Angel could ever talk about. She cringed. One of the main reasons she'd refused to do it with Angel was because of the monster reputation he had on campus for being
a ladies man. She didn't know what kind of thing she might pick up from him! She strolled into the kitchen and pulled out a tub of ice cream from the freezer. God, she was starved. A few hundred calories
couldn't hurt, could they? Spoon in mouth, she contemplated Spike's return. He was just as good looking as ever. That accent, the hair, those eyes...
he still had that magnetic pull that made her turn to mush in 30 seconds flat. She still hated him, however. He'd hurt her
feelings irreparably when he hadn't come back. If dating Angel pissed him off, then she would go out with him every night
of the week! She closed her eyes and growled out, "Stupid jerk." "Ah, talking about your boytoy again, pet?" Buffy whipped around at the sound of his voice. Great. Just what she needed. She pointedly went back to eating her
ice cream and proceeded to completely ignore his presence. Spike came around the counter and pulled up a stool. "I see you still like mint chocolate chip. Care to share it?" Buffy shrugged indifferently. "Whatever." He picked up a spoon and dug in, covertly watching Buffy eat. God, she even made that look arousing! "So, how was your date with What's-His-Height?" He questioned. Buffy glared. "Not that it's any of your business, but it was terrific. Angel is very considerate. He took me to the most
expensive restaurant in town!" Spike smirked. "And I'm sure he was the consummate gentleman the entire evening." Buffy smiled craftily. "Actually, no - he wasn't. That's part of what I like about him." Spike frowned menacingly. "What? I'll kick that guy's teeth in!" "You will not! Just shut up and stay out of it!" Buffy seethed, throwing the empty ice cream container into the trash.
"Why do you feel like you have the right to have any say in my life?" "Because you're my friend's sister! Why have you turned into such a bitch all of a sudden? You used to think I was terrific,
remember? You told me once that I was your best friend." Spike shouted, hands on the countertop. Buffy eyes turned cold. "Yeah, well we both said a lot of stuff. And I don't need advice from someone who never even cared
enough to come and see me for three years." Spike's gaze softened. "Buffy, I was very busy. Finishing school, working with my Da, being with my girlfriend..." Buffy's teeth set on edge at the mention of his girlfriend. "Well, I'm sorry all of that was so important you had to miss
my graduation! I can see how little I meant to your life." She turned and stormed up the stairs. Spike stared down at his fists on the counter. God. Maybe he was an asshole for not visiting as often as he'd said he would.
He'd promised he'd move back, but then Drusilla had come along... and everything had changed. He sighed wearily. All he knew now was that this Buffy was something to be reckoned with. Someone he wanted to spend more time with. Someone
he wanted... Spike paused, mid-thought. He grinned. This Buffy was someone he wanted. Chapter 3 Buffy awoke to sharp knocks on her door. "Buffy, come on! We have to go check out floral arrangements today. Fabulous centerpieces are the cornerstone of any marriage."
Anya punctuated her statement by banging on the door some more. Buffy groaned and pulled her comforter over her head. She felt completely drained. After storming upstairs last night following
her confrontation with Spike, she hadn't been able to sleep. She'd lain awake for hours thinking about him and his manic ego.
His stupid hair. That Goddamn annoying smirk he always got on his face. The way he tilted his head to the side when he looked
at her... Buffy moaned and snuggled herself deeper into the bed. It wasn't fair that he affected her this way. God, he made her feel
like she was fifteen all over again! Bang Bang Bang! "Buffy, get up right now! I swear, if you don't get your butt out here in fifteen minutes, I'm going to tell everyone about
the time you discovered the multiple uses for the removable pulsating shower head..." Anya warned. Buffy was up and out of bed in two seconds flat. She wrenched open the door. Anya beamed at her. "There you are! Now, get dressed. I want to get to all the Bridal Stores before those other harpies
do. It's a big sale day!" She turned and hurried down the hall. Buffy closed her eyes and leaned her head against the door frame. Thank God it was only a few more weeks until the wedding.
She didn't know how much longer she could take the constant bridal shops, flowers, wedding cake samples... She paused and smiled. The wedding cake samples weren't so bad. "Pulsating showerhead, eh?" Buffy's eyes instantly widened in shock. She slammed the door on a smirking Spike. *** Spike sat staring at his cereal bowl. He smiled to himself. Buffy even looked good with bedhead going on. He paused mid-thought. Before he could start anything with Buffy, he really needed to figure out what was going on between him and Drusilla. It
was over, he knew it. Been over for a long time now. There was only so many times his heart could get broken by her before
he finally just had to give up. The last straw was when he'd come home on their three year anniversary to find her boning
the landlord in their bed. She'd had the gall to smile at him and to ask him to close the door on the way out. After that
little fiasco, he'd moved out and hadn't seen her since. It was only last week that she'd called to make amends. Telling him
she was sorry, that she couldn't go on without her sweet darling any longer. He'd felt a pang of something - he didn't know
whether it was love or pity - and on a whim he'd mentioned the wedding to her. She'd said she'd fly in to attend. Spike rubbed at his temples. At the time it had seemed like a bad idea. Now it seemed like a colossal mistake. If he wanted
to spend any modicum of time with Buffy... The object of his thoughts chose that moment to enter the room. She glanced his way, then went back to pretending he didn't
exist. Spike smirked. If she thought he was just going to let her ignore him, she was in for a surprise. "Morning, love. Sleep well?" Buffy pulled out the Pop-Tarts box from the cabinet. "Just fine, thanks." "Off to shop with Anya today?" He questioned, snagging the box out of her hands and taking out the last remaining package.
She rolled her eyes and snatched it back. "God, I'd do anything to get out of that. Bridal shopping with Anya is
like the worst kind of torture... hours upon hours of her trying on gowns and picking out flowers." Buffy giggled. "I had
to talk her out of the Little Bo Peep Wedding Ensemble. She actually wanted sheep to follow her down the aisle." Spike laughed. "Anya's a bit off, but she's nice enough." Buffy smiled indulgently and handed him one of her Pop-Tarts. "I know. She was like a big sister to me after Mom..." She
paused and cleared her throat. "Anya took me under her wing and got me out of my ugly duckling phase. Helped me to get on
the cheerleading squad over at UC Sunnydale. I'm glad that she's finally getting what she wants." Spike took a bite of the Pop-Tart and shook his head. "You were never an ugly duckling." Buffy blushed and rolled her eyes. "Right. That's why all the guys were beating down the door to get to me." "You were adorable with your big eyes and your books. I'm sure a million guys wanted to date you." He smiled up at her.
Buffy frowned. "No, they didn't. I was a total loser." She paused, smiled. "Not anymore, though. Now the guys really do
beat down the door to get to me. I AM a hot cheerleader, after all." She purposely flipped her hair and laughed. Now it was Spike's turn to frown. "You're to good for that reject you had over last night. You should save yourself for
someone who's going to treat you right, not act like a complete asshole." Buffy folded her arms across her chest defensively. "Angel's great. He's the quarterback of the football team, and his
Dad's worth millions. Every girl at school wants to be in my shoes." Spike stood up and assessed her. "Is that what really matters to you now? Money and popularity? The Buffy I knew never
would have given that guy the time of day." Buffy turned to leave. "Yeah, well that Buffy's long gone. You missed her departure, being out of my life and all. Maybe
we should just keep it that way." Spike grabbed her arm. "I'm sorry. Let's not fight, all right? Maybe I can get you out of shopping today with Anya." Buffy turned to contemplate him warily. "Yeah? How?" Spike smiled and massaged her shoulder. "Well, we can tell Anya you have to go with me to pick out my tux." Buffy closed her eyes and tried to focus. It was hard to do while he was touching her like that. She opened her eyes and
tried to concentrate. "Anya will never fall for it." She carefully moved out of his reach. Spike smirked. Pretty soon, she'd be all his. "Just leave it to me." *** "I can't believe you told Anya if I didn't go with you, you'd show up at the wedding in short pants and a hawaiian shirt!
I seriously thought she was going to have a stroke." Buffy giggled and punched Spike in the arm. They were walking down Main Street together after checking into the Formal Wear shop for Spike's tux. He'd looked so good
in it that she'd wanted to scream in frustration. Now that they were getting along once again, it was like he'd gone back
to seeing her just as a little sister. Spike laughed and threw his arm companionably around Buffy's shoulders. "I know how to handle women." Buffy snorted. "Yeah, right! Look at you in your pseudo-Billy-Idol-wannabe clothes. You're a real chick magnet."
Spike looked suitably offended. "I'll have you know that the ladies are always throwing themselves at me. I get
more ass than I know what to do with!" Buffy choked with laughter. "Stop it, stop it! You're gonna kill me!" Spike grinned. "Oh, I'll kill you all right!" He proceeded to grab Buffy and tickle her waist. Buffy doubled over with laughter. "No! Stop! I can't take it!" Spike continued to tickle her stomach and started towards her underarms. "Say I'm the best looking man you've ever met.
Say it!" Buffy shrieked with laughter. "No! You're a big bleached freak!" Spike attacked her underarms and tickled her without mercy. "Say it!" Buffy gasped for breath. "All right, all right! You're a sex god! I cower before your manly prowess. Your overwhelming
sexuality makes me swoon!" She faked a faint right there and fell into his arms. Spike grinned. "That's what I thought!" He wrapped his arms around her. "Now, to make up for your utter lack of faith in
my sexiness, you'll have to soothe my wounded ego with a kiss." Buffy's eyes widened. Spike's lips slowly descended towards hers. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and then... "Buffy, hey!" Damn it. "Hey Willow! Cordelia, Faith!" Buffy disentangled herslef from Spike's arms balefully. "This is my brother's best friend,
Spike. Spike, these are my friends from the squad, Willow, Cordelia and Faith." "Ladies, it's a pleasure to meet you." Spike smiled winningly and proceeded to kiss each of their hands. The girls melted. Buffy seethed. "God, your accent is hot! Buffy, where have you been hiding this guy?" Cordelia murmured, sidling up to Spike. "Yeah B, it's like you're always hording the hot men. First Angel, now this prime piece of beef. How do you do it?" Faith
said, catching hold of Spike's other arm and weaving herself close to his side. Buffy rolled her eyes. Were these girls actually her friends? "Actually ladies, I'm just in from London for a few weeks. Here for my mate's wedding." Spike replied, moving back a few
inches from both girls. "Hey Buffy. How come you're not out with Anya? Doesn't she usually drag you around on the weekends to those goddawful Bridal
Expo's?" Willow inquired. Thank God for Willow. If it wasn't for her, Buffy didn't know how she'd have lasted so long with these intellectual nitwits.
"Hey Wills. Actually, I ended up getting out of it. Thank God. One more afternoon of bridally fun with Anya and I might
just kill myself." Buffy feigned pointing a gun at her head and pulled the trigger. Willow swatted at her hand playfully. "At least you don't have to wear that abomination of a bridesmaid dress! The
orange is literally radioactive. Besides - redhead? Hello! I'm going to look like a huge orange fireball!" Buffy laughed. "Sorry about that. It's just the perks of being the Maid of Honor! In a few minutes I'm going to head down
to April Fools and buy that little black number we checked out the other day." Cordelia smiled. "Well, if you're gonna have to go buy that dress, why don't I stay here and keep Spike company? I'm sure
he wouldn't want to go shopping. It's so boring for guys." Faith frowned and grabbed Spike's arm. "Actually, why don't I stay here with Spike and you can go help Buffy
with her dress thing." Cordelia narrowed her eyes and tugged Spike's other arm. Faith grit her teeth and tugged back. "Ladies, please! I'm not a piñata. There's plenty of me to go around." He put his arms around both girls and smiled. Buffy growled. Spike turned to her in surprise. Willow looked shocked. "Buffy, did you just growl?" Buffy blushed. "No! That was... uh... my stomach! I'm in dire need of food." Spike immediately came forward to take her arm. "Pet, do you want to stop somewhere and get something?" Buffy scowled at him. "No thanks, Romeo. Why don't you just stay here. I have to meet Angel for lunch anyway." She turned
to go. "You wanna come with, Wills?" Willow gave her friends a puzzled look and hurried after Buffy. "What was that all about?" Cordelia asked. Spike squinted after Buffy's retreating figure. "I don't know." Chapter 4 "I don't know what's wrong with me!" Buffy wailed into her non-fat Mochaccino. Willow smiled indulgently. "Buffy, you've been in love with the guy for YEARS. You're naturally upset by Cordy and Faith's
grabby antics." Buffy pouted. "I know. But WHY?! He's so rude and arrogant and annoying... and sexy and perfect and still completely
oblivious to the fact that I exist. Why can't I just let go of this whole thing? It's driving me nuts! I mean, I have a great
guy... Angel's terrific." Willow raised an eyebrow. "OK, OK... so he's not such a great conversationalist. Maybe he DOES think that Moby Dick is the title of a porno.
And his kissing leaves much to be desired... God, the other day it felt like I was in the movie Jaws. I mean, could
his mouth get any wider?!" Buffy asked, laughing. Willow grinned. "Buffy, if you think that Spike wasn't noticing you, you're blind. The way he looked at you while
we were talking was so full of... pent-up sexual desire! He was like, 'I'm going to bend you over a table and have my naughty
way with you!'" Buffy looked shocked. "Willow!" "I know, I know... Oz has been out of town now with the band for two weeks and I'm kinda getting a little sexually frustrated."
Willow explained with a shrug. Buffy smiled at her friend. Willow was the one person she trusted implicitely. They'd grown up together. Even though Willow
had gone on to be popular in high school, she'd always made time to hang out with her. She'd also been pretty involved in
Buffy's new college transformation, from geek to chic. She was so grateful to have at least one friend she could talk to about
this situation. Buffy sighed. "Buffy..." Willow started. "I know that Angel is good-looking and rich and popular, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's
the one for you. You don't seem happy. And it's obvious to everyone around you that you'd rather be off pursuing other bleached-blonde
matters. Why don't you just call it quits?" Buffy fiddled with her straw. "I don't know, Will. I just feel so young and horribly pretentious when it comes to this
situation with Spike. It's like, when he walks in the room, I lose all control over myself. I turn back into the giggling,
nervous fifteen-year-old that used to make moon eyes at him and write in her journal all day. With Angel it's not like that.
I feel in control. I feel like..." She trailed off. "You feel like you don't have any real feelings for him." Willow replied sagely. Buffy nodded. "I guess so. I know it's wrong to lead him on like that, it's just... it makes me feel special, you know?
Like I'm not that horribly insecure little girl that I used to be. I mean, quarterback of the football team, woohoo!" She
shrugged. "Who knew that I'd rather be with someone who's actually literate?" Willow patted Buffy's hand. "Don't feel bad. If it'll make you feel any better, I have the sneaking suspicion that Faith's
been boinking Angel behind your back. So I guess it's a good thing you never did it with him, huh?" Buffy grimaced. "Thanks, Wills. You always know how to cheer me up." She replied wryly. *** "Buddy, you need to cheer up. What's with you? Is this some residual Drusilla trauma?" Xander quipped. Spike scowled. "No, it's not. I've decided that me and Dru are quits. Can't take it anymore, her constant cheating and
lying. If I wanted to get beat down daily, I'd bloody well go out and pay for that service!" Xander grinned. "Drusilla did seem a little nutty the few times I met her. Didn't she always carry around that doll and
talk to it?" He affected a high, girlish voice. "Spike, Miss Edith needs her bottle. Can you warm it for me?" Spike rolled his eyes. Xander continued. "You've always had fine taste in women. Remember when you dated Cecily back in high school and she tried
to drag you to all those Take Back the Night, Women Power seminars? She had a mean vengeance going on for all humans with
a Y-Chromosome. Who knows why she chose you. You'd dated half the girls in school and dumped them all!" Spike lit a cigarrete. "She wasn't so bad. Now Kennedy on the other hand, she was a nut. Always wanting us to do
three-ways with other girls." Spike paused. "Actually, that part was rather nice, as I recall." Xander laughed. "Yeah, I'm sure it was, until she dumped you for one of them!" Spike grinned. "Yeah. It was fun while it lasted, though. Remember when-" He was cut off when a hand came in and snatched away his cigarette. "No smoking in the house! Do you want us to all get cancer and die before the wedding?! Why is everyone trying to ruin
my big day?" Anya cried, putting out the cigarette in Spike's Guinness. "Ahn, I highly doubt cancer from smoking can develop after one cigarette." Xander replied. Anya scowled. "Xander Harris, you are impossible! First, you won't let me do the "Under the Sea" Little Mermaid
theme for the ceremony - you know Disney films are very couture right now. Then, you wouldn't let me get that drag
guy who impersonates Cher to sing for the reception! Now you want to give me cancer?!" Xander smiled placatingly and pulled her into his lap. "Ahn, if you want me to dress like Sebastian the Crab I'll do it.
I want this day to be happy for you." Anya snuggled into Xander's chest. "That's all right, honey. I've already decided against the crab suit. However, I am
going to need more money for the Male Strippers I'm having at the bachelorette party next week." Xander jolted in his chair. "Male Strippers?! I don't think so!" Anya smiled and kissed her fiancée. "Just a few... nine or ten." "NINE or TEN?!" Xander yelled. "Well, I'll leave you two lovebirds to your discussion." Spike said, already exiting the room. Those two were exhausting.
He rounded the corner and ran smack into Buffy. "Oof!" She cried, catching her balance on the entryway sidetable. He righted her and then just stood there gawking. God, she was stunning. Buffy's long blonde hair was lighly curled and hung over her shoulders. She was wearing a barely-there red strappy backless
top that exposed much of her midrift. A short denim mini covered her delicious looking backside, and strappy wooden sandals
adorned her feet. She was a golden goddess. "You look beautiful, Pet." Spike said, still staring. Buffy blushed. "Thanks." She turned to grab her bag and opened the door. "Where are you off to tonight?" He asked. "Oh, I'm going Bronzing with a few people. There's a big game tomorrow, so all the guys get free drinks for being on the
football team. Cheerleaders, too." She replied, shifting her bag to her other shoulder. His very presence disconcerted her.
God, the way he was looking at her right now... "Not another night out with the magnificent poof!" Spike growled. Buffy squared her shoulders and headed out the door. "I'll be with Angel if I want to be with him. It's not like you're
going to be there to chaperone." And with that, she rounded the corner and was gone. Spike smirked. That had sounded like an open invitation to crash the party. "Xander," He called over to the next room. "I'm going out for a bit. Don't wait up." It was time to step things up in his plan to seduce Miss Summers. *** Buffy yawned into her Rum and Coke. If Angel told that story about how he'd thrown the game winning touchdown against Pennbrooke
University one more time, she was going to scream bloody murder. "...And the clock was ticking, so I turned and pulled back my arm..." Angel droned on. Buffy stared down into her drink and sighed. She really needed to end this with him. She couldn't remember the last
time she'd actually had a conversation that didn't involve the words football, beer or keg stands. She downed the contents
of her glass and stood. "I'm going to go get myself another drink. Be right back." Angel briefly nodded and turned back toward his audience. "So, with 8 seconds on the clock, I threw the ball down the field
to Morris..." Buffy stumbled her way through the crowd to the bar and set down her glass. "Another Rum and Coke, please." "God Buffy, alcoholic much? Isn't that like your fifth drink of the night?" Cordelia questioned, suddenly appearing at
Buffy's side. Buffy smiled. "Yeah. I decided I needed to get suitably trashed to listen to anymore football talk. I should be nice and
hungover for the game tomorrow." Cordelia laughed. "Oh yeah, there's nothing hotter than watching a cheerleader vomit on the field!" "You know it!" Buffy slurred in reply. Besides Willow, Cordy was probably the only person on the squad she ever really
got along with. Miss Cordelia Chase might be snotty and superficial, but she always told it like it was, and Buffy respected
her for that. Cordelia tugged on her arm. "C'mon, let's go dance. I love making all the freshmen boys drool. It's like a sport!" Buffy laughed and allowed herself to be led onto the floor. She hadn't been dancing for weeks, and the alcohol had suitably
numbed her brain. She felt ready to bust loose. She felt sexy. Moving her body to the beat, Buffy thought of Spike. God, she wanted him. She casually ran her hands up and down her body,
unaware of the stares she was getting. The music rushed through her. Must have been the devil who changed my mind. Spike stared at Buffy from his place at the bar. God, she was like fire, moving out there on the dance floor like a living
flame. He was trapped in it, just like a deer caught in headlights. Buffy threw her head back and ground her hips to the beat. She thought about all the times she'd been alone in bed and
imagined Spike was there with her. Running his hands up and down her body, worshipping her neck with his tongue. Buffy sighed
and brought her hands up over her head, slowly lowering them down her body to the rhythm of the music. Placed myself at the eye of the storm. Spike got up and moved towards her, transfixed by her undulating body. He had to touch her. He wanted to... ...guide his hands over her breasts and thighs. She quivered and moved more sensually to the beat. The first time she'd
ever touched herself, she'd thought of him. Angelic and fierce all at once, she'd imagined he'd hover over her, tracing her
face with his fingertips, molding his body to hers. He'd reach out to her and... ...he enclosed her in his arms. Buffy started forward, then relaxed against him as if she'd known all along he was there.
Spike leaned in and moved his body with hers. He inhaled the sweet vanilla scent of her hair. Rocks for my pillow and sand for my bed, Buffy moaned and brought her hips to his. She didn't know she could feel this way. So alive and aware. She turned her body
and brought her arms up around him. She leaned into his neck and breathed in the heady scent that was Spike. So musky and
smoky. So masculine. She traced her tongue down the corded column of his throat. Spike closed his eyes and growled. God, what she did to him. He couldn't get enough of her. He moved his hands slowly down
her body, memorizing each small curve and dip. Placing his hands on her hips, he crushed her to him, molding their bodies
firmly together. Ain't it lonesome, ain't it sad? Buffy ground her hips firmly to Spike's, revelling in the way his body responded to hers. She bit her lip and moved as
if intranced, circling her hips to a rhythm as old as time itself. Spike lowered his head and nuzzled her temple. God, she smelled like sweat and vanilla and sex. He wanted take her against
the wall, on a chair, laid over the bar. He'd never felt so aroused. A two-headed doctor walked on the water Buffy brought her leg up over his hip, and pulled his hand down to fondle her backside. She threw her back her head and
rocked herself to the beat. Spike grit his teeth. They way she was moving, he was about to come in his pants. His squeezed his hands tightly around
her ass and grasped her more fully to him. After tonight, he knew nothing would be the same between them ever again. My shoes filled with blood. The world swam before Buffy's eyes. God, he was wonderful. The way he made her feel, the tremors running down her legs...
She knew if he let her go right now, she wouldn't be able to stand. Bringing her face closer to his, she looked deep into
the depths of his eyes and drowned. Spike gazed at Buffy's upturned face and felt overwhelmed by emotion. Why hadn't he ever seen her in this light before?
God, he was a fool to have stayed away so long. He slowly brought a hand up to her face and traced her lips with his fingertips.
Ring the bells of mercy. Buffy closed her eyes and brought her face in close to his. Spike grasped her shoulders and brought his lips down to hers. The song ended abruptly and the lights came on, blinding them. "All right everybody, 2:00 AM. You don't have to go home, but you sure as hell can't stay here." The bartender called out.
Buffy blinked and stepped back slowly. Shaking her head to clear her senses, she glanced around and noted that her "boyfriend"
Angel was engaged in a heavy gropefest with Faith. Instead of feeling rage, she felt shame. How could she be angry with Angel
when she'd been doing the same thing with Spike? She closed her eyes and sighed. Spike didn't know what had happened. One moment, he'd had her willing and in his arms, then next she was ignoring his presence
completely. He reached out his hands toward her. "Buffy..." She drew away, feeling horrible. She still wanted him, desperately, but not like this. Not when she was drunk and shameless
and still obviously attached to someone else, no matter how little she cared for him. Buffy paused mid-thought and looked up angrily. She wasn't the only one here who was attached. "Don't you have a girlfriend back home? I thought that was the reason you never came back here." Buffy bit out. Spike started, unprepared to answer this rapid line of questioning. "Uh, Buffy, love... it's complicated..." Buffy scowled. "I'm sure it is. Let me know when you've figured it out." She turned and headed towards Cordelia. "Cordy, can I get a lift home?" The brunette nodded and put her arm around her friend, helping her outside. Spike stood there, watching her leave. He'd never felt so lonely in his life. Then he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around. "Keep your fucking hands off my girlfriend, asshole!" Angel's fist was the last thing he saw before he blacked out. Chapter 5 Buffy waited until she was sure that everyone had left the house the next morning before daring to venture out of her room.
This was not done just as a tactical maneuver to avoid Spike, (Although it was the main reason, she wasn't going to
lie to herself) the other factor was that she had one bitch of a hangover. She was hoping to not have to carry on anything
remotely resembling a conversation with anyone, because that would mean an actual noise would have to be made, and Buffy was
pretty sure her head might literally explode if something like that happened. Peeking her head around the doorway to the kitchen, Buffy breathed a sigh of relief. It looked like the coast was clear.
Now, where was that Tylenol... Ring... Ring... Ring! Buffy winced and threw a protective hand up over her forehead. Phew, brain's still intact, she thought to herself
with a grimace. Whoever was on the end of that phoneline was about to get a definite piece of her mind. She'd kick their stupid ass! Then
she'd find a bathroom to vomit in and would quietly lay down and die. "Hello?" She growled out. "My, don't you sound perky this morning!" Willow replied, laughter evident in her tone. Buffy rolled her eyes, then moaned in pain. Rolling your eyes was never a good idea when hungover. She groped for a seat
at the counter. "Hey Will. What's up?" "What's up? What's UP?! I heard about your sexcapades with a certain British badboy at the Bronze last night! Buffy, you
little slut. I never knew you had it in you!" Willow shouted. "Keep it down, would ya?" She griped. "I guess Cordy called you." Willow laughed. "Of course she did. I don't think she's ever been prouder of you than she was last night. She even mentioned
the two of you trying the same thing again tonight after the game. Multiple shots and multiple boys, I'm guessing." Buffy paled and held a hand to her rumbling stomach. "Oh no, I don't think so. The next time alcohol is coming anywhere
near this girl is when they start making it non-skank inducing. Could I have been anymore of a ho last night?" Willow sighed in annoyance. "Buffy, get over it. I heard all about Angel practically doing it with Faith last night. That
jerk should be the last thing on your mind right now. Now quick, give me all the sordid details of your night of love with
Spike! You know you wanna." Buffy smiled. "It was pretty amazing. The way his hands felt.. Mmm..." She paused. "No! I'm not gonna do this! He
has a girlfriend, Wills." "Obviously not someone he actually cares about." Willow retorted. "Besides, you've been tragically in love with him your
whole life! I think you deserve a little sexy fun with the guy." "I don't know." Buffy sighed. "I really need to think about everything some more. Buffy's brain went on hiatus last night
and it's just now arriving back from it's extended vacation." A piercing jolt got her out of her seat and headed towards the
cabinet in a desperate search for medication. "Also, I think it brought home a construction crew. Right now they're drilling
holes in my cerebellum!" "I guess I'll let you go rest before the big game, then. Get ready to shout and cheer and tumble, buddy!" Willow replied.
Buffy's stomach did another queasy backflip. "Ugh. Bye." "Later." Buffy washed down her pills with a large glass of water. Now, if she could just get a few hours more sleep in before tonight,
she'd be golden. "Buffy, are you home?" Anya shouted from the foyer. "I brought home some delightful seafood and creamcheese puffs I'm thinking
about serving at the wedding. I need you to be my taste-tester." She entered the kitchen and approached Buffy. Anya stuck the gelatinous mixture under Buffy's nose. "I'm not sure they smell quite right... and they look a little goopy
to me. What do you think?" She questioned. Buffy put a hand over her mouth and ran for the nearest bathroom. "Hey, you can't get out of your duties that easily. You're the Maid of Honer, Missy! I also need do you to try out these
little oyster shooters!" Anya called down the hall. She popped one in her mouth. "Mmm. Not bad." *** Not bad at all. Spike thought to himself as he gazed down the rows of bleachers to the football stadium below. His
Buffy looked like every guy's wet dream come true in her little cheerleading uniform. He smiled to himself. His Buffy. He liked the way that sounded. Spike had ended up coming to the game by himself. Both Xander and Anya had been struck ill by some nasty food poisoning,
quite possibly from the seafood Anya'd been trying to stuff down everyone's throats. The last time he'd seen Xander, his head
was so far down the toiletbowl one good flush would've sent him straight down the pipes. Spike was sure as hell glad he was
allergic to crabmeat. He'd promised both Xander and Anya that he'd be supportive and show up for Buffy's big night, something he had absolutely
no problem with doing. As if watching Buffy flit about in a little fetish outfit was going to be a chore. Spike found his seat right up in the first few rows. Xander and Anya had season tickets to the all the games. Great seat.
Not for the game - he couldn't stand American football - but for the uncontested view of his delicious little cheerleader.
"Go Razorbacks! C'mon team! Let's go!" Chanted the squad down below. Buffy chose at that exact moment to look up into his section of the stands. She blushed and immediately moved her glance
somewhere else. He smirked. This was gonna be fun. *** This was going to be torture. Buffy fidgeted and looked everywhere but at Spike. He was staring at her. She'd never felt so on the spot at a game before...
and there were thousands of other people in the stands! "Smile, Buffy!" Cordelia bit out, waving her pom-poms. Buffy plastered a huge grin on her face and tried to focus on the task at hand. Stupid Spike! Why was he always showing
up when she was the least prepared? And why in the world was he sporting one whopper of a black eye today? Had he gotten in
some kind of bar brawl last night after she'd left? "Go Team, Go! Win Team, Win!" Buffy shouted along with the rest of the squad. She'd made a point to get her stuff and herself out of the house today and over to Willow's long before Spike's
return from wherever the hell he'd been. She'd managed to avoid him all day. Here, however, she was pointedly on display for
him to ogle as much as he liked. She moved her gaze cautiously along until it rested on Spike again. He was still staring at her. She watched as he licked
his lips and purposely wiggled his tongue at her. Buffy flushed and turned away. She was never going to get through this night if he kept doing that. God, it wasn't
fair! He got to get her all hot and bothered, while she was stuck down here with no other way to turn him on than to... Buffy paused. Than to provocatively shake her ass and tits in a short little skirt and halter top. An evil grinned spread across her lips. Buffy placed her hands on her hips and got ready to rumble. *** Spike raised an eyebrow at Buffy's pointed little grin. He didn't know what that was all about, but he was up for whatever
she had planned. Baby wanted to play. It was half-time and people were milling all around him. He strained his neck to see where Buffy had disappeared to. He
caught a glimpse of her at the middle of the field. He leered. Looked like he was about to get a free show. Pulsating music throbbed through the stadium. The cheerleaders readied themselves into position and smiled brilliant white
smiles at the crowd. Buffy found his gaze and winked. Spike sat back in his seat and waited. Then she moved and his jaw dropped. She threw herself into the routine like she never had before. Knowing he was watching her every move, she felt unbelieveably
aroused. She shimmied. She shook. She moved her ass like nobody's business. And she had fun. This was the best time
she'd ever had at a game! This was the best time Spike has ever had at a sporting event. The way she was moving her body, the come hither gestures
she seemed to have perfected and trained right in his direction... It was like it was just the two of them alone here in the
stadium. He only had eyes for her. Moving her hips to the beat, she shouted out along with the rest of the cheerleaders: "Go Razorbacks, Go! Go, Fight, Win!" Buffy placed her pom poms over her chest and shook them, lowering them slowly in a sort of impromptu striptease. Spike drew his duster close around himself to cover his erection. Thank God he'd thought to wear it. He could just see
himself now, scaring the fuck out of some middleaged biddy who'd think he was a complete pervert, leering at the poor defenseless
cheerleaders down below. He grinned to himself. Buffy moved to the center of the field. Being the lightest, she was on top of the highest tower. She boosted herself up
and stood atop the other girls. "Go Razorbacks!" She shouted. Spike continued to stare at her, eyes glazed. She looked so beautiful and perfect up there. He had to see her, talk to
her. Let her know that things were completely over with him and Drusilla, that he wanted to be with her and only her. The guys tumbled Buffy down and she ran with the rest of the squad off the field. Before she moved off to the sidelines,
she turned and blew Spike a kiss. He grinned. His Buffy. *** "God, you were AWESOME out there tonight, Buffy!" Willow crowed, pulling her best friend in for a hug. Cordelia ran up and squeezed Buffy's shoulder. "She's right. You were so on, girl. Maybe it was because of the hottie
goodness you were plastered all over last night! You know what they say... a good orgasm guarantees great productivity in
the work place. I read it in Cosmo or something." Buffy groaned and hugged both her friends. "Jesus Cordy, you're starting to sound exactly like Anya! Next thing you know,
you'll be telling me color-coordinated vibrators and matching crotchless panties are very in this season." Cordelia looked puzzled. "They are? I thought that was color-coordinated vibrators with matching thong underwear." Buffy and Willow looked at each other and burst into hysterical giggles. "What? It's very in for fall." Cordelia protested. The pair sagged against one another, holding their stomachs and trying to breathe through their laughter. Faith sauntered over from the water cooler. "Well, it's good to see you're still getting some enjoyment out of life, B.
I know how hard it is to find the humor in anything when your guy cheats on you." She paused, looking pensive. "Well actually,
I wouldn't know personally, seeing as how I've never been cheated on. Why don't you tell me what it's like?" Buffy widened her eyes innocently. "Well Faith, I'd say it probably feels the same way as when you look in the mirror every
morning. You must feel terribly cheated to have ended up with those skanky looks." Faith scowled menacingly. "You're just jealous because Angel wants me now." Buffy laughed. "You can keep that shrimp-dicked loser. The only good thing he had going for him was that he was with me."
She turned back to her friends, then called back over her shoulder. "Oh, and Faith? You might want to make sure he wears a
rubber. I heard he's been fucking half the girls in your sorority." Faith growled and stomped off. Buffy smiled to herself. With only two minutes of the fourth quarter left, she couldn't wait to find Spike after the game.
She was sick of waiting. She wanted him, and she wanted him- Now. He was going to drag her into the nearest janitor's closet and do things to her that were considered illegal in 48
states. With only seconds left until the end of the game, he started making his way down to meet her. Buffy jumped and cheered. Sunnydale had the ball! Angel threw a long pass to Anderson. The whole stadium waited with baited
breath. It was good! They'd won! The fans screamed and shouted. They ran all the way down the field to congratulate the team. Angel pushed his was through the crowd and drew a stunned Buffy into his arms. He smashed his lips to hers. Spike had finally made his way through the mob of shrieking fans. He looked up just in time to see Buffy caught in a heated
embrace with Angel. He stopped short. Hurt and rage mingled in his features. Spike turned and left the field. "This isn't over by a long shot." He muttered to himself. Chapter 6 "It's OVER, you bastard!" Buffy pulled herself abruptly out of Angel's grasp, then decked him. He fell like a ton of bricks. "You fucking bitch! I think you broke my nose!" Angel howled, writhing on the ground in pain. Buffy kicked him in the ribs for good measure. "Good, you goddamn asshole! No one cheats on me! I don't want to
EVER see your face around again!" She turned and hurried off the field, searching for Spike. Spike reached the parking lot and looked for his car. He'd had the car in high school, a classic, really. Spike couldn't
bear to sell it when he'd left, so Xander'd been nice enough to keep it for him. Even the thought of driving his baby couldn't
make him happy tonight, however. He just wanted to get out of here, find a bar, get plastered. Let Buffy find her own way
home tonight! He was tired of being yanked around by women. Spotting the Desoto near the end of the lot, he walked up to it. He squinted his eyes, noticing that someone was sitting
on the hood. His heart started beating faster. Buffy. Sauntering closer, he realized this girl wasn't Buffy after all. It was that dark-haired bird from the other night. One
of Buffy's cheerleading pals. Faith or something. "Hiya handsome." She crooned, squeezing her arms to her sides to press her chest together. The girl had some magnificent
cleavage. "Yeah. What are you doing here?" He questioned, taking out a cigarette. She pouted. "I just wanted to talk to you. See if you wanted to hang out. It looked like you were alone for the night,
what with Buffy being otherwise... preoccupied..." She trailed off, fluttering her eyelashes innocently. Spike lit up and sighed in annoyance. "And what makes you think I care one little bit about what Buffy's doing tonight?"
Faith smiled nastily. "What or whom?" She dropped down off the front of the car and straightened her skirt over
her thighs. "I know for a fact that she and Angel are headed over to that big party at Cordelia Chase's house tonight." Spike growled. Faith chuckled. "No need to get upset, Blondie." She sidled over to him, taking the cigarette from between his lax fingers.
She took a long drag and turned to look at him once more. "Turns out I'm dateless for the night. Didn't know if you might
wanna head over to the party with me. I'm a guaranteed good time." He looked her over and pondered the situation. Not bad looking. If he wanted to make Buffy jealous, this was probably how
he should go about it. Spike smirked and threw his arm around her shoulders, leading her towards the front passenger seat of the car. "Sweetheart, you just got yourself a date." *** Buffy had been around the stadium eight times now. The only people left in the whole place where the janitors, herself
and Willow. "Buffy, why don't we just head back to my place to get ready for the party." Willow asked, placing a hand on her friend's
arm. Buffy shrugged her off and paced the hall. "I don't know what's going on! He was here to see me, I know it. Why would he
just take off like that without even stopping to say hello? Or you know... a little congratulatory smooch?" She pouted, kicking
at a bit of leftover trash with the toe of her sneaker. Willow smiled reassuringly. "I'll bet he just had something really important to take care of. You yourself said that you
didn't see Xander or Anya in the stands tonight. Maybe something happened with them." Buffy blanched. After losing Mom, she didn't know if she could take it if anything were to happen to Xander. He wasn't
just her big brother, he was like her surrogate father... always checking up on her schoolwork, making sure she was happy
and healthy. He hadn't even been able to go to college like he'd planned. Instead, he'd gotten a contruction job almost right
out of high school to start paying for all the bills that had begun to pile up following the funeral of their Mother. He and
Anya were the only family she had left! No, Xander had to be all right. Buffy pulled out her cellphone and quickly dialed the number to her house. Ring... Ring... Ring... "C'mon, pick up!" She muttered impatiantly. "Hello?" Croaked out a tired voice. "Xander!" Buffy sighed in relief. "You're all right! Where are you?" Xander moaned at the other end of the line. "Got some major food poisoning, Buff." He imitated Anya with a high, girlish
voice. "From those dee-lightful seafood puffs!" Buffy heard a smacking sound. "Ouch, Anya! I'm sorry, OK?" Xander whined. "Just don't hit my stomach! I think if I throw up anymore I'm officially gonna
turn inside out." Buffy smiled. "I'm just glad you're OK. I didn't know what'd happened to you." She gave Willow the thumbs up sign. "I guess you haven't found Spike yet, huh? We gave him some money to take you out to a nice dinner after your big game."
Xander replied. Buffy frowned. "Uh, yeah... I'm sure he's around here somewhere." She lied. "Buffy, do you need me to come and pick you up? It might take a little while, what with all my pit stops to vomit, but
I'm sure I can eventually make it if Spike's not there like he said he'd be." Xander's tone sounded concerned. "No, no... it's fine. In fact, I see him right over there! Hi Spike!" She shouted. "OK, Buff. Have fun tonight, OK? Love ya." Xander said, sounding reassured. Buffy looked grim. "I will. Just get some rest, Alright? Bye." She hung up the phone and turned to Willow. Willow looked puzzled. "What was that all about?" Buffy scowled. "That was about Spike being and asshole and leaving, as usual!" She turned and stomped towards the parking lot. "C'mon, Will. Let's go party." *** When Spike pulled up outside the Chase mansion twenty minutes later, it appeared as though the party was already in full
swing. Hordes of drunken college students milled around outside the place, many wearing scarlet and gold face paint leftover
from the game. Faith tugged on his arm. "Let's get inside. I know where Cordy keeps the good stuff." Spike allowed himself to be led in through the foyer. Music pulsated through the whole house, walls vibrating from the
bass. The living room appeared off to his left, filled with couples grinding on one another. He scowled. It reminded him too much of his time with Buffy last night. "Where's the bar?" He yelled over the noise. She pointed down the hall. "This way!" She grabbed his hand and led him through the throng of people waiting in line to
get to the keg. Spike shook his head. Beer wasn't going to cut it for him tonight. Especially not that nancy boy shit Americans always
drank at parties. Natty Lite was cheap and easily attainable, for sure, but the taste was horrible and always made him want
to vomit. Faith maneuvered them through many twisting corridors until they ended up in a spacious spanish-style kitchen. She walked
around the kids doing tequila shots at the counter and dug around in the cabinet over the sink. "Voilá!" She pronounced, waving around a bottle of Jim Beam. She set it on the countertop and went to look for glasses.
"Fuck the glasses." Spike said, unscrewing the cap. He chugged from the neck of the bottle. Sighing, he wiped his lips. "What else you got?" *** "Buffy, are you sure you want to drink like this again tonight? After last night, I thought you'd given up alcohol
for good." Willow pursed her lips and gave her friend the once over. "Maybe you and Spike aren't a good idea after all. The
guy's driving you to drink!" "God, Willow. I could've told you that!" Buffy rolled her eyes and sipped daintily out of the silver flask she'd gotten
for her last bithday. She'd never used it before. It was a gag gift, really. Tonight however, it seemed appropriate for her
mood and her outfit. Buffy'd gone with a black leather mini and a black lace cami for the night's festivities. She'd loaded on the black eyeliner
and tousled her hair until it hung in waves over her shoulders. Completing the look, she'd chosen deep glossy-red lipstick.
She smiled to herself. Feeling somewhat naughty, she'd decided to go sans-underwear tonight. Tucking her flask back into her clutch, she dragged on Willow's arm. "C'mon! I wanna go have some fun." Willow shook her head and allowed herself to be led into the house. If Buffy felt like vomiting all night, it was her duty
as best friend to hold back her hair, she supposed. Buffy and Willow spotted Oz the moment they entered the front door. "Hey!" Willow squealed as she threw herself into his arms. "I didn't think you were going to be back until tomorrow night!"
Oz hugged Willow tightly. "Yeah, we got a call from Cordy. She said if we didn't come back to play for her big party, she'd
never speak with any of us again." Willow looked at her boyfriend incredulously. "And that's why you came back?" Oz smiled. "No. But the five-hundred bucks she offered as incentive kinda sealed the deal." Willow laughed and kissed her boyfriend. "I'm so glad you're here. I missed you." "I missed you too, baby." Oz replied, nuzzling her neck langorously. Buffy cleared her throat. The cuddling couple made no response. Rolling her eyes, she left the two alone in the entryway.
"Guess I'll have to find my own fun tonight..." *** Spike leaned back his head and drank the last of the Smirnoff. He tossed the bottle into the sink, startling quite a few
people when it shattered into a million pieces. He turned his head and looked around. Where'd that girl gotten off to? What was her name again? He pondered for a moment.
One of those bleeding fruits of the spirit. Chastity or Patience or Virtue or something like that. Spike snorted. Chastity
his ass. If that girl was chaste, he'd join a nunnery. Last thing he remembered was that she'd gone off in search of more liquor. They'd already drained quite a few bottles between
the two of them, so who knew if she'd ever find her way back. Probably passed out in a bathroom somewhere. He stood up. He sat back down. "Whoa there, floor. Keep still!" He muttered. Shaking his head to clear the alcoholic fog, he decided to take a rain check on any more drinks tonight. He wanted to be
clear-headed... or reasonably clear-headed... once he located Buffy. That way he could talk to her, and beat the shit out
of that stupid boyfriend of hers. He rubbed his face. Still couldn't believe the idiot had got that punch in the night before.
Next time he saw him, Angel was going to get his ass royally kicked! Then, he'd take Buffy off somewhere. Just to talk. Spike smirked. OK, so maybe not to talk. Probably to fuck. Bracing himself, Spike stood and made his way out of the kitchen. A band had started playing some time after he'd arrived,
so he headed in that direction to begin his search for the elusive Miss Summers. Rounding the corner, he tripped over something and nearly fell on his ass. He looked down. Correction. He'd tripped over someone. It was that fruit girl. "Hey, uh..." Spike shook the inert girl's shoulders. "Hope? Joy? Whatever your name is... It's probably not a good idea
to nap out here in the hallway. You're likely to get trampled." Faith awoke and gazed up at him blearily. "Oh, it's you. I was just lookin' for ya." Spike rolled his eyes. "Right." He helped her to her feet, putting his arm around her shoulders to help her balance. The two of them stood there for a minute, getting their bearings, then started off in the direction of the living room.
"Ugh, I'm gonna hurl..." Moaned Faith. Great. Thought Spike. This was the last thing he needed. He looked around for a good place to put her down. Not seeing
anything, he looked up. Into the very pissed off face of one Buffy Summers. God, she was even better looking when she was angry! "What the hell is this?!" Buffy screeched. That woke Faith up, who'd drifted off there for a few seconds. She smiled goofily. "Oh hey, B. I'm just taking out another
one of your men for a test drive. Don't worry, you can have him back at the end of the night. After I'm done with him."
Buffy's eyes flashed with rage. She pulled back her fist and let fly. Pow! Faith went down faster than the Titanic. "Shit!!" Buffy wailed, shaking her fist. "That fucking hurt! I'm not punching anyone else out tonight." She looked up,
finally remembering that Spike was there. Her eyes narrowed. "Well, maybe one more..." She said, starting forward.
Spike held up a placating hand. "Hey, look... I was just getting her out of the hallway." He said, pushing the drunken
girl over to the foot of a nearby sofa. Buffy scowled up at him and pushed him out of the way. "Yeah, right!" She winced and cradled her hand. "Owie." Spike smiled at her and carefully took her hand. "Your second fight of the night, pet?" Buffy frowned. "Yes. I kicked the shit out of my stupid ex-boyfriend right before I got here." She yanked her hand back
out of his grasp and examined it closely. "This sucks. I think I broke a nail!" Spike stared at her, not really listening. God, how did she always manage to look so fucking edible? That skirt
was so short he could almost see her knickers. He twisted his head to the side, trying to catch a glimpse of them. He wondered
what kind she was wearing. Maybe some skimpy little lace thing that... He paused, mid-thought. What had she said? Ex-Boyfriend?
"...And then you're all over stupid skanky Faith, too! What is it about her? Is it the gigantic "I'm-A-Big-Ho" Neon sign
she's always got flashing over her head? 'Cause I could do that, too!" Buffy said sarcastically. Spike smirked at her. "What?" Buffy asked, puzzled. "So... you dropped the magnificent Angel." He stated. Buffy looked down and blushed. "Yeah, so?" Spike moved closer to her, backing her into the wall. "So... it's safe to assume that you came here... alone?" He questioned,
running his forefinger along her bottom lip. Buffy inhaled sharply and closed her eyes. "Maybe." Spike smiled and leaned in, placing his hands along the wall on either side of her head. "Maybe... we should go upstairs
and find ourselves a place a little more..." He placed his face in the crook of her neck and breathed into her ear. "...private."
Buffy visibly swallowed and slowly nodded her head. He smiled in satisfaction and placed a chaste kiss on her throat. "C'mon." He whispered. He took her hand and led her up the stairs. *** Many of the rooms Spike had entered on the first floor were occupied. VERY occupied. The writhing couples hadn't even noticed
the door had opened. This wasn't working. He turned to Buffy in exasperation. "If we don't find a room soon, I swear to God I'm going to take you on the fucking hallway floor." Spike growled out, pulling
her to him. Buffy looked up and gave him a shy smile. "This way." She said, leading him down the corridor and around the corner. They'd come to the threshold of the last door in the hall. Buffy reached up on her tiptoes and grabbed the key off the
top of the doorframe. He looked at her questioningly. "Cordy's room." She shrugged. "Probably the nicest one in the house. Her parents never stay here, so they give her free
reign over everything, including decor." Buffy opened it and led him inside. Spike closed the door softly and locked it. He turned and leaned back against it, following her with his eyes. Buffy made a concerted effort to look at everything in the room but him. "Looks like Cor redecorated since last week." She picked up a small statuette of a woman holding a basket of flowers. "Ooh...
cloisonné." Spike smiled. She was adorably sweet. This was the Buffy he remembered. Shy and unnerved by his presence. He was about
to remedy that. He crossed the room to her side. "Buffy..." He started, placing his hands on her shoulders. She immediately melted back against him. Turning her in his arms, Spike looked down into her eyes. "You know, I haven't even kissed you yet." Buffy smiled beatifically. "Now's as good a time as any to start." Spike lowered his head and lightly ran his tongue along her lips. She opened her mouth on a sigh, and he took that as an
invitation to explore further. Her mouth was soft and tasted like cotton candy. Spike wanted to eat her alive. Buffy was trembling. This was better than she'd imagined. His hands were everywhere, moving down her sides, on her back,
in her hair. And God, his mouth... he tasted like cigarettes and whiskey. She boldly grasped his duster and threw herself
into the kiss. Spike lost all control. This was Buffy... the girl he'd helped win merit badges for Girl Scouts when she was in the fourth
grade. The girl who'd followed him around like a puppy dog whenever he'd come over to the house. The girl who was tentatively
reaching for the buttons of his jeans... God, if she started doing that now, he'd never last. "Buffy..." he protested. She dragged him by the lapels over to a chair next to the vanity. She pushed him down and straddled his legs, rubbing herself
wantonly over his aroused sex. Spike's eyes rolled back. "God, Buffy..." he gasped, grabbing her hips and grinding her against him. She moaned loudly and dug her hands into his
hair. Spike slowly moved his hand up her thigh and under her skirt. He jumped when he encountered nothing between him and her
obviously aroused flesh. No knickers. He thought to himself, nearly paralyzed with lust. He grazed a finger over her
most sensitive area. Buffy's head fell back and she opened her legs wider to give him easier access. This was unbelieveable. He stuck a finger
in her and she gasped, rolling her hips forward into his hand. God, she was wet. And so fucking tight! He'd never encountered anything like this before. He pulled down her top with his
free hand thumbed the nipple of her right breast. Buffy shuddered. Leaning in, he placed his mouth over the satin of her bra and sucked. "Yes!" Buffy whimpered. Spike continued to work his other hand into her wet curls, now slowly fucking her with two fingers. She moved herself faster
and faster, obviously nearing her climax. He placed his thumb over her clit and pressed. Buffy stiffened, then shuddered as her orgasm rolled through her. She wailed out her release into his neck. Spike removed his fingers from her still spasming pussy and licked them clean. Mm... Buffy taste. Buffy opened her eyes and gazed up at him wantonly. He gripped the back of her neck and pulled her into a hot, demanding
kiss. She could taste herself on his tongue. Slowly lowering herself off of his lap, she proceeded to nip her way down the front of his chest. Spike shrugged himself
out of his duster and leaned back. Buffy reached up under his shirt and smoothed her hand along his stomach. God, how long
had she dreamt about doing exactly this? Getting on her knees in front of him, she unbuckled his belt and popped each button
slowly, one by one. His thick erection sprang out of the opening in his jeans. Buffy smirked. She wasn't the only one not wearing underwear. Taking him in her hands, she pressed a kiss on the tip of his erection. Spike shuddered and grasped her hair. "Fuck, Buffy..." He rasped. She took the tip of her tongue and slowly traced a line around the head. He tasted salty. She opened her mouth and enveloped
him. Spike bucked in the seat. Her mouth was like an inferno. She bobbed her head and stroked him with her hands simulataneously,
and he felt like he might burst. This was too much, too soon. Unable to hold himself back, he groaned and came into Buffy's
willing mouth. She sucked and swallowed until there was nothing left. Depleted, Spike pulled Buffy up into his lap and kissed her lightly on the mouth. Feeling suddenly shy, she gazed up at him under lowered lashes. "Was I... was that OK?" She asked softly. "OK?" Repeated Spike, shocked. "It was fucking unbelieveable! I've never felt anything like it before in my life." He stroked
her face. "You're amazing." Buffy nuzzled his hand. "Good. I was worried. I've never... you know... done that before." "You've never..." Spike's hand stilled. "What are you saying? Are you a virgin?" Buffy froze in his lap. "Uh..." Bang! Bang! Bang! Buffy jumped about a foot in the air and instantly began straightening her clothes. "Whoever's in there better get dressed and get out NOW! No one fucks in my bed but ME!" Cordelia shouted angrily through
the door. Spike watched as Buffy moved over to the mirror to fix her hair. "Sorry, Cor! I'll be out in a sec, 'kay?" She shouted back over her shoulder, reapplying her lipstick. "Buffy, we need to talk about this." Spike said, shrugging himself back into his duster. She grabbed her purse. "Not now, OK? I gotta go." Buffy opened the door and flew from the room. Spike sighed and ran a hand through his hair. What had he gotten himself into? Chapter 7 "Does this suit make me look fat?" Spike rubbed his throbbing temples and answered for the fortieth time, "No, the suit doesn't make you look fat." Xander turned in front of the three-way mirror and examined himself again. "Are you sure?" Spike grit his teeth and sighed in annoyance. "No, the suit doesn't make you look fat. Maybe it's just your big
ass that's making it appear that way." Xander bent over and looked closely at the mirror. "My ass is not fat!" He squinted. "Is it?" "Oh bloody hell!" Spike shouted, jumping out of the fitting room chair. "You sound like a prancing school girl with all
this endless prattle of clothes and the like. For God's sake, man! You need some fucking testosterone." Xander looked embarrassed. "I know, I know. It's just that living with two girls and the intense lack of male contact has
sort of turned me into... uh... turned me into..." "A complete and utter woman?" Spike finished, grinning. Xander rolled his eyes and threw his cumberbund at Spike's head. "Shut up." Spike laughed and tossed it back. "Don't you ever get out? You know, beer at the pub or something?" Xander fumbled with his bowtie. "No, not really. Usually it's just me and my ladies! And by that, I mean me and my ladies
watching Dawson's Creek or the occasional chick flick. Do you know how many times I've seen Fried Green Tomoatoes?!"
Spike looked shocked. "For fuck's sake! Are you serious?" Xander nodded gravely. "As a heart attack." He gave up on the bowtie and threw it onto a nearby chair. "Trading Spaces
is alright, though. At least there's carpentry." "Oh yeah. That Vern's bloody brilliant!" Spike replied, sifting through a copy of Maxim. Xander pulled on his vest and examined himself critically. "It's not like I want to hang out with the bra-brigade
every night. It's just that... I haven't really had a guy-type friend since you moved back to England." He sighed. "I think
I'm gonna have to go with a clip-on tie. Anya's going to kill me." Spike tossed his magazine aside and picked up the crumpled bowtie. "Nah, I got it." He began to expertly knot it around
Xander's neck. "You know," Spike began, clearing his throat. "I'm really sorry that I never came back to Sunnydale more often. I feel
like I missed out on a lot of things. God knows Drusilla wasn't worth staying in London for." He finished with the tie and
stepped back. Xander smiled easily at Spike. "Buddy, I know you had a lot of stuff going on. Just because I never got a life doesn't
mean you shouldn't have." He fingered the tie. "Hey, this doesn't look half-bad. I guess there's a purpose for all you British
guys after all." Spike rolled his eyes and fell back down into his chair. "Yeah. I'm sure there's a purpose for shiftless layabouts such
as yourself as well." His look turned serious. "Why didn't you ever go back to school? I thought your Mum had put aside money
in a college fund for you." Xander reached for his cufflinks. "Well, with all the bills and Buffy to take care of, I had about enough money from that
fund leftover for a bag of Doritos." He turned to grab his jacket. "I never really cared so much for school anyway. That was
always you and Buffy. I remember the two of you used to talk for hours about Kurt Fishgut." "Vonnegut." Spike replied. "That was me, anyway. Buffy was always more into poetry. She used to fancy herself a young Sylvia
Plath." He looked out into space and smiled, remembering. "Who's that? Isn't that the lady that makes the poundcakes?" Xander questioned. Spike scowled. "No you ninny, that's Sara Lee. Sylvia Plath was one of the world's most renowned female writers.
You know, "The Bell Jar"?" Xander shook his head. "Sorry. The only reading I ever did was comic books." Spike chuckled. "I remember. You used to fancy yourself to be Superman! Remember that time Buffy played Lois Lane and you
went to rescue her, but she threw her arms around me instead?" Xander snorted. "Yeah, and you were Lex Luther! She's all, "Oh Spi... I mean, Lex! My hero!" He spoke in a high falsetto,
fluttering his eyelashes girlishly. Spike bellowed with laughter. "And then she tried to kiss me! That girl had some nerve. Cooties were all the rage back
in the sixth grade. I might have been infected!" Xander sat down, wheezing. "Good thing she finally got over it. Wouldn't it be terrible if you'd come home to visit and
she'd still been all in love with you?" Spike instantly sobered. He thought of Buffy, all warm and limp in his lap from the orgasm he'd given to her. Buffy,
smiling up at him with that sweet cherub's face. Buffy, his best friend's sister. Xander was going to kill him. "Yeah." He replied shortly. "That woulda been awful." *** "Do my hips look too wide in this?" Buffy questioned, tilting her head to the side. "Buffy, if you ask me that one more time I'm going to bring in my Tangerine Dream parasol and beat you over the head with
it!" Willow threatened. "Sorry." Buffy apologized. "It's just that this dress has to look perfect. I mean, I want Spike to see me as...
to see me as..." Willow smiled sympathetically. "You want Spike to see you." Buffy smoothed the dress down over her hips and turned to the side. "Well, he kinda of already saw a lot of me last night."
Willow turned to her friend with a look of surprise. "Oh my GOD! What happened?" Buffy sighed. "He and I went upstairs for a little while at the party. Things got a little... out of hand." She blushed.
"OK, so maybe things got a little in hand." Willow smacked her friend playfully on the arm. "Oh geez, don't tell me it was you two up in Cordy's room!" Buffy nodded. "She was so mad about that! She came downstairs and told everyone that there was some kind of bondage-fun going on in there!"
Willow stated, giggling. Buffy's jaw dropped in shock. "She DID NOT!" Willow nodded. "Oh yes she did! Then she made people come stand outside the door and listen in!" Buffy's face flushed a fiery red. "Oh my God!! What if someone knew it was me???" She hid her face in her hands.
"My life is over. I'm now officially the town slut! Paint a big ol' 'A' on me." Willow groaned and hugged her. "Buffy, no one would ever in a million years think that it was you. You never let any
guy touch you. Pretty much the whole football team calls you 'Ice Bitch'!" Buffy sighed in relief. "Oh thank God! That's a relief." She paused. "Wait a second... Ice Bitch?? Who called me that!? I'll kill them!" Buffy yelled angrily. Willow laughed. "Relax, it was a joke. No one really calls you that." Buffy grunted. "They'd better not!" Willow went over to hang her dress back on the rack. "I sure wouldn't. According to Cordy, you gave Faith one heck of a
beating last night! You're usually so passive, too. What's up with the sudden anger management issues?" Buffy rolled her eyes. "I didn't give her a beating. One measly little punch and she was out for the count. People
should have been sympathizing with me! I'm the one who broke a nail." She began to take off her dress. "I don't know
why I'm so grouchy all of a sudden. She just started talking about Spike. And she touched him! I felt like I was about to
go ballistic." She finished putting on her clothes and turned to her best friend. "Why do you think that is?" Willow smiled indulgently. "It's because you're in love with him, dummy." "What? No I'm not... I just... think about him all day. And wonder what he's doing. And ponder what dress I'll wear at
our wedding." Buffy's eyes widened in shock. "Oh shit! I think I AM in love with him!" *** Anya smiled in satisfaction. Her pre-wedding barbeque was going exactly according to plan. Her stomach grumbled painfully
and she clutched a hand to it. And these caterers are competent, licensed professionals. After I sue the pants off the
crab puff people, I'll be rolling in the money. She frowned and shook her head. No, not literally. That might be uncomfortable
and there's also the risk of a painful paper cut. Anyway, who knew that buying seafood out of the back of a Ford Pinto was
a bad idea? She shrugged. "Anya, do we have anymore potato salad left?" Buffy questioned. "I'm not sure. There has to be more of that other salad left... The macaroni kind that everyone hates. Make the people
eat that. It'll be more economical." Anya stated firmly. Buffy rolled her eyes and picked up the bowl of macaroni salad. "OK, Anya. Whatever you say." She turned and headed for
the backyard. Opening the door, she took a deep breath and sighed happily. The weather was wonderful, the food was great, everyone was
here and happy and together. It was almost like old times with Mom. Placing the bowl on one of the picnic tables, she looked around. Willow and Oz were here, cuddling over on the porch swing.
Xander, Riley and Devon were over by the keg, drinking and laughing over some sports thing. Anya's friend Tara was here, sitting
quietly by herself on the grass. Buffy paused to look at her. Tara was a nice enough girl, she just never put forth the effort
to get to know anyone. If someone doesn't go sit with her in the next couple of minutes, I'll head that way and say hello.
Buffy thought to herself. Just then, someone plopped themself on the grass next to Tara. Buffy smiled. "Oh good. I'm sure she'll have plenty to talk about with-" *** "HARMONY?" Spike whispered angrily. "What in God's name is that idiot doing here?" Xander put down the tap and fixed Spike with an amused glance. "She works with Anya over at the Art Gallery. Didn't you
used to date her? Oh, I'm sorry... bad memories? Maybe you two should try talking it out. Oh Harmo-oof!" He was silenced by
a fist to the gut. Spike growled menacingly. "If she somes over here, you're a dead man. The last time I saw that girl, she threatened to
cut off some of my manly parts!" Xander chuckled. "Too late." "Spikey!" Harmony called out. Spike turned a withering glance Xander's direction. "You thought those crab puffs were bad? Wait'll I poison the wedding
cake." Xander paled and clutched his stomach. "I think I'll leave you two to get reaquainted... while I reaquaint myself to the
john." He hurried off. Spike shook his head in exasperation and almost fell as all 125 lbs. of Harmony Kendall threw herself into his arms. "Oh Gosh, Spikey! I thought I might never see you again! How was France?" She bubbled. "Actually, luv, it was London. It was fine, thanks for asking." He began trying to disentangle himself from Harmony's grip.
She continued to talk and grasped his arm. "I just love Paris. We always get art shipments from there for the gallery,
but I never ever get a chance to go myself." She pouted. "Remember when we were in high school and you promised you'd take
me?" Spike cringed and tried to move away. "No, can't say as I recall." He dug his boots into the lawn and pulled. "Oh, isn't
that Anya calling you over there? She probably wants to talk to you about some important wedding thing." Harmony snuggled in close to his side. "Like what?" Spike thought fast. "Uh... I thought I heard her mention something about the new edition of... Cosmo?" Harmony immediately dropped his arm and headed off towards the kitchen. "Good to see you, Spikey." She called over her shoulder. Spike's shoulders slumped in relief. "What is it with you and the skankezoids?" A familiar voice questioned. Spike turned to see Buffy standing behind him. She leaned back against a picnic table and crossed her arms in front of
her. He smiled and walked in her direction. She looked so beautiful. Her hair was back in a long ponytail and she wore a simple
tank top and cutoff jean shorts. Her face free of make up, she looked as fresh as the day itself. Ah, innocence... Spike thought to himself with a smirk. "Who, Harmony?" He questioned, settling onto the table beside her. "I dated her in high school." She scooted slightly away from him and frowned. "I remember." Spike smirked and inched even further in her direction. "Oh you do, do you? What else do you remember about me? Anything
a little more... recent? Say, two nights ago?" He lightly placed his hand on her thigh. Buffy shuddered and carefully stood up. Her thighs felt all quivery. "Well, I remember you ditched me after the game and
ended up at a party with the biggest ho on the cheerleading squad." Spike slowly stood and sauntered a few steps nearer. "That's all that springs to mind? Nothing else?" He placed his hands
on her hips. Buffy looked down helplessly. Well, one thing certainly springs to mind... She thought, zeroing in on his crotch.
Spike noticed the direction of her gaze and instantly hardened. Moaning, Buffy tried to pull away. Grasping her hand in his, he placed it on the bulge in his pants. "God, do you see what you do to me?" He groaned and pulled
his duster around her hand. She looked up at him with pleading eyes. "I... I want..." Spike lowered his head to hers and whispered in her ear. "I know, baby. Let's just find a place to..." "Riley!" Buffy shouted, wrenching free of Spike's grasp. "Hey Buffy." Riley answered, smiling charmingly. "Anya wanted me to come and get you. She wants you to help serve up the
pie in the kitchen." "No problem! Great! Terrific!" Buffy practically yelled, latching onto Riley's arm. "Let's go do that now, 'kay?" He beamed down at her and led her into the house. Spike scowled and grabbed Xander, who just happened to be walking by. "Who the hell is that wanker?" He growled out. Xander squinted. "Who, Riley? He works with me. Always had a big crush on Buffy, but she's been dating Angel." He laughed
and slapped Spike jovially on the back. "Now that they're broken up, though... I see dating Buffy in Riley's near-future!"
Xander ambled off. Spike sneered. "Not in this lifetime." Chapter 8 Buffy sighed in relief as she and Riley appoached the house. Opening up the back door, he ushered her into the kitchen
where four different pies sat cooling on the countertop. "Mm... these smell good. Did you make them?" Riley questioned, poking a finger towards the center of one of the pies. Buffy laughed and smacked at his hand. "No touching!" She went around the island in the middle of the kitchen and opened up a cupboard. "Besides, if I had made them, they'd probably be on fire. You know, Cajun Pie!" She removed a stack of plates and handed
them to Riley. "I'm not really much for the cooking." Riley smiled indulgently and reached a hand towards hers. Buffy flinched back abruptly and headed for the silverware drawer. Non-plussed, he followed her around the kitchen. "Buffy," He started, blocking her in next to the sink with his body. "I was wondering how you felt about..." Clearing his throat, Riley tried again. "Umm... how do you feel about... Miniature Golf?" Completely confused, Buffy started to reply when she heard Spike's voice. "Buffy hates Miniature Golf. Ever since that time she threw up in the fake pirate's moat, she's refused to go."
He crossed the room and shrugged past Riley to stand next to Buffy. She scowled up at him. "I do not hate miniature golf!" Buffy pushed her way past both of them and began to slice the pies
with a large butcher knife. "And by the way, I only threw up because you and Xander rolled me down that huge hill on the last
hole. I've never been so dizzy in my entire life!" Riley moved back around the counter and helped Buffy to start putting the slices onto plates. "Well, you wouldn't have
to worry about that happening with me. I'm always a gentlemen when it comes to putt-putt." Buffy smiled. Spike rolled his eyes. "So would you like to go with me tomorrow night?" Riley asked. "Go where?" Interrupted Harmony, who'd just entered the room. She nuzzled herself into Spike's side. Buffy frowned menacingly in Spike's direction and turned to Riley. "I'd love to go miniature golfing with you tomorrow
night." Spike scowled and clenched his fists. "I don't think-" "Ooh! Spikey, take me miniature golfing tomorrow! It'd be so much fun." Harmony gushed, squeezing his arm. Noticing the thunderclouds that seemed to be forming over Buffy's head, Spike grinned and threw an arm around Harmony's
shoulders. "Sure thing, kitten. I'll bet that Buffy here would love us to join them. It'll be like... a doubledate." Buffy smiled a big fake smile and gritted out, "Yes. That would be delightful." She threw the knife violently into the
sink, startling everyone and headed out of the room. "I need to find Anya and tell her that the dessert is ready." Spike immediately removed himself from Harmony's clinging grasp. "I'm gonna go help her with that." He said, quickly following after Buffy's retreating form. Riley looked puzzled. "What was that all about?" Harmony shrugged and snagged a plate of pie. "Who knows. That Buffy's always been high-maintanence." Harmony looked down at her pie and pouted. "What, no Reddi-Whip?" *** Buffy stomped angrily up the stairs. "Stupid bleached moron and his stupid slutty women." She huffed in annoyance and opened up her bedroom door. "And I was
worried about Angel giving me something gross!" She turned and fell back on her bed. The door opened and Spike entered the room. Buffy groaned and threw an arm up over her eyes. "Get out of here." She said, throwing her stuffed pig at Spike's head. He grinned and caught the flying animal. "Now why would I do that when it's obviously bothering you so much?" He turned
the item over in his hands, examining it closely. "Hey, wait a minute. Isn't this that pig I got you for Christmas four years
ago-" Buffy sat up and snatched it out of his hands. "Gimme that." She laid back down on the bed and cuddled it to her chest.
Spike smiled down at her and sat on the edge of the bed. "I can't believe you kept that. I thought you hated me." She rolled onto her side and faced him. "Yeah, well... Mr. Gordo's the only good thing you've ever given me." Spike leaned back on his elbow and traced a finger over her hip. "I wouldn't say it was the only good thing I've
ever given you..." Buffy blushed. "Well, I guess that was all right." "Just all right?" Spike questioned, slowly inching his fingers underneath the light cotton of her shirt. "The way you moaned
out my name, I would've thought it was at least terrific." Buffy moaned and arched her neck. "Mm... it was good. I'll give you that much." Spike smiled and lowered his head. "Maybe you need a refresher course." He trailed kisses up her stomach. Buffy closed her eyes and nodded. "Maybe." Spike smoothed his hands around her waist and inhaled the heady scent of Buffy's skin. "God, why do you always smell so good..." He murmured, licking a line down her abdomen. He circled his tongue in her navel.
Buffy ran her fingers through his hair and bit her lip. Spike slowly unbuttoned Buffy's shorts and pushed them down over her hips. He smiled when he noted that she was wearing
plain white bikini briefs. That's more like my Buffy. So innocent... virginal... He shook the thought from his head and kneeled between her legs.
Removing the underwear, he surreptitiously pocketed the pair. Buffy wouldn't miss them. Buffy closed her eyes tightly in anticipation. All the times she'd imagined this very scene, here in her bedroom... nothing
had ever come close to the real thing. He placed his mouth at her core and Buffy stiffened. Then he kissed her there and she
moaned. Spike placed soft kisses and licks on her aroused flesh. He tenderly stroked her inner thighs with his hands and then slowly
moved them up her body and under her top. He thumbed her erect nipples and groaned when she arched her body into his hands
and mouth. Threading her fingers through the crisp curls of his hair, she dragged his mouth closer to her flesh. Spike carefully caressed her with his tongue and circled the tightened bundle of nerves at her center. Listening for the
sound of her breath breaking, he leaned in and tapped lightly. Once, Twice... then pressed delicately. Buffy's legs quivered and she covered her mouth to muffle the scream that her orgasm brought forth. Lapping at her softly until her climax was over, Spike crawled up her body and kissed her cheeks and forehead, nuzzling
his face into the downy hair at her temple. "God..." She whispered, feeling completely limp and boneless. "How did you learn that thing... with your tongue..." "Years of practice." He murmured, playing with the loose tendrils of hair that were curling at the base of her neck. Buffy jerked away from him and sat up. "Yeah, I'm sure you've had tons." She replied sarcastically, pulling up her pants.
"Buffy..." Spike pleaded, massaging her back. "I care about you." She shrugged out of his grasp and zipped her shorts. "Right. That's why you have some kind of girlfriend back home. And
why you showed up at that party with Faith the other night. And why you have a date with Harmony for tomorrow night!" She
picked up her brush off the glass top of her vanity and began to pull it through her hair. Spike stood up. "I'm not the only one with plans, love. You're the one who decided to go out with fucking Captain
America!" Buffy affected a disinterested air and shrugged her shoulders. "Well, I am dateless for the wedding now that Angel and
I are quits. Riley is good-looking enough. Maybe I'll ask him." Spike grabbed her by her upper arms and drew her to him. "No, you will not." Buffy smiled evilly. "He's always hanging around, trying to catch my attention. Kinda dopey, but lovable. Probably be extremely
courteous in the bedroom." Spike shook her. "Stop it!" He growled out. "That prick is not coming anywhere near you." "I'll see him if I want to." Buffy said, trying to pull herself away from him. Spike sneered and ground his hips against hers. Buffy's eyes glazed over and she gripped the lapels of his jacket. "You're mine, Buffy." He rasped out, crushing his lips to hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him desperately. "Well, it's about time." The sound of Anya's voice broke them apart. "Anya!" Buffy shrieked, wiping at her mouth with the back of her hand. Spike ran a hand through his hair and fixed Anya with an embarrassed glance. "Uh... it wasn't what it looked like. Buffy
was helping me to... um..." "I was helping him to get an eyelash out of his eye!" Buffy interrupted, smiling crazily. "You know how irritating those
things can be." "Oh." Anya stated, turning away to head back down the hall. "Because from where I was standing, it looked like you two
were about to inhale each other." Buffy cringed and followed Anya out the door. "Please don't tell Xander." She pleaded in a soft voice. Anya raised an eyebrow. "I might be persuaded to keep your little secret, if you keep your promise to go out with
Riley tomorrow night." Buffy sighed in relief. "...and you take Harmony and Spike with you. I swear, that girl drives me crazy. The way she talks... have you ever
noticed that she has a strangely literal way of speaking? It's quite annoying." Shaking her head, Anya headed down the stairs.
Buffy rubbed her temples. God, she was getting a headache. "I guess we're back on for our doubledate then, eh pet?" Spike stated, leaning on the doorjamb to Buffy's room. Buffy scowled and flipped him the bird. Then she turned and hurried down after Anya. Spike smirked. "That's my girl." Chapter 9 Buffy rolled her shoulders in a futile effort to work some of the knots out of her back. The ride over to the miniature
golf course had been unbearable. Spike had glared daggers at the back of Riley's head, and Riley had been brain-numbingly
dull. Harmony had yapped on incessantly over what new earrings were hot for fall and if that weren't bad enough, the idiot
savant had been all over Spike in the backseat. She'd had to curl her hands into fists to keep from scratching the bitch's
eyes out! Buffy reached into her purse and fished out some Advil. The stress headache she had going on was horrific. Suddenly, strong
fingers were kneading all the knots out of her neck. She sighed in relief. "Feeling a little tense, luv?" Spike whispered in her ear, rubbing her neck in all the right places. "Gah..." Buffy slurred out. The way his hands felt, she might actually be able to make it through the day. If it weren't
for certain other annoyances. "Spikey! I got our golfballs. Look! I'm pink and you're black. Isn't that so us?!" Harmony interrupted, grabbing Spike's
arm and leading him toward the first hole. He turned back to Buffy, a look of desperation evident in his eyes. She scowled
and went to find Riley. At least he would be inane enough not to cause her anymore headaches. "Hey Buffy!" Riley appeared by her side, carrying their golf clubs. "Ready to have some fun?" "As ready as I'll ever be." She mumbled beneath her breath. Riley smiled benignly at her. "I think Spike and Harmony are already playing up ahead. You know, at first I thought it'd
be kind of intrusive with them being here." Buffy rolled her eyes. Ya think?! Riley continued without noticing her lack of involvement in the conversation. "Spike kind of has an attitude problem, but
that Harmony! She sure has a way with words." Buffy laughed. "Yeah, she has a way with mangling them." Riley gave her a confused look. "I thought she was kind of funny, myself." Buffy turned away and grimaced. "Let's just get to the hole, shall we?" She said, taking his arm and walking down to where
Spike and Harmony had situated themselves. Spike looked up the hill and scowled when he noticed Riley helping Buffy down the hill. That should've been him. Stupid
idiot had his hands all over her. He pulled back his golf club and was about to let fly when- "Spikey, you go first, OK? I need to start breaking in these platforms before I attempt any kind of physical activity."
Harmony grabbed Spike's arm and hobbled with him over to the tee. "Why did you wear those bleeding shoes in the first place? The only thing they look suitable for is breaking an ankle."
Spike slowly lowered his club and tried not to look in the other couple's direction. Harmony put her hands on her hips and chuckled. "Well, duh! They make my legs look hot." Spike gave her an appraising look. She did have nice legs. "Ow!" He cried out, bending down to rub his throbbing ankle. Buffy smiled down at him sweetly. "Oops! My club must have slipped. Sorry." "Right." He grit out. "So, how're we going to do this? What order are we going to go in?" Riley questioned, immediately getting down to business.
"Oh. Uh... whatever. I just figured whoever's ready can go." Riley frowned slightly. "But Buffy, order is necessary to make sure we get all of our scores logged in correctly." Spike rolled his eyes. "It's just for fun, innit? Who gives a bloody damn." "I don't know." Harmony interrupted, looking thoughtful. "Riley kinda makes sense. I mean, it'd be easier to remember if
we wrote it down." She batted her eyes in Riley's direction. "You're so take charge!" Riley lowered his head and blushed. "Thanks, ma'am." Buffy and Spike groaned simultaneously. *** A car alarm blared. "Oopsie!" Harmony said, wringing her hands. "The club was slippy." Spike grimaced and closed his eyes. "I hope to God that wasn't our car." Riley walked over to Harmony and patted her delicately on the shoulder. "I'm sure it could've happened to anyone, Miss."
"I don't think so." Buffy stated, expertly putting her ball into the hole. "That's 3 for me." She snatched the pad out of Spike's hands and scribbled down her score. Buffy quickly tallied everyone's points in her head and scowled. Spike was still beating her by 4 points. "You've gotten a little more athletic since last time we played." Spike commented, taking the pad back. Buffy smirked. "I've gotten a little more experienced in everything since the last time we played." She sashayed
past him to the next hole. "I'm going to go ahead with Buffy. Why don't you two go look for that missing club?" Spike called back over his shoulder,
already heading off in Buffy's direction. Rounding the corner, he stopped. Now where had she gotten off to... "Here, kitty kitty." He called softly, circling around the moat and heading towards the fake rock cliffs. Still not finding
her, he frowned. "Buffy, where-" He was yanked into a small cave and shoved against the wall. Buffy smiled and rubbed herself against him. "Oh Riley..." She moaned throatily. Spike growled and flipped their positions on the wall, pinioning her wrists above her head. "Say it. Say my name." Buffy shook her head, then squealed when he ground himself against her. "Spike..." She whispered, wrapping her legs around his waist. Tangling his hands in her hair, he tilted her head and crushed his lips to hers. She whimpered deep in her throat and swiveled her hips against his erection. "Fuck, Buffy..." He groaned, worshipping the long column of her neck. "I want you." She moaned into his ear, swirling her tongue and nipping at his earlobe. Spike's eyes rolled back as she worked her hands down between their bodies and rubbed him through his pants. "Please..." She murmured into his ear, popping the buttons on his jeans one by one. Spike closed his eyes and tried to concentrate. This was Buffy. Did he really want to take her at a mini-golf course?
She reached her hands down and pulled him free of his pants, stroking him firmly. Fuck yes. Digging his fingers into her ass, he moved her up and down along the length of his arousal. Buffy cried out and raked her nails down his back. "I need you." She breathed into his neck. Spike forced his hips to still and tried to get his raging hard-on under control. Buffy's first time needed to be special.
He didn't want to take her virginity up against a slimy wall with people walking by not ten feet away. Buffy pressed her breasts into his chest and breathed a heavy sigh. All right, so he did want to fuck her with people not ten feet away. But he was going to stop being such a wanker
and do this properly. He set her on her feet and stepped back a few feet. "Buffy, no. This isn't right." He ran a hand through his hair and cleared his throat. "We need to... We can't just.." Buffy stood there looking at him, wide-eyed and incredulous. "What... What do you mean?" He started towards her. "We aren't going to do this here." Buffy put up a hand to stop him. "Don't come near me." She blinked back tears. "I can't believe I trusted you. You're an
asshole just like the rest of them." The look in her eyes broke Spike's heart. "Buffy, wait... I didn't mean-" She wiped at her eyes with the back of her hand. "I should have known better. Just... stay away from me." She turned and
ran out. Spike grit his teeth and cursed. "Fuck!" He shouted, slamming his fist against the wall. Why did he always end up hurting her? She'd probably never forgive him for this. *** Buffy rested her cheek against the glass of the car window. Riley had dropped Spike and Harmony off at the house, but she'd
begged him to take her out for ice cream. God, she'd have gone anywhere... just get her out of the house and away from him.
"Is everything OK, Buffy?" Riley questioned. "You were awfully quiet in the restaurant." She sighed and gave him a tired smile. "I'm fine, Riley. Really." He gave her a concerned look. "Does this have anything to do with you and Spike?" She started and gave him a look. "What makes you think that?" She fidgeted with her seatbelt buckle. "Buffy, the looks you were giving each other the entire night were embarrassing. Then there's the fact that you guys dissapeared
for a good twenty minutes back at the miniature golf course." Riley said, arching an eyebrow. Buffy looked contrite. "Riley, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that I'd go out with you when there's obviously something
going on between myself and Spike." She ran a hand through her hair. "Well, there was. Not after today. I'm sorry if
I hurt your feelings." She sighed. "This has been such a crappy day." She looked up suddenly. "No offense." Riley smiled. "None taken. Besides, I had a great time today." He cleared his throat and looked at her. "Hey... you wouldn't
happen to know if Harmony was seeing anyone, would you?" Buffy turned to look at him. "Why do you ask?" He flushed slightly and gripped the steering wheel. "I... uh... was just wondering is she might need a date to the wedding?" Buffy closed her eyes in frustration. "I mean, do you think she'd go with me?" He asked excitedly. Buffy leaned her head against the glass once more. "Why me?" She moaned. *** "Why me?" Harmony whined, hopping around the kitchen. Spike sat at the counter and held his face in his hands. Would this day of torture never end? "Well, maybe you shouldn't have worn those shoes. I told you they were much too tall for a day of walking." Anya stated,
matter of factly. "Plus, I read in Cosmo that flats were the new platforms." Harmony plopped down on a stool and pouted. "But I hate flats. They make my calves look all fat and stuff." Spike rubbed his eyes and looked up at the kitchen wall clock. It had been nearly two hours since Riley had dropped them
off and left with Buffy for destinations unknown. What the hell could be keeping them? "Well, did you at least have fun? I like to go miniature golfing with Xander. Sometimes he'll pretend to be a pirate and
we'll play "Shiver me Timbers" in the abandoned boat hull." Anya said, taking leftovers out of the fridge for dinner. "Ooh, that sounds fun!" Harmony squealed, then paused. "Have you ever played that, Spikey?" He lifted his head and gave Harmony a look. "I'm not really much for the timber, luv." She shrugged. "I had a great time, Anya. And by the way... that Riley Finn? HOT! Do you think he has a date for
the wedding? I might just call him up and ask him!" Harmony picked up her purse and headed for the door. "Bye!" Spike rubbed his temples and grunted. "That girl makes Ozzy Osbourne look like a fucking genius." Anya smiled. "Yes, she and Riley will be good together." Spike raised an eyebrow. "Is that what tonight was all about?" Anya nodded and put a plate of food in front of Spike. "Why else do you think I forced Buffy take you two with her on her
date?" Spike smirked and grabbed himself a beer out of the fridge. "So, you're gonna help me to get Buffy, is that it?" "Get Buffy?" Anya repeated. "I don't think so. That's going to be up to you. But... Xander and I will be out of
town tomorrow night." She exited the kitchen, then turned around and added one more thought. "Oh, and if you hurt her, I will personally gut you with a ten inch butcher knife. Good luck!" She said cheerfully, heading
upstairs. Spike smiled to himself and finished off his beer. Things were looking up. Chapter 10 Buffy softly closed the door to her bedroom and sighed in relief. She'd made it up the stairs and into her room without
being noticed. God, she didn't even want to think about the atrocious time she'd had. She leaned down and kicked off her shoes,
sitting down on the bed to massage her feet. "Ahh..." She moaned in relief. Standing up, she headed to her chest of drawers to pick out one of the faded nightgowns she'd gotten from her Mom as a
hand-me-down. They'd started the tradition when Buffy was almost too young to remember. She'd loved wearing the soft, lacy
nightgowns to sleep. They made her feel so grown up. Xander and Spike used to make fun of her when she was little for wearing
them, saying that she looked like the Sta-Puft Marshmallow Man. Buffy didn't care. Now with Mom gone... she'd put them on
to feel close to her once again. She missed the talks they used to have in the kitchen late at night over hot cocoa - Mom's
specialty. They'd chat about school or clothes or boys... mostly boys. Her Mother always knew just what to say. Buffy pulled the nightgown over her head and contemplated her appearance in the mirror. She wasn't the little girl she
used to be, but she still wished she had her Mother around to go to for advice. She glanced around the room and chuckled to herself. Pink flowered wallpaper still covered the walls as well as the many
school awards she'd won during her high school years. A plethora of books crowded every available space on her shelves and
desktop. Her bed still boasted the same embroidered quilt she'd gotten from her grandmother when she was just nine years old.
OK, so maybe she was still a little girl at heart. She laid back onto her bed and reached for Mr. Gordo. Hugging him to her, she inhaled the scent that still lingered after
days... Spike. Breathing deeply, she began to feel the stirrings of arousal. How was it that he always affected her this way? Just a single
thought of him and she melted like warm ice cream. The way his hands felt against her skin, the way he'd smile at her when
they shared a joke, the way his eyes burned, seeming to know every intimate detail of her... Buffy inhaled and slowly traced her hand up the length of her thigh. Closing her eyes, she started the fantasy as she always
did. Softly circling her center through the wetness of her panties, she called to mind the image of Spike reaching over to-
*** Grab the glass off the shelf. Spike turned on the tap and filled it, still squinting from the flourescent light of the
bathroom bulb. He'd been lying in bed for hours, waiting for Buffy to return. He'd heard her sneak up the stairs and just
as he was about to go out into the hall to confront her... he'd lost his nerve. Spike chugged half the glass and then set it down on the sink as he rubbed a hand through his hair. Glancing into the mirror,
he grimaced at his relection. He'd lost his nerve. When in the bloody hell had that ever happened to him before? "Fucking never, that's when." He muttered to himself, shaking his head in disgust. In all his years of dating around - well, let's be frank - fucking around, he'd never had this feeling come over
him before. Even with Drusilla, who'd supposedly been the love of his life, he'd never felt this way. This insane need to
protect someone. To just hold someone and smell their hair, stroke their cheek, gaze into their endlessly green eyes and see
love reflected back at him with utter abandon. Wait a tic. Love? Was that what he felt for Buffy? He sat down on the side of the large, claw-footed bathtub and put his head in his hands. This was all happening too quickly.
He was just supposed to be down here for a few weeks, then back to London where he belonged. London was where he belonged. Where his future was. It's where he was needed. He paused mid-thought. Why was it getting harder and harder to convince himself of that fact? Spike shook his head and started to his feet. Reaching for the doorknob, he stopped. Cocking his head to the side, he listened
intently. After waiting for a few seconds and hearing nothing, he shrugged his shoulders and started out of the room. There it was again! That breathy little sigh. Where was it coming from? Closing the door, he made his way back into the bathroom. Listening intently, he followed the sound until it reached an
air vent situated in the wall over the towel rack. Placing his ear up to it, he waited. "Mmm..." Spike jerked his head back and grimaced. If that was Anya and Xander, he really didn't want to hear this. "Spike..." Said the whisper-light voice at the other end of the vent. Spike's eyes widened and he thought rapidly to himself.
Xander and Anya's room was on the other side of the hall. The only other room down at this end would have to be... "Buffy." He murmured, smirking. He'd just been given a direct line into her bedroom. Leaning back against the wall he stroked himself through his boxers. Closing his eyes, he could just picture her... spread out on the bed, nightgown ruched up to her waist, baring her lovely
body to the moonlight shining in through her window. She'd trace a hand up her body to- *** Lightly clutch her breast. Moaning, Buffy slowly lowered the lacy fabric of her nighgown, baring herself to her touch.
Bringing a hand up to her mouth, she licked the fingers and brought them back down to her already distended nipple and slowly
circled a finger around the areole. In her fantasy, Spike was beside her in the bed. It was his hand that cupped her breast, his mouth that suckled the nipple.
She breathed heavily through her intense arousal and moved her hand underneath her panties to delve a single finger inside.
Arching her hips off the bed, she closed her eyes and invisioned Spike doing this to her. She added a second finger and cried out at the friction. Rolling her head back and forth on the pillow, she opened her
mouth and whimpered out- *** "Spike, I need you." Spike's eyes rolled back as he stroked himself furiously. Just listening to her moan his name was almost more than he could
bear. He wanted to be in there with her. Tasting her, touching her, loving her... Listening intently to the whimpers that came through the vent, he closed his eyes and pictured her there with him. Covering
him with her hot little hand, or on her knees in front of him, engulfing him in the inferno of her mouth. He shuddered and squeezed himself tightly to keep from coming at that little bit of imagery. He remembered all to well
what it had been like that night. He wanted to wait this out. Hear every little sigh that came from that pouty red mouth. Listen to her pleasure herself
alone in her room, thinking of him, wanting him to push her up against the wall and- *** fuck her 'til she couldn't stand. Breathing harshly now, Buffy jammed in a third finger and imagined it was Spike. Filling her, completing her, wanting her...
She moved her hand ferociously, moments away from orgasm. The fantasy was just too intense. He'd lay her back on the bed
and spread her legs wide, opening her completely to his touch. He'd bring himself to her entrance and the look in his eyes
would be pure lust. Lost to sensation, he wouldn't wait. He wouldn't go slow. He'd thrust into her with a driving force, knocking
her head back against the headboard. Shoving her fingers mercilessly into herself, she imagined he'd tower over her staring straight into her eyes as he pounded
into her. "I love you, Buffy." He'd say. She closed her eyes and came with a scream. *** Hearing the loud wail echo through the wall, Spike stroked himself without mercy. "Fuck, Buffy!" He cried out, coming in short jerky spasms all over the bathroom rug. Feeling replete, he slouched down the wall until he was in a sitting position on the floor. God, he had to see her. Soon.
Thank God Anya and Xander were going out of town tomorrow night. He needed to be alone with her. He had to have her. Gathering his bearings, he picked himself up off the ground and went to his bedroom to clean up. He closed the door before hearing Buffy's last breathy murmur. "I love you, Spike." Chapter 11 "Ahn, ah ooh hure ee eed ooh oh ow uh omahwoah eye?" Xander questioned around his toothbrush. Anya entered the bathroom and proceeded to pick up the many articles of clothes Xander had left on the floor. "Yes, we
need to go out of town tomorrow night. It's important that we spend some meaningful time together before the festivities of
our wedding truly begin." She quoted, getting that gleam in her eye. Xander turned on the tap and rinsed. Grabbing a towel, he turned to her and snuggled her close. "I know... I know... you
read it in Cosmo." Anya rolled her eyes and pushed out of his arms, heading for their bedroom. "Xander Harris, I'll have you know that not
every little thing I say comes directly from Cosmo." Xander just looked at her. "That was from Elle!" She replied hotly. Xander smiled and folded back the covers. "Ah... another font of wisdom." He ducked as she threw a pillow at his head.
"I'm kidding!" Climbing into bed, she turned onto her side, facing the wall. "No you were not." She grumbled. "You're always making fun
of the way I do things. 'Anya, don't speak like an alien!' or 'Anya, stop groping me in front of the guests!' We need this
trip." Turning in bed, she snuggled close to him and placed her head on his chest. "I want to be able to have sexual intercourse
without curtailing my enthusiasm because Buffy is around." Xander winced. "Ahn, could we please not mention our sex life and my little sister in the same sentence ever again?"
Anya huffed and folded her arms across her chest. "See? You're so repressed! We need to get out of the house for the night
and away to a cozy little love bungalow." Teasing her fingers along the edge of his boxers, she whispered hotly in his ear.
"I'll try out that new game you've been wanting to play... The Sultan and The Slave Girl..." Xander's eyes glazed and he started to drool. "With the scarves and the belly dancing?" Anya nodded. "I'll even let you tie me up to..." She whispered more in his ear and Xander giggled excitedly. "Really?! How about letting me..." He trailed off. "No wait. We can't leave. We have a guest! Spike's staying with us.
We can't just up and leave him to his own devices. What's he going to do with himself all night?" Anya smiled craftily. "I'm sure he and Buffy will plan something... interesting." Xander looked thoughtful. "He hasn't been around town much since he moved away. Maybe I should give him some hints on things
he could do." Anya brushed the hair back from his forehead. "I think Spike will manage on his own just fine." Moving in for a leisurely
kiss, she moved her body over his. Looking down into his smiling eyes, Anya thought: Xander may be wonderful in many ways... but sometimes he sure is dense. *** Buffy sat at her computer and tried to concentrate. It wasn't working. "Think brain, think..." She mumbled, massaging her temples. The term paper was due in less than a week, and with the wedding
festivities coming up she really needed to get some major work done today. Usually this kind of thing came rather easily for
her. She loved the topic as well. She glanced down at her notes. "Virginia Woolf, Imagery in Water" The title was about all she had so far. Why couldn't she think today? Buffy blew a breath out that fluffed up the hair around her temples and fogged her glasses.
Looking down, she grimaced and scribbled out the doodles she'd made subconsciously on her paper. Little hearts and Spike's name dominated the whole page. Oh yeah. HIM. She'd been shocked this morning when Anya had announced that she and Xander would be leaving town for the day and night.
Stammering, she'd pleaded for them to reconsider. She'd even offered herself up to go to the bridal expo with Anya that day,
much like a sacrificial lamb awaiting slaughter. Anya'd just patted her back and said they'd go the next day. Great. Turning, she'd noticed Spike leaning against the front porch and smirking. She didn't know what his problem was, but she
was NOT in the mood to deal with him for a whole night by herself. He'd walked down and stood beside her to see them off.
Buffy'd tried to pretend he didn't exist. It was hard when he'd look at her that way... like he wanted to devour her. Remembering
what had happened at the golf course had hardened her resolve as well as her heart, and she'd managed to tune him out... until
Xander had suggested he take her out to dinner that evening. "But Xander," She'd argued, "I don't want to force Spike to hang out with a kid all night long. I'm sure
he has much more important things to do." Spike lovingly smiled at her and put his arm around her shoulders. "Nonsense!" He'd returned cheerfully. "Well
go out and have a swell time tonight... just like old times, eh Pet?" She'd discretly elbowed him in the gut and took immense satisfaction in the grunt he'd submitted. "Buffy, I'd really like you to keep Spike company tonight. You know, a family thing." Xander had said in a no-nonsense
voice. "Fine." She'd muttered. Carefully guarding his midsection against anymore flying appendages, Spike had quipped, "Yeah, just me and lil' sis
here out on the town tonight." That pervert! She was disgusted. Revolted. Exceedingly wet. Balling up her fists, she crumpled her notes in her hand and tossed them in the trash. This was getting her nowhere. Just
because Spike was an asshole and didn't appreciate what she had to offer wasn't an excuse to slack on her schoolwork. Getting
straight A's was the one thing she did proudly in her Mother's memory. Pushing thoughts of Spike aside for the time being, she sat up purposefully at her desk and began to type. *** Silence permeated the car on the drive to the restaurant. Every now and then, Spike would clear his throat and try to make conversation, but Buffy would purposely change the radio
station or turn to look out the window. Spike sighed. Things weren't looking too good for him. He glanced over at Buffy and let his eyes travel up the long length of thigh her pitiful excuse for a dress exposed. Catching
him looking, she rolled her eyes and tugged down her skirt. He playfully reached over to pat her leg. "Well, sis... how're things?" She smacked his hand away and glared menacingly. "You are a pervert!" Moving her body as close as possible to the door,
she all but bared her teeth at him. "Keep your hands off of me." Spike grinned and scooted closer to her. Thank God for bench seats. "Come on, Luv. You can't still be upset over yesterday, can you?" He reached out a hand to brush through her curls. She
flipped her hair away in annoyance and nearly succeeded in blinding him. "Jesus Spike! Watch the road!" Buffy screeched as he swerved to avoid a head-on collision. Spike rubbed furiously at his watering eyes and moved back to his original place on the bench. "Well, maybe I wouldn't be driving so horribly if I could SEE!" He yelled. "You must have ten pounds of hair on that head
of yours!" Buffy huffed in annoyance. "It's not my fault you can't keep your grabby hands to yourself." Bringing a hand to her head,
she frowned. "Is the hair too much? I've been thinking about cutting it off to about chin length. You know... very Chicago,
Renee Zellwegger." Spike frowned. "Don't you dare!" Grabbing her about the waist, he tugged her until she was sitting nearly in his lap. She
struggled to move. "Here now, stop fidgeting if you want us to get to the restaurant in one piece." Pouting, Buffy did as she was told. Spike buried his nose into the glittering gold of her hair and inhaled the sweet vanilla scent. "Sweetheart," He murmured in her ear, "I think you may grow on your head the most glorious hair on the planet earth. Don't
even think about cutting off a bloody centimeter." She smiled and inadvertently snuggled closer to his side. "Really? You think so?" He twirled one golden curl around his finger. "I know so." Spike stated, starting to breathe more heavily into her
neck. Being this close to her was killing him. He pulled her more fully onto his lap. "I can't wait to see you in my bed wearing
nothing but that hair of yours." His eyes glazed over with lust and he ground himself against her backside. "I can almost
imagine the way it'll bounce around when you're-" His voice cut off to a screech when Buffy dug her nails into his thigh, dangerously close to his manly parts. Scrambling off his lap, she crowded close to the door once again. "Bloody hell, woman!" He yelled, rubbing at his leg. "You nearly emasculated me!" Hiding a tiumphant grin, Buffy turned to look out the window once more. "Just shut up and drive, Spike. I've suddenly developed a voracious appetite." *** Dinner had been fantastic. Buffy smiled to herself and dug through her closet for the nightie she knew she'd hidden away for a special occasion. Well, maybe not fantastic for Spike. Finding what she was looking for, she strolled over to her vanity and sat down at the stool. She began sifting through
her collection of perfumes. She'd teased him ALL night at the restaurant. She'd purposefully run her foot up the length of his leg while he was ordering,
causing his voice to raise to an unnaturally high level. She'd eaten her breadsticks as provocatively as possible, even ordering
extra alfredo sauce that she'd swirled her finger in and licked clean. The visible gulp that she'd seen him give was worth
the artery clogging. Spritzing on her favorite scent, she stood and let the silk nightgown drift down over her naked body. It felt good against
her skin. When they'd gotten home, the look of anticipation and lust on Spike's face had nearly been her undoing. Firmly sticking
to her plan, she'd chastely kissed him on the cheek and headed upstairs for bed. The confusion that had clouded his eyes had made her want to burst into laughter. Giving herself a once-over in her mirror, she nodded her approval. She was done tugging Spike around tonight. She'd just wanted to get him back for the stunt he'd pulled at the mini-golf
course. The truth was, she was more than ready. All this anticipation was killing her. "Ready or not, here I come..." She murmured, opening the door and heading down the hall. Chapter 12 "Welcome back to Elimidate!" CLICK. "The All-New Ronco Juicer now comes with a FREE paring knife!" CLICK. "Previously, on the Real World..." CLICK. CLICK. CLICK. Spike sighed and drained the last of his beer. This wasn't how he'd anticipated spending his evening. "Next on Behind The Music... Britney & Justin. What went wrong?" CLUNK! He smiled in satisfaction as the remote control bounced off of Britney's shiny face and inadvertantly turned off the TV.
Laying back on the couch, he folded his hands behind his head and just enjoyed the quiet. The serene sounds of a house
settling down for the night. The soothing noise of the Grandfather clock chiming from out in the hall. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Spike drummed his fingers on his chest. All this peace and quiet could drive a person crazy. What was Buffy doing right now? He pondered, subconciously rubbing his fingers down his chest to the waistband of his
jeans. She'd driven him crazy tonight. Toyed with him in that way that only she could... subtle glances, small carressing
touches at the back of his neck on the drive home, her little pink tongue darting out to wet her pouty lips- He looked down in dismay to see that he was stroking himself to hardness through his jeans. Spike sat up abruptly and ran his fingers through his hair in agitation. He hadn't wanked off this much since high school!
Christ, what that girl did to him. He couldn't stop thinking about her. Lighting up a cigarette, he sat back and pondered his situation. She wanted him, he knew it. When they'd gotten to the house, he'd expected to be lead up to her room and finally put out
of his misery. Instead, she'd completely surprised him by heading up to bed... ALONE. He rolled his eyes in frustration. What
did it take?! Getting to his feet, he bagan to pace the living room. He was turning into the worst sort of pussy-whipped loser. He'd never been like this with Drusilla. Hell, he'd never been
like this with anyone! Following Buffy around like a love-sick puppy... this wasn't like him at all. He should just go up
there and drag her into his bed. Pound himself into her until neither of them could walk. He flicked his cigarette butt into a nearby flower vase and sneered. That'd show the bitch who's boss. The door to the upstairs bathroom opened and closed. Self-consciously smoothing down his hair, he got a giddy smile on his face and headed towards the stairwell. Maybe he could get Buffy to give him a goodnight kiss. *** Spike crept down the hall towards the bathroom. Noticing that the light was on and the door was slightly ajar, he grinned
and decided to have a little fun with his "unsuspecting victim". He stealthily eased open the door and shouted at the top
of his lungs. "What are you doing?!" Expecting a huge squeal and a fist to the face at the very least, he was extremely dissapointed to learn that the bathroom
was empty. She'd been here recently, though. He could still smell that perfume she usually wore wafting around in the air like some
sort of aphrodisiac. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. That stuff could make a eunuch hard. A slight smile quirking his lips, he turned on his heel and headed off to his next destination. His smile quickly turned
to a frown when he realized that Buffy's door stood completely open. Peering inside, he took a quick inventory. Girly pink wallpaper: Check. Small stuffed pig: Check. New Kids on the Block Poster: Check. Spike shook his head in disbelief. The girl needed some decorating help, STAT. The only thing missing from the room was one hot little college co-ed. Letting out a frustrated sigh, Spike headed back towards his own room. She obviously didn't want to see him. Looks like you'll be wanking yourself off again tonight, mate. Opening up the door, he shouldered off his duster and tossed it on the rocking chair. Throwing himself back on the bed,
he sighed deeply and closed his eyes. He sat up with a jolt as the door to his room closed. She'd been in here the entire time. Floating towards him in a cruelly sheer white nightie, she'd never looked more angelic. "Buffy..." his voice cracked, and he cleared his throat. "What are you doing?" Drifting closer to him, she brushed her fingers across his cheek and smiled when he caught her hand and kissed it lovingly.
"What does it look like I'm doing?" She whispered, settling herself lightly on his lap. Nuzzling his face into the aromatic fall of her hair, he murmured, "It looks like you're about to be throroughly compromised."
Licking at her ear, he ran his hands up her stomach to her breasts and squeezed, smiling victoriously when she let out a breathy
moan. Spike was very surprised when he found himself being shoved very roughly onto his back. He gave Buffy a curious look. She smiled naughtily. "Maybe I'm here to compromise YOU." Straddling his waist, she leaned down and covered his face in small kisses. When he brought his hands up to carress her
silk-covered body, she very firmly pushed his hands over his head and held them there. Quirking a brow, he pondered this new turn in events. This take-charge Buffy was something he hadn't encountered before.
He had no problems being submissive in the bedroom, as a matter of fact, he found it completely enjoyable, but being submissive
with Buffy... that was another thing altogether. He wanted her so much, all the time. It was inconceivable that he could let
her be in charge of things for their first time together. Quickly flipping their positions, Spike shoved his face into the crook her neck and started nibbling on her throat. Buffy tried to push her way back up on top, then floundered. God, she couldn't think when he did that thing to her neck.
Smiling and tilting her head back against the pillow, she sighed. Who was she kidding? She couldn't think around him AT ALL. Coherant thought flew out the window and she found herself repeating
the same mantra OVER and OVER in her lust-addled brain. MUST. HAVE. SPIKE. NOW. Spike ran his hands up under Buffy's nightie and bit back a groan when he realized she was completely bare beneath it.
"God, your skin is so soft... I can't stop touching you." Buffy whimpered. "Never stop touching me." "Never." He whispered, dragging the gown up and over her head. He laid her back onto the quilt and just stared. She was perfect. The moonlight streamed in through the open window and gleamed whitely on the pale ivory of her limbs. Hair tangled on his
pillow, lips red and flushed, eyes glazed with lust for HIM. Buffy squirmed self-consciously. "What are you looking at?" "You." He whispered, trailing his fingers up the smooth skin of her thighs. "How beautiful you look. How perfect you are.
I've never seen anything so gorgeous as the sight of you laid out naked on my bed... waiting for me." Buffy shuddered and breathed out a sigh as Spike continued his torturous assault on her limbs. He licked a line up the
length of her stomach, pausing at her bared breasts. "So beautiful..." He whispered reverently before taking her into his mouth. "Oh God!" Buffy cried out, clutching his head to her chest. She arched against him, pressing her naked body to his fully-clothed
one. Deciding that she needed to feel him naked - NOW - she began to tug at his clothes. Pulling his head up long enough to let Buffy drag his shirt over his head, he leaned back down once more and brushed his
lips against hers. Strawberry lipgloss and toothpaste. She drove him crazy. Buffy mapped out the skin of his back and chest with her fingers. Exploring and gasping with delight at the smooth expanse
of skin laid out before her. He felt so wonderful... so hard and soft all at the same time. She scratched her nails down his
shoulders blades and reveled in the aroused shudders he gave. Spike had to have her, now. He could feel the wet heat of her pussy through the fabric of his jeans. She was killing him.
He dragged a hand up her thigh and into the inferno of her body. He rubbed his fingers through her folds and groaned when
Buffy let out a whimper. She was so ready for him. "I need you." Buffy whispered, curling her tongue into the swirls of his ear. "Please." Tired of waiting, Spike quickly stood and rid himself of his boots and jeans. Crawling back up her body onto the bed, he
lowered himself to her and hissed when their naked skin touched. "Please..." She moaned, thrashing her head back and forth on the pillow. Digging his hands into her hair, he nipped her collarbone. "Please what?" He murmured, maneuvering their bodies so that
his cock rested just in the juncture of her thighs. Gasping, she tried to thrust upwards. "Tell me what you want." He said, lowering his head and sucking one of her nipples into his mouth. Not able to stand it anymore, she cried out, "Fuck me, Spike! Please." Smiling with pride, he brought himself to her entrance - then paused. He'd forgotten about the condom. "Uh... Buffy," he started, groaning when she sucked wetly at his throat, "Are you... I mean, do you... have anything?"
Buffy curled her fingers into the flesh of his pecs and smiled when he moaned her name. "Have any what?" Shaking his head to try and think, he continued. "You know... protection?" She laughed. "I've lived with Anya for three years now. How could I NOT be on the pill?" Sighing in relief, Spike smiled. "Right then." Rubbing the head of his cock along her folds, he moaned at the heady sensation
of her liquid heat warming him. Wrapping her legs around him, she panted. "Now, please now..." Finding her entrance, he pushed into the welcoming warmth of her body. "Oh God!" "Oh Fuck!" The heat of her body was searing. Spike fought against the overwhelming urge to just pound away and release himself into
her willing body. This was her first time. He needed to go slow. Be gentle, tender... She wrapped her legs tightly around his waist and thrust herself up onto him. "Fuck, Buffy!" He shouted, surging into her forcefully. "Yes!" She cried out, undulating against him. "More!" Unable to stop himself, he pistoned his cock into her faster and faster. Throwing her head back in utter abandon, she moaned. "Harder!" Spike grunted and complied, slamming their pelvises together with a force that was a sweet mixture of pleasure/pain. "So tight, so wet... God, Buffy... you're burning me alive." He reached a hand down between their bodies and began manipulating
her clit. "God, YES!" She cried out, clutching him to her. Looking down at her face, a tidalwave of feeling overwhelmed him. God, she was so wonderful. He couldn't help himself.
He really was falling for her. "Christ, Buffy... I need you..." He said, pumping rhythmically. "Oh God, I'm so close." She said, writhing beneath him. He began to work her harder with his finger and clutched her to
him. "That's it, baby. Come for me. Just let it go." He murmured into her ear. Feeling the tell-tale tightening, she looked into his eyes and wailed out her release. Her walls rhythmically squeezing his cock in time with her contractions, he pumped into her furiously. "Buffy... yes... God, you're amazing... I... Fuck... Jesus... Buffy!" He shouted, spending himself in her. Panting, he rested his forehead against hers. "That was-" "Incredible." She finished for him, smiling drowsily up into his eyes. "YOU are incredible." He pronounced, brushing sweaty tendrils of her hair off of her face. He leaned down and kissed her
sweetly. Rolling them over onto the side, he tucked his body around hers and brought the blanket up over their sweat-sheened limbs.
"Stay here with me tonight." He murmured into her ear. "All right." She replied, intertwining her fingers with his. Smiling, she drifted off to sleep with one final thought.
Wishes really DO come true. *** The sun streaming in from the open window is what woke him. Gazing blearily around him, he yawned and stretched, accidently knocking into- "Buffy..." He breathed reverently. She was curled into his side, one hand propped under her chin. Smiling, he brushed the hair out of her face and kissed
the tip of her nose. She groaned and rolled over, presenting him with the delightful view of her naked ass. "Down, Boy." He said to his stiffening cock. "Breakfast first, then fuck." Climbing out of bed, he pulled on his jeans and padded downstairs. Whistling a jaunty little tune, he set about to make
Buffy breakfast in bed. "Maybe I can make her some french toast..." He murmured, rooting around in the refridgerator for the eggs. Just then, a knock sounded at the front door. Wiping his hands on a dish towel, Spike hurried over to get it before whoever it was woke Buffy up. He wanted to be the
one that did that. Maybe he could think of something interesting to do with the maple syrup... KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK! "I'm coming, I'm coming." He muttered, stalking into the foyer. If this was one of those Jehovah Witness blokes, they were
about to get a firm kick in the ass. He opened the door and stopped, stunned. It was- *** "Spike?" Buffy sat up and clutched the blanket to her naked chest. He wasn't in the room. However, there WERE some breakfast-making sounds coming from the vicinity of the kitchen... Smiling, she ran to her room and grabbed her robe, throwing it on. She hummed to herself as she skipped down the stairs.
"Spike?" She called out, tying the sash of her robe. "Something smells..." She stopped at the foot of the stairs, eyes widening. "...good." Spike was at the front door, holding a woman. A VERY good looking woman. He turned. "Buffy... this isn't what you think." She turned in his arms and gave Buffy a decidedly bitchy smile. "Oh, so YOU'RE little Buffy. I've heard so much about you." Buffy frowned. "Who the hell are you?" Spike disentangled himself from her grasp and tried to move closer to Buffy. She backed away from him towards the stairs.
The dark-haired woman feigned astonishment. "Why, didn't my Spike tell you? I'm Drusilla. His Fiancée." Buffy bit back a cry and ran up the stairs to her room. She leaned back against her closed door and sobbed, heart breaking.
Chapter 13 Spike watched as Buffy raced up the stairs. "Buffy!" He called after her, a stricken look on his face. She ignored him and he heard the door to her room slam violently.
"Didn't you miss me, my Spike?" Drusilla crooned, grasping onto his arm. Shaking her off, he folded his arms over his bare chest and gave her a pointed look. "Why in the bloody fuck did you tell her that?!" Moving closer until he was backed against the foyer table, she ran her fingernails lightly over his chest. "Tell her what?"
Shoving her hands away from him, he began to pace the entryway. "You know what. We're not together anymore, Dru." He sighed and ran an agitated hand through his hair. Drusilla smiled at him. "You don't mean that. We're destined to be together! Miss Edith has been whispering to me." Spike rolled his eyes. "Miss Edith has obviously lost her touch, then. You and I are NOT going to do this again. I thought
that had been made perfectly clear when I caught you fucking that sorry excuse for a landlord on our anniversary." Drusilla frowned slightly, then shook her head. "Ethan needed me. You... There's something different about you. There was
even then. You weren't mine anymore. Your mind was already off wandering around other places." She got a glazed look in her
eyes and began to sway. Oh great. Here comes the insanity act. Was there ever a time when I truly found this attractive? "Listen, I don't know what the hell you're going on about, but what you just told Buffy was wrong. It's over between us,
Dru." He stated firmly. Drusilla began to wring her hands and moan pathetically. "Oh my Spike... where will I go? What will I do?" He almost felt bad for her. Almost. "Listen," He compromised, "You can stay here for the wedding, but after that I don't ever want to see you again. I'm trying
to make something work with Buffy here." He turned and began walking up the stairs. She narrowed her eyes at him. "What does this girl have that I don't?" Spike stopped and replied without turning around. "She believes in me." He started back up the stairs. "You can let yourself out." He called back over his shoulder before dissapearing into his room. Scowling, Drusilla turned and left the house, slamming the door behind her. *** "Buffy, could you please hand me one of those chocolates amusingly shaped like a man's penis?" Buffy rubbed her aching head. THIS was a NIGHTMARE. "Here you go, Anya." She said, handing over the tray. Anya beamed at her. "Thank you! Aren't you having a fabulous time?! I can't wait for the strippers to get here!" Buffy's eyes widened in shock. "Strippers?! Are you kidding? Xander's going to have a fit when he finds out!" Anya rolled her eyes and bit into one of the chocolates with relish. "Oh, who cares. He's probably off getting a lap dance
as we speak. Bachelor and Bachelorette parties are the last time that the married couple gets to freely ogle the opposite
sex!" Buffy nodded wearily and laid her head down on the counter. Tonight was the night of both Anya's Bachelorette Party and Xander's Bachelor Party. Usually, she'd be doing anything humanly
possible to avoid this kind of an event - sex talk and slimy looking male strippers weren't usually her thing, per se - but
it was a welcome distraction from her thoughts of Spike. Sighing, she got up to get herself a drink. Hopefully alcohol would numb the effects of today's horribly tragic events.
She'd stayed in her room crying for HOURS. Spike had banged on her door repeatedly, begging her to listen to him, but she'd
turned on her stereo full-blast and tuned him out. She hadn't come out of her room until after he'd left for Xander's Party.
Hmpf. He was probably getting frisky with some strippers right now, that stupid perv. Grimacing, she chugged her margarita and winced when a sharp pain hit her brain. Holding a hand to her forehead, she grimaced.
"Owie! Headrush!" Pouting, she laid her head back down on the countertop. "Anya!" Harmony squealed, running into the kitchen. "You HAVE to come open your gifts. I can't wait until you see what
I got for you!" Anya clapped her hands. "Oh goody! Free things!" Turning, she yanked Buffy up and towed her into the living room. "Buffy,
as my Maid of Honor, it's your duty to write down all of the gifts I recieved and who gave them to me. Then, you write them
thank you cards from me." Buffy pulled her arm away from Anya. "What? That's not what happens! YOU write them thank you cards." Anya rolled her eyes and pushed Buffy down into an easy chair. "Don't argue with me. It's tradition! I read it-" "In Cosmo!" The women in the living room finished for her, laughing. Anya smiled triumphantly. "See? They must have read that article, too!" "Fine." Buffy grumbled, slouching down into her seat. Anya turned to leave the room. "I'll go get you a notepad and pen." Buffy sat up and shouted after her. "Hey! And bring me another margarita while you're at it!" *** "'Nother beer, man?" Spike nodded his head in assent and held up his glass for Xander to fill. He knew he probably shouldn't, but after the
way that things had ended with Buffy, all he wanted to do was get completely snockered. "Is this fun or WHAT?" Xander shouted over the throbbing music, holding up his beer triumphantly. "Yeah, terrific." Spike replied, voice monotone. Xander didn't notice, so caught up in the action on stage. "I know! This is the best bachelor party EVER!" Spike sighed and drained his beer. He'd stayed outside Buffy's door for hours desperately wanting to talk to her. He couldn't believe Dru's unbelieveably
bad timing in showing up when she did. God, if only Buffy would listen to him for one minute, she'd see that nothing had changed.
He still wanted her. Still needed her so badly. "Hey there, stud." A big-breasted blonde crooned, snuggling herself onto his lap. He squirmed uncomfortably. "Listen, luv... why don't you go play with someone else. I'm really not in the mood." Eyes lighting up, she ran a hand through his mussed hair. "Ooh baby! That accent is HOT! Are you sure you wouldn't like
a lap dance? For you... it could be free of charge." Spike shook his head. "No thanks." She shrugged and hopped up. "Your loss." She turned and sauntered over to a nearby table where some of the other guys from
their party sat. Spike laughed as he watched the stripper thrust her chest into Riley's face. The boy looked positively flustered. He tapped Xander's shoulder. "Looks like Captain Cardboard's gonna be getting some action tonight!" Xander looked over and guffawed. "Poor Riley! I don't think he knows what to do with her." He turned and looked questioningly
at his friend. "Hey, why didn't YOU take her up on her offer? You feelin' all right?" Spike nodded. "Yeah. Just a little tired." He got up out of his seat and stretched. "I'll go get us some more beer." Picking
up the empty pitcher, he started through the crowd towards the bar. Xander watched his friends retreating form with some concern. Maybe I should set him up with someone. He thought to himself, nursing his beer. He seems lonely. *** "Ooh! Another skimpy piece of lingerie! Xander's REALLY going to appreciate all this." Anya cried happily, hugging the
hot pink teddy to her chest with glee. Buffy shuddered and took another swig of her margarita. Listening to Anya talk about sex with her brother was grossing
her out to an extreme degree. "Buffy? Are writing all this down? This hot pink number is from Harmony." Anya stated, shaking the garment in Buffy's direction. "Yeah, yeah..." She mumbled, scribbling it down on her legal pad. "How're you doing, Buff?" Willow asked, handing Buffy another drink and taking the seat beside her. Buffy groaned wearily and rubbed her eyes. "I'm just so tired, Wills." Willow smiled sympathetically. "Are things going badly with you and Spike?" Buffy gave her friend a startled look. "How can you tell?" "Because your face has that I-Cried-All-Day-Long look to it." She replied, lazily sipping at her vodka tonic. Buffy sighed. "It's complicated." "I've got time to listen." Willow said. Leaning her head back against the back of the chair, Buffy closed her eyes. "I slept with him, Willow." Willow spewed her drink everywhere. "What?!" She shrieked, glass flying out of her hand and smacking a nearby woman in the head. "Willow!" Anya shouted, running over. "You just spit an alcoholic beverage onto my lovely party gifts!" "Hey!" The woman who was knocked in the head complained. "What about my head?" "Oh, and you hit that woman in the head with your glass... which, by the way, is the good family crystal!" Anya said, shaking
her finger in Willow's face. She then turned and flounced off to the kitchen to try and get the stain out of her new babydoll
nightie. Buffy looked at her friend, who still had an intense look of shock plastered all over her face. "Hello? Wills? You in there? Helloooo!" She called out, rapping her fist against her friend's skull jokingly. When she
still didn't answer, Buffy leaned in closely to get a look at her eyes. Maybe I sent her over the edge into a state of catatonia... "What?!" Willow shrieked once more, startling Buffy so badly that she nearly fell out of her chair. "Jesus, Willow! It's not THAT big a deal." Willow grabbed her hand. "Not that big a deal?! THIS from the girl who wouldn't even french kiss her boyfriend of three
months because it seemed 'Too Soon'?? Are you kidding me here?" Buffy fiddled with the leftover ice in her glass. "That was a totally different situation." Willow rolled her eyes. "Right. I think the situation was different because it wasn't with SPIKE." Leaning in, she whispered,
"So? What happened? Was it good? How big was he?" "WILLOW!" Buffy gasped, shocked. Willow grinned. "Spill it! I want to know EVERYTHING." "There's nothing to tell." Buffy said, frowning. "He used me, just like I thought he would. I should have known better."
Willow reached over and rubbed her shoulder comfortingly. "Buffy... not every guy is like your Dad." "I don't know what you're talking about." Buffy answered, turning away. "If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine." Willow said, backing off from an obviously sore subject. Buffy turned and abruptly hugged her friend. "Sorry to snap at you." She replied. "It's just that... it seems like all guys are the same. Spike, Angel, my Dad... Especially
my Dad. He used to tell me he'd be coming to visit, a special trip to the zoo, or the beach, or a picnic. And you know what
would ALWAYS happen?" Willow shook her head. "He'd never show. It's like that in EVERY relationship. They tell you what you want to hear, but they don't really mean
it. They're all just users." She sat back in her chair, sniffling back tears. Willow dug through her purse until she found a Kleenex. "Here," she said, handing it to her. Buffy wiped at her eyes and
sat back with a sigh. Willow gave her a scrutinizing look. "You know that's not true, right?" Buffy blew her nose. "What's not true?" "What you said about all guys being users." Buffy rolled her eyes in exasperation. "Yes it is, Will. Name one guy who hasn't treated a girl like crap." Willow smirked. "Well, Oz for one." Buffy sulkily crossed her arms over her chest. "Doesn't count. He's just one measly guy." "Well, then there's the one guy I can't believe you're forgetting." Buffy looked at her questioningly. "Who?" "Xander." Willow said, beaming at her. "Xander..." Buffy repeated, completely confused. "Yes, Xander!" "But..." Buffy started, shaking her head, "He's my BROTHER. He doesn't count, either." Willow punched her in the arm. "Hello! He's a guy, and he's been faithful to Anya for more than FOUR YEARS NOW." Anya entered the room waving around her new sex toy. "I can't wait to try this sucker out!" Holding up the package, she
read the description off the side of the box. "Pleasure yourself for hours with The Rabbit. RABBIT?!" She shrieked, throwing
the toy halfway across the room in her horror. "Is this some kind of sick joke?! Who'd want a... a... RABBIT in the BEDROOM!"
She shuddered and hugged herself. "And we ALL know how trying she can be sometimes." Willow finished with a grin. Buffy smiled tentatively. "I guess so..." "You KNOW so." Willow replied, reaching over to squeeze her friend's hand. "And maybe this isn't the best time, but you
should think about what happened between you and Spike. Did he try and explain things?" Buffy had the grace to look somewhat ashamed. "He did, but I wouldn't listen to him." "Well, maybe you should give him a chance. Xander obviously thinks highly of him... and I think you should give him the
benefit of the doubt." Getting to her feet, she picked up their now empty glasses. "I'm going to get us some more drinks."
Buffy nodded absentmidedly, already thinking about what she wanted to say to- "-Spike's cock." She whipped her head around. Drusilla was sitting on the sofa with Harmony and Aura, and they were quite obviously discussing "male attributes". "I TOTALLY remember." Harmony drooled, fanning herself. "He was the biggest guy I've ever been with!" She stopped a moment
and pondered. "I wonder how big Riley is..." Drusilla nodded, not really listening. "Yes, my Spike is quite impressive. He can always satisfy me in the bedroom."
She gave a sideways look in Buffy's direction. Buffy's eyes narrowed in rage. "And he knows exactly what I need." Smiling over at Buffy, she gave a feline smirk before adding: "I can't wait
until our wedding night." Buffy stood abruptly. So the Bitch wants a fight, is that it? I'll wipe that grin off her pasty face! "You are marrying Spike over my dead body!" She shouted, stomping over to the sofa. Drusilla sneered."Oh, that can be arranged!" She said, standing and shoving a finger in Buffy's face. Buffy smacked the offending digit away. "Keep your claws away from me, Morticia!" Drusilla pushed Buffy back into the opposite wall. "Stay away from my Spike, Barbie!" Buffy's hands fisted at her sides. "Oh! I KNOW you didn't just call me barbie, you psycho nut-job!" "Nut-Job!?" Drusilla screeched. "You'd know all about THOSE, wouldn't you? Slut!" "Bitch!" "Vapid Whore!" "Tramp!" "Cheerleader!" They flew at each other and began wrestling on the carpet, dislodging a mountain of Anya's lingerie. DING DONG! Nonplussed by the brawl going on not three feet in front of her, Harmony went to answer the door. A hot young "fireman" stood on the other side, holding an axe and a boombox. He smiled sexily. "Fire department! I heard there's a RAGING INFERNO blazing away in here, and..." Buffy and Drusilla rolled past the entryway, screaming and pulling each other's hair. Buffy's head sported a pair of crotchless
panties, and she was making a valiant effort to strangle Drusilla with a tassled bra. "I'm going to KILL you, you BITCH!"
She shrieked, banging the brunette's head viciously against the tile floor of the foyer. The "fireman's" jaw dropped in shock. "Holy Shit! Cat fight!" Leaning in through the threshold to get a better look, he
was caught off guard when Harmony slammed the door in his face. "There's no fire here." She stated. Looking at her watch, she frowned and ignored the desperate knocks coming from the front door. "I wonder when that stripper
is going to get here." Shrugging, she stepped over the girls and headed into the kitchen. *** "'Nother pitcher over here, 'keep." Spike said, settling himself down onto a stool at the bar. The bartender came over to fill the order. "Anything else?" he asked, refilling the peanut bowl. Spike sighed. "Yeah. Might as well get me a whiskey while you're at it." The bartender nodded in silent commiseration and poured him a glass. "Leave the bottle." Spike stated, passing him a fifty. The man arched a brow, but did as he was told. Left alone with his thoughts once more, Spike glumly swilled his drink and pondered for the eightieth time what to do about
Buffy. "Stupid bitch." He muttered under his breath, tossing back another swallow of whiskey. Letting it burn its way pleasantly
down his throat, he grimaced. He was at a fucking strip club and he couldn't even appreciate the naked women for Christ's
sake! After last night's passionate interlude, she'd ruined him for anyone else. The way she'd felt in his arms, the way her
body had molded perfectly with his... it was like she was MADE expressly for him. He sighed deeply. Now he couldn't even look at ebony hair... only sparkling blonde would do. Dark eyes held no power over him, but green
could melt his heart. Pale ivory skin suddenly seemed much too gothic for his tastes when compared to her sun-kissed
limbs. Crunching on a piece of ice, he sadly accepted his fate. He was completely and undeniably Buffy's bitch. He turned in his
seat when someone tapped him on the shoulder. "I thought I told you to keep your hands off of my girlfriend, asshole." Angel pulled back his arm and let fly- Only to
look down quizzically when his fist didn't connect with anything. Spike stood up with a sneer, Angel's fist gripped in his hand. "Fool me once..." He said, sending a wicked blow into Angel's midsection. "Shame on you." The dark-haired man immediately folded over in pain. "Fool me twice..." Spike said, jerking Angel up by his t-shirt. "Well, shame on you again." Shoving him down onto the floor,
Spike aimed a kick at Angel's kidney. "Poofter." Angel reached out and grabbed Spike's foot, yanking him down onto the floor with him. The two began wailing on each other,
scattering patrons and sending tables and chairs flying in all directions. Seeing the commotion going on at the bar from his seat at the table, Xander ran over to break up the fight. "Spike!" He
shouted, "C'mon, man. Quit it!" Spike ignored him and proceeded to aim a well-placed blow to Angel's chin, effectively knocking him out. "Yeah. That's what you get, you wanker!" Spike sneered, bottom lip gushing copious amounts of blood. "Thanks for the entertainment, Spike." Xander griped, pushing his friend towards the exit. "What's your hurry?" Spike questioned, turning back towards where Angel still lay on the floor. "I wanna wait for him to
wake up so I can have another go at 'em." Xander pulled his arm. "And I wanna get out of here in one piece!" He said, pointing at the three beefy bouncers who were
at that moment making their way towards the pair. "Oh Bollocks." They turned and sprinted for the parking lot. *** Buffy sat at the counter with an ice pack firmly pressed to her bruised cheek. After she and Drusilla had gotten into the free-for-all, the party had pretty much ended. Willow had tried to pull the
two dueling women apart, only to be sent sprawling into Harmony... who just happened to be carrying out the cake. A cake shaped like a giant naked man, no less. Buffy started to giggle, then whimpered as her cheek began to throb once more. "Owie." She pouted. The only satisfaction she'd gotten out of the whole event was the gratifying knowledge she'd beat that bitch's ass! She
probably would've been able to get a few more blows in, if Anya hadn't chosen that precise moment to enter the living room.
Seeing the damage the women had done to her gifts, Anya had gone ballistic and effectively ended the fight by pouring a
pitcher of sangria over the pair. Sputtering, they'd apologized to Anya and Drusilla had slunk out of the house, vowing that
if she never saw them again, it wouldn't be too soon. Buffy had courteously helped her out the door, aiming a well-placed kick to her ass. "Serves her right." Buffy muttered. "Spike's mine." Getting up to freshen her ice pack, she yelped in surprise when the side door slammed open. "Umm... could use a little help here!" Xander grunted, dragging Spike into the house. "Spike!" Buffy shrieked, immediately running to his side and helping him to a seat at the counter. "What happened?!" He groaned and massaged his tender ribs. "Had a run-in with your ex is all, Pet." He grinned. "It's safe to say he looks
a fair bit worse than I do." Giving him her ice pack to put on his split lip, she went to the bathroom to get the first aid kit. Placing it on the counter
beside him, she tilted up his chin and swabbed at the cut with some rubbing alcohol. He hissed. "Bloody hell! That hurts!" She rolled her eyes. "Don't be such a baby." She finished cleaning the wound and firmly pressed the ice pack to his mouth.
Finally looking up at her face, his eyes narrowed in concern. "Mmmfremmfshrmfr?" He mumbled through the ice pack. "What?" She asked, moving it away from his lips. Bringing up a hand, he tenderly carressed her cheek. "What happened, luv?" Blushing, she shrugged out of his reach and went to put the first aid kit away. "Nothing. Just had a small scuffle with
your fiancée at the party tonight." Getting up from his seat, he went to Buffy and put his arms around her waist. She struggled to get free. "Let me go!" "No," He said, tightening his grip. "Not until you listen to what I have to say." "Fine." She replied, looking everywhere but his face. "Say it so I can get out of here." Grasping her chin, he forced her to look at him. "Dru and I are not together. We haven't been together for MONTHS." She looked at Spike incredulously. "Yeah, right. Then why did she show up here today?" "She called me up out of the blue before I came to town and I invited her to the wedding." He stated. "Why?" Buffy questioned. He shrugged. "I dunno. She was the first person I ever loved and-" Spike wrapped his arms more securely around Buffy's
waist when she struggled to get free once again. "Just listen, would you? I don't know why I invited her here, but I DO know
that as soon as I saw you, all thoughts of her vanished from my mind." Fondling her lower lip with his fingers, he whispered:
"She's got nothing on you, Buffy. You're the one." Looking up into his eyes, she read the truth in their depths. "Oh Spike..." She murmured, tentatively bringing her arms around him. "I'm sorry I didn't listen to you before. I was just
so upset and-" He silenced her with a soft kiss. "It doesn't matter anymore. Just know that you mean more to me than anyone, Buffy." "I know now." She replied, eyes shining. He smiled and leaned in to kiss her once more when an unearthly shriek caused them to move hastily away from one another.
"Who has been using my Grandmother's antique flower vase as an ashtray?!" Anya shouted from the living room. Spike eyes widened in alarm. "Quick, make a run for it!" Buffy hissed. He dragged her to him for a quick kiss, then sprinted up the stairs. Buffy smiled. "And who ripped my new tassled bra!?!" Anya bellowed. She took off at a run for her room. Chapter 14 "Umm... Father? Where do you want us to stand?" Xander questioned, still looking a little hungover from the previous night's
activities. The older man smiled. "Call me Clem." He said, motioning Xander and Anya over in front of the pews. "Right about here would
be good." Anya bit her lip. "Are you sure? I mean, will everyone get a good look at my dress from this vantage point?" She asked
anxiously. "Maybe I should stand up on something... like some sort of box?" "I don't think that will be necessary, dear." Clem replied, patting Anya kindly on the back. "Now, let's get everyone else
placed, shall we?" Moving over to the motley congregation of bridesmaids and groomsmen, he began prodding them into lines on either side of
Xander and Anya. He turned to Anya. "Who is going to be paired with whom?" "All right everybody!" Anya screeched out, startling the priest. "You know who you're paired with, so get into position!"
Everyone just kept talking, ignoring the shrieking bride-to-be. She stomped her foot. "I said MOVE IT, PEOPLE!" She shouted, shoving everyone into the aisle and towards the back of the
church. Grumbling, the group made their way towards the back alcove. "Xander," Anya whined. "How come no one will listen to me? Is it that hard to do one simple little thing! My big day is
tomorrow! TOMORROW! Can't these people understand that it's all down to the wire here?! I'm about to have a nervous breakdown!"
She plopped down on the pew next to her fiancée. Leaning her head against his shoulder, she sighed. "You know what I'm talking about, right Xander?" When she got no response, she sat up and gave him a small push. "Xander?" She shook him roughly. "Xander!" Contemplating his still form, she smiled when an idea popped into her head. She leaned over into his ear and whispered
softly: "Xander... I'm pregnant!" He came awake with a start. "WHAT?!" He shouted, turning - if possible- even MORE pale. "Just kidding!" Anya chuckled. "That's guarunteed to scare a man awake. I read about it in this month's issue of Cosmo."
Xander wiped at his face. "Great googly moogly, Anya! Don't scare me like that EVER AGAIN! That's a horrible thing to say
to a guy." Clutching his stomach, he moaned. "Oh God, I think I'm gonna hurl." Anya fixed a withering look on Xander. "What's THAT supposed to mean? Are you saying the thought of breeding with me SICKENS
you?" "No, Anya... I think I'm just still hungover from the strip club last night. I shouldn't have done that last body shot
off of Bunny." Xander muttered, desperately looking around for a bathroom. "You did a bodyshot with a woman named BUNNY?! Is nothing sacred with you anymore?" Standing up, she turned away. "You're
an asshole, Xander Harris! Maybe I shouldn't even be marrying you." She said angrily, stomping out the side door of the church.
"Anya wait!" Xander cried, stumbling after her. Tripping over a stray hymnal that lay in the aisle, he fell onto his face.
"Bleagh!" "Ew!" The crowd watching from the vestibule groaned. Standing up and wiping off the leftover vomit from his chin, he gave the priest an apologetic look before hurrying out
the door. Shaking his head in bemusement, the priest sighed. "Lord, grant me patience..." *** "Well, I guess it's safe to sit down for awhile. Those two will be arguing for at least a half an hour." Buffy commented
wryly. Willow grimaced at the pile of puke on the carpet. "I can't believe Xander tossed his cookies in a CHURCH. Do ya think
he'll go to hell?" "Nah," Buffy said, leaning back against the vestibule wall. "I bet he'll just offer to pay the poor guy an extra fifty
to cover the cleaning charges." Willow shook her head in mock disdain. "Bribing a church official! Shame on him." They both giggled. Oz and Spike wandered over from the other side of the room. "What's so funny?" Oz asked, leaning in to nuzzle his girlfriend. Pulling his arms firmly around her waist, she leaned back to give him a kiss. "Oh nothing. Just Xander and his impeccable
timing. Do you think Anya's going to forgive him this time?" "Oh, you know those two. Probably looking for a nice safe place to fuck as we speak." Spike replied, surreptitiously running
his fingertips down Buffy's back. She shivered. "Oh, please don't talk about my brother and sex. I mean, I know it's happening, but actually TALKING
about it is disgusting." Willow smiled. "I don't know... I think it's kinda sweet." "That's because you're kinda sweet." Oz commented, bringing up her hand and kissing it lightly. Willow blushed. "Aww! What a nice boyfriend I have." Spike looked at the two lovebirds and smiled. "You two make me want to heave." He said jokingly, putting his arm around
Buffy's shoulders. Eyes widening with alarm, Buffy quickly removed herself from his reach. "Uh... Spike! Maybe we should go... discuss...
umm... tonight's rehearsal dinner!" She stuttered out, causing Spike to give her a confused look. He reached for her hand. "Why would we need to discuss that? Didn't you and Anya take care of all that stuff weeks ago?"
Buffy ripped her hand from his and smiled blindingly at her friends. "Spike," She grit out from between clenched teeth,
"we need to discuss that THING. You know." Still pondering what she was talking about, Spike's eyes widened as the clue-by-four hit him directly between the eyes.
"Oh right! That THING! Let's go do that right now." Oz and Willow shrugged at the interruption, then went immediately back to cuddling. Buffy pulled Spike into a darkened corner of the room. "What do you think you were doing out there?!" She demanded. Smirking slightly, he pinned her back against the wall with his body. "Well, I was talking... but now that we're
here, I think action seems more necessary." She moaned as he kissed her neck. "Stop it! You know I can't think when you do that thing with your tongue." "What thing?" Spike asked. "This one?" He curled his tongue behind his teeth. Buffy's eyes glazed over. "Oh yeah..." Shaking herself out of her lustful stupor, she pushed him away. "No! We can't do
this." He brushed her hair back off her face and tucked it behind her ear. "Can't do what?" Shrugging away from him, she hugged herself. "You know... act all couple-y in public." Spike frowned. "Why not?" Leaning back against the wall, Buffy sighed. "You know why. Xander would kill us BOTH." Rolling his eyes, he grabbed her and pulled her to him. "Buffy, I don't want to hide our relationship. I want to be able
to see you, touch you..." He punctuated his thoughts by running a free hand up her body. "...whenever I want." Biting back a moan, she lowered her head to his shoulder. "I know. That's what I want, too." She raised her head to look
into his eyes. "We just need to take this slowly, give him time to adjust. Then we can be as open..." She popped the buttons
on his fly and pulled out his cock. "...as we want. Okay?" He hissed out a breath. "I still think we should talk about this some more, Buffy. I don't like..." His voice cut off abruptly
as she lowered herself to her knees and took him into her mouth. "Hey now! That's cheating." *** "Maybe they shouldn't have had an open bar..." Buffy thought to herself, looking around the table at the drunken mob in
front of her. Xander and Anya had thought that giving out free drinks at the rehearsal dinner might loosen everyone up and relieve some
stress before the wedding. "Woohoo!" Riley cried, pulling Harmony onto his lap for a sloppy looking kiss. Buffy grimaced. Maybe a little TOO loose... As it was, the only people left at the table who were even remotely sober were herself and Spike. Looking up, she caught his glance across the table and smiled when he lifted his glass to her in salute. Turning back towards her salad, she tried to concentrate on anything but him. It wasn't fair that she couldn't see him
in public. Everyone else got to be all lovey-dovey with their significant other! The waiter cleared his throat behind her. "Are you ready to order, ma'am?" She closed her menu. "Oh, yes. I'll have the salmon." He looked to her right and frowned. "And your friends...?" Looking over as well, she noticed that Willow, her most reserved friend, was busy trying to shove her tongue down her boyfriend's
throat. She sighed. "Why don't you give them a few more minutes to decide?" The waiter nodded. "Very good." Taking a sip of her water, Buffy glanced across the table to see her brother and Anya cuddling like there was no tomorrow.
She smiled. It was good to see that they'd gotten over their little tiff from earlier at the church. They fought a lot, but
it was plain to see that they belonged together. She watched as Xander smiled broadly and soundly kissed his bride-to-be. She couldn't ruin his big day by bringing up her... thing with Spike. Didn't the guy deserve a little happiness
in his life? "Attention, everyone!" Anya cried, banging her fork against the side of her glass. "I'd just like to let everybody know
that Xander and I have officially gotten over our fight from earlier." The group cheered raucously. Anya smiled. "Yes, he made it up to me by having wild monkey love in the choir loft with me." The crowd broke into laughter. "Anya!" Xander shouted, throroughly embarrassed. "Oh, let her have her fun." Spike replied, patting his friend on the back. "It's good to see you two so happy together."
Xander smiled brightly. "Hey, thanks buddy!" Spike nodded and took a sip of his beer. "You know, I've been thinking... it's not good that you're all alone. You need to start seeing somebody." Xander said thoughtfully.
Spike choked on his drink. "What?" "You know, start getting a little action." Xander replied, elbowing his friend in the side. "Uh... well, everyone in the wedding party is already taken. Besides, I'm fine. It's good to be the lone wolf again." Spike
stated carefully. "Nonsense!" Xander cried, smacking him on the back roughly. "We'll find you somebody. I mean, hey! Even Buffy used to be
totally in love with you! We'll have no problems fixing you up." He laughed, taking a swig of his drink. "You and Buffy...
now THAT would be disturbing! Can you think of anything more gross?" "Uh... no?" Spike winced and looked across the table at Buffy. Her eyes shot daggers at him. Oh yeah... he wasn't getting any tonight. "So it's settled! I'll fix you up with someone as soon as we get back from the honeymoon. You'll still be in town, right?"
Xander questioned. "Yeah." Spike replied, uncomfortable. "Great. I've already thought of a few ladies who could use your special brand of loving. This'll be terrific! Don't you
think so?" Xander said, beaming at him. Well, Buffy DID say not to let anything slip out about our relationship... Spike thought. It's not like I'll actually
have to go through with this whole date thing. If I say yes, it'll just get Xander off my back for a few weeks. "Sure." Spike replied, daring a look across the table at Buffy. THAT was a mistake. She looked like she was deciding whether to kick his ass... or burst into tears. Eyes misting over, she jumped up from the table and hurried from the room. Damn it, Spike thought, standing up. I should have said something else. "I'm going to go see what's wrong with Buffy." He said to Xander, leaving the table. "All right, but hurry back! I wanna talk some more about this whole setting you up thing!" Xander called after him. Turning to Anya, he smiled. "It'll be so great to have him date somebody we know. We can have doubledates!" Anya rolled her eyes. *** He found her in the coatroom. "Buffy..." He said, placing his hands on her shoulders. "What did you want me to say to him? You told me to keep our relationship
a secret." She sniffled and moved away from him. "I know. I just..." She trailed off, looking sad. "What?" Spike asked, grasping her chin and tilting her face up to meet his. A tear rolled down her cheek. "I just can't stand the thought of sharing you with anyone." Holding her close, he rocked her. "Baby, don't cry. You won't have to share me. I don't want anyone but you." Buffy rubbed her cheek against his chest. "You could get anyone you want. You shouldn't have to be tied down to an inexperienced
little girl like me." Spike chuckled. "No one even holds a candle to you, luv. Truthfully? I couldn't even look at the strippers the other
night. The only thing I could think about was getting back home... to see YOU." She looked up at him questioningly. "Really?" "Really." He said, wiping the tears from her face. "I need you, Buffy." Looking into his eyes, she felt overwhlemed by passion... lust... love. Throwing herself into his arms she kissed him voraciously, running her hands wildly over his body. "Buffy..." He groaned. Tugging at his shirt, she moaned. "I want you. Right now. Please." Nodding his head, he unzipped her dress and yanked it down off of her shoulders. It puddled at her feet. Kicking off her
shoes, she undid his pants while he made quick work of her bra and underwear. When they both stood there naked and panting, he trailed a finger down her body. "God," He choked out, voice filled with lust. "How can you be so beautiful? You seem almost unreal to me." Bringing her hands to his face, she traced the sharp edge of his cheekbones. "I'm real. Feel me and see." Pushing him down
until he lay prone on the carpet, she straddled his body. "Touch me..." Taking his hands, she brought them to her breasts.
He growled deep in his throat. Rising up onto her knees, she slowly lowered herself onto him. "Fuck, Buffy!" He cried out, fingers digging into the flesh of her hips. Settling herself into a rhythm, she slowly began to ride him. Moaning, she leaned back her head and let her body take over.
"God, you feel so good... so wet and tight, Buffy." Spike breathed out, thrusting up into her ferociously. "Oh Spike..." She moaned, head lolling on her neck. "Say I'm the only one you've ever wanted. Say it." "You... only you." He groaned, sitting up and wrapping his arms around her waist. He ground himself into her, pushing a
hand down between their bodies to fondle her clit. "And you're mine... mine... mine..." He grunted in time with his thrusts.
"Oh yes!" She cried out, closing her eyes at the brink of her climax. "No," He said. "Open your eyes. I want to see them when you come." Opening them, green eyes stared into blue. "Oh!" Her orgasm burst upon her like a flood, sending tremors up and down her legs. Feeling her internal wall squeeze him, Spike flew over the edge. "Oh fuck! God, Buffy yes... I need you." His words triggered a second climax, pulling a gutteral scream out of Buffy's throat. "Oh Spike... I love you. I love you
so much." She panted out. Eyes widening incredulously, he stared up at her. "What did you say?" Her mind froze. Oh no. Oh please no. Scrambling up off of him, she hurriedly redressed herself. "Nothing, I didn't say anything." He reached out towards her. "Buffy..." Just then, the door to the coatroom opened. "Spike, are you in here? I've been looking everywhere for..." Xander's voice trailed off as he noticed the state of undress
Spike was. And with WHOM. "...You?" "Xander!" Buffy shouted, zipping up her dress. "What are you doing in here?" Face reddening in fury, he shouted. "What am I doing in here?! I think the correct question is what are YOU doing in here?
And with HIM!" He pointed at Spike. She opened her mouth to reply, but Xander cut her off. "Forget it! I don't want to know. I don't want to know any of this!"
He turned and left, slamming the door behind him. "Oh God." Buffy whimpered, hands over her mouth. "Xander." Grabbing her shoes, she ran out the door after her brother.
Turning once she reached the threshold, she looked at Spike sadly. "I'm sorry. I've got to go after him. I'm... sorry." Bursting
into agonized tears, she hurried away. Running a hand through his hair, Spike grimaced. Things just got a hell of a lot more complicated... Chapter 15 "Oh Anya... you look beautiful." Buffy sighed, fluffing up the veil around her future sister-in-law's shoulders. Anya spun in front of the floor length mirror. "I do, don't I?" Clapping her hands she squealed giddily. "Oh! I just can't
wait to get married!" Buffy smiled and hugged her. "You're going to make Xander a wonderful wife. I couldn't have asked for a better sister."
Anya pulled out of Buffy's grasp and shook an admonishing finger in front of her face. "Oh no, don't get me started with
the waterworks, missy! This make-up was all professionally done!" Buffy laughed. "All right, all right. No more gooshy stuff." Turning back to the table, she picked up a gaily wrapped present.
"Okay, maybe one more gooshy thing." A curious look on her face, Anya took the box and carefully removed the paper. Opening it up, she gasped when a beautiful
strand of her pearls were revealed. "Oh, Buffy..." Buffy smiled and took the necklace from her. "Something old. These were my Grandmother's. She gave them to my Mother when
she married my Dad. I was supposed to wear them when I got married, but I want you to have them. It only seems right... you
were like a surrogate mother to me." Hooking the clasp around Anya's neck, she stepped back and sighed happily. "They look
beautiful on you." Fanning her hands in front of her eyes, Anya blinked rapidly. "Not gonna cry, not gonna cry, not gonna cry... Oh screw
it!" She burst into tears and hugged Buffy to her tightly. "Oof!" Buffy grunted. "Anya... oxygen kinda becoming an issue here!" "It's your own fault." Anya sniffled, moving over to the mirror to re-check her make up. "You shouldn't have given me such
a beautiful gift!" Pausing, she shook her head in disbelief. "Wait a minute, what am I saying?! Of COURSE you should have
given me such a beautiful gift!" Dabbing at her runny mascara with a tissue, she sighed heavily. "All this wedding day activity
has melted my brain, I think. I'm just so happy..." "I'm so glad for you, Anya. No one deserves it more." Buffy stated. "What about you? Don't you think you deserve some happiness, too?" Anya questioned, spritzing on some perfume. Buffy studiously avoided her gaze. "I don't know what you mean." Anya rolled her eyes. "Of course you do! Xander about had a coronary last night after spotting you and Spike in the coatroom.
I'll have you know that he couldn't even get an erection, he was THAT upset!" Buffy grimaced. "Anya! Ew!" "Well, it's true!" She stated, waving around her curling iron. "If he wasn't in a constant state of denial about
you, I don't think this would have come as quite a shock to him. I mean, EVERYONE knows that you and Spike are having a wildly
torrid affair." Buffy's eyes widened comically. "WHAT?!" "Oh come on!" Anya said, fluffing out her dress. "You didn't really think you were fooling anyone, did you? It's obvious
to anyone with eyes that you guys are completely in love with each other." Buffy's bottom lip quivered and she busily began to put on her dress. "Well, I don't think he feels that way about me."
"How do you know that? Did he say that he didn't?" Anya asked. "No..." Buffy answered, pulling up her hose. "Not exactly. I might have let it slip out last night, right before Xander
walked in on us." She presented Anya with her back. "Zip me!" Pulling the sides of the dress together, Anya carefully zipped it. "Well, what did Spike say to you after you told him
how you feel?" Stepping back over to the mirror, Buffy smoothed her dress. "I kind of left in a hurry. I wanted to talk to Xander, to
make sure that he wasn't angry with me." "Honey, you're twenty years old. You have a right to your own life, much as your brother would like to deny it." Anya stated.
"I know," Buffy replied, lightly applying her lip gloss. "It's just that Xander has done so much for me. I can't stand
the thought of letting him down." "Buffy." Anya said, grasping her shoulders. "If you don't follow your heart, you're letting yourself down. Don't you think
that your brother wants you to be happy? Spike's the one for you. Don't you feel that, deep down?" Buffy nodded miserably. "Yes, I know it." "Good. Then you need to talk to him after the ceremony and get this whole thing straightened out, once and for all." Stepping
back, she tilted her head and gave Buffy the once-over. "Besides, in that dress? He'll be BEGGING to fuck you three
ways from Sunday!" Buffy blushed. "THERE'S the Anya I know and love." Anya smirked. "You wouldn't want me any other way." *** "Where are my cufflinks?" Xander grumbled, throwing clothes right and left. "On the table." Spike replied, slipping into his shirt and buttoning it. "Was I talking to you?!" Xander said, stomping over to grab his missing cufflinks. Spike chuckled. "Well, I just assumed. I AM the only other person in the room, after all." Xander scowled. "Well, we all know what happens when you assume! I make an ass of you and me." He paused. "No, that's not
right. 'You make and ass of me and you.'" He shook his head and kicked a nearby chair. "Damn it!" "Pull it together, Xander. You're going to be married in a half an hour!" Spike said, fishing around through a mountain
of clothes for his vest. "Don't you tell me what to do, Bleach Boy!" Xander shouted, turning red. "You're lucky that I haven't beaten you to a bloody
pulp yet." "What'd I do?" Spike asked, wrapping his tie around his neck. Xander's eyes nearly bulged completely from their sockets. "Are you JOKING?! I caught you screwing my sister in the coatroom
last night!!" Spike sighed deeply. "That's nothing to get upset over, mate. Buffy and I... that's different." "Different?" Xander asked, chuckling mirthlessly. "How is this different from any other slut you've screwed around with?"
Xander immediately found himself being held up against the wall, a hand at his throat. "Don't you EVER talk about Buffy that way again." Spike uttered in a menacing tone. Xander shoved him away. "I wasn't talking about BUFFY, you moron. I'm talking about YOU. You're the slut! I can't
even count how many women you've been with." "What does that have to do with anything?" Spike asked. "It has to do with everything. How do I know you're not going to just use my sister and dump her whenever another
eligible woman strikes your fancy?" Xander replied, angrily putting on his shoes. Spike scowled. "I would never hurt her. She means everything to me." Xander laughed. "Yeah, right." Striding over to Spike he grasped him by the lapels of his tux jacket. "I'm only gonna say
this once. Stay the hell away from sister, Spike." Pushing Xander roughly, Spike frowned. "You can't stop me from seeing her." Xander pushed him back just as viciously. "Well, I can put you in the hospital. That should keep you away long enough for
me to talk some sense into her." "No, you won't!" Spike retorted, punching Xander in the stomach. "Oh yes I will!" Xander said, lunging and knocking Spike to the floor. Rolling around, they managed to destroy several pieces of furniture and a nice table lamp before someone noticed the ruckus
going on in the changing room. Peeking his head around the door, Riley flinched as he saw Spike get in an exceptionally wicked-looking punch to Xander's
eye. "I better go find Anya." He muttered. *** Smoothing down her dress, Buffy glanced one final time at her reflection in the floor-length mirror. The ice blue silk
confection swirled around her knees and clung provacatively to her chest. Her hair was swept back and fell in a cascade of
curls down her back. Small ringlets framed her heart-shaped face. "Ready or not..." She mumbled, straightening her shoulders and pushing through the door. A sea of people were congregated in the vestibule, all waiting for their cue to enter. Squinting her eyes, she found Willow
and Oz talking by the entrance to the church. "Oh Buffy, you look fantastic!" Willow squealed, hugging her friend. "What happened to the little black number you were
going to go with?" Buffy shrugged. "Anya decided it looked too much like Halloween, what with you all in the Tangerine Dream." She jumped
away laughing when Willow attempted to stab her with her parasol. "Seriously, Buffy. You look fantastic. Too bad I look like a big fat pumpkin!" Willow said, pouting. Oz put his arm around her waist. "You don't look like a pumpkin... you're more like Cinderella." "Aw!" Willow said, snuggling into her boyfriend. Buffy rolled her yes. "All right you two. I guess I'm off to find MY Prince Charming." "Good Luck!" Willow mouthed before turning back to cuddle with Oz. OK, Buffy thought, circling the crowded room. If I were a sexy British bad boy, where would I be hiding? Glancing around, she failed to notice that Harmony was kneeling on the floor looking for her missing earring. "Oof!" She cried, pitching forward precariously. Sturdy hands grasped her arms and pulled her up abruptly. "There you are." Spike said, righting her. Buffy smiled up at him. "Why does it always seem that whenever I fall, you're there to catch me?" Spike shrugged nonchalantly. "Dunno. Just my inherit good timing, I guess." Frowning, Buffy fingered the bruise that was slowly forming over his cheekbone. "What happened? You run into another fist?"
He grabbed her hand and held it to his face. "Do you care?" "Of course I care!" She said angrily, poking him in the chest. "Why would you say something like that to me?!" She backed
him into the wall, finger digging into him. Held up his hands. "All right, all right! I surrender!" She laughed. "Good. Just so you know who's the boss of this relationship!" He raised an eyebrow. "Relationship?" Buffy flushed. "Oh... well, that is... whatever it is that... we have going on." Spike smirked and pulled her in for a kiss. "Relationship sounds good to me." She sighed happily. "Well, good. Just so we're clear." She pulled back and straightened her dress. "Do you realize how utterly fuckable you look in that thing?" Spike asked, trailing his fingers over the bare skin of her
shoulder. She shivered. "Well, maybe we can find an empty room and test out that theory." Taking his hand, she sucked his middle
finger into her mouth and swirled her tongue around it. Spike hissed in a breath. "Right then." He said, taking her hand and pulling her hastily towards the exit. "I'm going to
have that skirt up over your head before you can say-" Just then, the orchestra started up. Buffy tugged his arm. "What?" He asked, lust clouding his brain. She rolled her eyes. "Wedding first, then fuck." She said yanking him towards the double doors leading into the sanctuary. "I don't wanna." He pouted, settling a hand on her ass and giving it a firm squeeze. "Oh!" She yelped, rubbing her behind. "Are you or are you not the best man?" Spike scowled. "Yeah, well that was before the groom put his fist into my face." "You and Xander were FIGHTING?" Buffy asked incredulously. "You two have never fought. EVER." He crossed his arms in front of him. "Well, that was before he caught our little show in the coatroom last night." "Spike..." She pleaded, hands threading into the hair at the base of his neck. "Let me handle Xander. Just... wait 'til
after the ceremony, ok? He worries about me. He can't help it. To him, I'm still his little Buffy." Spike smirked and fondled a breast through the front of her gown. "Not so little Buffy anymore, now are we?" She smacked his hand away playfully. "Down boy!" He sighed heavily. "All right. Let's get this over with." Linking arms, they made their way down the aisle together. *** Reaching the front of the church, Buffy gave her brother a sweet smile. Spike gave him the finger. Narrowing his eyes, Xander lunged forward to pummel him. He might have succeeded had the priest not laid a restraining
hand on his arm. "Sorry." Xander mumbled, throwing a look of death in Spike's direction. Spike smirked and wiggled his fingers at him. I swear to God I'm going to kill that son of a bitch. Just wait until I get my hands on him... Xander thought to himself.
They'd been having the brawl of the century in the men's changing room when someone had banged on the door with enough
force to stop them both mid-punch. "Xander!" Anya had screeched out. "If you don't stop that THIS INSTANT, I'm going to come in there and beat some REAL sense
into you!" Xander had immediately stood and began straightening his clothes. "Sorry, Ahn!" He'd shouted. Spike had smirked at him. "Pussy whipped." "And Spike?" Anya had yelled, immediately wiping the grin off of his face. "If you don't get ready and quit all this, I'm
going to tell Buffy all about that time in High School when you entered the Miss Sunnydale pageant and dressed up in an evening
gown!" Spike looked horrified. "That was just a prank! Besides, you've got no proof." "Oh yeah?" She'd retorted. "I've got the videotape in our closet at home." Spike had visibly gulped. "I'll be ready in a jif, Anya!" Xander chuckled to himself over the thought and the priest gave him a concerned look. "Son, are you sure you want to go through with this? You seem a little crazed." Just then, the wedding march started and Anya stood framed in the entryway. A more beautiful vision he'd never seen. "As sure as ever been about anything in my entire life." He replied with a smile. Spike looked across the aisleway toward Buffy. God, she looks so perfect. He thought to himself. She caught his gaze and blushed, ducking her head. It was in that moment he realized there was no place else he'd rather be than here with this woman. This was where he needed
to be, where he wanted to be. With the woman he'd fallen head over heels in love with. And as soon as the ceremony is over, He thought to himself, That's exactly what I'm going to tell her. Chapter 16 "Wasn't that just the most beautiful ceremony?" Harmony gushed, digging into her chicken. Buffy shook her head in amusement. For once I'm actually inclined to agree with her... "It really was." Buffy replied, sipping at her white wine spritzer. The whole thing had gone off without a hitch, much to everyone's immense relief. There had been one slight glitch,
however. Xander and Anya had written their own vows, and while Xander's had been short and endearingly sweet, Anya's had trailed
on and on. Her speech had included such hilarious highlights as "I will honor and cherish your penis" and "I vow to give you
at least three blow jobs a week". The crowd had roared with laughter, and Buffy'd never seen her brother turn so many shades
of red... or ever look so happy. She looked across the room to where the new bride and groom sat, snuggling and feeding each other little bites of food.
Despite her best efforts to be sickened at such a lovey-dovey display from her brother, she couldn't help but smile. How wonderful
for them to have found each other. In a whole world of people, they'd managed the impossible. They'd found THE ONE. Speaking of The One... She searched the room until she spotted Spike. He was lifting up Anya's cousin Jordy so that he could swipe a fingerful
of icing off the top of the wedding cake. She sighed happily. That good looking AND great with kids. Setting the boy down, he ruffled his hair and sent him on his way. Glancing around to see if anyone was looking, he quickly
turned and swiped some of the icing for himself. Buffy laughed. God, she loved him so much. She stood up and made her way over to him. It was time that they had a little talk. *** "Ungh! Spike!" Buffy's head slammed back against the closet door as Spike pounded into her. She'd brought him in here to talk... Really. Absolutely the best of intentions. Was it her fault that he'd looked so good
in that suit she'd had to jump him as soon as they'd gotten in the room? "Oh Fuck, Buffy... Better every time..." He sucked at her nipple through the thin silk of her dress. She gave a heady moan and squeezed her legs tightly around his waist. "Please, please, please..." Wrapping his free hand in her hair, he yanked her lips to his for a voracious kiss. Sucking his bottom lip into her mouth, she gave it a fierce bite. "Christ!" He barked out, slamming her back against the door with the force of his thrusts. "Oh. Oh! OH!" Buffy shouted, gripping his shoulders with her fingernails hard enough to leave crescent-shaped indentations.
His eyes rolled back. "Buffy, God... Please... Come for me." She brought one of her hands to his mouth. He sucked in her fingers, and moaned. Pulling her hand out, she dragged it down
between their bodies and forcefully began to rub herself. He growled deep in his throat as he came. "Buffy... you're perfect. You're mine... only mine." Clenching around him, she cried out as her orgasm hit her full force. I love you, She thought to herself. I love
you, I love you, I love you... Both panting heavily, they sank to the floor in a tangled heap. "Well," Buffy gasped out. "I'm glad we had this talk." "Buffy..." Spike started, turning her in his arms to face him. She looked up into his eyes questioningly. Trying to convey in his look all the feeling he felt for her, began again. "I need to tell you this. I lo-" "Uh... guys?" A timid voice questioned. Spike groaned and banged his head against door. Buffy smiled. "What is it, Willow?" "Just wanted to let you know that Xander and Anya are about to cut the cake. Something tells me you won't wanna miss this."
"We'll be out in a sec, OK? Try not to let Xander eat it all before we get out there." Buffy said, standing. "You got it." Willow replied before heading back into the reception hall. Buffy shook out her dress and smoothed her hair. "Oh shit!" She cried, looking down at the bodice of her gown. "What is it, sweetheart?" Spike asked, concern evident in his tone. Buffy pouted her lip out at him. "Oh, nothing. It just looks like I've been lactating, that's all!" She said, pointing
at the very noticable wet spot over her nipple. He smirked at her. "I dunno. I think it looks sexy." Buffy rolled her eyes. "That's because you're a huge perv." Scrubbing at the front of her dress with her hand, she sighed.
"Goddamnit! I can't go out there like this! What am I gonna do?" Spike shrugged himself out of his jacket and placed it over her shoulders. "Here you go." Pulling the coat around herself, she looked up at him gratefully. "Thank you." She whispered. "No problem, kitten." He tucked her hair behind her ears and kissed the tip of her nose. Gazing down into her eyes, he felt his heart swell. He had to tell her. Now. "Buffy, I-" She tugged herself out of his arms and opened up the door. "C'mon, Spikey." She said, giggling. "I don't wanna miss the cake." Smoothing a hand through his mussed hair, he sighed. "Right." Taking his hand, they made their way into the reception hall together. Chapter 17 "OK everyone," The DJ announced from his perch on the stage. "It's time for the bride and groom to cut the cake!" The crowd cheered as Xander and Anya made their way towards the table where the large confection sat. Gazing up at the
little figurines at the very top of the cake, Xander frowned and quickly jumped up to grab them. "What the hell?!" He yelled, waving them around. "Who put a Barbie dress on the groom?!" The group laughed, causing Xander to scowl and shake the dolls... sending one of their heads flying into the cake with
a loud splat. "Xander!" Anya yelled, digging her elbow into his side. "Don't ruin the cake! We still have to take pictures with it!"
"Ooh!" The DJ intoned, wincing. "That's gotta smart!" Xander grimaced and rubbed at his side. "Geez, Ahn! Why are your elbows always so pointy?" "POINTY?" Anya shrieked, immediately lifting said-elbows to get a better look. "My elbows are not pointy!" Xander pulled out his dress shirt and pointed to the discolored area of flesh on his abdomen. "Look! I call that
pointy!" Anya got an evil smile on her face. "Pointy? Oh, I'll show you pointy!" Aiming her elbows in his direction, she
then proceeded to chase Xander around the table. "Help, somebody help!" He yelped, leaping over chairs and various small children. "Xander! Stop running around like that. You're acting like a crazy person!" Anya shouted, still following him with her
elbows pointed outwards. "No way!" He yelled, turning to look back at her. "Not until you put those daggers of death away!" In Xander's hurry to get away from her, he failed to notice that little Jordy had stuck his foot out into his path. "Yiieee!" Xander screamed, plunging head-first into the enormous wedding cake. Stunned into silence, the crowd merely stood still in shock as Xander flopped about in the mounds of gooey icing. "Oops." Jordy mumbled, blushing. The noise in the room abruptly swelled as the group broke into screams of laughter. "Please," Buffy gasped out. "Somebody tell me we got that on videotape!" "Oh yeah!" Devon yelled, shaking the video camera at her. "It's all right here. I can't wait to send this baby in to America's
Funniest Home Videos! Dude, I'm gonna be a millionaire!" Anya quietly made her way over to her husband's side. "Xander?" She asked, reaching out a supplicating hand in his direction. "I'm... sorry." Xander smiled toothily, face full of chocolate cake and whipped frosting. "That's all right, sweetheart. You can make it
up to me. C'mere and gimme a kiss." Anya looked horrified. "No! My dress, my make up! It'll be ruined..." Xander pretended to ponder this situation, tapping his finger lightly against his chin. "I don't know, what do you
guys think?" He asked, turning to their audience. "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" The crowd chanted, causing Anya to drop her head in defeat. "All right." She grumbled, leaning in to press her lips chastely to his. Grabbing her, he pulled her down onto his lap for a fiery smooch. "Xander," She squealed, pushing against his chest. "What are you doing?!" "C'mon!" He said, smiling. "You know you love Cakey Xander." She grinned and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I really, really do." She replied, kissing him once more. "Aww!" The crowd sighed. Buffy and Spike looked at one another and quietly linked hands. "They... look like they belong together. Don't you think?" Buffy asked, a completely different question evident in her
eyes. He smiled at her tenderly and squeezed her fingers. "I really think they do, Pet." Spike raised their joined hands and
kissed her palm. "Mrs. Anya Summers?" A woman in a blue powersuit questioned, walking towards the newly married couple with a camera in
hand. "That's me!" Anya replied happily, snuggling into Xander's lap. "I'm here from Cosmopolitan Magazine. You were entered into our modern bride contest and I'm happy to say... You've Won!"
Anya shrieked with joy. "I won! I won! Oh God, I actually won!" She paused. "Wait a minute... what did I win?" The woman smiled. "You won a pictorial in our July Issue!" She put the camera up to her face and clicked the shutter. "There!
What a great shot. This will be available in newstands next month, but we'll be sending you a free copy in the mail. Congratulations!"
The woman turned to go. All the blood slowly drained from Anya's face. Turning back, the woman added one last comment. "You can thank Buffy Summers for informing us of your upcoming nuptuals! If it weren't for her, millions of people wouldn't
be seeing this picture of you in our magazine!" Anya stared after the woman in dismay. "Buffy Anne Summers!" She finally shouted when she regained full use of her vocal chords, "I'm going to KILL you!" *** Xander mopped at his jacket with a paper towel, grimacing when it came back completely full of icing. "You'll never get all that off." A voice said, coming from the doorway to the men's room. "You might as well just give
up." Xander sighed heavily. "Spike." "Xander." Spike mockingly replied, sauntering inside. Standing beside him at the mirror, he contemplated his friend's face
in the glass. "Why don't you just take the bloody thing off?" Xander scrubbed harder at his jacket. "Anya will have a FIT if I don't come back out there with it on. After this whole
Cosmo debacle, she's on a mission to get fantastic pictures taken for the rest of the reception." Spike chuckled. "I don't doubt she'll be ready to storm their New York offices just as soon as she gets these new prints
developed." Xander smiled ruefully. "You know it." Looking down at his coat, he threw down the wadded paper towel he'd been using to clean himself. "You're right. This is
useless." He ran a tired hand through his hair, wincing when he realized he'd just rubbed a mound of frosting into it. "Goddamnit!"
"Here's what we'll do." Spike said, shrugging out of his jacket. "I'll give you my coat." It was a definite sacrifice, Spike thought to himself. The coat still smelled like Buffy. Resisting the urge to lift
it to his nose for one last good whiff, he handed the garment over to his friend. Xander smiled begrudgingly. "Hey, thanks man. I appreciate this." Spike shrugged. "It's YOUR wedding, after all." Xander slipped on the coat and winced at the binding effect it immediately had on him. "Jesus, Spike!" He complained, rolling his shoulders in an attempt to loosen the fabric. "You really are a midget."
Spike's eyes widened in indignation. "I'm bloody well not! Just because you're excruciatingly overgrown and resemble a
neanderthal doesn't mean I'm a fucking midget!" He looked in the mirror and smoothed down a wayward curl. "I'll have
you know that I'm the perfect specimen of a man." Xander burst out laughing. Spike gave him a look, then proceeded to chuckle himself. "You're one in a million, buddy." Xander said, heartily slapping Spike on the back. "This mean we're friends again?" Spike asked, grinning. "Yeah, we're friends." Xander replied. "Besides, I can't get rid of you. I need all the male testosterone I can get, living
in that den of PMS!" His look becoming serious, he placed a hand on Spike's shoulder. "I just wanna ask you one thing. At the risk of sounding
completely grandpa... What exactly are your intentions towards my sister?" Looking Xander squarely in the eye, he replied in a firm voice: "I'm going to marry that girl." Xander smiled broadly and put his arm around Spike's shoulders. "Well, good. Now that we've got that cleared up,
let's go hit the bar!" They walked back to the reception together. Chapter 18 Buffy wandered the reception hall, watching as couples mingled together on the dance floor. She smiled as Xander spun Anya
and proceeded to dip her. When he almost dropped her on the floor, Buffy laughed. Probably time to close up the bar, She thought to herself, noticing that the champagne fountain had nearly run dry.
"Hello, gorgeous." Oh, that voice... She turned around to find Spike slouched against one of the banquet tables. Raising an eyebrow, she took in his disheleved
appearance. "More wrestling with Xander?" He slowly stood. "He just got a little touchy when I informed him that I was the one who put that Barbie dress on the groom."
Buffy giggled and reached out to pluck some stray frosting from his cheek. "It was nice of you to lend him your coat for
the reception." Putting her finger into her mouth, she slowly licked off the icing. "I take it that you and Xander have made
up, then?" Spike gulped, avidly watching her mouth. "Huh?" Trailing that finger along her bottom lip, she gave him a feline grin. "You? Xander? Friends?" He narrowed his eyes at her and snatched her hand away from her mouth. "Yeah, we're friends." Smirking, he sucked the frosting-coated digit into his mouth. Cleaning it thoroughly with his tongue, he pulled it out
again with a loud pop. Buffy's eyes glazed over and she swayed towards him for a kiss. Lacing his fingers with hers, he turned and tugged her towards the dance floor. "C'mon, kitten. Let's dance." She pouted. "Don't wanna dance. Wanna go back to the closet." Smiling, he brought her in for a quick kiss. "Dance first, fuck later." He replied mockingly, reminiscent of their conversation earlier in the church. She rolled her eyes. "Very funny." "Well, I try." He said, leading her onto the dance floor. "All right, everyone," The DJ shouted into his microphone. "This is the last song of the evening. So find that special
someone and hold 'em close, kids... 'cause happiness is fleeting. We've got to do the best with what we're given, and appreciate
what we've got." Spike raised an eyebrow. "Words of wisdom from a DJ?" Buffy shrugged and put her arms around his neck. "You guys have been great. Please remember Randy Giles for all your DJ needs in the future! Now, without further ado...
the last dance." The soft sounds of a rock ballad filled the reception hall. *** If I could make a wish, *** Buffy sighed deeply and rested her head against Spike's chest. Who would have thought four years ago that this is where
she'd be today? It all seemed so unreal. Gazing down at her golden head, Spike inhaled her scent and gathered her closer to him. This moment felt so perfect. Being
with her here, right now... was enough for him. It would be enough for him for the rest of his life. *** Making love with you *** Buffy lifted her head and gazed up into his fathomless eyes. Eyes to drown in, that's what she'd always thought. She wanted
to drown in those eyes tonight. Screw whatever hesistation she had, she was going to really tell him how she felt. Running his fingers through her hair, he tilted her head to his for a kiss. Lips so moist and sweet, she always tasted
of strawberries... and tonight, champagne. His girl. His soft, warm woman. *** Sometimes, all I need is the air that I breathe, *** "Spike," She started, taking a deep breath to steady herself. "I love you. I think I've always loved you. These feelings
I have for you, I've never felt that way about anyone else. Before, it was always like there was a piece missing inside of
me. Being with you, it makes me feel whole... complete." She blushed and looked down. "I know you can't stay here, that you
have ties in London. I just couldn't let you go without telling you how I feel about you." "Buffy," He murmured, grasping her chin and forcing her to look at him. "There's never been anyone else for me but you.
I love you." Eyes shining with hopeful tears, she leaned up to capture his lips once more. *** Peace came upon me and it leaves me weak. *** Caressing her back, Spike murmured into her ear. "You know, my Da's been talking about opening up a branch in California. They're still looking for someone to head it up..."
Buffy looked up at him. "Is that what you really want? I couldn't stand for you to move here just to please me." He smiled and tucked a stray curl behind her ear. "Of course it's what I want, you idiot. I couldn't stand to be away from
you." Buffy smiled. "Aw, that's so sweet." She paused. "Wait a second... did you just call me an idiot?!" Spike rolled his eyes. "And on that note..." Fishing around in his pocket, he dropped to one knee. Pulling out a jeweler's box, he opened it to reveal a princess-cut
diamond ring. "Buffy, will you marry me?" *** Sometimes, all I need is the air that I breathe, *** Buffy stood open-mouthed in shock. Looking up at her, he took her hand. "I know that this is sudden... but it doesn't feel that way to me. I've known you for nearly my entire life. You see me
in a way that no one else does. You make me laugh, you make me cry, you make me happy." He shrugged. "You make me really
angry sometimes as well, but that's besides the point." Buffy hid a smile. "I know you have to finish school, it's important to you. Well, it's important to me as well, and I want to be there with
you for it. I want to be there with you for everything, Buffy. I don't want to miss one more moment of our life together."
Discomfitted by her silence, he began to fidget. "Uh... so... what do you say? Wanna get hitched?" "What do I say?" She repeated, voice monotone. He nodded, looking at her apprehensively. "What do I SAY?!" She shrieked, falling to her knees beside him. "I say YES, you big dummy!" Grinning widely, he took her hand and carefully placed the ring on her finger. "Oh... it's so beautiful." She whispered, watching as the lights glinted off of the diamond. "No," Spike retorted, bringing her face to his. "You are beautiful. And now you're mine." "Only yours." She murmured, wrapping her arms around him and kissing him deeply. *** Sometimes, all I need is the air that I breathe, *** The crowd cheered. *** "See?" Xander said, looking over to where Spike and Buffy still sat on the floor kissing. "I told you they'd be great together."
Anya rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say, sweetheart." THE END |
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Copyright 2004 The Big Bad Havens. All texts within belong to their respected owners. No copyright infringement intended. |
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