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Nature Of The Beast By Poet Lover Disclaimer: Joss owns all of these characters and their lives (or unlives) Spoilers: Everything from Season 1 to the series finale is fair game. A/N: I thought that after Chosen, Giles might be ready to admit that Buffy was right to believe in Spike. Also, I’m
assuming that Buffy and Giles don’t know that Spike is going to be showing up in LA in a few months and that
she has told him about Spike’s sacrifice, especially since Faith and the other Slayers saw what happened with the light
and the Turok-Han. Chapter 1: Getting Started Giles looked at the group of young people chatting animatedly over breakfast. It had been six weeks since the Hellmouth
in Sunnydale had been sealed for good. The survivors were still mourning the loss of those who gave their lives in that battle,
but they were beginning to recover some of their old spirit and energy. Now he needed to begin recovery of a different kind. The First’s agent had destroyed the Watcher’s Council,
inside the Council Headquarters. Giles had managed to ‘appropriate’ several texts and other materials related
to the First prior to the explosion. But many of their invaluable research materials were destroyed. Now, with all of the
new Slayers, and only a handful of Watchers to help them, it was up to him to try to replace those lost materials as best
he could. And he needed Buffy’s help with part of that. He knew that it might be difficult for her to speak about, especially
with him, and especially now. But he felt that it was important to get it down now, while it was still fresh in her mind.
He wanted to complete the history of William the Bloody. *************************** “Buffy, could I please speak with you for a moment?” Buffy turned away from the sink where she was rinsing her breakfast dishes. “Sure, Giles. What’s up?” “Well, a-a-as you know, with the Council gone, and needing to train all of these new Slayers, I-I feel it’s
important to make sure that our materials are as complete a-and up to date as we can possibly make them. Do you agree?” “Yeah. You’re like The Watcher now, Giles. And you’re research guy, so if you say we need more
stuff for research, then I’m with you.” “Good, because, as the Slayer for the past seven years you hold a great deal of information that we need to update
our files and records. So, shall we meet for lunch, say, e-eleven-thirty at that little bistro you like so much?” “Okay, eleven-thirty. See you then. I’m gonna go train with the girls.” ****************************** “Okay, and will that be all?” “Yes, thank you.” “Okay, I’ll put these orders in and I’ll have your drinks out in just a moment.” As the waitress left their table Buffy looked at Giles. “So, what information do you need to know Giles? The apocalypses? What happens when a Slayer dies? What happens when
a Slayer comes back? The demons? The Master Vampires? What it’s like to fight a Hell God? What do you need to update
your research?” Buffy smiled cheekily at Giles. “Lighten up, I’m just kidding. Sort of.” The waitress returned and put their drinks down. “Your food will be out in just a few minutes.” “Thanks.” Buffy smiled politely at the waitress who smiled back and then left. Giles took a sip of his scotch and cleared his throat. Then he placed a small tape recorder on the table and looked at
Buffy. “I need to write the end of the story of William the Bloody.” A/N: This chapter focuses on the first half of season 6, and the changes in Buffy’s relationships with the Scoobies
and Spike. And, although I agree that Buffy was responsible for the house and Dawn, as her Watcher, Giles was responsible
for Buffy. I disagree with the way he handled his departure and the fact that he left her without a Watcher. Chapter 2: Coming Back “Why now, Giles?” Buffy asked. “Because, after what happened I think that it is important to update his story. And I think that we should do it
now, while it’s still fresh in your mind.” “The memories aren’t going anywhere, Giles.” Buffy pinned him with a meaningful look. “No, of course not. And I’m not suggesting that you will forget him or what he did, but details, even ones
that sometimes seem insignificant, can often turn out to be quite important. Unfortunately, they are also the very things
that are most easily forgotten over time. “Now, I’m sure that you never thought you’d hear these words from my mouth, but I think that Spike’s
story needs to be told. I believe that the new Slayers, and the ones who will come after them, need to hear it. And since
he’s not here, you are the person best qualified to tell his story.” He leaned forward and put his hand over Buffy’s hand. “After all, you believed in him when no one else did. And your trust in him proved to be quite well founded. You
are the only person who can tell the rest of his story.” Buffy nodded, unable to keep the tears from sliding down her cheeks. “Okay, you’re right. People should know about Spike. It’s not always pretty, but in the end he made the
right choices. What do you want to know?” “Well, I had already updated through the fight with Glory, his participation in it, and his reaction to your uh-
well..” “My death, Giles.” Buffy prodded gently. “You can say it. I was there.” “I know, it’s just a dif-difficult subject.” He pulled his glasses off and began cleaning them. He put his glasses back on and cleared his throat. “So, perhaps you could begin with when you came back. I noticed when I returned that you and Spike already seemed
to have a-a comfortable camaraderie, even while your demeanor with the others seemed to be a-almost forced cheerfulness. At
the time I put it down to post-traumatic stress. But of course that wasn’t it.” “No, when I first came back, I was afraid to tell anyone where I’d really been. I was afraid that they’d
all feel so guilty that they’d just be falling all over themselves, and me, trying to make me feel better. I didn’t
want that. I didn’t want to deal with that. It was too much. I just wanted quiet, and I thought that if they thought
I was okay, they’d leave me alone a little more. “But I couldn’t keep it to myself; I had to talk to someone. Spike could see something was wrong, he asked
if I wanted to talk about it. He’d been dead and come back, and he wasn’t one of the people who’d torn me
out of Heaven. So, I told him. I told him they could never know, and he kept my secret.” She shook her head slightly. “It wasn’t just because he loved me, though. It was also because he felt guilty about my death. He felt like
he’d failed me. You know the night I came back, I asked him how long I’d been gone and do you know what his answer
was?” Giles shook his head. “A hundred and forty-seven days. Not almost four months, not a little over three months, it was a hundred and forty-seven
days. Later he told me that he wanted me to know that he did save me, not when it counted, but every night since then.” She looked at Giles, “Did you guys know that he felt responsible for my death? That the guilt was eating him up?” Giles shook his head again. “No, we all felt terrible, we all felt guilty.” She nodded. “Well, I guess between the fact the he was in love with me and the guilt he was feeling, he decided to
take it upon himself to be my guardian, my savior. He just kept showing up, or just being there, whenever I needed someone
to talk to.” “He showed up at my house the night you came back. Made me smile. He was the only one at that point who could get
a smile out of me. Then after the supergeeks started messing with my life, with the evil lint, and getting me fired because
of the demons at Xander's construction site, and the evil Mummy hand loop-de-loop, he listened to me whine, and let me steal
his alcohol.” Giles gave her an exasperated look. She snickered and rolled her eyes. “Okay, the getting drunk part wasn’t so great, but it felt good to have somebody listen to me and say ‘you’re
right, that sucks, let’s go find out who’s messing with you and kick their ass’. Of course he said it with
an accent and alot more British slang, but it was still nice.” The waitress returned with their food and they ate while they continued their conversation. “I just got to be more comfortable around Spike than around the rest of you. All of you were being so nice, and you
were worried about me, but you also obviously didn’t want to be worried about me. You know? You wanted me to
figure out what I was going to do, go back to school or get a job, then settle down, be Dawn’s guardian, be the Slayer,
go back to the way things were, and just be grateful that I wasn’t stuck in some Hell dimension anymore. “The problem was, I wasn’t grateful, I was miserable, and I didn’t know what I wanted to do, or how to
do it. And I wasn’t sure how to tell you guys what was wrong, so I kept trying to pretend that everything was okay so
you wouldn’t worry. But with Spike, I didn’t have to pretend. He knew things weren’t okay, and he knew why,
and even though he worried, he was as good at hiding it as I was at hiding the fact that I’d been in Heaven.” Giles shook his head as he thought about those months. He’d been so frustrated with his Slayer for not taking her
responsibilities seriously, and even after finding out where she’d been, he’d still believed that what she really
needed was to stand on her own. Of course he hadn’t really listened to her when she tried to tell him that she needed
him, he hadn’t really wanted to. It had all been too much for him to bear. Seeing her die a second time and then burying her had been terribly hard for him. Watching her come back, unattached, showing
little interest in anyone or anything, had been painful for him. Finding out that she had been torn out of Heaven, and as
a result no longer found any joy, or purpose, in life had been the final straw. He believed she had given up on life and couldn’t
bear to watch it. But, apparently Spike had not given up on her. He had continued trying to get through to her, had even managed to make
her smile when no one else could; he’d done something to lift her spirits, however slightly, when the rest of her friends
had been making demands on her. It was really no surprise that things had gone so dramatically wrong that year. “He even showed up on patrol sometimes,” Buffy continued. “ You know, it’s kind of weird, I didn’t
really think about it too much, but in high school, even in college, especially when my mom got sick, I had alot of help on
patrol. Alot of times Willow and Xander would come along, or Angel would show up, then Faith was around, then Riley. “But last year, I patrolled alone almost every night. Once in a while Spike would help, but he was the only one,
no one else ever showed up. That might be another reason that we fell into that pattern. I could talk to him away from everyone,
because no one was out there with me anymore. It was just the two of us.” She fell silent for a moment as she ate. Giles took the time to eat a few bites of his food while he thought about what she said. It was true. While she frequently
patrolled alone, she did often have help from her friends and boyfriends, but that year, he could not remember patrolling
with her, or seeing any of her friends patrol with her. He assumed that she probably discouraged it, given her tendency to
want to be alone after her return. “I never asked anyone to patrol with me, and to be honest, it was easier to patrol without worrying about them, but
it was still sort of new, you know. That they didn’t patrol with me even once. And that just left that many more opportunities
for running into Spike.” She shrugged, then continued. “Anyway, we were getting along really well; I could talk to him easier than anyone else. I could say anything, and
even if I kind of hurt his feelings, he wouldn’t say anything. He’d just let me get it out. He didn’t let
me know if he took things personally, you know.” Giles was pretty sure he did know. He had seen the way she treated the vampire in the past, and the way he had still remained
loyal to her, even in the face of Glory’s torture and Buffy’s death. “But then Xander summoned that musical demon,” She spat the words out. “ and everything went to
hell.” Giles recalled some of the unpleasant truths that were revealed during that spell. Then he remembered Buffy reminding Spike
that he sang something about wanting her to stay away from him. “Buffy, wh-what did Spike sing to you?” She sighed. “He sang about how hard it was for him to be with me when all I wanted was to talk to him, tell him things I couldn’t
tell my friends. He sang that he loved me, but I wouldn’t let him ‘rest in peace’. He sang that he wanted
me to stay away until I was ready to ‘misbehave’. That was pretty much when everything between us started going
wrong. “The one person I thought I could count on to not put any pressure on me suddenly tells me that unless I’m
ready to start sleeping with him, he doesn’t really want me around. I was so hurt and angry. Then I let the cat out
of the bag about Heaven. All in all, not my favorite night.” She laughed sadly, and Giles chuckled bitterly at the memory. That night was not one of his favorites either. “That was the first time I kissed him, you know.” Giles looked at her in shock. “I..uh..seem to recall several er..um..” “First real kiss, Giles, not engagement-spell kissing. And not ‘thank you for protecting my sister’
kissing. I just wanted to feel something, something real. And Spike was there, and his feelings were real. No matter how much
I pretended that his feelings weren’t real, that musical demon did one thing. He made us tell the truth. And one thing
that Spike kept singing in his song, besides the fact that he wanted to sleep with me, was that he loved me. It was real,
so I kissed him.” Giles was surprised. He hadn’t realized that their relationship had begun right under his nose. He had assumed that
they had begun after he had left to return to England, but apparently they had already taken the first steps in that direction
even before he had told Buffy of his decision. “Then he wanted to talk about it, but I was being avoido-girl, and then Willow’s little forget-me spell made
us both forget for a while. But it all came back. And then I had to deal with you leaving.” She paused before telling him what she’d been needing to say for over a year. “You were wrong, you know.” She told him pointedly. “When you said you taught me everything about being
a Slayer. You didn’t teach me how to do it all alone. You told me about Slayers who fought Master Vampires, Slayers
who forged their own weapons, Slayers who fought all kinds of evil, but you never told me about Slayers who answered their
calling without a Watcher to guide them. “And you never told me about Slayers who had to fulfill their sacred duty while holding down a day job, paying a
mortgage, raising a kid, and keeping Social Services off their backs.” She smiled sadly at him. “I know that when you’re training a Slayer, it’s a sink or swim kind of thing. You take her out to the
cemetery, you set her down on a fresh grave, you give her a stake, and you wait for the vamp to rise, then she either stakes
him, or he bites her, but...” she trailed off. She paused as if thinking about what to say next. “You know what it was like? Not just you leaving, but the whole year, it was like Titanic. You know how after
the ship starts sinking there are all those people in the water screaming for help, but no one is coming to get them. Well,
that was me, Willow, and Dawn. We were all drowning, and no one could help us. “Then there were those people inside who were pretending nothing was wrong, they weren’t wearing their life
vests, and they were trying to order drinks, all while the ship is sinking. That was Xander and Anya. Everyone around them
is floundering, everything is going wrong, they are about to go down, too, but they’re pretending nothing’s wrong.
They still ended up there with us. “And Tara, she was like the guy who designed the ship; the first one to figure out that something was wrong and there
wasn’t really any way to fix it. That the only thing to do was try to find some way to just deal with it. And hope that
some us come through it okay. And she didn’t make it out, either.” Tears welled up in Buffy’s eyes at the thought of the friend she’d lost, but she brushed them away. “Then there was that Ismay guy. You know, the one who told everybody the ship was unsinkable, everything would be
fine? He helped out a little bit, and then he just got onto one of the lifeboats and left. That would be you.” Giles’ eyes flicked to the tabletop, he couldn’t look her in the eye, because she was right. She had been his
responsibility and he had failed her. After accusing her of failing in her responsibilities. “Then you came back later, like that guy at the end of the movie who brought the lifeboat back to save the few people
who survived, but by then, it was almost too late.” “What about Spike?” “Hmmm. I guess Spike would be kind of like the crew. Trying to do the right thing alot of the time, or at least what
he thought was the right thing. And trying to help some of us. But also making some pretty big mistakes, too, the kind
that could really hurt people. Some really good, and some pretty bad, but he doesn‘t really fit into any one role.”
Giles considered everything she had said. “Actually, I believe that’s an accurate metaphor for what you all went through that year and my own behavior
as well. And you’re right. I didn’t handle the situation as well as I could have. “Although, you do seem to have matured considerably, so some good has come of it.” “Yeah, eventually. And you’re right, things are better now. But the night you left, I ended up kissing Spike
again. Every time things got tough, I ended up macking on Spike. “Then one night it got to be too much and I punched him. Then he hit me back. I don’t even know why, with the
chip and everything. He never used to hit back. But I guess he forgot, and just reacted. I don’t think I had hit him
since the whole chaining me in his crypt creepiness. Anyway, he found out that he could hit me without the chip firing.” “WHAT!?” “Giles, calm down. I had Tara research it. It turns out that the spell Willow used to bring me back altered my molecular
structure just enough that Spike’s chip didn’t recognize me as human.” “Dear Lord. Do you mean to tell me that he was able to harm you even before you had the chip removed and you
didn’t tell me?” “Giles, I didn’t tell anyone. At first, I thought something was wrong with me, Spike even said that I must
have come back wrong. I mean he couldn’t hit anyone else, only me. I sure felt wrong, and I thought that the fact that
he could hit me just proved that. Then I realized that he wasn’t going to hurt me, not really. Nothing I didn’t
want at least. So, I didn’t tell anyone.” She noticed Giles’ telltale blush as he cleaned his glasses yet again. She smirked, in a fashion somewhat reminiscent
of the man they were discussing. “You know, Giles, I won’t go into graphic details, but if we’re going to talk about my relationship with
Spike, you might want to stop cleaning your glasses every time I say something shocking. Because I have a feeling you might
end up polishing them into a powder.” Giles cleared his throat again and looked back at Buffy. She smiled, “We’re both adults, right?” He nodded. “Okay, well after Spike realized that he could hurt me, he cornered me, then goaded me into a fight, hit me, told
me I came back wrong, and we got into a knock-down, drag-out fight. The kind of fight we used to have before he got the chip,
only better, because we weren’t trying to kill each other. We were getting stuff out. You know? The crap I couldn’t
unload on anyone else because they weren’t strong enough to take it, and the crap he couldn’t take out on anyone
else because he couldn’t hurt humans. We could both dish it out and take it in a way no one else could, and I ended
up kissing him again, only this time I didn’t stop with kissing.” Giles coughed and tried to cover it up by taking a quick gulp of scotch. Buffy shook her head sadly. “After that things went from bad to worse. I’m done here.” She said gesturing to her empty plate. “Can
we go?” Giles nodded and motioned to the waitress for the bill. Buffy waited quietly while Giles paid the bill. “Let’s head over to the park. I could use some fresh air. Then I can tell you the next part of the story.” A/N: This and the corresponding chapter in Giles’ book are the hardest chapters to write, and will probably be
the darkest parts of the story, the second half of season six. Chapter 3: From Bad To Worse As they walked from the bistro, Buffy thought about how to say what she wanted to say. “I don’t think you’ll ever really understand what it was like last year, Giles. I was in the worst place
I’ve ever been. “It wasn’t any one thing. It wasn’t just losing Heaven, or losing Mom, or having to raise Dawn,
or the money problems, or being the sole source of income, even though there were two other people in the house
who could have worked. It wasn’t just the fact that I had to work all day and all night and still
do the dishes and take out the trash. It was all of it. “And I couldn’t take it out on anyone, not even the resident evil. They weren’t really causing that much
trouble. The biggest trouble last year came from three obnoxious humans. And I couldn’t beat them up too badly, because
if I did then I might kill them, and that was against the rules. “I couldn’t take it out on my friends. They needed me. And they got their feelings hurt if I got cranky with
them. If I really told them how I felt, then what would happen? Besides, I couldn’t actually hit them, either. But with
all the pent up anger and hostility I had built up, I had to do something. “So, who was left? Spike. My willing slave.” She shuddered. “He told me that; the night he sang to me. And that’s how I used him. My slave, my punching bag, my sex toy.
“He also called himself my ‘whipping boy’. That’s true, too. I remember that from history class.
That’s the kid in a castle who got whipped whenever the prince got in trouble, so that the prince never got whipped,
right?” Giles nodded. “So, he was a whipping boy. He got all the beatings nobody else could take.” Buffy choked back a sob. She walked over to a park bench and sat down. “I was so horrible to him, Giles. Every horrible thing that the guys I’ve slept with did to me, I did to him.
Angelus used my love for Angel to suit his own purposes, but he also hated me for making him feel like a man. And I used Spike’s
love for me to suit my own needs, but I hated him for making me want him. “Parker used me for sex, then treated me like I was nothing, then I did the same thing to Spike, not once, but over
and over again. “And Riley told me that my feelings for him weren’t good enough. That they weren’t what he needed. That
I didn’t love him. I told Spike that he didn’t love me, wasn’t capable of loving me” She laughed bitterly. “I kept telling him that he couldn’t love me because he didn’t have a soul. Even though he and Drusilla
both told me that they could love without souls, I refused to believe it. After all, you and Angel told me that vampires couldn’t
love without their souls, and Angelus didn’t love me, so of course that had to mean that all vampires were incapable
of love without their souls. “Of course, if I admitted that a soulless demon could love me, then what did that say about me. If I could do the
things I did to him, if I could use his love for me that way, twist it around like that, then what did that say about me,
about my soul?” She swiped at the tears falling down her cheeks. “And the way that I abused him. He did the same thing Dawn did. He tried to stop me from turning myself in for a
murder that I didn’t commit. He was even there, so he knew it was an accident. But instead of talking to him, I beat
him senseless and left him lying there, in a filthy alley, unable to move. “What kind of person does that, Giles?” Giles just shook his head. He didn’t have an answer for her. “You know, he may have been a vampire, but I was the monster in that relationship. But, he let me do those things
to him. I guess part of it was because he still thought that he was helping me, and part of it was because he was in love
with me and he was willing to take me any way he could get me. “Then after all of that, I dumped him. Riley and his perfect wife came into town and showed me what I thought I wanted,
perfect little marriage, perfect little life. Then Riley found me in Spike’s crypt and told me that Spike had these
dangerous demon eggs that he was supposedly going to sell to some foreign power for some super army. It didn’t really
sound like Spike, but he did have the eggs. I didn’t know what to think, I was just confused. So I decided to believe
Riley. And I told Spike I couldn’t love him, and that I was using him and it was killing me, then I walked out. “But he still told me he was happy to see me happy at Xander and Anya’s not-wedding. He helped Xander track
down that psycho-trip demon to help my friends find a cure for me. “He still showed up from time to time to help me on patrol. He was still around. “But I finally pushed him too far. I accused him of spying on me and told him I didn’t believe he loved me,
that it was all in his mind. and I told him to find someone else. He went to ask Anya for a spell to help him get rid of his
feelings for me and he ended up sleeping with her, because she was hurting, too. But, he felt bad that I found out about it.
He never meant for me to find out. He wasn’t trying to hurt me, or make me jealous. I mean how soulless is that? Feeling
guilty because he hurt my feelings by doing exactly what I told him to do, moving on?” She looked at Giles. He shrugged. “I’ve actually never heard of a vampire expressing guilt or remorse over anything, well except for Angel, until
Spike. And he is certainly the first vampire I have ever heard of to express those emotions without a soul.” Buffy smiled despite her tears, “Yeah, well Spike always was kind of weird. But, he never just gave up, or just walked
away, not until...” She stood up, “I think I might need to be moving to tell you this next part, it’s going to be tough.” She began walking as Giles kept pace beside her. She took a deep breath. “Okay, I don’t remember everything that happened that night. I know I blocked some of it out, some of it just
blurred together, but here’s the story. I was in the bathroom about to take a hot bath because a vamp I’d fought
had kicked me into a headstone, major bruising. Spike came in and asked if I was okay, then apologized. I pretty much threw
his apology back in his face. “Then he told me that he wasn’t trying to hurt me, he wanted to make the feelings go away, and told me I should
have let Xander kill him. When I told him I couldn’t do that, he tried to convince me that it was because I loved him.
I told him I had feelings, but didn’t love him, because I couldn’t trust him. He told me trust was for old marrieds,
that great love burned and consumed, Then I said something about that kind of love not lasting. “That’s when he started trying to kiss me, I tried to get away, but he wouldn’t let go, and we ended
up on the floor. He kept telling me that he knew I loved him, that I felt it when he was inside me and I’d feel it again.
I screamed at him to stop, but by then he was so far gone, I don’t think he even heard me. “I finally got some leverage and kicked him off of me; and the look on his face... Giles, I have never seen him look
so horrified. He looked sick. I wouldn’t let myself see it at the time, but I didn’t not see it either.
I don’t know who was more upset that night, him or me. That‘s when he left, to go get his soul back.” Giles handed her his handkerchief. She wiped her eyes and clutched it in her hand, knowing that she was not yet finished
with it. “I have never bought the ‘she was asking for it’ defense, Giles, but I wasn‘t just an innocent
victim either. “For months I taught him that, if he tried to be sweet and gentle I’d just laugh at him, or punch him, unless
I asked him to be sweet. If he really wanted to get me hot, violence and aggression were surefire ways to turn me on. “I also sent him confusing mixed messages. I was usually the one who started stuff in our thing, but a few months
earlier, he started something with me at The Bronze. I told him ‘Don’t’, he said ‘Stop me.’
But, I didn’t. I pretty much let him know that, with me at least, ‘no’ didn’t always mean ‘no’. “I told him I didn’t like him, but I still kept going back to him. I told him I didn’t trust him, but
I let him...do things... that proved I kind of did. I told him to find someone else, but I got hurt when he did. I kept telling
him one thing, then doing something else. “So, I can’t put all the blame on Spike for what happened that night. There was so much confusion and badness
last year, and alot of it came from me, so I have to share some of the blame. “But, Spike never blamed me for any of it. He took all of it on himself. He knew that he hurt me that night. That
was the one thing he didn’t want to do. Even when he found out the chip didn’t work on me anymore, he still didn’t
want to hurt me. Fight with me, yeah, but not hurt me. “And the guilt he felt over what he almost did drove him to get his soul. He wanted to be the kind of man who would
never try to do that again. He tried so hard, before and after the soul. He tried so hard to be what I wanted, what I needed.
And I made it so hard for him.” She sat down on another bench, sobbing into the handkerchief. “He forgave me for everything, Giles. He forgave me for all the beatings, all the things I said. Even before he got
his soul, he never held it over my head, or used it as a weapon to hurt me when I made him angry, or let anyone know that
I was the one who was hurting him. “But when he came back, I flinched away from him every time he touched me. I used that one mistake to punish him,
and I laid on the guilt for weeks. “So, tell me, Giles, which of us was the bigger person?” Giles sat down next to her and put his arm around her shoulder. He didn’t have an answer for her. Spike flew in the
face of everything they had ever been told about vampires. Vampires cannot love. Vampires do not feel guilt Vampires are incapable of feeling sympathy. Vampires do not feel shame. And of course, the lesson they had all learned quite well under the expert tutelage of Angelus, no vampire, under
any circumstances, desires to have their soul returned. Yet, Spike was the exception to every one of these rules. This of course was the reason why he needed so desperately to write the final chapter of the unlife of William the Bloody.
He looked at his sobbing Slayer. He also knew that she needed to tell this story. She’d kept it to herself for far
too long. A/N: This is the end of the interview. Next chapter, Giles‘ manuscript. Chapter 4: Looking Up Buffy sobbed quietly for a few minutes, and then she wiped her eyes and pulled herself together. She needed to tell Giles
the rest of the story. She took a deep breath and collected her thoughts about the previous fall. “After you took Willow back to England, things started getting better. Dawn and I kind of got our lives back on track.
Xander had plenty to keep him busy with the new high school. And Anya was busy getting her vengeance on again. But, I missed
Spike. I wouldn’t admit it, not even really to myself, but I did.” She looked at Giles with a small smile on her face. “Nobody would have believed me if I’d told them. I wouldn’t have believed anyone if they’d
told me I missed him. But when I saw him in the school basement that fist day of school, I was so relieved to see him and
that he was real. That’s when I realized that I had actually been thinking about him before then. “And he was so wrong, Giles. That cocky, snarky vampire was suddenly quiet and scared. He was so...fragile.
And believe me, that’s not a word I ever thought I’d use to describe Spike.” Giles shook his head. “No, I can’t imagine it either. Even after your death and his obvious grief, fragile is still not a word I
can imagine using to describe Spike.” Buffy suddenly giggled, “He wouldn’t like it either. I can hear him now, ‘Take that back! I’m not
bloody fragile, Slayer.’” Giles chuckled. “You’re right. But, dear, please don’t ever try to do a British accent again. I beg you.” Buffy laughed, “Oh, all right. But, my accent’s still better than Spike’s American accent. Now that was
bad.” Giles had only heard tales of Spikes attempt at an American accent, he had given up the pretense by the second time Riley
had found him with the Scoobies, but the young people had found it quite amusing. Buffy sighed, thinking about Spike and all the little things she missed. “Anyway, after I left him in the basement, I decided not to mention him to anyone. For starters, considering all
the weird stuff going on down there, I wasn’t totally sure he was real. But, if he was, I didn’t want Xander and
Dawn going all Terminator and trying to dust him. They were still so mad at him. “So, I kept it quiet, but then the next week, he showed up to help me, because he knew that something big was coming.
He kept trying to pretend that he was ‘old Spike’, but he kept slipping. “Then after he accidentally hurt this guy Anya turned into a demon, but then changed back, he lost it and took off.
I found him in an old church and that’s when I found out that he had his soul.” She shivered at the memory of his painful ramblings and the smell of his flesh burning on the cross. “But, I wasn’t sure how to deal with him. He was in the basement, alone, dealing with his guilt, listening
to the First. He didn’t know what was real and what wasn’t. He was talking to invisible people. He wanted to help,
but he wasn’t in any shape to offer much real help. So, I got him out of there. I convinced Xander to let him move in.” She shook her and smiled. “Then something happened that I never thought I’d see, Xander and Spike not only formed a truce, they started
getting along. I mean, not at first, but when we were all under the influence of that evil jacket, they worked together to
solve the problem. When we found out that Spike was killing again, at first, Xander believed Spike could have gone evil again.
But, after everything that happened, Anya wanted to stake Spike and tried to get Xander to back her up, but he wouldn’t.
Xander was even the one who figured out that Spike was being triggered, not acting of his own free will. And when the Bringers
attacked, and took Spike, Xander was the one beside me when I ran to the basement to see if he was still there. “Then after we got Spike back and that demon chick caught Xander, Spike was right there helping me help Xander, no
comments about the whelp and his demon birds, or anything. And when we were in the vineyard and Caleb attacked Xander, Spike
was the one who went back and got Xander and got him out of there. I don’t know if it was more because of Spike’s
soul or Xander growing up, or both, but it made things alot easier for me, not having to stop those two from killing each
other every five minutes.” She noticed Giles stiffen and knew why, but she decided not to mention anything yet. “It was after I got him to Xander’s that we found out that he was killing again. I found out from one of the
vamps he sired. When I confronted him, he didn’t know what I was talking about. Then he had some sort of flashback of
some girl he met at The Bronze, so he went there to try and find out more about her and ran into one of his minions. Then
he started remembering more. So, he called me and asked me to meet him. When I did, he told me everything he remembered about
the people he killed. Then he vamped out and tried to bite me, but he didn’t. One of his minions cut me, and he tasted
my blood from that cut. When he did, he came back and remembered everything he’d done. “Then he looked as horrified as he did that night in the bathroom.” She looked at Giles. “He went back to being fragile again. He ended up curled up in a corner, rocking back and forth. He looked like a
scared kid, Giles, not a Master Vampire. “After I got him back to my house, I decided to keep him there and get him better. That’s when he told me how
much he hated himself. And he told me that he understood how much I’d hated myself the year before.” “Did he ever tell you how he got the soul?” Giles asked. “Sort of. He got kind of snippy, said he saw a man about a girl. Then he said he went to ‘seek out a legend’.” “’Seek out a legend’?” “That’s what he said. He said that he had to endure trials, pain and suffering. And at the end he got his soul
back.” “Fascinating. Did he say if it came with any conditions, or clauses, like Angel’s?” “He didn’t say, but I don’t think so. I mean it was a reward, not a curse, right? And I’m pretty
sure there was no happiness clause.” “Oh, so you did renew y-your relationship?” “Not that way, Giles. But that night after you guys made me leave the house, he found me. We talked and he held me
while I slept. Then the next night he told me it was the best night of his life. That he’d never been close to anyone
before then. So, if there was a happiness clause, I think that might have triggered it. Either that, or when I let him know
that I considered him a champion.” She smiled fondly remembering the look of astonishment on his face when she’d handed him the amulet. “Okay, I think we’re getting ahead of ourselves. After he told you about how he got his soul, his trigger was
still active. What happened after that?” “Well, we had Andrew in the house, and the First triggered Spike to attack Andrew, so that’s when I chained
him in the basement. When he came to he told me I had to stake him before he got loose and someone got killed. “I swear, Giles, I have never met another vampire that tried to convince me to kill him as much as he did over the
past year. Most vamps try to kill me to keep me from staking them; he kept trying to get me to stake him.” She sighed. “Thank God I never did.” Giles looked straight ahead, but chose not to respond. Buffy continued. “I told him that I wasn’t going to stake him, that Xander had figured out he was being triggered and we’d
figure everything out. He tried to goad me into staking him by telling me about his past and that the only reason I hadn’t
killed him was because I needed men who hurt me. But I told him that he was still undead because I had seen him change, that
he had become a better man, and that I believed in him. “Then the Bringers attacked and took Spike, then you showed up with the Potentials and the First used Spike to open
the seal and let that first Turok-Han thing out. And I had to kill it before I could find Spike, but somehow I knew that he
was a key to fighting the First. Call it a Slayer thing, gut instinct, whatever, but I just knew that we needed him. “And after we found him, he proved me right. He stepped right up and started helping me train the girls. He gave
them something no other Slayer has had, not even me. A real vampire to train against. Even with Angel around, he didn’t
really train with me, but Spike gave the girls someone with vampire speed, strength, and reflexes to test themselves against.
He helped me make them better fighters. “But, no matter what you, or anyone else, thought he never took the threat of the trigger lightly. He made his own
decision that if he wasn’t with me he would be chained up. Or in his words, ‘Either I’m with you, or I’m
on the leash.’ He knew that I wouldn’t let him hurt anyone, but he didn’t want to take any chances if I
wasn’t around. “I know that you thought that I made a rash decision when I had his chip removed, but I needed him strong and healthy
and the chip was killing him. I knew I couldn’t leave it in, and I didn’t know what might happen to him if they
put a new one in. If it was stronger, it might kill him if he was triggered. Or if the First managed to draft a human accomplice
that I needed Spike’s help to fight, he wouldn’t be able to do it with a chip in his head. And I was right about
that, I might add, Caleb was human. “No matter what, I believed in him Giles. I still felt like it was important for him to be with us, not just because
I wanted him around, but because we needed him around. He offered to leave, after Andrew said that the First said it wasn’t
time for Spike yet, but I told him I wasn’t ready for him to go. “And that’s why I couldn’t let you and Wood kill him. I trusted him and he trusted me. We needed him.
I couldn’t let you two play divide and conquer. It was wrong. You wouldn’t even consider that he might actually
have an important role to play in the battle. You both looked at him and you saw vampire, and nothing else. You refused to
see trainer, warrior, helper, or defender. “You accused me of letting my feelings cloud my judgment, but I think I was the one who was seeing most clearly.
I was the only one who could see that he had actually changed. You were still seeing the same vampire who came to Sunnydale
six years ago. And, I bet you were seeing Angelus, too.” Giles looked down, somewhat embarrassed to admit that once again he had decided that he knew better than Buffy and had
been proven wrong. While that had seldom happened in the past, it had, unfortunately, happened more than once in the past
year. He had been right earlier, Buffy had matured, he just hadn’t recognized how much until recently. Spike had been right,
he had been somewhat jealous because Buffy had in some ways surpassed him. She made choices based on her instincts, instincts
he had trained her to trust, and they had turned out more often than not this year to be correct. But he had second-guessed
her repeatedly and nearly lost her trust for good. Buffy had had faith in Spike and that faith had proven to be well founded, more than once. And clearly Spike had had faith
in Buffy as well. They had managed to believe in each other and hold each other up when no one else had faith in either of
them. And it was that faith in each other that had gotten them over the rough spots and allowed them to find a way to defeat
the First. “So, I told you that he got Xander out at the vineyard, but he also got me out. He made me retreat, he might have
been the only one at that point, since I was being pretty stubborn about Caleb. But, he made sure we got out, more or less
intact. “Then he got me through that night after you guys made me leave the house. He told me that I was right,” she
paused and smiled slightly, “told me he hit Faith a bunch of times and left” Giles understood the smile. He knew that she and Faith had reached an understanding, but he also knew that Faith had come
between Buffy and Angel and caused problems between Buffy and Riley. Spike was the only one of Buffy’s men who wasn’t
blinded by Faith. “Then we talked about alot of things, my calling, the war, the girls, and he told me that he loved me, that I was
the one. Then before he could go, I asked him to stay, and hold me. So, he did. We just held each other while we slept.
And the next day I felt strong enough to do what I needed to do. I went to the vineyard and I found the scythe. “When Spike came home, I showed him the scythe and we talked about what happened between us. He told me he was glad
I was home, and that the night before had been the best night of his life. “Then later that night when I was fighting Caleb, Angel showed up and gave me the amulet and that file. He told me
about the amulet and said he’d wear it. But I told him I needed him to go back to LA and set up a second front. He said
okay, but wanted to know if the other reason was Spike, because he recognized his scent on me. “He kept asking me questions, was Spike my boyfriend, did I love him, and told me he was confused because it was
Spike. So, I told him about Spike’s soul and he got all pouty because he wasn’t the only one anymore and because
he was getting the brush off for ‘captain peroxide’. “I told him that Spike wasn’t my boyfriend, but that he was in my heart, of course Angel got a little shirty
about that. Gotta say, I was starting to see a little ‘family’ resemblance. And he started wanting to know if we might have a future, out of left field, since he’s the one who kept telling
me we couldn’t have one.” Giles raised an eyebrow at her use of the word ‘shirty‘, but said nothing. “But, you know, he never once asked how Spike got his soul, where he got his soul, if his soul was permanent. Not
one question.” Giles pondered that. He decided that that was a question for another time, but it was an interesting one. Why wouldn’t
Angel show an interest in how and where Spike was able to obtain his soul? “I told Angel I didn’t know if we had a future or not, that I think about it, but I’m not ready to make
a decision and sent him home. Then I went back to talk to Spike. He got all jealous and snarky. I was about ready to stake
them both. But then he asked about the amulet. He had been in the tomb and overheard Angel tell me about it. And he decided
that he should be the one to wear it. “But when I told him it had to be worn by a champion, he backed down. Then when I put it in his hand, he looked totally
amazed. He couldn’t believe that I considered him a champion. “But that’s exactly what he was. And he proved it. He sacrificed himself, willingly, to save the world.” She choked back a sob and looked at Giles with a shaky smile. “He saved me. This time he saved me when it counted.” She sat up and took a deep breath. “He never stopped amazing me, Giles. He was my hero. He went against his nature so many times. He did things no vampire
should ever be able to do. He allied himself with me to save the world when his own sire was trying to destroy it. When he
found out he could hurt demons, he could have used that to dominate fledglings and force them to do his bidding until he could
get the chip removed. But he didn’t. He helped us, most of the time. He endured hours of torture to protect Dawn. He
stayed here for almost four months after I died to help you guys because he promised me he’d protect Dawn. He chose
to go and fight for his soul. And he did all of it as a soulless demon. A supposedly evil, soulless thing. “Then when he did get a soul and he wasn’t an ‘evil, soulless thing’ anymore, he went and gave
up his life to save world.” She leaned her head on Giles’ chest. “I miss him so much, Giles.” Giles stroked her hair. “I know, Buffy, I know.” Chapter 6: Readings and Reactions Willow finished reading the text about half an hour after she went up to her room. Kennedy came upstairs a few minutes
later. She and Faith had been training with some of the newer Slayers. “What are you reading, hon?” Willow looked at Kennedy with a slightly dazed look. “Hmm?” Kennedy looked at Willow with an amused smile. “What are you reading?” “Oh. It’s Spike’s history since he showed up in Sunnydale when we were in high school.” “What? Where’d you get that?” “Buffy was reading it. Giles wrote it. I guess that’s what he was doing earlier this summer.” Kennedy looked thoughtful for a moment. “Could I read it? I mean I’ve always wondered how he ended up with a soul and why she trusted him so much.
And why you guys even let him near you in the first place, so...” Willow shrugged and handed it to her. “You’re a Slayer, now, I guess you have the right to know.” Kennedy took the book downstairs with her and was going into the training room when Buffy came back in. She saw the book
in Kennedy’s hand. “Where did you get that?” “Uh, Willow gave it to me. She was reading it. She said that you were reading it, but I thought you were done. Could
I read it?” Buffy nodded. “There are other copies. Could I have that one back? I know it seems silly, but that’s the one that Giles gave
me, and it kind of feels like mine...” Kennedy smiled; she and Buffy had reached a better understanding after the battle on the Hellmouth. “Sure, where are the other ones?” **************************** An hour later, Kennedy was handing the book to Vi. Rona saw the book and wanted to know if they had any more copies. Kennedy
showed her the other copies. Within minutes all of the Slayers who had been with Spike when he had sacrificed himself were
clamoring for a copy of the book. The first to grab copies were those who had trained with him in the early days of the battle
with the First Evil. By nightfall the house was abuzz with Slayers talking about Spike. Xander, Dawn, and Faith all finally managed to get their hands on copies of the book for themselves. By the time Dawn finished, she was in tears. She sought out Buffy in her room, where she sat talking quietly with Willow.
“Buffy, I’m so sorry. You really loved him, didn’t you?” Buffy nodded tears in her eyes. “Yeah, I really did.” Dawn sat down. “You know, when you were gone, he was really great. He used to play cards with me all the time. And he was never
too busy to talk to me, or listen to me talk.” She sighed. “I’m glad that I had that time with him. I’m just sorry that things got so messed up. I mean
I wasn’t still threatening to set him on fire or anything at the end, but we weren’t exactly friends again, either.
I wish we had been.” Willow smiled. “Yeah, me too. Spike and I were never quite as close as you guys were, but we got along well during
that summer. Oh, and, okay, weird but he was really nice when he was trying to bite me after he first got the chip. And I’ll
never forget when he punched Tara. That was a great moment.” Buffy smiled and talked and cried with her sister and her best friend until she could barely keep her eyes open. Willow
and Dawn left her alone to sleep. Dawn went to bed as well, while Willow went downstairs. She noticed a shadow outside on the back porch. “Xander, are you okay?” “Yeah, just thinking.” Willow nodded and started to turn away. “I didn’t hate him you know.” “What?” “Spike, I didn’t hate him. I mean...I did, before. But this past year, not so much. After he moved in with
me I started to see it. He wasn’t the same. For one thing he was quieter. And when I insulted him, he either ignored
me, or agreed with me. It wasn’t that we stopped fighting. He stopped fighting and it’s kind of
hard to fight with someone who doesn’t fight back.” He shrugged. “Maybe that’s why I could figure out the trigger thing so fast. He had stopped fighting, so even though part
of me wanted to believe he’d gone evil again, because been there, done that, it didn’t fit with what I’d
seen, you know. Then there was the whole thing with Spike being the one saying ‘I’m evil, stake me, I’m
going to kill somebody’, not me. It kind of makes it hard for me to feel all self-righteous when he’s the one
saying it.” He gave her a sad, kind of lopsided smile. “But, I guess I saw what Buffy saw, Spike changed. And yeah, he changed for Buffy, only then he sort of decided that
he didn’t deserve her, so he stopped chasing after her. I don’t know.” He sighed. “I guess seeing it all there in black and white, all the stuff he did. I mean he pulled alot of crap, tried to kill
us a bunch of times, hurt Buffy alot, but he saved us, all of us, twice as many times as he tried to kill us. And he helped
us save the world three or four times even before he got his soul. It just got me thinking about all of the stuff I said to
Buffy about him. And some of the stuff I said to Anya.” He looked at the ground. “He may have been undead, and he wasn’t perfect, but he wasn’t evil. Not a real nice guy, but not a real
bad guy either. I just kept seeing the guy who tried to kill us on Parent’s Night and then I’d see Angelus sneering
at me while he was holding you by the throat and I couldn’t let go of the image of Spike as the evil undead. It wasn’t
fair to Buffy.” “You know, I’m not really the one you should be telling this to.” “I know, but I don’t know how to tell her.” “Consider her told.” Came a voice from the doorway. They turned around to see Buffy standing in the doorway. She smiled softly. “I got thirsty. Thank you, Xander. It means alot to me to hear you say that.” She walked to him and gave him a light kiss on the cheek. Then she returned to the house and went up to bed. Willow and Xander exchanged a smile and a hug before heading to their own rooms, as well. ************************** Faith finished reading her copy of the book and thought about Robin. She knew that he still thought that he had been right
to try and kill Spike when he was under the First’s trigger, that Buffy hadn’t been seeing Spike clearly. Faith
had always thought that Buffy saw Spike more clearly than the people around her. Now after reading this, she was more convinced than ever that Buffy had been right about Spike. She put her copy of the
book next to her bed. She didn’t know if Robin would want to read it or not, but she’d offer him the chance. **************************** By the next afternoon, everyone who lived in the large house that Giles had secured for them had read the book, and there
was no other topic of conversation. “Did you really train with him? What was he like?” “Mmm, girl, he was hot.” “Oh, and you should have seen him and Buffy together. They were like so..” “Hot.” “But not just that, they were like this great team. They knew each other’s moves and could anticipate what
the other one was going to do. And the level of trust they had was like...amazing.” “Do you know who it was that he punched, you know to prove she was human?” Kennedy answered that question. “Yeah, it was Tara, Willow’s ex-girlfriend. She told me the story last night. She’s really proud of him
for that.” By the time Buffy and Faith gathered everyone for patrol that night the girls were full of questions for Buffy. “What was he like?” “Are there other vampire like him?” “How come other vampires don’t get their souls back?” Buffy and Faith laughed as they held up their hands for silence. Buffy shook her head. “How many of you read the prologue of Giles’ book?” Everyone raised their hands. “Okay, then you have answers to all of your questions. Except, what was he like? He was like what you read in the
book, and he was sharp, and snarky, and funny, and smart. And he could be cruel and cold, hurtful and vicious. He could also
be gentle, loving, generous, supportive, and sweet. He loved Manchester United, The Sex Pistols, Passions, and the flowering
onion.” “And you” Faith smirked at her. She smiled and nodded, “And me”. “Now,” she said in a firm businesslike voice, “anymore questions, or can we start patrol?” Everyone nodded and they headed out. ********************************** After patrol that night, Buffy stopped in the kitchen to grab a snack before bed. She found Giles getting his own bedtime
snack. “Well, your book was a rousing success. Of course, you’ve set them up; they’re going to think that all
research is this easy.” She smiled at him. “Thank you. It’s been really good. Being able to talk about him, grieve for him with my friends. I needed that.” Giles returned the smile. “You’re welcome.” He put his dishes in the dishwasher before leaving the kitchen. “Oh, one more thing, Buffy. I sent a copy of the manuscript to Wesley in LA.” “Why?” “Well, I thought, he’s a former Watcher, and with Angel and Spike being family, so to speak, Angel might want
to know what happened eventually. I thought that it might prove interesting, even useful for Wesley and Angel.” Buffy cocked her head at Giles, then nodded. ******************************* About two weeks later Wes opened his mail to discover that his mail was still being forwarded from the old address. Then
he noticed a small package with a postmark from Cleveland. He opened it and found the small book with a title and an author, both of which he recognized. He picked up the book and
began reading. Less than an hour later, he was done. He sat for a moment, contemplating his choices. Finally, reaching a decision, he reached for the phone and dialed the interoffice extension. “Spike, could you come to my office? I’ve just received some interesting research materials that I think you
may need to see.” FIN A/N: No, it does not take two weeks to get mail from Cleveland to LA, but if you’ve ever moved and had to have
mail forwarded, you know that it can add several days to the delivery process. |
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Copyright 2004 The Big Bad Havens. All texts within belong to their respected owners. No copyright infringement intended. |
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